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Tässä työssä tutkitaan Wärtsilä Oyj:n moottorin ja ABB Oy:n generaattorin muodostaman aggregaatin väsymiskestävyyttä lineaarisen murtumismekaniikan avulla. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää ABAQUS/XFEM- ja FRANC3D-ohjelman soveltuvuus kuormitukseltaan ja geometrialtaan vaativan generaattorirungon suunnittelutyökaluksi. Generaattorirungon kuormitukset aiheutuvat aggregaatin käynnin sekä käynnistys- ja sammutusvaiheen aikai-sista syntyvistä värähtelyistä. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan generaattorirungon väsymistä käynninaikaisella kuormituksella. Työssä mallinnettiin generaattorirungosta valittu hitsausdetalji alimallinnustekniikalla, jolloin alimallin reunaehdot voitiin määrittää aggregaatille tehdyn vastelaskennan perus-teella. Alimallista tutkittiin kahta erilaista hitsiliitostyyppiä, joihin mallinnettiin XFEM- ja FRANC3D-ohjelmilla erikokoisia säröjä hitsiliitosten rajaviivalle sekä juuren puolelle. Tutkittavilla ohjelmilla saatujen jännitysintensiteettikertoimien avulla säröille voitiin las-kea ekvivalentti jännitysintensiteettikerroin, jota verrattiin kokeellisesti saatuun jännitysin-tensiteettikertoimen kynnysarvoon. XFEM- ja FRANC3D-ohjelmia vertailtiin käytön helppouden, tulosten tarkkuuden sekä laskenta-aikojen perusteella. Käytettävyyden ja laskenta-aikojen perusteella XFEM-ohjelma soveltui paremmin käytettäväksi teollisuudessa suunnittelu- ja kehitystyön apu-työkaluna. FRANC3D taas antoi XFEM-ohjelmaa luotettavampia tuloksia, mutta laskenta-ajat olivat moninkertaiset.


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Technological capabilities are built to support different types of collaboration, and this gives the justification to widely observe, how activity environments are influenced by technology. Technology as an enabler can be addressed from different perspectives, other than merely technological. Dynamic, evolving environment is at the same time interesting but also challenging. As a multinational collaboration environment, the maritime surveillance is an good example of time critical and evolving environment, where technological solutions enable new ways of collaboration. Justification for the inspiration to use maritime environment as the baseline for understanding the challenges in creating and maintaining adequate level of situational awareness, derives from the complexity of the collaboration and information sharing environment elements, needed to be taken into account, when analyzing criticalities related to decision making. Situational awareness is an important element supporting decision making, and challenges related to it can also be observed in the maritime environment. This dissertation describes the structures and factors involved in this complex setting, found from the case studies that should be taken into account when trying to understand, how these elements affect the activities. This dissertation focuses on the gray area that is between a life threatening situation and normal everyday activities. From the multinational experimentation series case studies, MNE5 and MNE6 it was possible to observe situations that were not life threatening for the participants themselves, but not also basic every day activities. These case studies provided a unique possibility to see situations, where gaining of situational awareness and decision making are challenged with time critical crisis situations. Unfortunately organizations do not normally take the benefit from the everyday work to prepare themselves for possible emerging crisis situations. This dissertation focuses on creating a conceptual model and a concept that supports organizations – also outside the maritime community – to improve their ability to support gaining of situational awareness from the individual training level, all the way to changes in organizational structures in aiming for better support for decision making from the individual level to the highest decision making level. Quick changes and unpredictability are reality in organizations and organizations do not have the possibility to control all the factors that affect their functioning. Since we cannot be prepared for everything, and predict every crisis, individual activities inside teams and as a part of organizations, need to be supported with guidance, tools and training in order to support acting in challenging situations. In fact the ideology of the conceptual model created, lies especially in the aim of not controlling everything in beforehand, but supporting organizations with concrete procedures to help individuals to react in different, unpredictable situations, instead of focusing on traditional risk prevention and management. Technological capabilities are not automatically solutions for functional challenges; this is why it is justified to broaden the problem area observation from the technological perspective. This dissertation demonstrates that it is possible to support collaboration in a multinational environment with technological solutions, but it requires the recognition of technological limitations and accepting the possible restrictions related to technological innovations. Technology should not be considered value per se, the value of technology should be defined according to the support of activities, including strategic and operational environment evaluation, identification of organizational elements, and taking into account also the social factors and their challenges. Then we are one step closer to providing technological solutions that support the actual activities by taking into account the variables of the activity environment in question. The multidisciplinary view to approach the information sharing and collaboration framework, is derived especially from the complexity of decision making and building of situational awareness, since they are not build or created in vacuity, but in the organizational framework by the people doing it with the technological capabilities, enabled by the organizational structures. Introduced case studies were related to maritime environment, but according to the research results, it is valid to argue, that based on the lessons learned it is possible to create and further develop conceptual model and to create a general concept to support a wider range of organizations in their attempt to gain better level of situational awareness (SA) and to support decision making. To proof the versatile usage of the developed concept, I have introduced the case study findings to the health care environment and reflected the identified elements from the trauma center to the created concept. The main contribution to complete this adventure is the presented situational awareness concept created in the respect to NATO concept structure. This has been done to tackle the challenge of collaboration by focusing on situational awareness in the information sharing context by providing a theoretical ground and understanding, of how these issues should be approached, and how these elements can be generalized and used to support activities in other environments as well. This dissertation research has been a several year evolving process reflecting and affecting presented case studies and this learning experience from the case studies has also affected the goals and research questions of this dissertation. This venture has been written from a retro perspective according to ideology of process modeling and design rationale to present to the reader how this entire journey took place and what where the critical milestones that affected the end result, conceptual model. Support in a challenging information sharing framework can be provided with the right type of combination of tools, procedures and individual effort. This dissertation will provide insights to those with a new approach to war technology for the organizations to gain a better level of awareness and to improve the capabilities in decision making. This dissertation will present, from the war technology starting point, a new approach and possibility for the organizations to create a better level of awareness and support for decision making with the right combination of tools, procedures and individual effort.


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Vesihuoltoverkostojen ikääntyminen ja niiden kunnon heikentyminen ovat useimpien vesihuoltolaitosten ongelmia. Tekemättä jääneistä saneerauksista muodostuu saneerausvelkaa, jonka hoitaminen vaatii tehokkaita toimenpiteitä.Saneerausten tehokas kohdentaminen on tärkeää, koska käytettävissä olevat taloudelliset ja toiminnalliset resurssit ovat rajallisia. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää laskentamalli, jonka avulla vesihuollon huonokuntoiset alueet voidaan arvottaa saneerausjärjestykseen. Tutkimusmenetelminä käytettiin vesihuollon yleisten tietojen osalta kirjallisuustutkimusta sekä toimeksiantajan verkostotietojen osalta tapaustutkimusta. Malliin valittiin arvottamisen kannalta merkittävimmät tekijät. Valinta tehtiin tekijöiden arvottamis- ja laskentakelpoisuuden perusteella. Tutkimustietojen perusteella saatiin määritettyä putkimateriaalien ikä- ja materiaalikertoimet. Niiden lisäksi laskennassa huomioidaan putkien kunnossapitotietoja. Tutkimuksen lopputuloksena saatiin kehitettyä laskentamalli, joka vastaa asetettua työn tavoitetta. Laskennan tuloksena saadaan lukuarvo, joka perustuu verkostojen ikä- ja materiaalijakaumaan sekä kunnossapitotietoihin. Suurin lukuarvo vastaa kiireellisimmin saneerattavia kohteita.


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Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia lujan nuorrutetun painelaiteteräksen P500QL2 hitsattavuutta ja koehitsausten avulla löytää optimaaliset hitsausparametrit ja lämmöntuonti teräksen hitsaukseen. Työn tavoitteena oli myös selvittää ja käsitellä kaikkien painelaiteterässtandardissa esitettyjen lujien painelaiteterästen hitsauksessa huomioon otettavia asioita. Työn teoriaosuudessa käsitellään lujien painelaiteterästen hitsauksessa huomioitavia erityispiirteitä, kuten lämmöntuontia, jäähtymisaikaa, esilämmitystä sekä hitsausaineiden valintaa. Lisäksi teoriaosuudessa käsitellään painelaitteiden valmistusta, painelaiteterässtandardiin kuuluvia lujia painelaiteteräksiä sekä keinoja lujien terästen hitsattavuuden arviointiin. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin aineenvahvuudeltaan 50 mm paksun P500QL2-teräksen päittäisliitoksen mekaanisia ominaisuuksia eri lämmöntuonneilla hitsattuna. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin myös myöstön poisjättämisen vaikutuksia liitoksen mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin. Mekaanisia ominaisuuksia tutkittiin toteuttamalla koekappaleiden aineenkoetus menetelmäkoestandardin vaatimuksia soveltaen. Tutkimuksessa käytettyjä testausmenetelmiä olivat silmämääräinen tarkastus, magneettijauhetarkastus, ultraäänitarkastus, mikro- ja makrorakennetarkastelu, kovuuskokeet, vetokokeeet ja iskukokeet. Testauksessa saatujen tulosten avulla lujan painelaiteteräksen P500QL2 hitsaukseen laadittiin alustava hitsausohje. Hitsausliitosten testauksessa saatujen tulosten perusteella havaittiin hitsien lujuuden ja kovuuden laskevan lämmöntuonnin kasvaessa. Hitsausliitosten iskusitkeysominaisuudet olivat erinomaiset vielä suurellakin lämmöntuonnilla, mutta liitosten murtovenymäarvot laskivat lämmöntuonnin kasvaessa. Myöstön havaittiin parantavan hitsin mekaanisia ominaisuuksia huomattavasti. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella painelaiteteräs P500QL2 on hitsattavissa suurella lämmöntuonnilla ja suurella tuottavuudella liitoksen täyttäessä painelaitevalmistuksen edellyttämät vaatimukset.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Prediction of variety composite means was shown to be feasible without diallel crossing the parental varieties. Thus, the predicted mean for a quantitative trait of a composite is given by: Yk = a1 sigmaVj + a2sigmaTj + a3 - a4, with coefficients a1 = (n - 2k)/k²(n - 2); a2 = 2n(k - 1)/k²(n - 2); a3 = n(k - 1)/k(n - 1)(n - 2); and a4 = n²(k - 1)/k(n - 1)(n - 2); summation is for j = 1 to k, where k is the size of the composite (number of parental varieties of a particular composite) and n is the total number of parent varieties. Vj is the mean of varieties and Tj is the mean of topcrosses (pool of varieties as tester), and and are the respective average values in the whole set. Yield data from a 7 x 7 variety diallel cross were used for the variety means and for the "simulated" topcross means to illustrate the proposed procedure. The proposed prediction procedure was as effective as the prediction based on Yk = - ( -)/k, where and refer to the mean of hybrids (F1) and parental varieties, respectively, in a variety diallel cross. It was also shown in the analysis of variance that the total sum of squares due to treatments (varieties and topcrosses) can be orthogonally partitioned following the reduced model Yjj’ = mu + ½(v j + v j’) + + h j+ h j’, thus making possible an F test for varieties, average heterosis and variety heterosis. Least square estimates of these effects are also given


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In order to determine the effect of antibodies against electronegative low-density lipoprotein LDL(-) on atherogenesis, five groups of LDL low receptor-deficient (LDLr-/-) mice (6 per group) were immunized with the following antibodies (100 µg each): mouse anti-LDL(-) monoclonal IgG2b, rabbit anti-LDL(-) polyclonal IgG or its Fab fragments and mouse irrelevant monoclonal IgG and non-immunized controls. Antibodies were administered intravenously one week before starting the hypercholesterolemic diet (1.25% cholesterol) and then every week for 21 days. The passive immunization with anti-LDL(-) monoclonal IgG2b, polyclonal antibody and its derived Fab significantly reduced the cross-sectional area of atherosclerotic lesions at the aortic root of LDLr-/- mice (28.8 ± 9.7, 67.3 ± 17.02, 56.9 ± 8.02 µm² (mean ± SD), respectively) compared to control (124.9 ± 13.2 µm²). Vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 protein expression, quantified by the KS300 image-analyzing software, on endothelium and the number of macrophages in the intima was also decreased in aortas of mice treated with anti-LDL(-) monoclonal antibody (3.5 ± 0.70 per field x 10) compared to controls (21.5 ± 3.5 per field x 10). Furthermore, immunization with the monoclonal antibody decreased the concentration of LDL(-) in blood plasma (immunized: 1.0 ± 1.4; control: 20.5 ± 3.5 RLU), the amount of cholesterol oxides in plasma (immunized: 4.7 ± 2.7; control: 15.0 ± 2.0 pg COx/mg cholesterol) and liver (immunized: 2.3 ± 1.5; control: 30.0 ± 26.0 pg COx/mg cholesterol), and the hepatic content of lipid hydroperoxides (immunized: 0.30 ± 0.020; control: 0.38 ± 0.15 ng/mg protein). In conclusion, antibodies against electronegative LDL administered intravenously may play a protective role in atherosclerosis.


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The liberalisation of the wholesale electricity markets has been considered an efficient way to organise the markets. In Europe, the target is to liberalise and integrate the common European electricity markets. However, insufficient transmission capacity between the market areas hampers the integration, and therefore, new investments are required. Again, massive transmission capacity investments are not usually easy to carry through. This doctoral dissertation aims at elaborating on critical determinants required to deliver the necessary transmission capacity investments. The Nordic electricity market is used as an illustrative example. This study suggests that changes in the governance structure have affected the delivery of Nordic cross-border investments. In addition, the impacts of not fully delivered investments are studied in this doctoral dissertation. An insufficient transmission network can degrade the market uniformity and may also cause a need to split the market into smaller submarkets. This may have financial impacts on market actors when the targeted efficient sharing of resources is not met and even encourage gaming. The research methods applied in this doctoral dissertation are mainly empirical ranging from a Delphi study to case studies and numerical calculations.


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The global expansion of capitalism under American hegemony in the second half of the 20th century has changed the international division of labor and center-periphery scheme proposed under British hegemony. Under the new international division of labor, the United States is forced to generate an ever growing deficit in their trade account in order to accommodate the "mercantilist' expansion of Asian countries, produced by the trans-nationalization of big capital, under American aegis. This form of global economic articulation is at the root of the rupture of the Bretton Woods system and the growing financial liberalization imposed by the hegemonic power over other countries since the 80s.


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This paper approaches the experience of monetary policy in the Greenspan period and suggests what lessons could be learnt. The adoption of inflation targeting would denote a step backward in the policymaking process in the USA, for, since the 1980s, a distinctive feature is flexibility of response to adjust to unexpected events and changing environments. The Fed was able to exercise an informed judgement in critical situations and this opens the case for the importance of not restraining policymakers' actions through the adoption of tight rules. Furthermore, that the various experiences with inflation targeting are indisputably huge successes, and that this framework represents the state of the art (therefore nothing else can alternatively be done), remains to be seen.


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Real exchange rate, exchange rate misalignment and economic growth in Brazil: 1994-2007. In this article we argue that the Brazilian economy presented in the period 1994-2007 a tendency of real exchange rate appreciation with respect to its equilibrium value, mainly from 2005. This exchange rate misalignment has worked to reduce the growth of Brazilian economy and is the root of the re-emergence of current account deficits.


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The debate surrounding the way in which Heidegger and Blumenberg understand the modern age is an opportunity to discuss two different approaches to history. On one hand, from Heidegger's perspective, history should be understood as starting from how Western thought related to Being, which, in metaphysical thinking, took the form of the forgetfulness of Being. Thus, the modern age represents the last stage in the process of forgetfulness of Being, which announces the moment of the rethinking of the relationship with Being by appealing to the authentic disclosure of Being. On the other hand, Blumenberg understands history as the result of the reoccupation process, which means replacing old theories with other new ones. Thus, to the historical approach it is not important to identify epochs as periods of time between two events, but to think about the discontinuities occurring throughout history. Starting from here, the modern age will be thought of not as an expression of the radicalization of the forgetfulness of Being, but as a response to the crises of medieval conceptions. For the same reason, the interpretation of history as a history of the forgetfulness of Being is considered by Blumenberg to subordinate history to an absolute principle, without taking into account its protagonists' needs and necessities.


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Niagara Region Municipality Records 1962-1963, 1969-1976, 1980


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Previous studies on the determinants of the choice of college major have assumed a constant probability of success across majors or a constant earnings stream across majors. Our model disregards these two restrictive assumptions in computing an expected earnings variable to explain the probability that a student will choose a specific major among four choices of concentrations. The construction of an expected earnings variable requires information on the student s perceived probability of success, the predicted earnings of graduates in all majors and the student s expected earnings if he (she) fails to complete a college program. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, we evaluate the chances of success in all majors for all the individuals in the sample. Second, the individuals' predicted earnings of graduates in all majors are obtained using Rumberger and Thomas's (1993) regression estimates from a 1987 Survey of Recent College Graduates. Third, we obtain idiosyncratic estimates of earnings alternative of not attending college or by dropping out with a condition derived from our college major decision-making model applied to our sample of college students. Finally, with a mixed multinominal logit model, we explain the individuals' choice of a major. The results of the paper show that the expected earnings variable is essential in the choice of a college major. There are, however, significant differences in the impact of expected earnings by gender and race.


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Les discussions sur l’éthique de la santé mentale se concentrent généralement sur des sujets comme la confidentialité ou les conflits d’intérêt. Certaines formes de thérapie donnent cependant lieu à des situations plus particulières. C’est le cas de la thérapie psychodynamique et des considérations éthiques soulevées par les processus de transfert et de contre-transfert. En raison du peu de recherche sur ce sujet, l’approche de l’analyse documentaire critique, une méthode qualitative, fut sélectionnée. Ce projet vise à établir l’apport de la médecine narrative et plus spécifiquement du concept de représentation pour analyser les aspects éthiques du transfert et du contre-transfert. À cette fin, ces processus sont étudiés en détail et les diverses stratégies proposées aux thérapeutes pour maintenir une relation éthique avec leurs patients sont recensées. Popularisés principalement par Rita Charon, la médecine narrative et ses principaux composants, dont la représentation, sont ensuite présentés. De plus, la mimèsis étant à la base de la représentation, les travaux de Paul Ricœur sur le sujet sont discutés. Le dernier chapitre de ce mémoire, qui constitue la partie analytique du projet, prend la forme d’un exercice inductif évaluant l’apport de la médecine narrative pour analyser les aspects éthiques du transfert et du contre-transfert.