910 resultados para StraTrek: Enterprise
The Irish Government in March 2008 set a target to identify measure and reduce the Administrative Burden (AB) of domestic regulation for businesses by 25% by the end of 2012 – on foot of a European Council invitation to all member states in March 2007. As part of a cross-Government process led by the Business Regulation Unit of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation (DJEI), the Department of Health carried out a measurement exercise in 2012 on the main Information Obligations placed on business by legislation in the areas of Food, Nursing Homes and Pharmacy sectors.The AB baseline measurement for those information obligations is described in this report. Click here to download PDF 322KB Â
Estudi i disseny de la implantació d'un ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) en una fàbrica de fruits secs.
Java 2 Plataform Enterprise J2EE, amb utilització de Spring Web, Hibernate, JavaServer Faces i ICEfaces.
El objeto del presente documento es proporcionar una serie de directrices de configuración de seguridad para sistemas operativos Suse Linux Enterprise Server 11. Este sistema operativo proporciona un conjunto interesante de mecanismos de seguridad que permiten alcanzar un nivel de seguridad aceptable. Mediante la aplicación de las directrices expuestas en este documento se podrá garantizar una configuración adecuada del sistema operativo Suse Linux Enterprise Server 11 en lo relativo a la seguridad lógica.
Pig meat production was valued at €290 (£198) million at farm gate in Republic of Ireland (ROI) in 2007. In Northern Ireland (NI) in 2006, pig meat was estimated to account for almost seven percent of gross turnover in the food and drinks processing sector at £190 (€280) million. Whilst researching for this report it emerged that comparable figures for the value of the pig meat industry on ROI and NI are not available. This report showed that pig production on the IOI has changed from a small-scale enterprise carried out by a large number of mixed farmers to a modern industry comprised of a small number of specialist producers operating large-scale units. Most products for retailers are prepared and packed in specialised cutting and processing units which may or may not be integrated in the slaughter plant. For some pork products, various additives such as salt, herbs and flavour enhancers are added. Pork products are then stored and transported, frozen or chilled to wholesale, retail and catering facilities for ultimate sale to consumers.
El projecte és un estudi dels distints productes que es poden trobar per aconseguir la persistència dels objectes entre diferents sessions. Aquest projecte s'engloba dins la tecnologia Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE).
Aquest projecte és un estudi previ a la reenginyeria de processos i la implantació d'un ERP (programari de gestió integrada) en una universitat fictícia.
El treball presentat fa l'estudi i l'anàlisi per a la implementació d'un sistema de gestió integrat ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) a l'empresa TEXFIL, centrat únicament en solucions empresarials estàndards de paquets integrats per a la planificació dels recursos de l'empresa. Tot i que al llarg del document es fa esment de diferents fabricants de sistemes ERP, nosaltres, a petició del nostre client, ens hem centrat bàsicament en el sistema SAP R/3.
Cloughmills Incredible Edibles Project aims to reconnect people with each other, their community and the natural world by developing a sustainable, fair and healthy food system in Cloughmills. They aim to teach people where food comes from, appreciate seasonal diversity and environmental impacts of food, be confident in cooking and celebrate the role of food in our lives. They will improve diet related health, reduce impacts of food poverty, make their community more resilient, increase choices available to and skills within their community, maximise the impacts of every pound spent locally and develop a shared food vision. Â Food growing skills, communal and domestic using containers and permaculture/organic techniques; Foodscape the community – grow food in public spaces; Recruit ‘Fruit and Veg’ champions to support growing at home; ‘Share the Surplus’ – encourage and connect people with surplus produce to share. Cookery classes for all ages; Shared learning events on food skills & techniques; ‘Bake Your Lawn’ in schools – growing, harvesting, milling and baking breads; Develop mushroom growing project as a social enterprise for young people; Teaching lost skills related to food; Host pizza & movie nights where all ages make their own pizzas; promote a lovefoodhatewaste campaign with community and businesses. Totally Local campaign promoting local/seasonal produce; mystery market stall every month showcasing local produce, cooking tips; facilitate development of more food businesses; establish food hub. Part of theCFI Programme 2013-2015 Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Antrim Partner Agencies safefood
Aquest treball de final de carrera consisteix en l'elaboració d'una aplicació per gestionar una botiga online de llibres. Per portar a terme aquesta aplicació s'utilitzarà Java 2Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), una tecnologia que permet el desenvolupament ràpid d'aplicacions distribuïdes.
En aquest treball es realitza la planificació, anàlisi, disseny i implementació de un sistema que gestiona enquestes. El projecte es titula DEncuesta i permet crear i respondre enquestar, així com visualitzar les seves resultats. Gran part del treball està dedicat a l'estudi de Java Enterprise Edition ja que el projecte es desenvolupa amb aquesta tecnologia. En concret s'utilitza JSPs, servlets i EJBs amb un patró MVC per desenvolupar el sistema. A part d'utilitzar el llenguatge Java també s'utilitza HTML i CSS.
L'objectiu general és l'anàlisi, el disseny i la implementació d'una 'Guia del viatger'. Es pretén separar clarament la presentació, la lògica de negoci i l'accés a les dades. Concretament, la presentació es preveu implementar amb la combinació de Servlets i JSP's, mentre que la lògica de negoci i la capa de dades amb Enterprise Java Beans (EJB's)
Aquesta memòria representa la definició del meu projecte final de carrera amb una aplicació destinada al registre d'entrades i eixides de l'Administració pública. He emprat eines de plataformes lliures i obertes per al desenvolupament del projecte, amb tecnologia J2EE. A més, hi ha l'objectiu de fer servir i provar arquitectures d'última generació com Enterprise JavaBeans Preview_2 (EJB) 3.0 (5/11/04) per a la lògica de negoci, Hibernate 3.0 alpha (actualment hi ha la beta 1.0 publicada el 20/12/04) com a
Aquest treball de final de carrera vol fer un petit projecte informàtic i seguir-ne el cicle de vida, a més d'explorar la tecnologia Java 2 Enterprise Edition, que serà l'escollida per a implementar el projecte.
Ireland is a successful major centre for ICT operations with ten of the top ICT companies in the world having substantial operations here. The large talent pool of ICT professionals that exists here is valuable both for foreign-owned and Irish companies. The cluster of internationally renowned firms and Irish companies offer a range of attractive career opportunities for professionals. A range of skills recruitment difficulties have been raised through the work of the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN), specifically the immediate issue of high-level ICT skills within both the ICT sector and from other sectors such as international financial services, banking and business services. Forfs, with the support of IDA Ireland and Enterprise Ireland, engaged in discussions with a selected range of foreign–owned and Irish companies employing approximately 30,000 employees to establish the nature of positions involved, the reasons for recruitment difficulties and to identify measures to help address them. Consultations were also held with key stakeholders including IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, ICT Ireland, Software Ireland, IT@Cork, Engineers Ireland and Dublin Chambers of Commerce. Discussions were held with the heads of the computing departments of all Universities and Institutes of Technology at a meeting chaired by the Higher Education Authority. An in-depth analysis of third-level ICT supply statistics and trends was undertaken to inform the research.