875 resultados para Smart contract
This volume provides students with a comprehensive selection of the cases most likely to be encountered on contract law courses and is specifically designed to meet their needs. The case law is helpfully structured and presented under clear headings, with the emphasis on explaining the decisions and their implications in order to promote better understanding. The fifth edition incorporates important judgments and assesses the significance of recent decisions of the House of Lords such as Attorney-General v Blake and Alfred McAlpine Construction Ltd v Panatown Ltd and the decisions of the Court of Appeal in Director General of Fair Trading v First National Bank plc and Barclays Bank v Coleman. Important recent decisions on remedies for misrepresentation have also been included.
The law of contract can be a complex and technical subject, rvt the new edition of Jill Poole's Casebook on Contract provides a clear and well-structured exposition of the principles and rules through a comprehensive selection of case law, addressing all aspects encountered on undergraduate courses. Opening with a chapter of valuable advice and guidance on how to successfully develop and improve the essential skills of case-reading, featuring two worked examples, the coverage in this sixth edition expands to incorporate all recent significant decisions and judgments made by the House of Lords and Court of Appeal such as, Director General of Fair Trading v First National Bank plc, Farley v Skinner, Royal Bank of Scotland v Etridge and UCB Corporate Services v Williams. Interesting recent decisions in relation to battle of forms, terms, exemption clauses and misrepresentation are also included. Extracts have been chosen from a wide range of historical and contemporary cases to illustrate the reasoning processes of the court, why decisions are made and how legal principles are developed - enabling cases to be analysed and discussed independently while, taken as a whole, the chapters provide a sound understanding of the modern law of contract. The section on damages for breach of contract has been expanded to reassess Ruxley Electronics and Construction Ltd v Forsyth in the light of Farley v Skinner, the future of Addis v Gramophone Co Ltd is considered in the light of Johnson v Unisys Ltd and Attorney General v Blake is examined in the light of the decision in Esso Petroleum Co Ltd v Niad Ltd. Succinct author comment focuses the reader on the key elements within the extracts, while thought-provoking questions are posed throughout to develop more in-depth analysis. The logical and clear organization of topics has been further improved to more accurately echo the order adopted within the author's popular textbook and closer crossreferencing to this text has been incorporated to highlight where more detailed discussion of issues arising from the caselaw can be explored. As a result, this new edition can be used both as a traditional casebook and as a companion volume to Poole's Textbook on Contract. This edition is also supported by a new companion web site that offers the benefits of essential updating of key materials, sample questions, lists for key further reading sources and relevant web links, additional relevant cases and materials and guidance on successful exam technique. As with previous editions, Casebook on Contract is an invaluable primary source and an essential study aid for all those following elements of contract law as part of the LLB and CPE, as well as for students from related disciplines such as Accounting and Business.
Jill Poole's best-selling "Casebook on Contract Law" provides a clear and well-structured exposition of the principles and rules through a comprehensive selection of case law, addressing all aspects encountered on undergraduate courses. Extracts have been chosen from a wide range of historical and contemporary cases to illustrate the reasoning processes of the court, why decisions are made and how legal principles are developed - enabling cases to be analyzed and discussed independently while, taken as a whole, the chapters provide a sound understanding of the modern law of contract. Succinct author commentary focuses the reader on the key elements within the extracts, while thought-provoking questions are posed throughout to develop more in-depth analysis. This book is accompanied by a specifically designed companion web site which provides: Questions in contract law; Guidance on answering questions; Guidance on reading cases; Questions and answers; and Updates.
Jill Poole's best-selling Casebook on Contract Law provides a clear and well-structured explanation of contractual principles through a comprehensive selection of case law, addressing all aspects encountered on undergraduate courses. The coverage in this new edition has been revised to incorporate all recent significant decisions and judgments made by the House of Lords and the Court of Appeal. The extracts have been selected from a wide range of historical and contemporary cases and illustrate the reasoning processes of the court, the grounds justifying the decisions, and how legal principles are developed. Readers can discuss and analyse individual cases while, taken as a whole, the chapters provide a sound appreciation of the modern law of contract. Succinct author commentary focuses the reader on the key elements within the extracts, while thought-provoking questions are posed throughout to develop more in-depth analysis. Online Resource Centre Student resources - Updates - Guidance on answering questions - Guidance on reading cases - Questions and answers.
This is the new edition of the established "Textbook on Contract Law" by Jill Poole. Designed specifically for undergraduates and postgraduates new to the subject, this text offers a clear, informative, and engaging account of the modern law of contract. Offering accurate and up-to-date coverage, this seventh edition also provides discussion of key new topics, such as E-contracting, which is discussed within the context of the Electronic Commerce [EC Directive] Regulations2002. The text opens with an excellent overview of the key theories and perspectives of contract law - placing the subject in a wider context - and continues with detailed treatments of all key topics. The text now features more headings to further aid navigation throughout, and offers new chapter summaries that draw key themes and issues together. New sections for selected further reading and useful web links guide students towards the most relevant and up-to-date resources available, encouraging more in-depth and focused study in all areas of contract.
This is a new edition of the established Textbook on Contract Law by Professor Jill Poole. Designed specifically for undergraduates new to the subject, this title offers a well-structured and straightforward account of the modern law of contract. The text opens with an overview of the key theories and issues surrounding contract contract law which places the subject in its wider context, then goes on to a detailed treatment of all key topics, offering succinct explanations of complex ideas. Other features of the book include chapter summaries that draw key themes and issues together, selected further reading lists, and useful web links to guide students towards the most relevant and up-to-date resources available. Online Resource Centre Lecturer resources - Testbank Student resources - Guidance on answering questions in contract law - Questions and answers - Student questions - Updates - Web links.
Smart structure sensors based on embedded fibre Bragg grating (FBG) arrays in aluminium alloy matrix by ultrasonic consolidation (UC) technique have been proposed and demonstrated successfully. The temperature, loading and bending responses of the embedded FBG arrays have been systematically characterized. The embedded FBGs exhibit an average temperature sensitivity of ~36 pm °C-1, which is three times higher than that of normal FBGs, a bending sensitivity of 0.73 nm/m-1 and a loading responsivity of ~0.1 nm kg-1 within the dynamic range from 0 kg to 3 kg. These initial experimental results clearly demonstrate that the UC produced metal matrix structures can be embedded with FBG sensor arrays to become smart structures with capabilities to monitor the structure operation and health conditions in applications.
This article explores the employability of information and communication technology (ICT) professionals from the perspective of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The first stage of analysis, based on over 100 interviews with managers of ICT supplier companies in seven European countries (Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland and the UK), showed most SMEs to have a generally ad hoc approach to managing the employability of their ICT professionals. Assessment and development plans were used primarily to keep skills current to business needs; however, the more developed northern European markets showed greater awareness of the ‘high commitment’ benefits of a more sophisticated approach towards career management (e.g. through mentoring or career planning). A second stage of analysis based only on UK interviews builds on this to propose a model of positive employer influence on psychological contracts through career and employability management practices.
Thesis is about the enterprise reform in China in general, and the Contract Management Responsibility System (the CMRS) in particular. The latter is a new institutional arrangement to deal with the relation between the government and the state-owned enterprise which has always been at the centre of the enterprise reform. The focus of the research is on the process of institutionalization in order to study the problems of the emergence of a free enterprise system in China. The research is conducted by four in-depth case studies to reveal how the CMRS is running and what interaction is taking place between the government and the state-owned enterprise under the system. Drawing on the empirical work, the thesis analyzes the features of the CMRS and the characteristics of its implementation process with respect to the structural-institutional paradigm, and the property rights approach. The research shows that to establish a market-type relation between the government and the enterprise is a complicated and dynamic process. It involves the understanding of the two different economic mechanisms, market and planning, and the interations taken by two parties. It concludes that the CMRS is an unstable system, either going back to the previous system or moving towards a market system, because its dynamic and control dimension are dysfunctional.
This thesis documents the design, manufacture and testing of a passive and non-invasive micro-scale planar particle-from-fluid filter for segregating cell types from a homogeneous suspension. The microfluidics system can be used to separate spermatogenic cells from testis biopsy samples, providing a mechanism for filtrate retrieval for assisted reproduction therapy. The system can also be used for point-of-service diagnostics applications for hospitals, lab-on-a-chip pre-processing and field applications such as clinical testing in the third world. Various design concepts are developed and manufactured, and are assessed based on etched structure morphology, robustness to variations in the manufacturing process, and design impacts on fluid flow and particle separation characteristics. Segregation was measured using image processing algorithms that demonstrate efficiency is more than 55% for 1 µl volumes at populations exceeding 1 x 107. the technique supports a significant reduction in time over conventional processing, in the separation and identification of particle groups, offering a potential reduction in the associated cost of the targeted procedure. The thesis has developed a model of quasi-steady wetting flow within the micro channel and identifies the forces across the system during post-wetting equalisation. The model and its underlying assumptions are validated empirically in microfabricated test structures through a novel Micro-Particle Image Velocimetry technique. The prototype devices do not require ancillary equipment nor additional filtration media, and therefore offer fewer opportunities for sample contamination over conventional processing methods. The devices are disposable with minimal reagent volumes and process waste. Optimal processing parameters and production methods are identified with any improvements that could be made to enhance their performance in a number of identified potential applications.
The subject of investigation of the present research is the use of smart hydrogels with fibre optic sensor technology. The aim was to develop a costeffective sensor platform for the detection of water in hydrocarbon media, and of dissolved inorganic analytes, namely potassium, calcium and aluminium. The fibre optic sensors in this work depend upon the use of hydrogels to either entrap chemotropic agents or to respond to external environmental changes, by changing their inherent properties, such as refractive index (RI). A review of current fibre optic technology for sensing outlined that the main principles utilised are either the measurement of signal loss or a change in wavelength of the light transmitted through the system. The signal loss principle relies on changing the conditions required for total internal reflection to occur. Hydrogels are cross-linked polymer networks that swell but do not dissolve in aqueous environments. Smart hydrogels are synthetic materials that exhibit additional properties to those inherent in their structure. In order to control the non-inherent properties, the hydrogels were fabricated with the addition of chemotropic agents. For the detection of water, hydrogels of low refractive index were synthesized using fluorinated monomers. Sulfonated monomers were used for their extreme hydrophilicity as a means of water sensing through an RI change. To enhance the sensing capability of the hydrogel, chemotropic agents, such as pH indicators and cobalt salts, were used. The system comprises of the smart hydrogel coated onto an exposed section of the fibre optic core, connected to the interrogation system measuring the difference in the signal. Information obtained was analysed using a purpose designed software. The developed sensor platform showed that an increase in the target species caused an increase in the signal lost from the sensor system, allowing for a detection of the target species. The system has potential applications in areas such as clinical point of care, water detection in fuels and the detection of dissolved ions in the water industry.
This thesis documents the design, implementation and testing of a smart sensing platform that is able to discriminate between differences or small changes in a persons walking. The distributive tactile sensing method is used to monitor the deflection of the platform surface using just a small number of sensors and, through the use of neural networks, infer the characteristics of the object in contact with the surface. The thesis first describes the development of a mathematical model which uses a novel method to track the position of a moving load as it passes over the smart sensing surface. Experimental methods are then described for using the platform to track the position of swinging pendulum in three dimensions. It is demonstrated that the method can be extended to that of real-time measurement of balance and sway of a person during quiet standing. Current classification methods are then investigated for use in the classification of different gait patterns, in particular to identify individuals by their unique gait pattern. Based on these observations, a novel algorithm is developed that is able to discriminate between abnormal and affected gait. This algorithm, using the distributive tactile sensing method, was found to have greater accuracy than other methods investigated and was designed to be able to cope with any type of gait variation. The system developed in this thesis has applications in the area of medical diagnostics, either as an initial screening tool for detecting walking disorders or to be able to automatically detect changes in gait over time. The system could also be used as a discrete biometric identification method, for example identifying office workers as they pass over the surface.
This paper describes an innovative sensing approach allowing capture, discrimination, and classification of transients automatically in gait. A walking platform is described, which offers an alternative design to that of standard force plates with advantages that include mechanical simplicity and less restriction on dimensions. The scope of the work is to investigate as an experiment the sensitivity of the distributive tactile sensing method with the potential to address flexibility on gait assessment, including patient targeting and the extension to a variety of ambulatory applications. Using infrared sensors to measure plate deflection, gait patterns are compared with stored templates using a pattern recognition algorithm. This information is input into a neural network to classify normal and affected walking events, with a classification accuracy of just under 90 per cent achieved. The system developed has potential applications in gait analysis and rehabilitation, whereby it can be used as a tool for early diagnosis of walking disorders or to determine changes between pre- and post-operative gait.
Focal Point - There are reduced opportunities for locum pharmacists to access training and education that meets their needs and enables them to play a full role under the new pharmacy contract - Eighty-six per cent of locums consider themselves to be more health professional than business person, compared to just 48% of pharmacy owners - Forty per cent of locums believe that a lack of access to training is a major barrier to the development of their public health function - While locum pharmacists are arguably more likely to embrace 'professionalising', patient-care-based roles, they are also the group least likely to be able to access the necessary training to fulfill such roles Introduction It has been suggested that locum pharmacists do not want the business-based responsibilities (e.g. staff management, meeting targets, etc) that come with pharmacy management.1 Research also suggests that locums derive great satisfaction from the health-professional aspects of the pharmacists’ role (e.g. patient contact, the provision of advice, etc).1 However, upon the introduction of the new pharmacy contract (April 2005), concerns were expressed that it was becoming increasingly difficult for locum pharmacists to access training and education that would meet their needs and enable them to play a full role under the new framework.2,3 Method After piloting, in August 2006 a self-completion postal questionnaire was sent to a random sample of practising community pharmacists, stratified for country and sex, within Great Britain (n = 1998), with a follow-up to non-responders 4 weeks later. Data were analysed using SPSS (v12.0). A final response rate of 51% (n = 1023/1998) was achieved. Respondents were asked ‘indicate how you view yourself as a pharmacist’ – in terms of their relative focus on the health-professional and business aspects of their role. Respondents were also asked ‘do you consider a lack of training opportunities to be a barrier to the development of the public health role of community pharmacists?’. Results Locums were significantly more likely than owners or employees to consider each factor a major barrier. Discussion Four in 10 locums consider a lack of training opportunities to constitute a major barrier to the development of their public health function. Pharmacy may not be able to provide the services required of it by the policy agenda if pharmacists are unable to be involved in extended role activities through a lack of training opportunities. Therefore, the paradox that needs to be addressed is that while locum pharmacists are arguably more likely to embrace ‘professionalising’, patient-care-based roles, they are also the group least likely to be able to access training to fulfil such roles. The training needs of this large subset of the pharmacist population need to be assessed and met if the whole community pharmacy workforce is going to maximise its contribution to public health under the new contractual framework. References 1 Shann P, Hassell K. An exploration of the diversity and complexity of the pharmacy locum workforce. London: Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; 2004. 2 Almond M. Locums – key players in workforce – cast adrift as contract launched. Pharm J 2005;274:420. 3 Bishop DH. A lack of appreciation of what really happens. Pharm J 2005;274:451.
Contract Law Concentrate is a high quality revision guide which covers the main topics found on undergraduate courses. The clear, succinct coverage of key legal points within a specific topic area, including key cases, enables students to quickly grasp the fundamental principles of Contract law. Written by Jill Poole, an experienced teacher and examiner and author of Textbook on Contract Law and Casebook on Contract law. The book focuses on the needs of students to pass their exams with a number of pedagogical features which help with the preparation for exams and suggest ways to improve marks. Endorsed by students and lecturers for level of coverage, accuracy and exam advice. Online Resource Centre Interactive flashcards Glossary Exam and revision guidance.