931 resultados para Social communities


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In 2001/02 five case study communities in both metropolitan and regional urban locations in Australia were chosen as test sites to develop measures of community strength on four domains: natural capital; produced economic capital; human capital; and social and institutional capital. Secondary data sources were used to develop measures on the first three domains. For the fourth domain social and institutional capital primary data collection was undertaken through sample surveys of households. A structured approach was devised. This involved developing a survey instrument using scaled items relating to four elements: formal norms; informal norms; formal structures; and informal structures which embrace the concepts of trust, reciprocity, bonds, bridges, links and networks in the interaction of individuals with their community inherent in the notion social capital. Exploratory principal components analysis was used to identify factors that measure those aspects of social and institutional capital, with confirmatory analysis conducted using Cronbach's Alpha. This enabled the construction of four primary scales and 15 sub-scales as a tool for measuring social and institutional capital. Further analyses reveals that two measures anomie and perceived quality of life and wellbeing relate to certain primary scales of social capital.


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A pesquisa, em 5 capítulos, desenvolve o tema dos/as pobres como categoria social nos Sl 3-14, subunidade do primeiro livro do saltério (Sl 3-41). Os Sl 3-14 são atribuídos a Davi, o fato está relacionado com as escolas e suas teologias presentes na edição final do saltério. Esses salmos nasceram nas comunidades camponesas do antigo Israel, posteriormente, foram aperfeiçoados e adaptados por grupos de cantores oficiais no templo de Jerusalém. Os Sl 3-14 se destacam pelo lamento e pela súplica individual. Pertencem a uma coleção pré-exílica, mas concentra textos tardios, do pós-exílio. Os lugares que ocupam foram pensados estrategicamente. Os Sl 9; 10 apresentam conceitos hebraicos que identificam os/as pobres: dak, ani, ebyon. Estes/as designam pequenos/as camponeses/as livres, ainda com acesso à terra. Ao longo do antigo Israel não sofreram mudanças bruscas como categoria social, no entanto, podem assinalar-se algumas características que os/as distinguem nos períodos correspondentes ao primeiro e o segundo templo de Jerusalém. Ademais, os Sl 9; 10 apresentam palavras sinônimas que também os/as identificam: hellkah pobre/infeliz e naqi inocente . Apesar das pequenas variações dos conceitos, todos apontam à uma categoria social, com direito à apelação nos tribunais, embora com fraca influência jurídica. Essa comunidade tem identidade teológica. Javé é apresentado como o seu defensor. A espoliação no saltério é algo dramático, porque o rosto do/a pobre é o próprio rosto de Javé. A pobreza não é um assunto de espiritualidade nem de casualidade. É gerada por um sistema político-social, planejado de forma inteligente, que não permite ao povo da roça progredir como agricultor. Esse setor poderoso, nacional ou estrangeiro, é identificado nos textos, sob os conceitos: goyim nações , sorerim agressores , oyebim inimigos , raxa im injustos . O seu domínio é suportado pela violência e as armas. A ideologia dos sistemas dominantes é fundamental para a interpretação dos textos. A sociedade dos salmistas apresenta crises com relação à identidade humana. A violência e a paz se disputam os espaços. O Sl 8 mostra uma sociedade alternativa pensada a partir daquilo aparentemente fraco: as olelim crianças e os yanaqim lactantes (Sl 8,3). O grito das criancinhas, o grito dos/as oprimidos/as, unido ao grito da criação, se compara à dor de parto, com o qual inicia a vida. Trata-se de um grito que busca transformar os trajetos entortados da história. Esses são indícios da esperança que distingue a teologia dos/as pobres. Os Sl 3-7 e 11-14 continuam a apresentar a situação dos/as pobres. Às vezes, localizam-se os conceitos: ani oprimido e ebyon pobre , outras, recorre-se a novos sinônimos como has͇id fiel e sadiq justo . Esses salmos demonstram que os/as pobres estão presentes também nos textos onde tais conceitos não aparecem. As agrupações (Sl 3-7 e 11-14) são uma pausa na subunidade (Sl 3-14), não uma quebra de sentido com os Sl 8; 9 e 10. Finalmente, se localiza na sociedade dos Sl 3-14, o Modo de Produção Tributário. As teorias das ciências econômica, arqueológica, histórica, contribuem com a compreensão do universo sóciopolítico gerador de pobres.


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Num ambiente como o da Galiléia do século I, onde o ensino era realizado nas comunidades religiosas, vilarejos e núcleos familiares de forma oral, o método de fixação de ensinos mediante a assimilação de símbolos do cotidiano era fundamental. Por conta disso, acreditamos que, dentre as fontes orais ou escritas preservadas e organizadas pelos Evangelhos Sinóticos, as parábolas de Jesus compõem o gênero literário mais original por terem sido preservadas na memória, com maior precisão pelos primeiros seguidores de Jesus. Muitos estudiosos empreenderam importantes trabalhos para pesquisar o lugar social das parábolas de Jesus, a maioria deles partindo dos próprios textos dispostos como estão nos Evangelhos. Neste trabalho, nos propomos trabalhar as parábolas de Jesus como ditos bem preservados pela oralidade a partir da teoria da Fonte Q, que é tratada como um dos estratos mais primitivos da tradição formativa dos Evangelhos Sinóticos e do movimento de Jesus. As parábolas do Ladrão (Q 12,39-40), Servo Infiel (Q 12,42-46) e do Dinheiro Confiado (Q 19,12-27) sempre foram vistas pela tradição eclesial como parábolas que tratam da necessária vigilância do cristão por conta da repentina parusia de Jesus. No entanto, nesse trabalho vamos além, pois acreditamos que essas parábolas tratam do contexto social da Galiléia do século I, onde são retratadas a opressão econômica e a violência social imposta aos pequenos proprietários e camponeses empobrecidos.(AU)


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Conflicts are part and parcel of online community dynamics (De Valck 2007; Harrison and Jenkins 1996; Kozinets 2001) – from flames about publishing inappropriate content (De Zwart and Lindsay 2009) to battles to win high status positions (Campbell, Fletcher and Greenhill 2009) and stigmatization of illegitimate insiders (Tikkanen, Hietanen, Henttonen, and Rokka 2009) up to bashing and smearing campaigns (Bocij 2002). As the concept of community presumes unity, marketers may be inclined to suppress any dissonance in their online brand communities thinking that it may hurt brand image or community attractiveness. However, Fournier and Lee (2009) advise marketers to embrace the conflicts that make communities thrive. As tensions and conflict cannot be avoided this seems logical advice. Nevertheless, are all tensions and conflicts created equally? Are some not more constructive (or destructive) than others? Thus, should all tensions and conflicts really be embraced, and what can be done to channel tensions and conflicts such that they do not become destructive? These questions form the starting point of this paper.


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This paper explores the micro-level processes of interaction across organisational boundaries and occupational communities. Based on a retrospective processual analysis, this study shows that in filling knowledge gaps, organisations put in place a series of knowledge mechanisms, which lead them to socially interact with their alliance partners. Both the deployment of existing knowledge and the creation of new knowledge are based on processes of interaction, which derive from the interplay between alliance actors. It is suggested that through both social interaction and the use of boundary objects, individuals are able to communicate, engage in problem-solving activities and share their ideas to fill knowledge gaps.


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The complexity and multifaceted nature of sustainable lifelong learning can be effectively addressed by a broad network of providers working co-operatively and collaboratively. Such a network involving the third, public and private sector bodies must realise the full potential of accredited flexible and blended formal learning, contextual opportunities offered by enablers of informal and non formal learning and the affordances derived from the various loose and open spaces that can make social learning effective. Such a conception informs the new Lifelong Learning Network Consortium on Sustainable Communities, Urban Regeneration and Environmental Technologies established and led by the Lifelong Learning Centre at Aston University. This paper offers a radical, reflective and political evaluation of its first year in development arguing that networked learning of this type could prefigure a new model for lifelong learning and sustainable education that renders the city itself a creative medium for transformative learning and sustainability.


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Recent scholarly discussion on open innovation put forward the notion that an organisation's ability to internalise external knowledge and learn from various sources in undertaking new product development is crucial to its competitive performance. Nevertheless, little attention has been paid to how growth-oriented small firms identify and exploit entrepreneurial opportunities (i.e. take entrepreneurial action) related to such development, in an open innovation context, from a social learning perspective. This chapter, based on an instrumental case-firm, demonstrates analytically how learning as entrepreneurial action takes place, drawing on situated learning theory. It is argued that such learning is dynamic in nature and is founded on specific organising principles that foster both inter- and intracommunal learning. © 2012, IGI Global.


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This research explored how a more student-directed learning design can support the creation of togetherness and belonging in a community of distance learners in formal higher education. Postgraduate students in a New Zealand School of Education experienced two different learning tasks as part of their online distance learning studies. The tasks centered around two online asynchronous discussions each for the same period of time and with the same group of students, but following two different learning design principles. All messages were analyzed using a twostep analysis process, content analysis and social network analysis. Although the findings showed a balance of power between the tutor and the students in the first high e-moderated activity, a better pattern of group interaction and community feeling was found in the low e-moderated activity. The paper will discuss the findings in terms of the implications for learning design and the role of the tutor.


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Principal Topic - As argued by Acs and Phillips (2002) it is not only “the creation of wealth (entrepreneurship)” but also “the reconstitution of wealth (philanthropy)”, which has been essential for the inherent dynamism of the market economy (Ibid., p.201). However, we understand little about the entrepreneurship – philanthropy link in institutional contexts that differ from that of leading developed market economies. Accordingly our research agenda is to investigate the entrepreneurship-philanthropy nexus in a very different context of Lithuania, a country which shed a command economy system twenty years ago. In particular, we are interested to see if the cluster of attitudes and strategies of firms conducive to entrepreneurship, i.e. their entrepreneurial orientation (Covin & Slevin, 1989), is consistent or contradictory with philanthropy? In other words, is philanthropy strongly associated with some core components of entrepreneurship, or is it an entrepreneurial anomaly, relying on a minority of economic actors that provide important links with wider, non-economic communities. Method - The study draws on 270 randomly sampled, phone interviews with owners and ownermanagers of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), i.e. firms with less than 250 employees. Interviews were conducted in Lithuania during January- March, 2008. Our results are based on confirmatory factor analysis combined with regression analysis. Results and Implications - Despite the legacy of informal institutions that is conducive neither to entrepreneurship nor to civic society, we found that by now, (i) the companies that score highest on entrepreneurial orientation construct, (ii) that perform best and those (iii) that have foreign owners are also most likely to declare their commitment to philanthropy. Our findings that most entrepreneurial firms are also involved in philanthropy are consistent with the perspective on the pattern of development in an entrepreneurial economy as outlined by Acs and Phillips (2002).


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This paper examines two concepts, social vulnerability and social resilience, often used to describe people and their relationship to a disaster. Social vulnerability is the exposure to harm resulting from demographic and socioeconomic factors that heighten the exposure to disaster. Social resilience is the ability to avoid disaster, cope with change and recover from disaster. Vulnerability to a space and social resilience through society is explored through a focus on the elderly, a group sometimes regarded as having low resilience while being particularly vulnerable. Our findings explore the degree to which an elderly group exposed to coastal flood risk exhibits social resilience through both cognitive strategies, such as risk perception and self-perception, as well as through coping mechanisms, such as accepting change and self-organisation. These attenuate and accentuate the resilience of individuals through their own preparations as well as their communities' preparations and also contribute to the delusion of resilience which leads individuals to act as if they are more resilient than they are in reality, which we call negative resilience. Thus, we draw attention to three main areas: the degree to which social vulnerability can disguise its social resilience; the role played by cognitive strategies and coping mechanisms on an individual's social resilience; and the high risk aspects of social resilience. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Timeline generation is an important research task which can help users to have a quick understanding of the overall evolution of any given topic. It thus attracts much attention from research communities in recent years. Nevertheless, existing work on timeline generation often ignores an important factor, the attention attracted to topics of interest (hereafter termed "social attention"). Without taking into consideration social attention, the generated timelines may not reflect users' collective interests. In this paper, we study how to incorporate social attention in the generation of timeline summaries. In particular, for a given topic, we capture social attention by learning users' collective interests in the form of word distributions from Twitter, which are subsequently incorporated into a unified framework for timeline summary generation. We construct four evaluation sets over six diverse topics. We demonstrate that our proposed approach is able to generate both informative and interesting timelines. Our work sheds light on the feasibility of incorporating social attention into traditional text mining tasks. Copyright © 2013 ACM.


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Interest into the effects of social influence on members of online communities is growing but there is a lack of knowledge about the impact of influential members in online communities on responses to strategy change within the wider community. We explore social influence in responses to strategy change through content analysis of forum posts before and after a change in strategy. Acceptance or non-acceptance of strategy change and subsequent positive and negative behavioural responses online are dependent on individual factors. The details of these behavioural responses to a change in strategy are tabulated and included in a conceptual model to inform decision-makers. Strategy change precipitates a reduction in social influence effects. Non-acceptance of strategy change is associated with competitor advertisement, inflammatory behaviour, offensive behaviour and complaints. This negative behaviour has important ramifications for acceptance of strategy change within the wider community and impacts on the viability of setting up online forums. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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Why has Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) yielded such disappointing outcomes in oil-rich sub-Saharan Africa? Over the past decades, a sizable body of literature has emerged which draws attention to the shortcomings of oil-related development and complementary CSR exercises in the region. Most critiques on the topic, however, assess specific interventions and/or policies but fail to evaluate the complex decision-making processes, dictated heavily by setting, which produce such actions altogether. This thesis attributes CSR outcomes in oil-rich sub-Saharan Africa to the unique context in which the decisions underpinning actions take place. In doing so, the analysis borrows ideas from a diverse body of literature spanning the international development, accounting, management and political science disciplines. To explore these ideas further, the thesis focuses on the case of Ghana. The most recent “addition” to sub-Saharan Africa’s oil club, Ghana provides a rare glimpse of how decisions underpinning CSR have been identified, evolved and reshaped from the outset. To provide a comprehensive picture of CSR in the sector and its impacts at the local level, interviews and focus groups were conducted with a range of stakeholder groups. As is the case throughout sub-Saharan Africa, in Ghana, oil production occurs in offshore “enclaves”, which are disconnected geographically from local communities. This thesis argues that these dynamics have important implications for CSR. Findings point to companies also being disconnected ideologically from local development needs, which, in part explains the questionable CSR that has become such a contentious issue in the debate on oil and development in sub-Saharan Africa in recent years. The enclave-type setting in which oil production occurs appears to have stifled creativity and innovation in the area of CSR. This, along with institutional weaknesses, regulatory deficiencies and the Government of Ghana’s failure to adequately respond to local-level concerns, has produced these outcomes.


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Conflicts are very common in Online Consumption Communities (OCC) and numerous expressions have developed to describe them. Prior research indicates contradictory effects on community resources, namely social capital and culture. One stream finds that online conflict dissolves social capital and community culture (cf. De Valck 2007) while another stream finds it enhances them (cf. Ewing, Wagstaff, and Power 2013). Therefore, the effect of OCC conflict on community resources is unclear. In this paper, we (1) investigate conflict in OCC to develop a typology, and (2) delineate how each type of OCC conflict impacts community resources. This research contributes to our understanding of OCC conflicts and to the literature on value formation in OCC.