935 resultados para Small-signal transfer functions


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The cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptor is involved in a plethora of physiological functions and heterogeneously expressed on different neuronal populations. Several conditional loss-of-function studies revealed distinct effects of CB1 receptor signaling on glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons, respectively. To gain a comprehensive picture of CB1 receptor-mediated effects, the present study aimed at developing a gain-of-function approach, which complements conditional loss-of-function studies. Therefore, adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated gene delivery and Cre-mediated recombination were combined to recreate an innovative method, which ensures region- and cell type-specific transgene expression in the brain. This method was used to overexpress the CB1 receptor in glutamatergic pyramidal neurons of the mouse hippocampus. Enhanced CB1 receptor activity at glutamatergic terminals caused impairment in hippocampus-dependent memory performance. On the other hand, elevated CB1 receptor levels provoked an increased protection against kainic acid-induced seizures and against excitotoxic neuronal cell death. This finding indicates the protective role of CB1 receptor on hippocampal glutamatergic terminals as a molecular stout guard in controlling excessive neuronal network activity. Hence, CB1 receptor on glutamatergic hippocampal neurons may represent a target for novel agents to restrain excitotoxic events and to treat neurodegenerative diseases. Endocannabinoid synthesizing and degrading enzymes tightly regulate endocannabinoid signaling, and thus, represent a promising therapeutic target. To further elucidate the precise function of the 2-AG degrading enzyme monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL), MAGL was overexpressed specifically in hippocampal pyramidal neurons. This genetic modification resulted in highly increased MAGL activity accompanied by a 50 % decrease in 2-AG levels without affecting the content of arachidonic acid and anandamide. Elevated MAGL protein levels at glutamatergic terminals eliminated depolarization-induced suppression of excitation (DSE), while depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition (DSI) was unchanged. This result indicates that the on-demand availability of the endocannabinoid 2-AG is crucial for short-term plasticity at glutamatergic synapses in the hippocampus. Mice overexpressing MAGL exhibited elevated corticosterone levels under basal conditions and an increase in anxiety-like behavior, but surprisingly, showed no changes in aversive memory formation and in seizure susceptibility. This finding suggests that 2 AG-mediated hippocampal DSE is essential for adapting to aversive situations, but is not required to form aversive memory and to protect against kainic acid-induced seizures. Thus, specific inhibition of MAGL expressed in hippocampal pyramidal neurons may represent a potential treatment strategy for anxiety and stress disorders. Finally, the method of AAV-mediated cell type-specific transgene expression was advanced to allow drug-inducible and reversible transgene expression. Therefore, elements of the tetracycline-controlled gene expression system were incorporated in our “conditional” AAV vector. This approach showed that transgene expression is switched on after drug application and that background activity in the uninduced state was only detectable in scattered cells of the hippocampus. Thus, this AAV vector will proof useful for future research applications and gene therapy approaches.


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Diese Arbeit widmet sich der Untersuchung der photophysikalischen Prozesse, die in Mischungen von Elektronendonoren mit Elektronenakzeptoren zur Anwendung in organischen Solarzellen auftreten. Als Elektronendonoren werden das Copolymer PBDTTT-C, das aus Benzodithiophen- und Thienothiophene-Einheiten besteht, und das kleine Molekül p-DTS(FBTTh2)2, welches Silizium-überbrücktes Dithiophen, sowie fluoriertes Benzothiadiazol und Dithiophen beinhaltet, verwendet. Als Elektronenakzeptor finden ein planares 3,4:9,10-Perylentetracarbonsäurediimid-(PDI)-Derivat und verschiedene Fullerenderivate Anwendung. PDI-Derivate gelten als vielversprechende Alternativen zu Fullerenen aufgrund der durch chemische Synthese abstimmbaren strukturellen, optischen und elektronischen Eigenschaften. Das gewichtigste Argument für PDI-Derivate ist deren Absorption im sichtbaren Bereich des Sonnenspektrums was den Photostrom verbessern kann. Fulleren-basierte Mischungen übertreffen jedoch für gewöhnlich die Effizienz von Donor-PDI-Mischungen.rnUm den Nachteil der PDI-basierten Mischungen im Vergleich zu den entsprechenden Fulleren-basierten Mischungen zu identifizieren, werden die verschiedenen Donor-Akzeptor-Kombinationen auf ihre optischen, elektronischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften untersucht. Zeitaufgelöste Spektroskopie, vor allem transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie (TA), wird zur Analyse der Ladungsgeneration angewendet und der Vergleich der Donor-PDI Mischfilme mit den Donor-Fulleren Mischfilmen zeigt, dass die Bildung von Ladungstransferzuständen einen der Hauptverlustkanäle darstellt.rnWeiterhin werden Mischungen aus PBDTTT-C und [6,6]-Phenyl-C61-buttersäuremethylesther (PC61BM) mittels TA-Spektroskopie auf einer Zeitskala von ps bis µs untersucht und es kann gezeigt werden, dass der Triplettzustand des Polymers über die nicht-geminale Rekombination freier Ladungen auf einer sub-ns Zeitskala bevölkert wird. Hochentwickelte Methoden zur Datenanalyse, wie multivariate curve resolution (MCR), werden angewendet um überlagernde Datensignale zu trennen. Zusätzlich kann die Regeneration von Ladungsträgern durch Triplett-Triplett-Annihilation auf einer ns-µs Zeitskala gezeigt werden. Darüber hinaus wird der Einfluss des Lösungsmitteladditivs 1,8-Diiodooctan (DIO) auf die Leistungsfähigkeit von p-DTS(FBTTh2)2:PDI Solarzellen untersucht. Die Erkenntnisse von morphologischen und photophysikalischen Experimenten werden kombiniert, um die strukturellen Eigenschaften und die Photophysik mit den relevanten Kenngrößen des Bauteils in Verbindung zu setzen. Zeitaufgelöste Photolumineszenzmessungen (time-resolved photoluminescence, TRPL) zeigen, dass der Einsatz von DIO zu einer geringeren Reduzierung der Photolumineszenz führt, was auf eine größere Phasentrennung zurückgeführt werden kann. Außerdem kann mittels TA Spektroskopie gezeigt werden, dass die Verwendung von DIO zu einer verbesserten Kristallinität der aktiven Schicht führt und die Generation freier Ladungen fördert. Zur genauen Analyse des Signalzerfalls wird ein Modell angewendet, das den gleichzeitigen Zerfall gebundener CT-Zustände und freier Ladungen berücksichtigt und optimierte Donor-Akzeptor-Mischungen zeigen einen größeren Anteil an nicht-geminaler Rekombination freier Ladungsträger.rnIn einer weiteren Fallstudie wird der Einfluss des Fullerenderivats, namentlich IC60BA und PC71BM, auf die Leistungsfähigkeit und Photophysik der Solarzellen untersucht. Eine Kombination aus einer Untersuchung der Struktur des Dünnfilms sowie zeitaufgelöster Spektroskopie ergibt, dass Mischungen, die ICBA als Elektronenakzeptor verwenden, eine schlechtere Trennung von Ladungstransferzuständen zeigen und unter einer stärkeren geminalen Rekombination im Vergleich zu PCBM-basierten Mischungen leiden. Dies kann auf die kleinere Triebkraft zur Ladungstrennung sowie auf die höhere Unordnung der ICBA-basierten Mischungen, die die Ladungstrennung hemmen, zurückgeführt werden. Außerdem wird der Einfluss reiner Fullerendomänen auf die Funktionsfähigkeit organischer Solarzellen, die aus Mischungen des Thienothienophen-basierenden Polymers pBTTT-C14 und PC61BM bestehen, untersucht. Aus diesem Grund wird die Photophysik von Filmen mit einem Donor-Akzeptor-Mischungsverhältnis von 1:1 sowie 1:4 verglichen. Während 1:1-Mischungen lediglich eine co-kristalline Phase, in der Fullerene zwischen den Seitenketten von pBTTT interkalieren, zeigen, resultiert der Überschuss an Fulleren in den 1:4-Proben in der Ausbildung reiner Fullerendomänen zusätzlich zu der co kristallinen Phase. Transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie verdeutlicht, dass Ladungstransferzustände in 1:1-Mischungen hauptsächlich über geminale Rekombination zerfallen, während in 1:4 Mischungen ein beträchtlicher Anteil an Ladungen ihre wechselseitige Coulombanziehung überwinden und freie Ladungsträger bilden kann, die schließlich nicht-geminal rekombinieren.


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The authors present the long-term results in a series of 44 cases with post-traumatic bone defects solved with muscle-rib flaps, between March 1997 and December 2007. In these cases, we performed 21 serratus anterior-rib flaps (SA-R), 10 latissimus dorsi-rib flaps (LD-R), and 13 LD-SA-R. The flaps were used in upper limb in 18 cases and in lower limb in 26 cases. With an overall immediate success rate of 95.4% (42 of 44 cases) and a primary bone union rate of 97.7% (43 of 44 cases), and despite the few partisans of this method, we consider that this procedure still remains very usefully for small and medium bone defects accompanied by large soft tissue defects.


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Peripheral artery disease is a progressive disease. Primary ischemic leg symptoms are muscle fatigue, discomfort or pain during ambulation, known as intermittent claudication. The most severe manifestation of peripheral artery disease is critical limb ischemia (CLI). The long-term safety of gene therapy in peripheral artery disease remains unclear. This four center peripheral artery disease registry was designed to evaluate the long-term safety of the intramuscular non-viral fibroblast growth factor-1 (NV1FGF), a plasmid-based angiogenic gene for local expression of fibroblast growth factor-1 versus placebo in patients with peripheral artery disease who had been included in five different phase I and II trials. Here we report a 3-year follow-up in patients suffering from CLI or intermittent claudication. There were 93 evaluable patients, 72 of them in Fontaine stage IV (47 NV1FGF versus 25 placebo) and 21 patients in Fontaine stage IIb peripheral artery disease (15 NV1FGF versus 6 placebo). Safety parameters included rates of non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, death, cancer, retinopathy and renal dysfunction. At 3 years, in 93 patients included this registry, there was no increase in retinopathy or renal dysfunction associated with delivery of this angiogenic factor. There was also no difference in the number of strokes, MI or deaths, respectively, for NV1FGF versus placebo. In the CLI group, new cancer occurred in two patients in the NV1FGF group. Conclusions that can be drawn from this relatively small patient group are limited because of the number of patients followed and can only be restricted to safety. Yet, data presented may be valuable concerning rates in cancer, retinopathy, MI or strokes following angiogenesis gene therapy in the absence of any long-term data in angiogenesis gene therapy. It may take several years until data from larger patient populations will become available.


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Cross sections for charge transfer reactions of organic ions containing oxygen have been obtained using time-of-flight techniques. Charge transfer cross sections have been determined for reactions of 2.0 to 3.4 keV ions produced by electron impact ionization of oxygen containing molecules such as methanol, ethanal and ethanol. Experimental cross section magnitudes have been correlated with reaction energy defects computed from ion recombination energies and target ionization energies. Large cross sections are observed for reacting systems with small energy defects.


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We study a homogeneously driven granular fluid of hard spheres at intermediate volume fractions and focus on time-delayed correlation functions in the stationary state. Inelastic collisions are modeled by incomplete normal restitution, allowing for efficient simulations with an event-driven algorithm. The incoherent scattering function Fincoh(q,t ) is seen to follow time-density superposition with a relaxation time that increases significantly as the volume fraction increases. The statistics of particle displacements is approximately Gaussian. For the coherent scattering function S(q,ω), we compare our results to the predictions of generalized fluctuating hydrodynamics, which takes into account that temperature fluctuations decay either diffusively or with a finite relaxation rate, depending on wave number and inelasticity. For sufficiently small wave number q we observe sound waves in the coherent scattering function S(q,ω) and the longitudinal current correlation function Cl(q,ω). We determine the speed of sound and the transport coefficients and compare them to the results of kinetic theory.


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The discrete cosine transform (DCT) is an important functional block for image processing applications. The implementation of a DCT has been viewed as a specialized research task. We apply a micro-architecture based methodology to the hardware implementation of an efficient DCT algorithm in a digital design course. Several circuit optimization and design space exploration techniques at the register-transfer and logic levels are introduced in class for generating the final design. The students not only learn how the algorithm can be implemented, but also receive insights about how other signal processing algorithms can be translated into a hardware implementation. Since signal processing has very broad applications, the study and implementation of an extensively used signal processing algorithm in a digital design course significantly enhances the learning experience in both digital signal processing and digital design areas for the students.


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Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most common malignant brain tumor in children. It is known that overexpression and/or amplification of the MYC oncogene is associated with poor clinical outcome, but the molecular mechanisms and the MYC downstream effectors in MB remain still elusive. Besides contributing to elucidate how progression of MB takes place, most importantly, the identification of novel MYC-target genes will suggest novel candidates for targeted therapy in MB. A group of 209 MYC-responsive genes was obtained from a complementary DNA microarray analysis of a MB-derived cell line, following MYC overexpression and silencing. Among the MYC-responsive genes, we identified the members of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling pathway, which have a crucial role during the development of the cerebellum. In particular, the gene BMP7 was identified as a direct target of MYC. A positive correlation between MYC and BMP7 expression was documented by analyzing two distinct sets of primary MB samples. Functional studies in vitro using a small-molecule inhibitor of the BMP/SMAD signaling pathway reproduced the effect of the small interfering RNA-mediated silencing of BMP7. Both approaches led to a block of proliferation in a panel of MB cells and to inhibition of SMAD phosphorylation. Altogether, our findings indicate that high MYC levels drive BMP7 overexpression, promoting cell survival in MB cells. This observation suggests the potential relevance of targeting the BMP/SMAD pathway as a novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of childhood MB.


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Epileptic seizures are associated with a dysregulation of electrical brain activity on many different spatial scales. To better understand the dynamics of epileptic seizures, that is, how the seizures initiate, propagate, and terminate, it is important to consider changes of electrical brain activity on different spatial scales. Herein we set out to analyze periictal electrical brain activity on comparatively small and large spatial scales by assessing changes in single intracranial electroencephalography (EEG) signals and of averaged interdependences of pairs of EEG signals.


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Colostrum feeding in small ruminants is crucial during the first hours after birth due to the lack of Ig transfer during pregnancy via the placenta. In addition the immature immune system of the neonate is slow to produce its own Ig during the first weeks of life. Colostrogenesis, i.e. the transfer of Ig from blood into mammary secretions, starts several weeks prepartum. In goat plasma, immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration decreases by around 38% from the third month of gestation until partum, which coincides with the dry period. Thus, management during the dry period is crucial for the course of colostrogenesis. The colostrum synthesis is determined by the nutrition during the prepartum period, but the transfer of Ig is obviously independent of nutritional influences. The administration of conjugated linoleic acid during the dry period to dairy goats causes a less pronounced decrease of blood plasma IgG concentration (6%) but it did not change colostral IgG levels. In cattle, IgG1 is transported from blood into colostrum by an IgG1 specific receptor located on the surface of alveolar epithelial cells during colostrogenesis, and this is most likely similar in small ruminants. Via inactivation of this receptor, the Ig transfer is downregulated by increasing prolactin (PRL) during lactogenesis. It was recently observed in goats treated with PGF2 alpha, in order to induce parturition, lower colostrum IgG concentrations occurred concomitantly with an earlier increase of plasma PRL as compared to untreated animals. The effect of litter size and number of lactations on colostral IgG concentration in small ruminants has not been made fully clear until now most likely due to the different breeds used in the published studies.


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The interaction of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies with the high-affinity receptor, FcεRI, plays a central role in initiating most allergic reactions. The IgE-receptor interaction has been targeted for treatment of allergic diseases, and many high-affinity macromolecular inhibitors have been identified. Small molecule inhibitors would offer significant advantages over current anti-IgE treatment, but no candidate compounds have been identified and fully validated. Here, we report the development of a time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) assay for monitoring the IgE-receptor interaction. The TR-FRET assay measures an increase in fluorescence intensity as a donor lanthanide fluorophore is recruited into complexes of site-specific Alexa Fluor 488-labeled IgE-Fc and His-tagged FcεRIα proteins. The assay can readily monitor classic competitive inhibitors that bind either IgE-Fc or FcεRIα in equilibrium competition binding experiments. Furthermore, the TR-FRET assay can also be used to follow the kinetics of IgE-Fc-FcεRIα dissociation and identify inhibitory ligands that accelerate the dissociation of preformed complexes, as demonstrated for an engineered DARPin (designed ankyrin repeat protein) inhibitor. The TR-FRET assay is suitable for high-throughput screening (HTS), as shown by performing a pilot screen of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Collection Library in a 384-well plate format.


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In humans, theta band (5-7 Hz) power typically increases when performing cognitively demanding working memory (WM) tasks, and simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings have revealed an inverse relationship between theta power and the BOLD (blood oxygen level dependent) signal in the default mode network during WM. However, synchronization also plays a fundamental role in cognitive processing, and the level of theta and higher frequency band synchronization is modulated during WM. Yet, little is known about the link between BOLD, EEG power, and EEG synchronization during WM, and how these measures develop with human brain maturation or relate to behavioral changes. We examined EEG-BOLD signal correlations from 18 young adults and 15 school-aged children for age-dependent effects during a load-modulated Sternberg WM task. Frontal load (in-)dependent EEG theta power was significantly enhanced in children compared to adults, while adults showed stronger fMRI load effects. Children demonstrated a stronger negative correlation between global theta power and the BOLD signal in the default mode network relative to adults. Therefore, we conclude that theta power mediates the suppression of a task-irrelevant network. We further conclude that children suppress this network even more than adults, probably from an increased level of task-preparedness to compensate for not fully mature cognitive functions, reflected in lower response accuracy and increased reaction time. In contrast to power, correlations between instantaneous theta global field synchronization and the BOLD signal were exclusively positive in both age groups but only significant in adults in the frontal-parietal and posterior cingulate cortices. Furthermore, theta synchronization was weaker in children and was--in contrast to EEG power--positively correlated with response accuracy in both age groups. In summary we conclude that theta EEG-BOLD signal correlations differ between spectral power and synchronization and that these opposite correlations with different distributions undergo similar and significant neuronal developments with brain maturation.


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Numerous time series studies have provided strong evidence of an association between increased levels of ambient air pollution and increased levels of hospital admissions, typically at 0, 1, or 2 days after an air pollution episode. An important research aim is to extend existing statistical models so that a more detailed understanding of the time course of hospitalization after exposure to air pollution can be obtained. Information about this time course, combined with prior knowledge about biological mechanisms, could provide the basis for hypotheses concerning the mechanism by which air pollution causes disease. Previous studies have identified two important methodological questions: (1) How can we estimate the shape of the distributed lag between increased air pollution exposure and increased mortality or morbidity? and (2) How should we estimate the cumulative population health risk from short-term exposure to air pollution? Distributed lag models are appropriate tools for estimating air pollution health effects that may be spread over several days. However, estimation for distributed lag models in air pollution and health applications is hampered by the substantial noise in the data and the inherently weak signal that is the target of investigation. We introduce an hierarchical Bayesian distributed lag model that incorporates prior information about the time course of pollution effects and combines information across multiple locations. The model has a connection to penalized spline smoothing using a special type of penalty matrix. We apply the model to estimating the distributed lag between exposure to particulate matter air pollution and hospitalization for cardiovascular and respiratory disease using data from a large United States air pollution and hospitalization database of Medicare enrollees in 94 counties covering the years 1999-2002.


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We combined repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the functional relevance of parietal cortex activation during the performance of visuospatial tasks. fMRI provides information about local transient changes in neuronal activation during behavioural or cognitive tasks. Information on the functional relevance of this activation was obtained by using rTMS to induce temporary regional deactivations. We thereby turned the physiological parameter of brain activity into an independent variable controlled and manipulated by the experimenter and investigated its effect on the performance of the cognitive tasks within a controlled experimental design. We investigated cognitive tasks that were performed on the same visual material but differed in the demand on visuospatial functions. For the visuospatial tasks we found a selective enhancement of fMRI signal in the superior parietal lobule (SPL) and a selective impairment of performance after rTMS to this region in comparison to a control group. We could thus show that the parietal cortex is functionally important for the execution of spatial judgements on visually presented material and that TMS as an experimental tool has the potential to interfere with higher cognitive functions such as visuospatial information processing.