976 resultados para Simulated annealing


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This paper presents the practical use of Prony Analysis to identify small signal oscillation mode parameters from simulated and actual phasor measurement unit (PMU) ringdown data. A well-known two-area four-machine power system was considered as a study case while the latest PMU ringdown data were collected from a double circuit 275 kV main interconnector on the Irish power system. The eigenvalue analysis and power spectral density were also conducted for the purpose of comparison. The capability of Prony Analysis to identify the mode parameters from three different types of simulated PMU ringdown data has been shown successfully. Furthermore, the results indicate that the Irish power system has dominant frequency modes at different frequencies. However, each mode has good system damping.


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Corrosion fatigue is a fracture process as a consequence of synergistic interactions between the material structure, corrosive environment and cyclic loads/strains. It is difficult to be detected and can cause unexpected failure of engineering components in use. This study reveals a comparison of corrosion fatigue behaviour of laser-welded and bare NiTi wires using bending rotation fatigue (BRF) test coupled with a specifically-designed corrosion cell. The testing medium was Hanks’ solution (simulated body fluid) at 37.5 oC. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopic (EIS) measurement was carried out to monitor the change of corrosion resistance of sample during the BRF test at different periods of time. Experiments indicate that the laser-welded NiTi wire would be more susceptible to the corrosion fatigue attack than the bare NiTi wire. This study can serve as a benchmark for the product designers and engineers to understand the corrosion fatigue behaviour of the NiTi laser weld joint and determine the fatigue life safety factor for NiTi medical devices/implants involving laser welding in the fabrication process.


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Delivered at The Physiological Society's Biomedical Basis of Elite Performance conference, Nottingham, 6-8 March 2016


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Learning games such as role-play (which we refer to as “simulated interaction rituals”) are commonly used as social tools to develop trainee health practitioners. However, the effect of such rituals on individual and group participant emotions has not been carefully studied. Using a heuristic approach, we explore the experiences of complementary therapy practitioner trainees (and their trainers) participating in a personal development course. Ten trainees and two tutors were interviewed, observational notes taken, and a secondary qualitative analysis undertaken. Participants and tutors described a medley of disparate emotional and moral responses to group rituals, conceptualized in this article as “jumbled emotions.” Such emotions required disentangling, and both trainees and staff perceived participating in unfamiliar rituals “with relative strangers” as challenging. Front of stage effects are frequently processed “backstage,” as rituals threaten social embarrassment and confusion. Concerns around emotional triggers, authenticity, and outcomes of rituals arise at the time, yet trainees can find ways to work through these issues in time.


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General simulated scenes These scenes followed a pre-defined script (see the Thesis for details), with common movements corresponding to general experiments. People go to or stand still in front of "J9", and/or go to the side of Argonauta reactor and come back again. The first type of movement is common during Irradiation experiments, where a material sample is put within the "J9" channel; and also during neutrongraphy or gammagraphy experiments, where a sample is placed in front of "J9". Here, the detailed movements of putting samples on these places were not reproduced in details, but only the whole bodies' movements were simulated (as crouching or being still in front of "J9"). The second type of movement may occur when operators go to the side of Argonauta to verify some operational condition. - Scene 1 (Obs.: Scene 1 of the "General simulated scenes" class): Comprises one of the scenes with two persons. Both of them use clothes of light colors. Both persons remain still in front of "J9"; one goes to the computer and then come back, and both go out. Video file labels: "20140326145315_IPCAM": recorded by the right camera,


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General simulated scenes These scenes followed a pre-defined script (see the Thesis for details), with common movements corresponding to general experiments. People go to or stand still in front of "J9", and/or go to the side of Argonauta reactor and come back again. The first type of movement is common during Irradiation experiments, where a material sample is put within the "J9" channel; and also during neutrongraphy or gammagraphy experiments, where a sample is placed in front of "J9". Here, the detailed movements of putting samples on these places were not reproduced in details, but only the whole bodies' movements were simulated (as crouching or being still in front of "J9"). The second type of movement may occur when operators go to the side of Argonauta to verify some operational condition. - Scene 1 (Obs.: Scene 1 of the "General simulated scenes" class): Comprises one of the scenes with two persons. Both of them use clothes of light colors. Both persons remain still in front of "J9"; one goes to the computer and then come back, and both go out. Video file labels: "20140326145316_IPCAM": recorded by the left camera.


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General simulated scenes These scenes followed a pre-defined script (see the Thesis for details), with common movements corresponding to general experiments. People go to or stand still in front of "J9", and/or go to the side of Argonauta reactor and come back again. The first type of movement is common during Irradiation experiments, where a material sample is put within the "J9" channel; and also during neutrongraphy or gammagraphy experiments, where a sample is placed in front of "J9". Here, the detailed movements of putting samples on these places were not reproduced in details, but only the whole bodies' movements were simulated (as crouching or being still in front of "J9"). The second type of movement may occur when operators go to the side of Argonauta to verify some operational condition. - Scene 2: Comprises one of the scenes with two persons. Both of them use clothes of dark colors. Both persons go to the side of Argonauta reactor and then come back and go out. Video file labels: "20140326154754_IPCAM": recorded by the right camera.


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General simulated scenes These scenes followed a pre-defined script (see the Thesis for details), with common movements corresponding to general experiments. People go to or stand still in front of "J9", and/or go to the side of Argonauta reactor and come back again. The first type of movement is common during Irradiation experiments, where a material sample is put within the "J9" channel; and also during neutrongraphy or gammagraphy experiments, where a sample is placed in front of "J9". Here, the detailed movements of putting samples on these places were not reproduced in details, but only the whole bodies' movements were simulated (as crouching or being still in front of "J9"). The second type of movement may occur when operators go to the side of Argonauta to verify some operational condition. - Scene 2: Comprises one of the scenes with two persons. Both of them use clothes of dark colors. Both persons go to the side of Argonauta reactor and then come back and go out. Video file labels: "20140326154755_IPCAM": recorded by the left camera.


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Competitive electricity markets are complex environments, involving a large number of different entities, playing in a dynamic scene to obtain the best advantages and profits. MASCEM is an electricity market simulator able to model market players and simulate their operation in the market. As market players are complex entities, having their characteristics and objectives, making their decisions and interacting with other players, a multi-agent architecture is used and proved to be adequate. MASCEM players have learning capabilities and different risk preferences. They are able to refine their strategies according to their past experience (both real and simulated) and considering other agents’ behavior. Agents’ behavior is also subject to its risk preferences.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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In traditional criminal investigation, uncertainties are often dealt with using a combination of common sense, practical considerations and experience, but rarely with tailored statistical models. For example, in some countries, in order to search for a given profile in the national DNA database, it must have allelic information for six or more of the ten SGM Plus loci for a simple trace. If the profile does not have this amount of information then it cannot be searched in the national DNA database (NDNAD). This requirement (of a result at six or more loci) is not based on a statistical approach, but rather on the feeling that six or more would be sufficient. A statistical approach, however, could be more rigorous and objective and would take into consideration factors such as the probability of adventitious matches relative to the actual database size and/or investigator's requirements in a sensible way. Therefore, this research was undertaken to establish scientific foundations pertaining to the use of partial SGM Plus loci profiles (or similar) for investigation.


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A room temperature ferromagnetic hysteresis is observed in single crystal strontium titanate substrates as purchased from several manufacturers. It was found that polishing all sides of the substrates removed this observed hysteresis, suggesting that the origin of the ferromagnetic behavior resides on the surface of the substrates. X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive x-ray spectra were measured however they were unable to detect any impurity phases. In similar semiconducting oxides it was previously suggested that ferromagnetism could originate in oxygen vacancies or from disorder within the single crystal. To this end substrates were annealed in both air and vacuum in a range of temperatures (600°C to 1100°G) to both create bulk oxygen vacancies and to heal surface damage. Annealing in vacuum was found to create a measureable number of oxygen vacancies however their creation could not be correlated to the ferromagnetic signal of the substrate. Annealing in air was found to effect the remnant moment of the substrate as well as the width of the x-ray diffraction peaks on the unpolished face, weakly suggesting a relation between surface based disorder and ferromagnetism. Argon ion bombardment was employed to create a layer of surface disorder in the polished crystal, however it was not found to induce ferromagnetism. It was found that acid etching was sufficient to remove the ferromagnetism from as purchased samples and similarly simulated handling with stainless steel tweezers was sufficient to re-create the ferromagnetism. It is suggested that the origin of this ferromagnetism in SrTi03 is surface contaminants (mainly iron).


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The enigmatic heavy fermion URu2Si2, which is the subject of this thesis, has attracted intensive theoretical and experimental research since 1984 when it was firstly reported by Schlabitz et al. at a conference [1]. The previous bulk property measurements clearly showed that one second order phase transition occurs at the Hidden Order temperature THO ≈ 17.5 K and another second order phase transition, the superconducting transition, occurs at Tc ≈ 1 K. Though twenty eight years have passed, the mechanisms behind these two phase transitions are still not clear to researchers. Perfect crystals do not exist. Different kinds of crystal defects can have considerable effects on the crystalline properties. Some of these defects can be eliminated, and hence the crystalline quality improved, by annealing. Previous publications showed that some bulk properties of URu2Si2 exhibited significant differences between as-grown samples and annealed samples. The present study shows that the annealing of URu2Si2 has some considerable effects on the resistivity and the DC magnetization. The effects of annealing on the resistivity are characterized by examining how the Residual Resistivity Ratio (RRR), the fitting parameters to an expression for the temperature dependence of the resistivity, the temperatures of the local maximum and local minimum of the resistivity at the Hidden Order phase transition and the Hidden Order Transition Width ∆THO change after annealing. The plots of one key fitting parameter, the onset temperature of the Hidden Order transition and ∆THO vs RRR are compared with those of Matsuda et al. [2]. Different media used to mount samples have some impact on how effectively the samples are cooled because the media have different thermal conductivity. The DC magnetization around the superconducting transition is presented for one unannealed sample under fields of 25 Oe and 50 Oe and one annealed sample under fields of 0 Oe and 25 Oe. The DC field dependent magnetization of the annealed Sample1-1 shows a typical field dependence of a Type-II superconductor. The lower critical field Hc1 is relatively high, which may be due to flux pinning by the crystal defects.