1000 resultados para Suksi, Markku: Finlands statsrätt
KITT-tilastokoulutusta kokeneille -koulutuskiertueen (1. - 15.2.2012) materiaali
Markku Laitisen laatima käsikirja KITT-käyttäjille
Phosphorus and nitrogen cause eutrophication of water bodies, causing severe damage to the ecosystem. Eutrophication of the waters causes oxygen depletion, which in turn increases fish mortality, releasing toxins in waters. The released toxins can cause damage to animals and humans, which is the reason in many countries to set emission limits for waste water. Nutrients exist naturally, but due to human activities there is high nutrient leaching to water bodies. Human activity is one of the main reasons to the eutrophication. The aim of this thesis was to estimate the suitability of different water treatment options for Yara Finland’s fertilizer plant’s process waters in Siilinjärvi. The fertilizer plant process waters are high concentrate and especially nitrogen concentrations are high, which bring challenge to the treatment. At the theoretical part was investigated conventional and as well advanced wastewater treatment methods like reverse osmosis, adsorption and ion exchange. Beside different treatment methods corporate environmental requirements, responsibility and strategies were researched. At the empirical part of the thesis the goal was to find out possibil-ities to intensify the efficiency of purification at lamella clarifier with chemical precipitation. In addition possibility to use already existing chemical purifying plant for process waters was estimated. As a result of the research Yara has a possibility to intensify lamella clarifier’s action by addi-tion of calcium hydroxide and thus to obtain the phosphorus and fluorine to precipitate out of the water. But in practice this would be too expensive. It is possible to eliminate nitrogen compounds by adsorption or ammonia stripping, both methods requires additional testing. It is possible to process waters in chemical purifying plant, if ammonium nitrogen has been reduced before. Reverse osmosis is possible to exploit for the phosphoric acid plant’s waters.
Loppuraportissa viitataan lähes kaikkiin TAMKin koulutusaloihin. Projekti toimi moniammatillisena ja poikkitieteellisenä kokonaisuutena.
Suomalainen patentti nro: FI 122382 B, keksijä TAMKissa ollut opiskelija, kehitystyötä tehty TULI-projektin yhteydessä / Markku Oikarainen
Keksijä ulkomainen opiskelija, kehitystyö tehty TAMKin TULI-projektissa / Markku Oikarainen
Kotimainen patentti FI 122441 B saatu, WO 2911/141634 A1 vireillä, kehitystyö tehty TAMKin TULI-projektin yhteydessä
US-patentti nro: US 7,908,854 B2
keksintöilmoitus, luottamuksellinen
keksintöilmoitus, luottamuksellinen