960 resultados para Subcutaneous formulation


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Spray-dried blood plasma (DBP) (10.9 g/100 g [w/w] nitrogen) was added to medium-protein biscuit flour (1.4 g/100 g N) during pasta manufacture. High-protein durum semolina (2.0 g/100 g N) Was used to produce the control pasta. Sensory data indicated that the addition of DBP produced pasta with significantly better colour intensity and acceptability. aroma intensity, flaN our intensity. textural strength, texture acceptability, aftertaste intensity, aftertaste acceptability. and overall acceptability The DBP/biscuit flour formulation that gave the optimum balance between pasta protein content and organoleptic acceptability contained 2.2 g/100 g DBP. A higher content of DBP resulted in increased protein levels, but these pasta formulations, ere less acceptable organoleptically. (C) 2002 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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[1] The physical conditions required to provide for the tectonic stability of cratonic crust and for the relative longevity of deep cratonic lithosphere within a dynamic, convecting mantle are explored through a suite of numerical simulations. The simulations allow chemically distinct continents to reside within the upper thermal boundary layer of a thermally convecting mantle layer. A rheologic formulation, which models both brittle and ductile behavior, is incorporated to allow for plate-like behavior and the associated subduction of oceanic lithosphere. Several mechanisms that may stabilize cratons are considered. The two most often invoked mechanisms, chemical buoyancy and/or high viscosity of cratonic root material, are found to be relatively ineffective if cratons come into contact with subduction zones. High root viscosity can provide for stability and longevity but only within a thick root limit in which the thickness of chemically distinct, high-viscosity cratonic lithosphere exceeds the thickness of old oceanic lithosphere by at least a factor of 2. This end-member implies a very thick mechanical lithosphere for cratons. A high brittle yield stress for cratonic lithosphere as a whole, relative to oceanic lithosphere, is found to be an effective and robust means for providing stability and lithospheric longevity. This mode does not require exceedingly deep strength within cratons. A high yield stress for only the crustal or mantle component of the cratonic lithosphere is found to be less effective as detachment zones can then form at the crust-mantle interface which decreases the longevity potential of cratonic roots. The degree of yield stress variations between cratonic and oceanic lithosphere required for stability and longevity can be decreased if cratons are bordered by continental lithosphere that has a relatively low yield stress, i.e., mobile belts. Simulations that combine all the mechanisms can lead to crustal stability and deep root longevity for model cratons over several mantle overturn times, but the dominant stabilizing factor remains a relatively high brittle yield stress for cratonic lithosphere.


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The paper presents a theory for modeling flow in anisotropic, viscous rock. This theory has originally been developed for the simulation of large deformation processes including the folding and kinking of multi-layered visco-elastic rock (Muhlhaus et al. [1,2]). The orientation of slip planes in the context of crystallographic slip is determined by the normal vector - the director - of these surfaces. The model is applied to simulate anisotropic mantle convection. We compare the evolution of flow patterns, Nusselt number and director orientations for isotropic and anisotropic rheologies. In the simulations we utilize two different finite element methodologies: The Lagrangian Integration Point Method Moresi et al [8] and an Eulerian formulation, which we implemented into the finite element based pde solver Fastflo (www.cmis.csiro.au/Fastflo/). The reason for utilizing two different finite element codes was firstly to study the influence of an anisotropic power law rheology which currently is not implemented into the Lagrangian Integration point scheme [8] and secondly to study the numerical performance of Eulerian (Fastflo)- and Lagrangian integration schemes [8]. It turned out that whereas in the Lagrangian method the Nusselt number vs time plot reached only a quasi steady state where the Nusselt number oscillates around a steady state value the Eulerian scheme reaches exact steady states and produces a high degree of alignment (director orientation locally orthogonal to velocity vector almost everywhere in the computational domain). In the simulations emergent anisotropy was strongest in terms of modulus contrast in the up and down-welling plumes. Mechanisms for anisotropic material behavior in the mantle dynamics context are discussed by Christensen [3]. The dominant mineral phases in the mantle generally do not exhibit strong elastic anisotropy but they still may be oriented by the convective flow. Thus viscous anisotropy (the main focus of this paper) may or may not correlate with elastic or seismic anisotropy.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) have been thought to follow a life history, typified by Langerhans cells (LCs), with 2 major developmental stages: an immature stage that captures antigens in the periphery and a mature stage that presents those antigens in the lymphoid organs. However, a systematic assessment of the maturity of lymphoid organ DCs has been lacking. We have analyzed the maturity of the DC types found in the steady state in the spleen, lymph nodes (LNs), and thymus. The DCs that migrate into the iliac, mesenteric, mediastinal, or subcutaneous LNs from peripheral tissues were mature and therefore could not process and present newly encountered antigens. However, all the other DC types were phenotypically and functionally immature: they expressed low levels of surface major histocompatibility complex class 11 (MHC 11) and CD86, accumulated MHC 11 in their endosomes, and could present newly encountered antigens. These immature DCs could 1346 induced to mature by culture in vitro or by Inoculation of inflammatory stimuli in vivo. Therefore, the lymphoid organs contain a large cohort of immature DCs, most likely for the maintenance of peripheral tolerance, which can respond to infections reaching those organs and mature in situ. (C) 2003 by The American Society of Hematology.


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On the basis of a spatially distributed sediment budget across a large basin, costs of achieving certain sediment reduction targets in rivers were estimated. A range of investment prioritization scenarios were tested to identify the most cost-effective strategy to control suspended sediment loads. The scenarios were based on successively introducing more information from the sediment budget. The relationship between spatial heterogeneity of contributing sediment sources on cost effectiveness of prioritization was investigated. Cost effectiveness was shown to increase with sequential introduction of sediment budget terms. The solution which most decreased cost was achieved by including spatial information linking sediment sources to the downstream target location. This solution produced cost curves similar to those derived using a genetic algorithm formulation. Appropriate investment prioritization can offer large cost savings because the magnitude of the costs can vary by several times depending on what type of erosion source or sediment delivery mechanism is targeted. Target settings which only consider the erosion source rates can potentially result in spending more money than random management intervention for achieving downstream targets. Coherent spatial patterns of contributing sediment emerge from the budget model and its many inputs. The heterogeneity in these patterns can be summarized in a succinct form. This summary was shown to be consistent with the cost difference between local and regional prioritization for three of four test catchments. To explain the effect for the fourth catchment, the detail of the individual sediment sources needed to be taken into account.


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Simple equations are proposed for determining elastic modulus and hardness properties of thin films on substrates from nanoindentation experiments. An empirical formulation relates the modulus E and hardness H of the film/substrate bilayer to corresponding material properties of the constituent materials via a power-law relation. Geometrical dependence of E and H is wholly contained in the power-law exponents, expressed here as sigmoidal functions of indenter penetration relative to film thickness. The formulation may be inverted to enable deconvolution of film properties from data on the film/substrate bilayers. Berkovich nanoindentation data for dense oxide and nitride films on silicon substrates are used to validate the equations and to demonstrate the film property deconvolution. Additional data for less dense nitride films are used to illustrate the extent to which film properties may depend on the method of fabrication.


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In this paper we describe the efficacy of the liposomal-AlClPc (aluminum-chloro-phthalocyanine) formulation in PDT study against Ehrlich tumor cells proliferation in immunocompetent swiss mice tongue. Experiments were conduced in sixteen tumor induced mice that were divided in three control groups: (1) tumor without treatment; (2) tumor with 100 J/cm(2) laser (670 nm) irradiation; and (3) tumor with AlClPc peritumoral injection; and a PDT experimental group when tumors received AlClPc injection followed by tumor irradiation. Control groups present similar macroscopically and histological patterns after treatments, while PDT treatment induced 90% of Ehrlich tumor necrosis after 24 h of one single showing the efficacy of liposome-AlClPc (aluminum-chloro-phthalocyanine) mediated PDT application, on the treatment of oral cancer. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study a magnetic nanoemulsion (MNE) was developed from a mixture of two components, namely biodegradable surfactants and biocompatible citrate-coated cobalt ferrite-based magnetic fluid, for entrapment of Zn(II)-Phthalocyanine (ZnPc), the latter a classical photosensitizer (PS) species used in photodynamic therapy (PDT) procedures. The sample`s stability was evaluated as a function of time using photocorrelation spectroscopy (PCS) for determination of the average hydrodynamic diameter, diameter dispersion and zeta potential. The ZnPc-loaded magneto nanoemulstion (ZnPc/MNE) formulation was evaluated in vitro assays to access the phototoxicity and the effect of application of AC magnetic fields (magnetohyperthermia damage) after incubation with J774-A1 macrophages cells. Darkness toxicity, phototoxicity and AC magnetic field exposures revealed an enhancement response for combined photodynamic and magnetohyperthermia (MHT) processes, indicating the presence of the synergic effect.


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Lipid microspheres (LM) are excellent drug delivery or vaccines adjuvant systems and are relatively stable. The aim of this work is to develop and characterize a system that is able to encapsulate and present antigenic membrane proteins from Leishmania amazonensis. Membrane proteins are important for vaccine`s formulation because these proteins come in contact with the host cell first, triggering the cell mediated immune response. This is a useful tool to avoid or inactivate the parasite invasion. The LM are constituted by soybean oil (SO), dipalmitoylphosphatidilcholine (DPPC), cholesterol and solubilized protein extract (SPE). The particles formed presented an average diameter of 200 run, low polydispersion and good stability for a period of 30 days, according to dynamic light scattering assays. Isopycnic density gradient centrifugation of LM-protein showed that proteins and lipids floated in the sucrose gradient (5-50%w/v) suggesting that the LM-protein preparation was homogeneous and that the proteins are interacting with the system. The results show that 85% of SPE proteins were encapsulated in the LM. Studies of cellular viability of murine peritoneal macrophages show that our system does not present cytotoxic effect for the macrophages and still stimulates their NO production (which makes its application as a vaccine adjuvant possible). LM-protein loaded with antigenic membrane proteins from L. amazonensis seems to be a promising vaccine system for immunization against leishmaniasis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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UV-VIS-Spectrophotometric and spectrofluorimetric methods have been developed and validated allowing the quantification of chloroaluminum phthalocyanine (CIAIPc) in nanocarriers. In order to validate the methods, the linearity, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), precision, accuracy, and selectivity were examined according to USP 30 and ICH guidelines. Linearities range were found between 0.50-3.00 mu g.mL(-1) (Y=0.3829 X [CIAIPc, mu g.mL(-1)] + 0.0126; r=0.9992) for spectrophotometry, and 0.05-1.00 mu g.mL(-1) (Y=2.24 x 10(6) X [CIAIPc, mu g.L(-1)] + 9.74 x 10(4); r=0.9978) for spectrofluorimetry. In addition, ANOVA and Lack-of-fit tests demonstrated that the regression equations were statistically significant (p<0.05), and the resulting linear model is fully adequate for both analytical methods. The LOD values were 0.09 and 0.01 mu g.mL(-1), while the LOCI were 0.27 and 0.04 mu g.mL(-1) for spectrophotometric and spectrofluorimetric methods, respectively. Repeatability and intermediate precision for proposed methods showed relative standard deviation (RSD) between 0.58% to 4.80%. The percent recovery ranged from 98.9% to 102.7% for spectrophotometric analyses and from 94.2% to 101.2% for spectrofluorimetry. No interferences from common excipients were detected and both methods were considered specific. Therefore, the methods are accurate, precise, specific, and reproducible and hence can be applied for quantification of CIAIPc in nanoemulsions (NE) and nanocapsules (NC).


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The risk of breast cancer arises from a combination of genetic susceptibility and environmental factors. Recent studies show that type and duration of use of hormone replacement therapy affect a women's risk of developing breast cancer.1-7 The women's health initiative trial was stopped early because of excess adverse cardiovascular events and invasive breast cancer with oestrogen and progestogen.6 The publicity increased public awareness of the risks of hormone replacement therapy, and this was heightened by the publication of the million women study.2 However, the recently published oestrogen only arm of the women's health initiative trial suggests that this formulation may reduce the risk of breast cancer.8 To help make sense of the often confusing information,9 women and clinicians need individual rather than population risk data. We have produced estimates that can be used to calculate individual risk for women living up to the age of 79 and suggest the risk


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Asthma is characterized by pulmonary cellular infiltration, vascular exudation and airway hyperresponsiveness. Several drugs that modify central nervous system (CNS) activity can modulate the course of asthma. Amphetamine (AMPH) is a highly abused drug that presents potent stimulating effects on the CNS and has been shown to induce behavioral, biochemical and immunological effects. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of AMPH on pulmonary cellular influx, vascular permeability and airway reactivity. AMPH effects on adhesion molecule expression, IL-10 and IL-4 release and mast cell degranulation were also studied. Male Wistar rats were sensitized with ovalbumin (OVA) plus alum via subcutaneous injection. One week later, the rats received another injection of OVA-alum (booster). Two weeks after this booster, the rats were subjected to AMPH treatment 12 h prior to the OVA airway challenge. In rats treated with AMPH, the OVA challenge reduced cell recruitment into the lung, the vascular permeability and the cellular expression of ICAM-1 and Mac-1. Additionally, elevated levels of IL-10 and IL-4 were found in samples of lung explants from allergic rats. AMPH treatment, in comparison, increased IL-10 levels but reduced those of IL-4 in the lung explants. Moreover, the tracheal responsiveness to methacholine (MCh), as well as to an in vitro OVA challenge, was reduced by AMPH treatment, and levels of PCA titers were not modified by the drug. Our findings suggest that single AMPH treatment down-regulates several parameters of lung inflammation, such as cellular migration, vascular permeability and tracheal responsiveness. These results also indicate that AMPH actions on allergic lung inflammation include endothelium-leukocyte interaction mechanisms, cytokine release and mast cell degranulation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tuberculosis, a polymorphic disease, is a diagnostic challenge, particularly when arises concomitantly to an autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Herein, the authors describe a 33-year-old woman with nodular RA who was being treated with methotrexate, sulfasalazine and corticosteroids and presented with subcutaneous nodules simultaneously with aseptic meningitis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was identified in cultures from a biopsy of an axillary nodule. The patient also developed polyuria and polydipsia with normal glycemia; antidiuretic hormone (ADH) treatment before and after a 3% saline infusion test was performed and diabetes insipidus was diagnosed. An encephalic MRI showed sellar and suprasellar masses, suggesting central diabetes insipidus (CDI). The patient received standard tuberculosis (TB) treatment for 6 months and also DDAVP (desmopressin acetate) during this period. Control of CDI was observed. A pre-surgical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed no pituitary mass. It is known that intrasellar tuberculoma occurs in only 1% of TB patients. TB should be considered in the differential diagnosis of CDI, especially in immunosupressed patients and in countries where this infection is a serious public health problem.


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Numerous studies have documented increased breast cancer risks with hormone replacement therapy (HRT), but these do not give a woman her specific absolute risk for the remainder of her life. This article estimates the magnitude of the effect of HRT on breast cancer incidence in California and calculates a woman's cumulative risk of breast cancer with different formulations and durations of HRT use. The effects of HRT on the underlying breast cancer incidence were estimated using the attributable fraction method, applying HRT prevalence data from the 2001 California Health Interview Survey and published rates of higher relative risk (RR) from HRT use from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study and Million Women's Survey (MWS). The annual number of breast cancers potentially attributable to HRT in California was estimated, along with individual cumulative risk of breast cancer for various ages to 79 years according to HRT use, duration, and formulation. Using the WHI data, 829 of 19,000 breast cancers (4.3%) in California may be attributable to HRT This figure increases to 3401 (17.4%) when the MWS RRs are applied. Use of estrogen-only HRT or short-term (approximately 5 years) use of combined HRT has a minimal effect on the cumulative risk calculated to the age of 79 years; application of the MWS data to a Californian woman commencing HRT at the age of 50 years (no HRT, 8.5%; estrogen only, 8.6%; combined, 9.1%). Prolonged (approximately 10 years) use of combined HRT increases the cumulative risk to 10.3%. This article demonstrates that HRT will generate a small additional risk of breast cancer in an individual. The reduction in perimenopausal symptoms may be considered sufficient to warrant this extra risk. However, this view needs to be balanced because the small increases in individual risk will be magnified, producing a noticeable change in population cancer caseload where HRT use is high.


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Spinosad, applied as a jetting solution or dip is an efficacious, non-systemic treatment for the control of Bovicola ovis in sheep. This paper describes the effect of back-line treatment width and group housing of animals on the efficacy of spinosad for the control of lice. A 0.4 mg/kg liveweight dose was found to be the suboptimal dose of spinosad for the control of body lice in a dose titration study and was used to investigate application and housing effects in a second study. Lousy Merino sheep were treated with either a narrow 3-cm application of spinosad or with a wider 25-cm swathe. After treatment they were either kept alone or in groups of 6 sheep per pen. Lice were counted at day 0 and every 14 days to 70 days after treatment before estimation of the percentage of lice control and analysis of treatment effects. A much higher percentage of lice control was achieved with 0.4 mg/kg in the second study than in the first, possibly because of differences in formulation used. The wider application width gave significantly higher (P < 0.05) control of lice than the narrow application when sheep were either housed alone or in groups up to day 42 post-treatment. Greater control of lice was seen in group-housed sheep compared with sheep housed individually (P < 0.05) up to day 70. Using broader application widths combined with holding the animals together after treatment with pour-on formulations may optimise the delivery and efficacy of ectoparasiticides for livestock.