978 resultados para Soil structure interaction


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The issues surrounding collision of projectiles with structures has gained a high profile since the events of 11th September 2001. In such collision problems, the projectile penetrates the stucture so that tracking the interface between one material and another becomes very complex, especially if the projectile is essentially a vessel containing a fluid, e.g. fuel load. The subsequent combustion, heat transfer and melting and re-solidification process in the structure render this a very challenging computational modelling problem. The conventional approaches to the analysis of collision processes involves a Lagrangian-Lagrangian contact driven methodology. This approach suffers from a number of disadvantages in its implementation, most of which are associated with the challenges of the contact analysis component of the calculations. This paper describes a 'two fluid' approach to high speed impact between solid structures, where the objective is to overcome the problems of penetration and re-meshing. The work has been carried out using the finite volume, unstructured mesh multi-physics code PHYSICA+, where the three dimensional fluid flow, free surface, heat transfer, combustion, melting and re-solidification algorithms are approximated using cell-centred finite volume, unstructured mesh techniques on a collocated mesh. The basic procedure is illustrated for two cases of Newtonian and non-Newtonian flow to test various of its component capabilities in the analysis of problems of industrial interest.


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Computational modelling of dynamic fluid–structure interaction (DFSI) is a considerable challenge. Our approach to this class of problems involves the use of a single software framework for all the phenomena involved, employing finite volume methods on unstructured meshes in three dimensions. This method enables time and space accurate calculations in a consistent manner. One key application of DFSI simulation is the analysis of the onset of flutter in aircraft wings, where the work of Yates et al. [Measured and Calculated Subsonic and Transonic Flutter Characteristics of a 45° degree Sweptback Wing Planform in Air and Freon-12 in the Langley Transonic Dynamic Tunnel. NASA Technical Note D-1616, 1963] on the AGARD 445.6 wing planform still provides the most comprehensive benchmark data available. This paper presents the results of a significant effort to model the onset of flutter for the AGARD 445.6 wing planform geometry. A series of key issues needs to be addressed for this computational approach. • The advantage of using a single mesh, in order to eliminate numerical problems when applying boundary conditions at the fluid-structure interface, is counteracted by the challenge of generating a suitably high quality mesh in both the fluid and structural domains. • The computational effort for this DFSI procedure, in terms of run time and memory requirements, is very significant. Practical simulations require even finer meshes and shorter time steps, requiring parallel implementation for operation on large, high performance parallel systems. • The consistency and completeness of the AGARD data in the public domain is inadequate for use in the validation of DFSI codes when predicting the onset of flutter.


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This paper describes the introduction of chained signage systems into evacuation simulation models. Signage systems are widely used in buildings to provide information for wayfinding, thereby providing exiting information during emergencies and assisting in navigation during normal circulation of pedestrians. Recently a system was developed to introduce simple signs into egress models. The system, known as Visibility Catchment Area or VCA, allowed similated agents to interact with signs which point directly to an exit and signs which are located directly above the exit. However, this approach was not able to represent the more general situation of a sign netwokr within an arbitrarily complex building. In this paper we extend the method to include chained signage systems which provides simulated agents that are unfamiliar with the structure a means by which to navigate to an emergency exit. The model includes the associated navigation behaviours exhibited by occupants that rely on a signage system for navigation including: Searching behaviours, Backtracking behaviours, Lost behaviours and Communication behaviours. The new features are demonstrated through a series of demonstration cases and are shown to produce plausible results.


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There has been much debate on the extent to which resource availability (bottom-up) versus predation pressure from fish (top-down) modulates the dynamics of plankton in marine systems. Physico/chemical bottom-up forcing has been considered to be the main mechanism structuring marine ecosystems, although some field observations and empirical correlations support top-down modulation. Models have indicated possible feedback loops to the plankton and other studies have interpreted a grazing impact from long-term changes in fish stocks. In freshwater systems, evidence for top-down forcing by fish and trophic cascading is well documented. First, evidence for equivalent top-down effects in the marine environment is presented, with an overview of relevant publications. In the second part, time series, averaged for the North Sea (when possible from 1948 to 1997), of fish catch, recruitment, and spawning stock biomass are related to the abundance of species or larger groupings of zooplankton and phytoplankton from the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey and selected environmental parameters. Preliminary analysis suggests that there is strong interaction between different fish species and the plankton and that the fishery, through top-down control, may at times be an important contributor to changes in the North Sea ecosystem.


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Traditionally, marine ecosystem structure was thought to be bottom-up controlled. In recent years, a number of studies have highlighted the importance of top-down regulation. Evidence is accumulating that the type of trophic forcing varies temporally and spatially, and an integrated view – considering the interplay of both types of control – is emerging. Correlations between time series spanning several decades of the abundances of adjacent trophic levels are conventionally used to assess the type of control: bottom-up if positive or top-down if this is negative. This approach implies averaging periods which might show time-varying dynamics and therefore can hide part of this temporal variability. Using spatially referenced plankton information extracted from the Continuous Plankton Recorder, this study addresses the potential dynamic character of the trophic structure at the planktonic level in the North Sea by assessing its variation over both temporal and spatial scales. Our results show that until the early-1970s a bottom-up control characterized the base of the food web across the whole North Sea, with diatoms having a positive and homogeneous effect on zooplankton filter-feeders. Afterwards, different regional trophic dynamics were observed, in particular a negative relationship between total phytoplankton and zooplankton was detected off the west coast of Norway and the Skagerrak as opposed to a positive one in the southern reaches. Our results suggest that after the early 1970s diatoms remained the main food source for zooplankton filter-feeders east of Orkney–Shetland and off Scotland, while in the east, from the Norwegian Trench to the German Bight, filter-feeders were mainly sustained by dinoflagellates.


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We examined how marine plankton interaction networks, as inferred by multivariate autoregressive (MAR) analysis of time-series, differ based on data collected at a fixed sampling location (L4 station in the Western English Channel) and four similar time-series prepared by averaging Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) datapoints in the region surrounding the fixed station. None of the plankton community structures suggested by the MAR models generated from the CPR datasets were well correlated with the MAR model for L4, but of the four CPR models, the one most closely resembling the L4 model was that for the CPR region nearest to L4. We infer that observation error and spatial variation in plankton community dynamics influenced the model performance for the CPR datasets. A modified MAR framework in which observation error and spatial variation are explicitly incorporated could allow the analysis to better handle the diverse time-series data collected in marine environments.


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The eigenphase formulation of Blatt and Biedenharn is applied to fine-structure transitions in *P atoms colliding with ‘S perturbers. Consideration is given to the limit of weak spin-orbit interaction. If the eigenphases are equal to the phaseshifts for elastic scattering by the molecular potentials then the expression for the total cross section reduces to the expression derived in the elastic approximation. However, a numerical comparison for the Li(2p ’P) + He(’S) system shows that the elastic molecular phaseshifts are not good approximations to the eigenphases. Hence the elastic approximation cannot be reliable.


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In the present paper, a phase-field model is developed to simulate the formation and evolution of lamellar microstructure in γ-TiAl alloys. The mechanism of formation of TiAl lamellae proposed by Denquin and Naka is incorporated into the model. The model describes the formation and evolution of the face-centered cubic (fcc) stacking lamellar zone followed by the subsequent appearance and growth of the γ-phase, involving both the chemical composition change by atom transfer and the ordering of the fcc lattice. The thermodynamics of the model system and the interaction between the displacive and diffusional transformations are described by a non-equilibrium free energy formulated as a function of concentration and structural order parameter fields. The long-range elastic interactions, arising from the lattice misfit between the α, fcc (A1) and the various orientation variants of the γ-phase are taken into account by incorporating of the elastic strain energy into the total free energy. Simulation studies based on the model successfully predicted some essential features of the lamellar structure. It is found that the formation and evolution of the lamellar structure are predominantly controlled by the minimization of the elastic energy of the interfaces between the different fcc stacking groups, low-symmetry product phase γ and the high-symmetry α-phase, as well as between the various orientation variants of the product phase.


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A large-scale configuration interaction (Cl) calculation using Program CIV3 of Hibbert is performed for the lowest 62 fine- structure levels of the singly charged chlorine ion. Our calculated energy levels agree very well with most of the NIST results and confirm the identification of the lowest P-1(o) as actually 3s(2)3p(3)(D-2(o))3d P-1(o) rather than the generally employed 3s3p(5) P-1(o) in measurements and calculations. Discrepancies in the energy positions of some symmetries are found and discussed. Some large oscillator strengths for allowed and intercombination transitions in both length and velocity gauges are presented. Their close agreement gives credence to the accuracy of our CI wavefunctions.


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Density functional calculations have been performed for ring isomers of sulfur with up to 18 atoms, and for chains with up to ten atoms. There are many isomers of both types, and the calculations predict the existence of new forms. Larger rings and chains are very flexible, with numerous local energy minima. Apart from a small, but consistent overestimate in the bond lengths, the results reproduce experimental structures where known. Calculations are also performed on the energy surfaces of S8 rings, on the interaction between a pair of such rings, and the reaction between one S8 ring and the triplet diradical S8 chain. The results for potential energies, vibrational frequencies, and reaction mechanisms in sulfur rings and chains provide essential ingredients for Monte Carlo simulations of the liquid–liquid phase transition. The results of these simulations will be presented in Part II.


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In this study we investigate the coordination between rhythmic flexion-extension (FE) and supination-pronation (SP) movements at the elbow joint-complex, while manipulating the intersegmental dynamics by means of a 2-degrees of freedom (df) robot arm. We hypothesized that constraints imposed by the structure of the neuromuscular-skeletal system would (1) result in predominant pattern(s) of coordination in the absence of interaction torques and (2) influence the capabilities of participants to exploit artificially induced interaction torques. Two experiments were conducted in which different conditions of interaction torques were applied on the SP-axis as a function of FE movements. These conditions promoted different patterns of coordination between the 2-df. Control trials conducted in the absence of interaction torques revealed that both the in-phase (supination synchronized with flexion) and the anti-phase (pronation synchronized with flexion) patterns were spontaneously established by participants. The predominance of these patterns of coordination is explained in terms of the mechanical action of bi-articular muscles acting at the elbow joint-complex, and in terms of the reflexes that link the activity of the muscles involved. Results obtained in the different conditions of interaction torques revealed that those neuromuscular-skeletal constraints either impede or favor the exploitation of intersegmental dynamics depending on the context. Interaction torques were indeed found to be exploited to a greater extent in conditions in which the profiles of interaction torques favored one of the two predominant patterns of coordination (i.e., in-phase or anti-phase) as opposed to other patterns of coordination (e.g., 90 degrees or 270 degrees). Those results are discussed in relation to recent studies reporting exploitation of interaction torques in the context of rhythmic movements.


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Context. Electron-impact excitation collision strengths are required for the analysis and interpretation of stellar observations.
Aims. This calculation aims to provide effective collision strengths for the Mg V ion for a larger number of transitions and for a greater temperature range than previously available, using collision strength data that include contributions from resonances.
Methods. A 19-state Breit-Pauli R-matrix calculation was performed. The target states are represented by configuration interaction wavefunctions and consist of the 19 lowest LS states, having configurations 2s22p4, 2s2p5, 2p6, 2s22p33s, and 2s22p33p. These target states give rise to 37 fine-structure levels and 666 possible transitions. The effective collision strengths were calculated by averaging the electron collision strengths over a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities.
Results. The non-zero effective collision strengths for transitions between the fine-structure levels are given for electron temperatures in the range = 3.0 - 7.0. Data for transitions among the 5 fine-structure levels arising from the 2s22p4 ground state configurations, seen in the UV range, are discussed in the paper, along with transitions in the EUV range – transitions from the ground state 3P levels to 2s2p5?3P levels. The 2s22p4?1D–2s2p5?1P transition is also noted. Data for the remaining transitions are available at the CDS.


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The liquid structures of thin films of aqueous solutions of 0, 7, 19, 50, and 100 mol % isopropanol above O/Al-terminated gamma-alumina surfaces have been investigated by means of classical molecular dynamics simulations. The structuring effect of the oxide oil the liquid mixtures is strong and heavily dependent on the local structure of the oxide. Two distinct re-ions are found oil the oxide Surface characterized by the degree of coordination of Al atoms. Above octahedral Al atoms, water and isopropanol molecules adsorb via the oxygen atoms to maximize the electrostatic interaction, whereas above tetrahedral Al sites the solvent molecules adsorb via hydrogen atoms with the oxygen atoms away front the surface. More mobility is found in the second layer compared with the first; however, its structure is still influenced significantly by the orientation of molecules in the first adsorbed layer. Qualitatively, the displacement of water from the surface by the adsorption of isopropanol occurs with 2.6 Water molecules lost for every alcohol molecule present based on the effective surface areas of the two species calculated from the pure simulations.


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A new elastic–viscoplastic (EVP) soil model has been used to simulate the measured deformation response of a soft estuarine soil loaded by a stage-constructed embankment. The simulation incorporates prefabricated vertical drains installed in the foundation soils and reinforcement installed at the base of the embankment. The numerical simulations closely matched the temporal changes in surface settlement beneath the centerline and shoulder of the embankment. More importantly, the elastic–viscoplastic model simulated the pattern and magnitudes of the lateral deformations beneath the toe of the embankment — a notoriously difficult aspect of modelling the deformation response of soft soils. Simulation of the excess pore-water pressure proved more difficult because of the heterogeneous nature of the estuarine deposit. Excess pore-water pressures were, however, mapped reasonably well at three of the six monitoring locations. The simulations were achieved using a small set of material constants that can easily be obtained from standard laboratory tests. This study validates the use of the EVP model for problems involving soft soil deposits beneath loading from a geotechnical structure.


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The large range of body-mass values of soil organisms provides a tool to assess the ecological organization of soil communities. The goal of this paper is to identify graphical and quantitative indicators of soil community composition and ecosystem functioning, and to illustrate their application to real soil food webs. The relationships between log-transformed mass and abundance of soil organisms in 20 Dutch meadows and heathlands were investigated. Using principles of allometry, maximal use can be made of ecological theory to build and explain food webs. The aggregate contribution of small invertebrates such as nematodes to the entire community is high under low soil phosphorus content and causes shifts in the mass-abundance relationships and in the trophic structures. We show for the first time that the average of the trophic link lengths is a reliable predictor for assessing soil fertility responses. Ordered trophic link pairs suggest a self-organizing structure of food webs according to resource availability and can predict environmental shifts in ecologically meaningful ways.