971 resultados para Software as a service (SaaS)


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Facilitation Process Concerning the Difficulties in Implementing A Vision For Change in the South Tipperary and Carlow Kilkenny Catchment Area Mental Health Service Click here to download PDF 4.27MB


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This revised Action Plan is designed to support the delivery of the HSEâ?Ts 2012 National Service Plan by facilitating the fast-tracking of measures required to deliver essential health and personal social services across the country within the context of further reductions in funding and staff numbers. The implementation of the National Service Plan, approved by the Minister for Health on 13 January 2012, represents a major challenge to the health services and comes at a time of major reform of the public health system.   Click here to download PDF 161kb


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Public Service Agreement 2010-2014 (Croke Park Agreement) Integrated Departmental and Agencies Action Plan 2012 Integrated Departmental and Agencies Action Plan (Jan 2012) PDF 54kb Integrated Departmental and Agencies Action Plan (Oct 2012) PDF 194kb  


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Public Service Agreement 2010-2014 (Croke Park Agreement) – Second Annual Progress, Savings and Productivity Reports for the Department and its Agencies Integrated Annual Progress Report for the Department and its Agencies PDF 327kb Annual Savings Report for the Department’s Agencies PDF 205kb Productivity Report for the Department and its Agencies PDF 205kb


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The health service has been at the forefront in delivering significant change under the PSA. The substantial contribution already made by health service staff, especially during the period of concentrated retirements up to February 2012, is acknowledged and much appreciated by management. These changes are being achieved in what is a complex working environment with increasing demands, (500,000 increase in medical card holders between 2007 and 2012) and a growing and ageing population, within a public health service which is undergoing unprecedented organisational change and reform, accompanied by a reducing workforce. Public Service Agreement – Revised Health Sector Action Plan- December 2012 savings report Click here to download PDF 51kb


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Department cover letters PDF 839kb Main health sector progress report PDF 11.1mb Traffic light document PDF 39kb Savings template PDF 268kb


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The Programme for Government promises the most fundamental reform of our health services in the history of the State. Future Health – A Srategic Framework for Reform of the Health Service 2012 – 2015 details the actions that we will take to deliver on this promise. The need for change in the health service is unquestionable. The current system is unfair to patients; it often  fails  to meet their needs fast enough; and it does not deliver value for money.   Click here to download


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Report for Minister Reilly on Beechpark Autism Services & related Service Issues for children with ASD in Dublin North Report for Minister Reilly on Beechpark Autism Services & related Service Issues for children with ASD in Dublin North Click here to download PDF 2MB


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Public Service Agreement Health Sector 3rd Annual Progress Report 1st April to 31st December 2012 Click here to download PDF 1MB


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Public Service Agreement 2010-2014 (Croke Park Agreement) – Third Annual Progress and Savings Report for the Department and its Agencies   Click here to download Integrated Progress Report on Action Plan for the Department and its Agencies PDF 242KB Click here to download Annual Savings Report for the Department’s Agencies PDF 155KB


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  This Composite Report on the work of the Action Committees established for Phase I of the Health Reform Programme sets out a brief summary of the issues raised and conclusions reached during Phase I. It is intended as an input to the planning of subsequent phases and should not be regarded as binding in any respect. Click here to download PDF


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The identification of genetically homogeneous groups of individuals is a long standing issue in population genetics. A recent Bayesian algorithm implemented in the software STRUCTURE allows the identification of such groups. However, the ability of this algorithm to detect the true number of clusters (K) in a sample of individuals when patterns of dispersal among populations are not homogeneous has not been tested. The goal of this study is to carry out such tests, using various dispersal scenarios from data generated with an individual-based model. We found that in most cases the estimated 'log probability of data' does not provide a correct estimation of the number of clusters, K. However, using an ad hoc statistic DeltaK based on the rate of change in the log probability of data between successive K values, we found that STRUCTURE accurately detects the uppermost hierarchical level of structure for the scenarios we tested. As might be expected, the results are sensitive to the type of genetic marker used (AFLP vs. microsatellite), the number of loci scored, the number of populations sampled, and the number of individuals typed in each sample.


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Alta y gestión de reclamaciones de consumo a través de la web.


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Diseño de una aplicación informática que facilite la gestión y divulgación de la información de un Grupo de Investigación.


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Proyecto de implantación de un sistema de business intelligence para el análisis de la calidad de un servicio. El objetivo del presente proyecto es el análisis de una herramienta de apoyo al estudio de la calidad de un servicio, en este caso, servicio sanitario, enfocada desde la perspectiva del área de Ingeniería del software.