996 resultados para Spada, Lionello, 1576-1622


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Supramolecular architectures can be built-up from a single molecular component (building block) to obtain a complex of organic or inorganic interactions creating a new emergent condensed phase of matter, such as gels, liquid crystals and solid crystal. Further the generation of multicomponent supramolecular hybrid architecture, a mix of organic and inorganic components, increases the complexity of the condensed aggregate with functional properties useful for important areas of research, like material science, medicine and nanotechnology. One may design a molecule storing a recognition pattern and programming a informed self-organization process enables to grow-up into a hierarchical architecture. From a molecular level to a supramolecular level, in a bottom-up fashion, it is possible to create a new emergent structure-function, where the system, as a whole, is open to its own environment to exchange energy, matter and information. “The emergent property of the whole assembly is superior to the sum of a singles parts”. In this thesis I present new architectures and functional materials built through the selfassembly of guanosine, in the absence or in the presence of a cation, in solution and on the surface. By appropriate manipulation of intermolecular non-covalent interactions the spatial (structural) and temporal (dynamic) features of these supramolecular architectures are controlled. Guanosine G7 (5',3'-di-decanoil-deoxi-guanosine) is able to interconvert reversibly between a supramolecular polymer and a discrete octameric species by dynamic cation binding and release. Guanosine G16 (2',3'-O-Isopropylidene-5'-O-decylguanosine) shows selectivity binding from a mix of different cation's nature. Remarkably, reversibility, selectivity, adaptability and serendipity are mutual features to appreciate the creativity of a molecular self-organization complex system into a multilevelscale hierarchical growth. The creativity - in general sense, the creation of a new thing, a new thinking, a new functionality or a new structure - emerges from a contamination process of different disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics, architecture, design, philosophy and science of complexity.


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Purpose: Recent knowledge regarding tissue biology highlights a complex regulation of growth factors in reaction to tissue damage. Platelet Rich Plasma (P.R.P.), containing a natural pool of growth factors, can be obtained in a simple and minimally invasive way and be applied to the lesion site. The aim of this study is to explore this novel approach to treat cartilage degenerative lesions of the knee and tendon chronic lesions( patellar tendon, and achilles tendon). In this study we evaluated if the treatment with PRP injections can reduce pain and increase function in cases of patellar tendinosis (Jumper’s Knee), in chronic achilles tendinopathy and in patients with cartilage injuries of the knee. Materials and Methods: 40 patients with cartilage lesion of the knee, 28 male and 12 female with mean age 47 y. (min 18- max 52 years), were treated and prospectively evaluated at a minimum 6 months follow-up; in the same way, 12 patients with achilles tendon lesion (8 male and 4 female) with mean age 44,5 y. (min 32-max 58 years) and 10 patients with “Jumper’s Knee” (8 male and 2 female) with mean age 23,2 y. (min 18-max 37 years), were evaluated at 6 months follow up. The procedure involved 3 multiple injections , performed every two weeks. All patients were clinically evaluated at the end of the treatment and at 6 months follow up. IKDC, SF36, EQ-VAS, scores were used for clinical evaluation and patient satisfaction and functional status were also recorded. Results: Statistical analysis showed a significant improvement in the SF36 questionnaire in all parameters evaluated at the end of the therapy and 6 months follow-up in both group(tendinopathies and chondral lesions), and in the EQ VAS and IKDC score (paired T-test, p<0.0005) from basal evaluation to the end of the therapy, and a further improvement was present at 6 months follow-up. Whereas a higher improvement of the sport activity level was achieved in the “Jumper’s Knee” group. No complications related to the injections or severe adverse events were observed during the treatment and follow up period. Conclusion: PRP inhibits excess inflammation, apoptosis, and metalloproteinase activity. These interactive pathways may result in the restoration of tendon or cartilage, which can with stand loading with work or sports activity, thereby diminishing pain. PRP may also modulate the microvascular environment or alter efferent or afferent neural receptors. The clinical results are encouraging, indicating that PRP injections may have the potential to increase the tendon and cartilage healing capacity in cases with chronic tendinosis and chondropathy of the knee.


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Il lavoro svolto consiste nella riprogettazione di un ugello per un degastore industriale. L'intenzione è quella di apportare migliorie tali da rendere meno frequenti gli interventi di manutenzione/sostituzione del componente. Vengono passate al vaglio diverse soluzioni e la scelta finale viene portata avanti fino alla realizzazione dei disegni costruttivi. Viene altresi utilizzata una analisi agli elementi finiti per verificare che la deformazione del componente in esercizio rimanga al di sotto del limite prestabilito.


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Supramolecular self-assembly represents a key technology for the spontaneous construction of nanoarchitectures and for the fabrication of materials with enhanced physical and chemical properties. In addition, a significant asset of supramolecular self-assemblies rests on their reversible formation, thanks to the kinetic lability of their non-covalent interactions. This dynamic nature can be exploited for the development of “self-healing” and “smart” materials towards the tuning of their functional properties upon various external factors. One particular intriguing objective in the field is to reach a high level of control over the shape and size of the supramolecular architectures, in order to produce well-defined functional nanostructures by rational design. In this direction, many investigations have been pursued toward the construction of self-assembled objects from numerous low-molecular weight scaffolds, for instance by exploiting multiple directional hydrogen-bonding interactions. In particular, nucleobases have been used as supramolecular synthons as a result of their efficiency to code for non-covalent interaction motifs. Among nucleobases, guanine represents the most versatile one, because of its different H-bond donor and acceptor sites which display self-complementary patterns of interactions. Interestingly, and depending on the environmental conditions, guanosine derivatives can form various types of structures. Most of the supramolecular architectures reported in this Thesis from guanosine derivatives require the presence of a cation which stabilizes, via dipole-ion interactions, the macrocyclic G-quartet that can, in turn, stack in columnar G-quadruplex arrangements. In addition, in absence of cations, guanosine can polymerize via hydrogen bonding to give a variety of supramolecular networks including linear ribbons. This complex supramolecular behavior confers to the guanine-guanine interactions their upper interest among all the homonucleobases studied. They have been subjected to intense investigations in various areas ranging from structural biology and medicinal chemistry – guanine-rich sequences are abundant in telomeric ends of chromosomes and promoter regions of DNA, and are capable of forming G-quartet based structures– to material science and nanotechnology. This Thesis, organized into five Chapters, describes mainly some recent advances in the form and function provided by self-assembly of guanine based systems. More generally, Chapter 4 will focus on the construction of supramolecular self-assemblies whose self-assembling process and self-assembled architectures can be controlled by light as external stimulus. Chapter 1 will describe some of the many recent studies of G-quartets in the general area of nanoscience. Natural G- quadruplexes can be useful motifs to build new structures and biomaterials such as self-assembled nanomachines, biosensors, therapeutic aptamer and catalysts. In Chapters 2-4 it is pointed out the core concept held in this PhD Thesis, i.e. the supramolecular organization of lipophilic guanosine derivatives with photo or chemical addressability. Chapter 2 will mainly focus on the use of cation-templated guanosine derivatives as a potential scaffold for designing functional materials with tailored physical properties, showing a new way to control the bottom-up realization of well-defined nanoarchitectures. In section 2.6.7, the self-assembly properties of compound 28a may be considered an example of open-shell moieties ordered by a supramolecular guanosine architecture showing a new (magnetic) property. Chapter 3 will report on ribbon-like structures, supramolecular architectures formed by guanosine derivatives that may be of interest for the fabrication of molecular nanowires within the framework of future molecular electronic applications. In section 3.4 we investigate the supramolecular polymerizations of derivatives dG 1 and G 30 by light scattering technique and TEM experiments. The obtained data reveal the presence of several levels of organization due to the hierarchical self-assembly of the guanosine units in ribbons that in turn aggregate in fibrillar or lamellar soft structures. The elucidation of these structures furnishes an explanation to the physical behaviour of guanosine units which display organogelator properties. Chapter 4 will describe photoresponsive self-assembling systems. Numerous research examples have demonstrated that the use of photochromic molecules in supramolecular self-assemblies is the most reasonable method to noninvasively manipulate their degree of aggregation and supramolecular architectures. In section 4.4 we report on the photocontrolled self-assembly of modified guanosine nucleobase E-42: by the introduction of a photoactive moiety at C8 it is possible to operate a photocontrol over the self-assembly of the molecule, where the existence of G-quartets can be alternately switched on and off. In section 4.5 we focus on the use of cyclodextrins as photoresponsive host-guest assemblies: αCD–azobenzene conjugates 47-48 (section 4.5.3) are synthesized in order to obtain a photoresponsive system exhibiting a fine photocontrollable degree of aggregation and self-assembled architecture. Finally, Chapter 5 contains the experimental protocols used for the research described in Chapters 2-4.


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Questo lavoro si pone in continuità rispetto al Laboratorio di Sintesi “La città e le case”, nel corso del quale si sono condotti un’analisi del territorio di Ravenna, in particolar modo della Darsena di Città, e uno studio dei possibili scenari di rigenerazione urbana dell’area industriale dismessa del canale Candiano. L’area della Darsena è stata “dimenticata” dagli strumenti di pianificazione per molto tempo, soltanto a partire dagli anni ’90 l’Amministrazione Comunale si è interessata al suo recupero, senza però particolare successo. L’intento di questo lavoro è quello di ripensare l’intero comparto della Darsena di Città attraverso un progetto di rigenerazione urbana che miri a collegare quest’area con la città storica e a ricreare il rapporto tra questa e l’acqua attraverso più fasi distribuite nell’arco dei prossimi 30 anni. Il progetto si pone in continuità con la città esistente ma allo stesso tempo punta a migliorarne alcuni aspetti critici: la mancanza dell’affaccio della città sull’acqua, la cesura nel tessuto urbano dovuta alla presenza dell’infrastruttura ferroviaria e della darsena. Le modalità di sviluppo del progetto per Ravenna riprendono l’esperienza tedesca di HafenCity ad Amburgo dove, dopo un masterplan generale per tutta l’area portuale da recuperare, si è proceduto con concorsi per ciascun edificio così da ottenere una grande varietà architettonica. Maggiore attenzione viene data al progetto degli spazi pubblici poiché la fruizione di essi da parte della collettività e l’attaccamento a questi luoghi possono essere gli elementi trainanti per la riqualificazione dell’intera area. Il progetto degli spazi pubblici è pensato come un sistema unitario poiché deve essere l’elemento che guida, “coordina” e uniforma il progetto del costruito.


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The main goals of this Ph.D. study are to investigate the regional and global geophysical components related to present polar ice melting and to provide independent cross validation checks of GIA models using both geophysical data detected by satellite mission, and geological observations from far field sites, in order to determine a lower and upper bound of uncertainty of GIA effect. The subject of this Thesis is the sea level change from decades to millennia scale. Within ice2sea collaboration, we developed a Fortran numerical code to analyze the local short-term sea level change and vertical deformation resulting from the loss of ice mass. This method is used to investigate polar regions: Greenland and Antarctica. We have used mass balance based on ICESat data for Greenland ice sheet and a plausible mass balance for Antarctic ice sheet. We have determined the regional and global fingerprint of sea level variations, vertical deformations of the solid surface of the Earth and variations of shape of the geoid for each ice source mentioned above. The coastal areas are affected by the long wavelength component of GIA process. Hence understanding the response of the Earth to loading is crucial in various contexts. Based on the hypothesis that Earth mantle materials obey to a linear rheology, and that the physical parameters of this rheology can be only characterized by their depth dependence, we investigate the Glacial Isostatic Effect upon the far field sites of Mediterranean area using an improved SELEN program. We presented new and revised observations for archaeological fish tanks located along the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic coast of Italy and new RSL for the SE Tunisia. Spatial and temporal variations of the Holocene sea levels studied in central Italy and Tunisia, provided important constraints on the melting history of the major ice sheets.


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Self-assembly relies on the association of pre-programmed building blocks through non-covalent interactions to give complex supramolecular architectures. Previous studies provided evidence for the unique self-assembly properties of semi-synthetic lipophilic guanosine derivatives which can sequestrate ions from an aqueous phase, carry them into an organic phase where they promote the generation of well-defined supramolecular assemblies. In the presence of cations lipophilic guanosines form columnar aggregates while in their absence they generate supramolecular ribbons. The aim of this thesis has been the synthesis of guanine derivatives, in particular N9-alkylated guanines and a guanosine functionalized as a perchlorotriphenylmetil moiety (Gace-a-HPTM) in order to observe their supramolecular behaviour in the absence of sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) and in the presence of a bulky and chiral substituent respectively. By using guanine instead of guanosine, while maintaining all the hydrogen bond acceptor and donor groups required for supramolecular aggregation, the steric hindrance to supramolecular aggregation is notably reduced because (i.e. guanines with groups in N9 different from sugar are expected to have a greatest conformational freedom even in presence of bulky groups in C8). Supramolecular self-assembly of these derivatives has been accomplished in solutions by NMR and CD spectroscopy and on surface by STM technique. In analogy with other guanosine derivatives, also N9-substituted guanines and GAceHPTM form either ribbon-like aggregates or cation-templated G-quartet based columnar structures.


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Nozizeptive Spinalganglienneurone detektieren mit einer Vielzahl liganden- und spannungsgesteuerter Ionenkanäle noxische Reize, d.h. Reize, die eine Gewebeschädigung bewirken können, wandeln sie in Aktionspotenzialentladungen um und leiten sie über das Rückenmark zum Gehirn weiter, wo eine Schmerzempfindung ausgelöst wird. Die pronozizeptiven transienten Rezeptor-Potenzial-Kanäle der Vanilloidrezeptorfamilie, TRPV1 und TRPV2, sind die klassischen Transduktionsmoleküle für noxische Hitzereize in den Spinalganglien und werden von Reiztemperaturen über 43°C bzw. 52°C aktiviert. Daneben finden sich auch antinozizeptive Membranproteine, wie z.B. der metabotrope Cannabinoidrezeptor CB1. Er koppelt an spannungsgesteuerte Kaliumkanäle, die neben Natrium- und Kalziumkanälen ebenfalls an der neuronalen Erregbarkeit beteiligt sind. Von den spannungsgesteuerten Kaliumkanälen könnte der Kv1.4, der einen schnell inaktivierenden A-Strom vermittelt, an antinozizeptiven Signalwegen beteiligt sein. Um die molekulare Physiologie der Regulation von Nozizeption und Antinozizeption zu charakterisieren, wurde die Expression bzw. Ko-Expression dieser Membranproteine auf der einen als auch die funktionelle Charakterisierung von TRPV1 auf der anderen Seite im Soma der Spinalganglienneurone und im heterologen Expressionssystem untersucht. TRPV1 wurde in je einem Drittel und TRPV2 in je einem Zehntel aller Spinalganglienneurone nachgewiesen. Das Expressionsmuster veränderte sich nicht zwischen verschiedenen Präparationsmethoden, die zur Aufarbeitung der Zellen für unterschiedliche experimentelle Ansätze notwendig sind. Somit können die aus Expressionsanalysen und funktionellen Untersuchungen gewonnenen Ergebnisse miteinander verglichen werden. Obwohl TRPV1 und TRPV2 in unterschiedlich großen Zellen exprimiert werden, überlappen dennoch ihre Größenverteilungen. Durch Ko-Expressionsanalysen konnten hier erstmalig TRPV1-TRPV2-ko-exprimierende Neurone detektiert werden. Mit dem neu entwickelten N-terminalen Antikörper gegen TRPV1 (3C11) konnte gezeigt werden, dass für TRPV1 verschiedene Splice-Varianten existieren. Neben den bereits bekannten Splice-Varianten wurde hier die neue Variante Vr.3’sv isoliert. Diese besitzt zwischen Exon 15 und 16 eine Insertion aus 104 Basen und exprimiert daher einen veränderten C-Terminus. Trotz dieser Veränderung bildeten sich im heterologen Expressionssystem funktionelle Kanäle aus, die im Gegensatz zu den anderen Varianten immer noch durch Capsaicin aktivierbar waren. Vr.3’sv könnte als Homo- oder Heterotetramer die Eigenschaften TRPV1-positiver Neurone beeinflussen. Bei der Bestimmung der Häufigkeit von TRPV1 in einem Gewebe ist somit die Wahl des Antikörpers von entscheidender Bedeutung. Für TRPV2 dagegen gibt es hier keine Hinweise auf Splice-Varianten. TRPV1 wird durch das Vanilloid Capsaicin aktiviert, wobei diese Substanz neurotoxisch ist und eine Degeneration von Neuronen und epidermalen Nervenfasern bewirkt. Hier wurde nun gezeigt, dass unabhängig von den Splice-Varianten nicht alle TRPV1-positiven Neurone bei langer Inkubationszeit absterben. Funktionelle Untersuchungen belegten, dass auch Capsaicin-sensitive Zellen unter dem Einfluss des Agonisten überleben können. Dieser Schutzmechanismus wird möglicherweise von den verschiedenen Splice-Varianten vermittelt. Ko-Expressionsanalysen zeigten, dass der spannungsgesteuerte Kaliumkanal Kv1.4 in nahezu allen TRPV1- aber nicht TRPV2-positiven Neuronen exprimiert wird. Desweiteren ko-exprimierten nahezu alle TRPV1-positiven Neurone auch den Cannabinoidrezeptor CB1. Diese fast vollständige Ko-Lokalisation von CB1 und Kv1.4 in nozizeptiven Spinalganglienneuronen spricht für eine funktionell synergistische Aktivität. Der Kaliumkanal kann unter der regulativen Kontrolle von CB1 als Vermittler von A-Typ-Kaliumströmen an der Kontrolle der repetitiven Entladungen in der Peripherie und der Transmitterausschüttung zentral beteiligt sein. Es ergeben sich daraus Ansatzpunkte für die Entwicklung neuer Medikamente. Mit Kv1.4-Aktivatoren und/oder peripher wirkenden Cannabinoiden könnten die Nebenwirkungen der Cannabinoide im zentralen Nervensystem umgangen werden.


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La mia sperimentazione si inserisce in un progetto di respiro nazionale- “AGER-STAY FRESH”- volto a trovare soluzioni di lavaggio alternative al cloro per il prolungamento della shelf-life delle produzioni di IV gamma. Questi prodotti rappresentano, attualmente, uno dei più promettenti ed innovativi comparti del settore ortofrutticolo e sono definiti, secondo le norme della Comunità Europea, prodotti minimamente trasformati, cioè soggetti a interventi tecnologici ridotti, ed utilizzabili per il consumo diretto senza ulteriori manipolazioni, o con manipolazioni minime. La loro espansione sul mercato deriva dal fatto che sono in grado di offrire alta convenienza, alto valore nutrizionale ed organolettico e sono concepiti dai consumatori come prodotti “genuini” in quanto a base vegetale e, generalmente, non contengono sostanze antimicrobiche. Tuttavia, le materie prime vegetali utilizzate per le produzioni di IV gamma sono spesso caratterizzate da elevate contaminazioni microbiche (4-6 log UFC/g) poiché, durante la crescita o il post-raccolta, frutti o vegetali vengono a contatto con il suolo, insetti o contaminazioni di origine umana.Al momento la shelf-life e la sicurezza d’uso di questa categoria di prodotti sono basate principalmente sul mantenimento della catena del freddo unitamente alla fase di lavaggio delle materie prime con sostanze clorate. Recentemente, però, alcuni autori hanno evidenziato alcuni svantaggi derivanti da questa fase di processo come la formazione di composti clorati cancerogeni. In questa prospettiva, il principale obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi è stato quello di valutare gli effetti di olio essenziale di cedro e alcuni composti bioattivi degli oli essenziali (citrale, esanale, trans-2-esenale e carvacrolo), utilizzati singolarmente o in combinazione, sulla shelf-life di mele affettate di IV gamma. Su tutti i prodotti sono state eseguite analisi microbiologiche, di texture e colore. Un ulteriore obiettivo di questo lavoro sperimentale è stato quello di ottimizzare alcuni parametri di processo come la riduzione del rapporto acqua di lavaggio/prodotto ed incrementare la temperatura dell’acqua utilizzata al fine di meglio solubilizzare gli antimicrobici in fase di dipping.


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L'elaborato illustra una serie di modelli termici, che si differenziano principalmente per la loro accuratezza e velocità di calcolo, per essere in grado di scegliere il modello più adatto da utilizzare in relazione all'applicazione prevista e alle esigenze richieste. Per una migliore comprensione del problema, vengono introdotti inizialmente alcuni concetti generali legati alle temperature in gioco nei componenti elettronici di potenza e alla trasmissione del calore, poi si passa alla determinazione della sorgente del calore (ovvero le perdite) in un modulo IGBT. Vengono quindi descritti alcuni modelli che siano in grado di rappresentare il sistema in esame dal punto di vista termico. Infine viene implementato in Simulink uno dei modelli proposti, mettendo così in pratica gran parte dei concetti esposti. Per il calcolo delle perdite, per i modelli e per la simulazione ci si è concentrati su un determinato componente elettronico di potenza per entrare nel cuore di un problema termico. È stato scelto l’IGBT perché è un dispositivo relativamente nuovo, in continuo miglioramento ed è sempre più utilizzato.


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L’elaborato propone una riflessione rispetto all’atto giuridico del consenso informato quale strumento garante dell’esercizio del diritto alla salute per i migranti. Attraverso una riflessione antropologica rispetto alla natura, alla costruzione e alla logica dei diritti universali, verranno analizzate le normative nazionali, europee ed internazionali a tutela del diritto alla salute per i migranti; l’obiettivo della ricerca è indagare l’eventuale scarto tra normative e politiche garantiste nei confronti della salute migrante e l’esistenza di barriere strutturali che impediscono un pieno esercizio del diritto alla salute. L’ipotesi di ricerca si basa sulla reale capacità performativa del consenso informato, proposto solitamente sia come strumento volto ad assicurare la piena professionalità dell’operatore sanitario nell’informare il paziente circa i rischi e i benefici di un determinato trattamento sanitario, sia come garante del principio di autonomia. La ricerca, attraverso un’analisi quanti-qualitativa, ha interrogato il proprio campo, rappresentato da un reparto di ginecologia ed ostetrica, rispetto alle modalità pratiche di porre in essere la firma nei moduli del consenso informato, con particolare attenzione alle specificità proprie delle pazienti migranti. Attraverso l’osservazione partecipante è stato quindi possibile riflettere su aspetti rilevanti, quali le dinamiche quotidiane che vengono a crearsi tra personale sanitario e pazienti, le caratteristiche e i limiti del servizio di mediazione sanitaria, le azioni pratiche della medicina difensiva. In questo senso il tema del “consenso informato”, indagato facendo interagire discipline quali l’antropologia, la bioetica, la filosofia e la sociologia, si è posto sia come lente di lettura privilegiata per comprendere le dinamiche relazionali ad oggi esistenti tra professionisti sanitari e popolazione migrante, ancora vittima di diseguaglianze strutturali, ma altresì come “innesco potenziale” di nuove modalità di intendere la relazione medico-paziente.