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The electronic structures of quantum wires formed by lateral strain are studied in the framework of the effective-mass envelope-function method. The hole energy levels, wave functions, and optical transition matrix elements are calculated for the real quantum-wire structure, and the results are compared with experiment. It is found that one-dimensional confinement effects exist for both electronic and hole states related to the n (001) = 1 state. The lateral strained confinement causes luminescence-peak redshifts and polarization anisotropy, and the anisotropy is more noticeable than that in the unstrained case. The variation of hole energy levels with well widths in the [110] and [001] directions and wave vector along the [110BAR] direction are also obtained.
Hydrogenated silicon films with diphasic structure have been prepared by using a new regime of plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) in the region adjacent to the phase transition from amorphous to crystal. line state. The photoelectronic and microstructural properties of the films have been characterized by the constant photocurrent method (CPM), Raman scattering and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). In comparison with typical hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H), these diphasic films with a crystalline fraction less than 0.3 show a similar optical absorption coefficient, lower deep-defect densities and higher stability upon light soaking. By using the diphasic nc-Si/a-Si films a p-i-n junction solar cell has been prepared With an initial efficiency of 8.51 % and a stabilized efficiency of 8.02 % on an area of 0.126 cm(2) (AM1.5, 100 mW/cm(2)).
We designed and fabricated GaAs OMIST (Optical-controlled Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Thyristor) device. Using oxidation of A1As layer that is grown by MBE form the Ultra-Thin semi-Insulating layer (UTI) of the GAAS OMIST. The accurate control and formation of high quality semi-insulating layer (AlxOy) are the key processes for fabricating GaAs OMIST. The device exhibits a current-controlled negative resistance region in its I-V characteristics. When illuminated, the major effect of optical excitation is the reduction of the switching voltage. If the GaAs OMIST device is biased at a voltage below its dark switching voltage V-s, sufficient incident light can switch OMIST from high impedance low current"off"state to low impedance high current "on"state. The absorbing material of OMIST is GaAs, so if the wavelength of incident light within 600 similar to 850nm can be detected effectively. It is suitable to be used as photodetector for digital optical data process. The other attractive features of GaAs OMIST device include suitable conducted current, switching voltage and power levels for OEIC, high switch speed and high sensitivity to light or current injection.
生物质燃料乙醇是一种高度清洁的交通液体燃料,是减少温室气体排放,缓解大气污染的最佳技术选择。以非粮原料生产燃料乙醇可以在进行能源生产的同时保证粮食安全,有利于产业的可持续发展。在众多的非粮原料中,甘薯是我国开发潜力最大的生物质能源作物之一。我国占世界甘薯种植总面积和产量的90%。同时,甘薯的单位面积燃料乙醇产量远大于玉米和小麦。其成本是目前酒精中最低廉的,因此利用甘薯生产乙醇是发展生物质燃料乙醇的首要选择。目前采用薯类全原料主要采用分批发酵生产乙醇,其技术水平低,发酵强度低,一般在0.7-2.5g/(L•h),乙醇浓度低,甘薯发酵乙醇为6-8%(v/v),能耗高,环境负荷大,污染严重。针对上述问题,本文从菌株选育、原料预处理、中试放大、残糖成分分析等方面进行研究。 为了研究乙醇发酵生产规模扩大过程中,大型发酵罐底部高压条件下,CO2对酵母乙醇发酵的影响,我们通过CO2 加压的方法进行模拟试验,研究结果表明,发酵时间随压强的升高而逐渐延长,高压CO2 对乙醇发酵效率影响不大,在0.3 MPa 以下时,发酵效率均可达到90%以上。高压CO2 对发酵的抑制作用是高压和CO2 这两个因素联合作用的结果。高压CO2 条件下,酵母胞外酶和胞内重要酶类的酶活均表现出特征性。0.2 MPa 下,酶活性的变化趋势和0.1 MPa 条件下的较为一致。而0.3 MPa 下的酶活变化趋势与0.4 MPa 下的酶活更为接近。通过全基因表达分析发现在CO2 压力为0.3 MPa 下,乙醇发酵途径中多个基因表达量下调,同时海藻糖合成酶和热激蛋白基因表达量上调。 筛选耐高温的乙醇酵母菌株能够解决糖化温度和发酵温度不协调的矛盾,实现真正意义上的边糖化边发酵。高温发酵还能够降低发酵时的冷却成本,实现乙醇的周年生产。本研究筛选出一株高温发酵菌株Y-H1,进而我们对该菌株的胞外酶和胞内乙醇代谢重要酶类的酶活性进行了分析。结果表明Y-H1 能够在40 ℃条件下正常进行乙醇发酵,发酵33h,最终乙醇浓度达到10.7%(w/w),发酵效率达到90%以上。同时发酵液最终pH 在3.5 左右,显示菌株具有一定的耐酸性能力。同时观察到40 ℃下,菌株的胞外酶和胞内乙醇代谢重要酶类的酶活性发生了变化,乙醇发酵途径中关键酶基因表达下调,而海藻糖合成酶与热激蛋白基因表达量上调,这些结果为进一步研究酵母菌耐热调控机理提供了依据。 糖蜜是一种大规模工业生产乙醇的理想原料,本研究利用选育高浓度乙醇发酵菌株结合配套的发酵稳定剂,研究了糖蜜高浓度乙醇发酵情况。结果表明采用冷酸沉淀预处理糖蜜溶液,采用分批补料的发酵方式,乙醇浓度最高达到了10.26% (w/w),发酵时间为42 h。同时观察到在糖蜜发酵中,乙醛含量与乙醇浓度存在一定的相关性。 快速乙醇发酵对于缩短乙醇生产周期、降低乙醇生产成本、减少原料腐烂损失具有重要意义。本研究诱变和筛选得到了一株快速乙醇发酵菌株10232B。在优化后的发酵条件下,采用10L 发酵罐进行分批乙醇发酵,经过18h,乙醇的最终浓度达到88.5g/L,发酵效率93.6%,平均乙醇生产速度达到4.92 g/L/h。此菌株在保持较高乙醇生产浓度的同时,拥有快速生产乙醇的能力,适合作为快速乙醇发酵生产菌种。 由于鲜甘薯具有粘度大的特点,传统液化糖化处理很难在短时间内充分糖化原料;高粘度的醪液也难以进行管道输送,容易堵塞管路;同时,也会降低后续的乙醇发酵效率。 本文采用了快速粘度分析法对鲜甘薯糊化粘度特性进行了分析,进而对预处理条件进行了研究,在最佳预处理条件下,糖化2h 后,醪液葡萄糖值最高可达99.3,粘度4.5×104 mPa.s,而采用传统糖化工艺,醪液DE 值仅为85.8,粘度大于1.0×105 mPa.s。 此预处理方法也可用于快速糖化不加水的醪液。后续的乙醇发酵试验表明,通过此预处理方法获得的糖化醪液对乙醇发酵无负面影响。 在前期已实现了实验室水平的鲜甘薯燃料乙醇快速乙醇发酵基础上,进一步将发酵规模扩大到500L,在中试水平上对甘薯乙醇发酵进行了研究。结果表明在500L 中试规模,采用边糖化边发酵(SSF)工艺,在料液比为3∶1,发酵醪液最高粘度为6×104mPa.s 条件下,发酵37h,乙醇浓度达到了12.7%(v/v),发酵效率91%,发酵强度为2.7 g/(L•h)。与目前国内的薯类乙醇发酵生产技术水平具有明显的优越性。 为研究甘薯、木薯乙醇发酵中残糖的组成,采用了高效液相色谱—蒸发光散射检测法,对乙醇发酵残糖进行了分析。结果表明,甘薯、木薯乙醇发酵残糖均为寡聚糖,主要由葡萄糖、木糖、半乳糖、阿拉伯糖和甘露糖构成。随着发酵时间延长,寡聚糖中的葡萄糖、半乳糖、甘露糖可被缓慢的水解释放。提高糖化酶量仅在一定程度上降低残糖,过量的糖化酶反而会导致残糖增加。同时发现3, 5-二硝基水杨酸法不能准确测定甘薯、木薯乙醇发酵中的残总糖含量。进一步筛选了两株残糖降解菌株,对甘薯乙醇发酵残糖的降解利用率均达到了40%以上,而且还能显著降低发酵醪液粘度。经形态学和rRNA ITS 序列分析,确定这两株菌分别属于为木霉属和曲霉属黑曲霉组。 通过对以甘薯原料为代表的非粮原料发酵技术研究开发,以期形成乙醇转化率高,能耗低,生产效率高、季节适应性好,原料适应性广,经济性强,符合清洁生产机制的燃料乙醇高效转化技术,为具有我国特色的燃料乙醇发展模式提供技术支持。 Sweet potato is one of the major feedstock for the fuel ethanol production in China. The planting area and the yield in China take 90% of the world. Sweet potato is an efficient kind of energy crops. The energy outcome per area is higher than corn or wheat. And the manufacture cost of ethanol is the lowest, compared with corn and wheat. So sweet potato is the favorable crop for the bioethanol production in China. However, the low-level fermentation technology restricts the development of ethanol production by sweet potato, including slow ethanol production rate, low ethanol concentration and high energy cost. To solve these problems, we conducted research on the strain breeding, pretreatment, pilot fermentation test and residual saccharides analysis. To study the impact of hyperbaric condition at bottom of the large fermentor on yeast fermentation, high pressure carbon dioxide (CO2) was adopted to simulate the situation. The results showed that the fermentation was prolonged with the increasing pressure. The pressure of CO2 had little impact on the ethanol yield which could reach 90% under the pressure below 0.3 MPa. The inhibition was combined by the high pressure and CO2. Under the high CO2 pressure, the extracellular and important intracellular enzyme activities were different from those under normal state. The changes under 0.1 MPa and 0.2 MPa were similar. The changes under 0.3 MPa were closer to those under 0.4 MPa. The application of thermotolerance yeast could solve the problem of the inconsistent temperature between fermentation and saccharificaton and fulfill the real simultaneous saccharification and fermentation. And it could reduce the cooling cost. A thermotolerance strain Y-H1 was isolated in our research. It gave high ethanol concentration of 10.7%(w/w)at 40 ℃ for 33 h. The ethanol yield efficiency was over 90%. At 40 ℃, the extracellular and important intracellular enzyme activities of Y-H1 showed the difference with normal state, which may indicate its physiological changes at the high temperature. Molasses is another feedstock for industrial ethanol production. By our ethanol-tolerance strain and the regulation reagents, the fermentation with high ethanol concentration was investigated. In fed-batch mode combined with cold acid deposition, the highest ethanol concentration was 10.26% (w/w) for 42h. The aldehyde concentration in fermentation was found to be related to ethanol concentration. The development of a rapid ethanol fermentation strain of Zymomonas mobilis is essential for reducing the cost of ethanol production and for the timely utilization of fresh material that is easily decayed in the Chinese bioethanol industry. A mutant Z. mobilis strain, 10232B, was generated by UV mutagenesis. Under these optimized conditions, fermentation of the mutant Z. mobilis 10232B strain was completed in just 18 h with a high ethanol production rate, at an average of 4.92 gL-1h-1 per batch. The final maximum ethanol concentration was 88.5 gL-1, with an ethanol yield efficiency of 93.6%. This result illustrated the potential use of the mutant Z. mobilis 10232B strain in rapid ethanol fermentation in order to help reduce the cost of industrial ethanol production. As fresh sweet potato syrup shows high viscosity, it is hard to be fully converted to glucose by enzymes in the traditional saccharification process. The high-viscosity syrup is difficult to be transmitted in pipes, which may be easily blocked. Meanwhile it could also reduce the later ethanol fermentation efficiency. To solve these problems, effects of the pretreatment conditions were investigated. The highest dextrose equivalent value of 99.3 and the lowest viscosity of 4.5×104 mPa.s were obtained by the most favorable pretreatment conditions, while those of 85.8 and over 1.0×105 mPa.s was produced by traditional treatment conditions. The pretreatment could also be applied on the material syrup without adding water. The later experiments showed that the pretreated syrup had no negative effect on the ethanol fermentation and exhibited lower viscosity. The fuel ethanol rapid production from fresh sweet potato was enlarged in the 500L pilot scale after its fulfillment on the laboratory level. The optimal ratio of material to water was 3 to 1 in 500L fermentor. With low-temperature-cooking (85 ℃) using SSF, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae was able to produce ethanol 97.44 g/kg for 37h, which reached 92% of theoretical yield. The average ethanol production rate was 4.06 g/kg/h. And the maximum viscosity of syrup reached 6×104mPa.s. The results showed its superiority over current industrial ethanol fermentation. The compositions of the residual saccharides in the ethanol fermentation by sweet potato and cassava were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with evaporative light-scattering detector. The results showed that all the residual saccharides were oligosaccharides, mainly composed of glucose, xylose, galactose, arabinose and mannose. The glucose, galactose and mannose could be slowly hydrolyzed from oligosaccharides in syrup during a long period. To increase the glucoamylase dosage could lower the residual saccharides to a certain extent. However, excess glucoamylase dosage led to more residual saccharides. And the method of 3, 5-dinitrosalicylic acid could not accurately quantify the residual total saccharides content. Two residual saccharides degrading strains were isolated, which could utilize 40% of total residual saccharide and lower the syrup viscosity. With the analysis of morphology and internal transcribed spacer sequence, they were finally identified as species of Trichoderma and Aspergillus niger.
自养硝化过程在自然界氮素循环和污水处理系统脱氮过程中起着关键作用。因此,了解有机碳对硝化的影响和硝化菌与异养菌之间的竞争对微生物生态学和污水处理系统设计都很重要。目前对氨氧化到硝酸盐氮过程的研究文献很多,但对亚硝酸盐氧化过程在异养菌的存在下如何受到有机碳影响的研究甚少。本文从生理生化指标、基因组学、蛋白组学三方面考察了在实验室条件下有机碳(乙酸钠)对硝化细菌和异养菌组成的混合菌群的硝化性能、菌群结构及代谢功能的变化的影响。 全文分为两大部分: 第一部分为乙酸钠对游离态硝化混合菌群的硝化性能和菌群结构的短期影响。混合菌株先在自养条件下进行连续培养,两个月后硝化速率达到20 mg N/(L·d);而后离心收集菌体进行批式实验。在批式反应器中,初始亚硝氮均为126mg N/ L,乙酸钠-C 与亚硝酸盐-N 的比分别为0,0.44,0.88,4.41,8.82。结果表明:在低C/N 比(0.44 和0.88)时,亚硝酸盐去除速率比C/N=0 下高,细菌呈现一次生长;而在高C/N 比(4.41 和8.82)时,出现连续的硝化反硝化,亚硝酸盐去除率仍比对照下高,细菌呈现二次生长。不同C/N 比下微生物群落明显不同,优势菌群从自养和寡营养细菌体系(包括亚硝酸盐氧化菌,拟杆菌门,α-变形菌纲,浮霉菌门和绿色非硫细菌下的一些菌株)过渡到异养和反硝化菌体系 (γ-变形菌纲的菌株尤其是反硝化菌Pseudomonas stutzeri 和P. nitroreducens 占主导)。 第二部分为乙酸钠对硝化混合菌群生物膜的硝化性能和菌群结构的长期影响。接种富集的硝化混合菌群于装有组合式填料的三角瓶中,于摇床中自养培养;两个月后填料上形成生物膜的硝化速率达到20 mg N/ (L·d);而后进行长期实验,每12 小时更换混合营养培养基(亚硝氮约200 mg N/ L,C/N 比同上)。结果显示:相较于C/N 比=0 时的亚硝酸盐氧化反应来说,低C/N 比出现了部分的反硝化,而高C/N 比则是几乎完全的反硝化。与对照比,C/N=0.44 时亚硝酸盐氧化速率并未受乙酸钠的影响,反而上升了,但C/N=0.88 时亚硝酸盐氧化速率有所下降。菌群结构分析表明自养对照与混合营养下微生物群落的不同;PCR-DGGE未检测出混合营养下硝化杆菌的存在,而显示异养菌尤其是反硝化菌的大量存 在。荧光定量PCR 结果表明随C/N 比上升,硝化杆菌数量从2.42 × 104 下降到1.34× 103 16S rRNA gene copies/ ng DNA,反硝化菌由0 增加至2.51 × 104 nosZgene copies/ ng DNA。SDS-PAGE 的结果表明不同C/N 比下的蛋白组较为复杂且呈现一定的差异性。 有机碳对亚硝氮氧化及微生物群落的影响很复杂,本文分别讨论了对游离态和生物膜固定态两种状态的混合菌群相应的短期和长期影响研究。研究发现,有机碳并非一定带来硝化的负影响,如果控制在适当的C/N 比范围,有机碳是有利于亚硝氮氧化的。这些发现阐明了有机碳和硝化反硝化的关系,填补了硝化微生物生态学上的空白,对污水处理系统中减少异养菌的影响并提高氮去除率有一定理论指导意义。 Nitrification plays a key role in the biological removal of nitrogen in both nature and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). So, understanding of the effect of organic carbon on nitrification and the competition between nitrifying bacteria and heterotrophic bacteria is important for both microbial ecology and WWTP design and operation. Despite the fact that the nitrification process of ammonia to nitrate has been extensively investigated, it is not known how the process of nitrite oxidization is affected by organic carbon when heterotrophic bacteria are present. By measuring different physiological and biochemical parameters, as well as using genomic DNA and proteome analysis, we investigated the influence of organic (acetate) on nitrite oxidizing performance, community structure and metabolic function of nitrite-oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria under laboratory conditions. The dissertation involves two parts: Part one deals with the effect of organic matter on functional performance and bacterial community shift of nitrite-oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria under suspended state. The bacteria were prepared in a continuous-flow stirred reactor under autotrophic condition; after two months, the nitrification rate of the culture reached about 20 mg N/ (L·d); then the bacteria were harvested for the next batch experiments. The initial concentrations of nitrite were 126 ± 6 mg N/ L in all flasks, and sodium acetate (C) to nitrite (N) ratios were 0, 0.44, 0.88, 4.41, and 8.82, respectively. The results showed that at low C/N ratios (0.44 or 0.88), the nitrite removal rate was higher than that obtained under autotrophic condition and the bacteria had single growth phase, while at high C/N ratios (4.41 or 8.82), continuous aerobic nitrification and denitrification occurred besides higher nitrite removal rates, and the bacteria had double growth phases. The community structure of total bacteria strikingly varied with the different C/N ratios; the dominant populations shifted from autotrophic and oligotrophic bacteria (NOB, and some strains of Bacteroidetes, Alphaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and green nonsulfur bacteria) to heterotrophic and denitrifying bacteria (strains of Gammaproteobacteria, especially Pseudomonas stutzeri and P. nitroreducens). Part two describes the influence of acetate on nitrite oxidizing performance, community structure and metabolic function of nitrite-oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria in biofilms. Bacterial enrichments was transferred into flasks with polypropylene carriers and cultured under agitated and autotrophic condition. After two month, the biofilms grown on the carriers had a nitrification rate of about 20 mg N/ (L·h); then the biofilms were refreshed with mixotrophic medium (nitrite were 200 mg N/ L in all flasks, and C/N ratios was the same as above) every 12 h. the results show: normal nitrite oxidization reactions were performed when C/N = 0, but nitrite oxidization and partial denitrification occurred with low C/N ratios (0.44 or 0.88). At high C/N ratios (4.41 or 8.82), we mainly observed denitrification. In contrast to C/N = 0, the nitrite oxidization rate was unaffected when C/N = 0.44, but decreased with C/N = 0.88. The structure of bacterial communities varied significantly between autotrophic and mixotrophic conditions. Nitrobacter was hard to detect by PCR-DGGE while heterotrophs and especially denitrifiers were in the majority under mixotrophic conditions. Real-time PCR indicated that the Nitrobacter population decreased from 2.42 × 104 to 1.34 × 103 16S rRNA gene copies/ ng DNA, while the quantity of denitrifiers obviously increased from 0 to 2.51×104 nosZ gene copies/ ng DNA with an increasing C/N ratio. SDS-PAGE indicated the complexity of and a certain difference between the proteome of nitrite-oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria at different C/N ratios. We conclude that the influence of organic matter on nitrite oxidation and the community structure of NOB and heterotrophic bacteria is complex. In this dissertation, we focused on how sodium acetate influenced the system both under suspended state and in biofilms. We observed that acetate did not necessarily have a negative impact on nitrification. Instead, an appropriate amount of acetate benefited both nitrite oxidization and denitrification. These findings provide a greater understanding about the relationship between organics and nitrification; they fill the gaps in the field of microbial ecology of nitrifying bacteria; they also provide insight into how to minimize the negative impact of heterotrophic bacteria and maximize the benefit of nitrogen removal in biological treatment systems.
The ratios R-k1 of k-fold to single ionization of the target atom with simultaneous one-electron capture by the projectile have been measured for 15-480 keV/u (nu(p) = 0.8-4.4 a.u.) collisions of Cq+, Oq+ (q=1-4) with Ar, using time-of-flight techniques which allowed the simultaneous identification of the final charge state of both the low-velocity recoil ion and the high-velocity projectile for each collision event. The present ratios are similar to those for He+ and He2+ ion impact. The energy dependence of R-k1 shows a maximum at a certain energy, E-max. which approximately conforms to the q(1/2)-dependence scaling. For a fixed projectile state, the ratios R-k1 also vary strongly with outgoing reaction channels. The general behavior of the measured data can be qualitatively analyzed by a simple impact-parameter, independent-electron model. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We study the heat conduction of two nonlinear lattices joined by a weak harmonic link. When the system reaches a steady state, the heat conduction of the system is decided by the tunneling heat flow through the weak link. We present an analytical analysis by the combination of the self-consistent phonon theory and the heat tunneling transport formalism, and then the tunneling heat flow can be obtained. Moreover, the nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations are performed and the simulations results are consistent with the analytical predictions.
Synthesis of carbon nanotube bundles with mesoporous structure by a self-assembly solvothermal route
A kind of carbon nanotube bundle has been synthesized by a simple one-step solvothermal reaction between Na and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) using NiCl2 as catalyst precursor. Before the reaction, NiCl2 was initially dispersed ultrasonically in cyclohexane then prereduced by Na at 230degreesC to produce small Ni particles in reduced state. The tubes thus-produced have a uniform outer diameter of about 20 nm, an inner diameter of 4 nm, and are highly ordered assembled as bundles which have a 2D hexagonal arrangement as proven by SAXS and TEM experiments.
The structural properties for various SiCO isomers in the singlet and triplet states have been investigated using CASSCF methods with a 6-311 +G* basis set and also using three DFT and MP2 with same basis set for those systems except for the linear singlet state. The detailed bonding character is discussed, and the state-state correlations and the isomerization mechanism are also determined. Results indicate that there are four different isomers for each spin state, and for all isomers, the triplet state is more stable than the corresponding singlet state. The most stable is the linear SiCO ((3)Sigma(-)) species and may be refer-red to the ground state. At the CASSCF-MP2(full)/6-311+G* level, the state-state energy separations of the other triplet states relative to the ground state are 43.2 (cyclic), 45.2 (linear SiOC), and 75.6 kcal/mol (linear CSiO), respectively, whereas the triplet-singlet state excitation energies for each configuration are 17.3 (linear SiCO), 2.2 (cyclic SiCO), 10.2 (linear SiOC), and 18.5 kcal/mol (linear CSiO), respectively. SiCo ((3)Sigma(-)) may be classified as silene (carbonylsilene), and its COdelta- moiety possesses CO- property. The dissociation energy of the ground state is 42.5 kcal/mol at the CASSCF-MP2(full)/6-311+G* level and falls within a range of 36.5-41.5 kcal/mol at DFT level, and of 23.7-28.9 kcal/mol at the wave function-correlated level, whereas the vertical IP is 188.8 kcal/mol at the CASSCF-MP2(full)/6-311+G* level and is very close to the first IP of Si atom. Three linear isomers (SiCO, SiOC, and CSiO) have similar structural bonding character. SiOC may be referred to the iso-carbonyl Si instead of the aether compound, whereas the CSiO isomer may be considered as the combination of C (the analogue of Si) with SiO (the analogue of CO). The bonding is weak for all linear species, and the corresponding potential energy surfaces are flat, and thus these linear molecules are facile. Another important isomer is of cyclic structure, it may be considered as the combination of CO with Si by the side pi bond. This structure has the smallest triplet state-singlet state excitation energy (similar to2.2 kcal/mol); the C-O bonds are longer, and the corresponding vibrational frequencies are significantly smaller than those of the other linear species. This cyclic species is not classified as an epoxy compound. State-state correlation analysis and the isomerization pathway searches have indicated that there are no direct correlations among three linear structures for each spin state, but they may interchange by experiencing two transition states and one cyclic intermediate. The easiest pathway is to break the Si-O bond to go to the linear SiCO, but its inverse process is very difficult. The most difficult process is to break the C-O bond and to go to the linear CSiO.
[Ru(bpy)2dppz]2+ electrochemiluminescence (ECL) was studied, and it was used to investigate DNA interaction and develop a label-free ATP aptasensor for the first time. ECL of [Ru(bpy)2dppz]2+ is negligible in aqueous solution, and increases approximately 1000 times when [Ru(bpy)2dppz]2+ intercalates into the nucleic acid structure. The ECL switch behavior of [Ru(bpy)2dppz]2+ is ascribed to the intercalation that shields the phenazine nitrogens from the solvent and results in a luminescent excited state. The ECL switch by DNA was applied to investigate the interaction of [Ru(bpy)2dppz]2+ with herring sperm DNA. The calculated equilibrium constant (K) is 1.35 x 10(6) M(-1), and the calculated binding-site size (s) is 0.88 base pair, which is consistent with the reported values.
Here, a fluorescent switch is constructed combining hemin, hemin aptamer, and a newly synthesized anionic conjugated polymer (ACP), poly(9,9-bis(6'-phosphate-hexyl) fluorenealt-1,4-phenylene) sodium salt (PFHPNa/PFP). In the "off-state", the fluorescence of PFP is sensitively quenched by hemin, with a high K-sv value of similar to 10(7). While in the "on-state", the formation of the aptamer/hemin complex recovers the fluorescence intensity. The fluorescent switch is sensitive and selective to hemin. To testify the universality and practicality of the fluorescent switch, a series of label-free DNA-related sensing platforms are developed, containing three DNA sensing strategies and one ATP recognition strategy. The fluorescent switch developed is simple, sensitive, and universal, which extends applications of the anionic conjugated polymers.
We realized an organic electrical memory device with a simple structure based on single-layer pentacene film embedded between Al and ITO electrodes. The optimization of the thickness and deposition rate of pentacene resulted in a reliable device with an on/off current ratio as high as nearly 10(6), which was two orders of magnitude higher than previous results, and the storage time was more than 576 h. The current transition process is attributed to the formation and damage of the Interface dipole at different electric fields, in which the current conduction showed a transition from ohmic conductive current to Fowler-Nordheim tunneling current. After the transition from ON- to OFF-state, the device tended to remain in the OFF-State even when the applied voltage was removed, which indicated that the device was very promising for write-once read-many-times memory.
A new vinyl acyl azide monomer, 4-(azidocarbonyl) phenyl methacrylate, has been synthesized and characterized by NMR and FTIR spectroscopy. The thermal stability of the new monomer has been investigated with FTIR and thermal gravimetry/differential thermal analysis (TG/DTA), and the monomer has been demonstrated to be stable below 50 degrees C in the solid state. The copolymerizations of the new monomer with methyl acrylate have been carried out at room temperature under Co-60 gamma-ray irradiation in the presence of benzyl 1-H-imidazole-1-carbodithioate. The results show that the polymerizations bear all the characteristics of controlled/living free-radical polymerizations, such as the molecular weight increasing linearly with the monomer conversion, the molecular weight distribution being narrow (< 1.20), and a linear relationship existing between In([M](0)/[M]) and the polymerization time. The data from H-1 NMR and FTIR confirm that no change in the acyl azide groups has occurred in the polymerization process and that acyl azide copolymers have been obtained. The thermal stability of the polymers has also been investigated with TG/DTA and FTIR.
Bond distances, dissociation energies, ionization potentials and electron affinities of 4d transition metal monoxides from YO to CdO and their positive and negative ions were studied by use of density functional methods B3LYP, BLYP, B3PW91, BPW91, B3P86, BP86, SVWN, MPW1PW91 and PBE1PBE. It was found that calculated properties are highly dependent on the functionals employed, especially for dissociation energy. For most neutral species, pure density functionals BLYP, BPW91 and BP86 have good performance in predicting dissociation energy than hybrid density functionals B3LYP, B3PW91 and B3P86. In addition, BLYP gives the largest bond distance compared with other density functional methods, while SVWN gives shortest bond distance, largest dissociation energy and electron affinity. For the ground state, the spin multiplicity of the charged species can be obtained by +/- 1 of their corresponding neutral species.
Five zinc (II) complexes (1-5) with 4 '-phenyl-2,2 ':6 ',2 ''-terpyridine (ptpy) derivatives as ligands have been synthesized and fully characterized. The para-position of phenyl in ptpy is substituted by the group (R), i.e. tert-butyl (t-Bu), hexyloxy (OHex), carbazole-9-yl (Cz), naphthalen-1-yl-phenyl-amine-N-yl (NPA) and diphenyl amine-N-yl (DPA), with different electron-donating ability. With increasing donor ability of the R, the emission color of the complexes in film was modulated from violet (392 nm) to reddish orange (604 nm). The photoexcited luminescence exhibits significant solvatochromism because the emission of the complexes involves the intra-ligand charge transfer (ILCT) excited state. The electrochemical investigations show that the complexes with stronger electro-donating substituent have lower oxidation potential and then higher HOMO level. The electroluminescence (EL) properties of these zinc (II) complexes were studied with the device structure of ITO/PEDOT/Zn (II) complex: PBD:PMMA/BCP/AlQ/ LiF/Al. Complexes 3, 4 and 5 exhibit EL wavelength at 552, 600 and 609 nm with maximum current efficiency of 5.28, 2.83 and 2.00 cd/A, respectively.