921 resultados para Solid-state cells
A method of preparation of strontium sulphide phosphors doped with europium is given. Nitrogen laser excited fluorescence emission spectra of these phosphors in the visible region are recorded. A band with line structure in the region 350-430 nm and a new broad band at 460 nm are observed. The splitting pattern for the 6p levels of Eu 2+ are given.
Nano structured noble metals have very important applications in diverse fields as photovoltaics, catalysis, electronic and magnetic devices, etc. Here, we report the application of dual beam thermal lens technique for the determination of the effect of silver sol on the absolute fluorescence quantum yield (FQY) of the laser dye rhodamine 6G. A 532 nm radiation from a diode pumped solid state laser was used as the excitation source. It has been observed that the presence of silver sol decreases the fluorescence quantum efficiency. This is expected to have a very important consequence in enhancing Raman scattering which is an important spectrochemical tool that provides information on molecular structures. We have also observed that the presence of silver sol can enhance the thermal lens signal which makes the detection of the signal easier at any concentration.
A solid-state laser based on a dye-doped deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) matrix is described. A thin solid film of DNA has been fabricated by treating with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and used as a host for the laser dye Rhodamine 6G. The edge emitted spectrum clearly indicated the existence of laser modes and amplified spontaneous emission. Lasing was obtained by pumping with a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm. For a pump energy of 10 mJ/pulse, an intense line with FWHM ≈0.2 nm was observed at 566 nm due to selective mode excitation.
Fluorescence of BaS: Sm phosphor has been studied using a pulsed Nitrogen laser (337.1 nm) as the excitation source. The spectrum consists of a broad band in the region 540–660nm superposed by the characteristic Sm3+ lines. Energy level splitting pattern of Sm3+ due to crystal field effects has been calculated and relevent field parameters are evaluated. Analysis shows that Sm3+ takes up Ba2+ substitutional sites.
Photoluminescence, thermoluminescence and phosphorescence studies of cerium and copper doped BaS phosphors are attempted. Cu+ centres in BaS lattice activate red emission while Ce3+ sensitize the blue emission. Results are explained on the basis of superposition theory involving monomolecular kinetics. In Randall and Wilkins model, the decay and TL studies are found to corelate each other.
Variations in the decay times of the characteristic green emissions at 522.7, 551.3, 549.6, 547.6, 542.2, 540.2, 535.9 and 533.5nm from CaF2 :H03+ with concentration are studied at RT and LNT. A pulsed N2 laser beam of power density 1.5 MW cm-2 is used for the excitation. Temperature dependent concentration quenching of the decay times are observed for all the emission bands. But an increase in the decay time due to the reabsorption process is also observed for a few of the above bands.
In the present studies, various copper delafossite materials viz; CuAlO2, CuGaO2, CuFeO2 , CuGa1-xFexO2, CuYO2 and CuCaxY1-xO2 were synthesised by solid state reaction technique. These copper delafossite materials were grown in thin film form by rf magnetron sputtering technique. In general copper delafossites exhibit good optical transparency. The conductivity of the CuYO2 could be improved by Ca doping or by oxygen intercalation by annealing the film in oxygen atmosphere. It has so far been impossible to improve the p-type conductivity of CuGaO2 significantly by doping Mg or Ca on the Ga site. The ptype conductivity is presumed to be due to oxygen doping or Cu Vacancies [6]. Reports in literature show, oxygen intercalation or divalent ion doping on Ga site is not possible for CuGaO2 thin films to improve the p-type conductivity. Sintered powder and crystals of CuFeO2 have been reported as the materials having the highest p-type conductivity [14, 15] among the copper and silver delafossites. However the CuFeO2 films are found to be less transparent in the visible region compared to CuGaO2. Hence in the present work, the solid solution between the CuGaO2 and CuFeO2 was effected by solid state reaction, varying the Fe content. The CuGa1-xFexO2 with Fe content, x=0.5 shows an increase in conductivity by two orders, compared to CuGaO2 but the transparency is only about 50% in the visible region which is less than that of CuGaO2 The synthesis of α−AgGaO2 was carried out by two step process which involves the synthesis of β-AgGaO2 by ion exchange reaction followed by the hydrothermal conversion of the β-AgGaO2 into α-AgGaO2. The trace amount of Ag has been reduced substantially in the two step synthesis compared to the direct hydrothermal synthesis. Thin films of α-AgGaO2 were prepared on silicon and Al2O3 substrates by pulsed laser deposition. These studies indicate the possibility of using this material as p-type material in thin film form for transparent electronics. The room temperature conductivity of α-AgGaO2 was measured as 3.17 x 10-4 Scm-1and the optical band gap was estimated as 4.12 eV. A transparent p-n junction thin film diode on glass substrate was fabricated using p-type α-AgGaO2 and n-ZnO.AgCoO2 thin films with 50% transparency in the visible region were deposited on single crystalline Al2O3 and amorphous silica substrates by RF magnetron sputtering and p type conductivity of AgCoO2 was demonstrated by fabricating transparent p-n junction diode with AgCoO2 as p-side and ZnO: Al as n-side using sputtering. The junction thus obtained was found to be rectifying with a forward to reverse current of about 10 at an applied voltage of 3 V.The present study shows that silver delafossite thin films with p-type conductivity can be used for the fabrication of active devices for transparent electronics applications.
The beta-glucosidase enzyme purified from the marine fungus, Aspergillus sydowii BTMFS 55 showed a good yield of enzyme production under solid state fermentation. The statistical optimization of the media components revealed that moisture content, concentration of peptone and inoculum are the major parameters which supported the maximal enzyme production. The purified enzyme showed low pH activity and stability, glucose tolerance and activation by ethanol. It could produce ethanol from wheat bran and rice straw by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation with yeast.The glucosidase purified from Aspergillus sydowii BTMFS 55 shows great potential for several biotechnological applications such as the production of bio-ethanol from agricultural biomass and improvement in the aromatic character of wines and fruit juices through the hydrolysis of flavour glucosidic precursors. There is immense scope for the application of this marine fungus in the biofuel production besides in other industries provided further studies are pursued in exploiting this enzyme and the organism particularly scale up studies with respect to application. There is also ample scope for cloning of the gene encoding beta-glucosidase in domesticated hosts such as Pichia pastoris or S. cerevisiae that can produce ethanol directly from cellulosic biomass.
Observing the wide possibilities of fluorescent dyes, an exhaustive investigation is done in laser dyes mainly focusing on Coumarin 540 which has a very strong emission in the green region. The photophysics of the dye is studied in detail in a good number of solvent environments. The results of the amplified spontaneous emission and lasing behaviour in both dye solution and different polymer solid state matrices and the ptotostability of the these matrices are investigated using the photoacoustic technique and the same are also included in this thesis. The energy transfer behaviour in dye mixtures which could be utilized for laser studies and bio-analysis are also presented. The nonlinear characterization of Coumarin540 forms the last part of the experimental investigations presented in the thesis.
In the present work, we describe our efforts to develop device quality CuInSe2, films through low cost, simple and eco-friendly hybrid techniques. The most important point to be highlighted here is that the method fully avoids the use of poisonous gases such as H2Se/Se vapour. Instead, selenisation is achieved through solid state reaction between amorphous selenium and polycrystalline metal layers resulting in both binary and ternary selenides. Thin films of amorphous selenium (a-Se) used for this is deposited using Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD). CulnSe2 films are prepared through the selenisation process. Another PV material, indium selenide (In2Se3) thin films are also prepared using this process.
The present study is focused on the production, purification and characterization of multiple thermostable α-galactosidases from a novel actinomycete strain Streptomyces griseoloalbus. The Chapter I of the thesis covers the wide literature regarding α-galactosidases from various sources and their potential applications. The Chapter 11 deals with the isolation of α-galactosidase- producing actinomycetes and selection of the best strain. The Chapters III and IV describe the optimization of α-galactosidase production under submerged fermentation and solid-state fermentation respectively. The Chapter V describes the purification and characterization of multiple α-galactosidases and also the obvious existence of a novel galactose-tolerant enzyme. The Chapter VI illustrates the potential applications of α-galactosidases from S. griseoloalbus followed by the Chapter VII summarizing and concluding the results of the present investigation.
L-glutaminases (L—glutamine amidohydrolase EC.3.5.l.2) is proposed as a prospective candidate for enzyme therapy cnf cancer and also as zui important additive during enzymatic digestion of shoyu koji since it could enhance glutamate content of soysauce. Commercial production of glutaminase could make possible its wide application in these areas, which would demand availability of potential sources and suitable fermentation techniques. The ‘present investigation highlighted marine environment as a potential source of efficient glutaminase producing bacteria mainly species of pseudomonas, aeromonas ,vibrio,alcaligenes, acinetobacter bacillus and planococci.Among them pseudomonas fluorescens ACMR 267 and v.cholerae ACMR 347 were chosen as the ideal strains for glutaminase production.Extracellular glutaminase fraction from all strains were in higher titres than intracellular enzymes during growth in mineral media, nutrient broth and nutrient broth added with glutamine.Glutaminase from all strains were purified employing (NH4)2SO4 fractionation followed tnr dialysis and ion exchange chromatography. The purified glutaminase from all strains were observed to be active and stable over a wide range of gfii and temperature.Optimization studies cflf environmental variables that normally influence time yiehi of glutaminase indicated that the optimal requirements of these bacteria for maximal glutaminase production remained stable irrespective of the medium, they are provided with for enzyme production. However, solid state fermentation technique was observed to be the most suitable process for the production of Glutaminase.
Electroanalytical techniques represent a class of powerful and versatile analytical method which is based on the electrical properties of a solution of the analyte when it is made part of an electrochemical cell. They offer high sensitivity, accuracy, precision and a large linear dynamic range. The cost of instrumentation is relatively low compared to other instrumental methods of analysis. Many solid state electrochemical sensors have been commercialised nowadays. Potentiometry is a very simple electroanalytical technique with extraordinary analytical capabilities. Since valinomycin was introduced as an ionophore for K+, Ion Selective Electrodes have become one of the best studied and understood analytical devices. It can be used for the determination of substances ranging from simple inorganic ions to complex organic molecules. It is a very attractive option owing to the wide range of applications and ease of the use of the instruments employed. They also possess the advantages of short response time, high selectivity and very low detection limits. Moreover, analysis by these electrodes is non-destructive and adaptable to small sample volumes. It has become a standard technique for medical researchers, biologists, geologists and environmental specialists. This thesis presents the synthesis and characterisation of five ionophores. Based on these ionophores, nine potentiometric sensors are fabricated for the determination of ions such as Pb2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Cu2+ and Sal- ion (Salicylate ion). The electrochemical characterisation and analytical application studies of the developed sensors are also described. The thesis is divided into eight chapters
Coulomb suppression of shot noise in a ballistic diode connected to degenerate ideal contacts is analyzed in terms of the correlations taking place between current fluctuations due to carriers injected with different energies. By using Monte Carlo simulations we show that at low frequencies the origin of Coulomb suppression can be traced back to the negative correlations existing between electrons injected with an energy close to that of the potential barrier present in the diode active region and all other carriers injected with higher energies. Correlations between electrons with energy above the potential barrier with the rest of electrons are found to influence significantly the spectra at high frequency in the cutoff region.
An immense variety of problems in theoretical physics are of the non-linear type. Non~linear partial differential equations (NPDE) have almost become the rule rather than an exception in diverse branches of physics such as fluid mechanics, field theory, particle physics, statistical physics and optics, and the construction of exact solutions of these equations constitutes one of the most vigorous activities in theoretical physics today. The thesis entitled ‘Some Non-linear Problems in Theoretical Physics’ addresses various aspects of this problem at the classical level. For obtaining exact solutions we have used mathematical tools like the bilinear operator method, base equation technique and similarity method with emphasis on its group theoretical aspects. The thesis deals with certain methods of finding exact solutions of a number of non-linear partial differential equations of importance to theoretical physics. Some of these new solutions are of relevance from the applications point of view in diverse branches such as elementary particle physics, field theory, solid state physics and non-linear optics and give some insight into the stable or unstable behavior of dynamical Systems The thesis consists of six chapters.