1000 resultados para Siette (Plataforma de resolución de test)


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The slow-phase velocity of nystagmus is one of the most sensitive parameters of vestibular function and is currently the standard for evaluating the caloric test. However, the assessment of this parameter requires recording the response by using nystagmography. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether frequency and duration of the caloric nystagmus, as measured by using a clinical test with Frenzel glasses, could predict the result of the recorded test. The retrospective analysis of 222 caloric test results recorded by means of electronystagmography has shown a good association between the 3 parameters for unilateral weakness. The asymmetry observed in the velocity can be predicted by a combination of frequency and duration. On the other hand, no relationship was observed between the parameters for directional preponderance. These results indicate that a clinical caloric test with frequency and duration as parameters can be used to predict the unilateral weakness, which would be obtained by use of nystagmography. We propose an evaluation of the caloric test on the basis of diagrams combining the 3 response parameters.


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A modified magnesium hydrogen breath test, using end expiratory breath sampling, is described to investigate achlorhydria. The efficacy of this test in the diagnostic investigation of pernicious anaemia was compared with that of serum pepsinogen I. Twenty one patients with pernicious anaemia--that is, patients with achlorhydria--and 22 with healed duodenal ulcer and normal chlorhydria were studied. Magnesium hydrogen breath test, serum pepsinogen I, serum gastrin, and standard gastric acid secretory tests were performed in all subjects. The mean (SEM) hydrogen peak value was lower in patients with pernicious anaemia than in the duodenal ulcer group (21.7 (1.9) v 71.3 (5.2) ppm; p = 0.00005). The hydrogen peak value had a 95.2% sensitivity and a 100% specificity to detect pentagastrin resistant achlorhydria. Mean serum pepsinogen I concentrations were also significantly lower in patients with pernicious anaemia than in the duodenal ulcer group (10.7 (2.7) v 123.6 (11.8) micrograms/l p = 0.00005). Sensitivity and specificity to detect pernicious anaemia were both 100% for pepsinogen I. It is concluded that this modified magnesium hydrogen breath test is a simple, noninvasive, cost effective, and accurate method to assess achlorhydria and may be useful in the diagnostic investigation of patients with suspected pernicious anaemia.


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BACKGROUND: The objective is to develop a cost-effective, reliable and non invasive screening test able to detect early CRCs and adenomas. This is done on a nucleic acids multigene assay performed on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). METHODS: A colonoscopy-controlled study was conducted on 179 subjects. 92 subjects (21 CRC, 30 adenoma >1 cm and 41 controls) were used as training set to generate a signature. Other 48 subjects kept blinded (controls, CRC and polyps) were used as a test set. To determine organ and disease specificity 38 subjects were used: 24 with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD),14 with other cancers (OC). Blood samples were taken and PBMCs were purified. After the RNA extraction, multiplex RT-qPCR was applied on 92 different candidate biomarkers. After different univariate and multivariate analysis 60 biomarkers with significant p-values (<0.01) were selected. 2 distinct biomarker signatures are used to separate patients without lesion from those with CRC or with adenoma, named COLOX CRC and COLOX POL. COLOX performances were validated using random resampling method, bootstrap. RESULTS: COLOX CRC and POL tests successfully separate patients without lesions from those with CRC (Se 67%, Sp 93%, AUC 0.87), and from those with adenoma > 1cm (Se 63%, Sp 83%, AUC 0.77). 6/24 patients in the IBD group and 1/14 patients in the OC group have a positive COLOX CRC. CONCLUSION: The two COLOX tests demonstrated a high Se and Sp to detect the presence of CRCs and adenomas > 1 cm. A prospective, multicenter, pivotal study is underway in order to confirm these promising results in a larger cohort.


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The functional response of predators is usually modelled as a function of absolute prey density. Arditi and Ginzburg have suggested that it should often depend instead on the prey available per capita of predators, i.e. on the prey/predator ratio. Theory suggests that these two forms of dependence are related to the degree of spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Experiments using four filter-feeding cladoceran species were designed to test this hypothesis and to investigate the relation between individual behaviour and population dynamics. The patterns of population abundance that the cladocerans reached at equilibrium match the expectation that species with homogeneous spatial behaviour follow prey-dependent dynamics while those with heterogeneous behaviour follow ratio-dependent dynamics.


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Variable queen mating frequencies provide a unique opportunity to study the resolution of worker-queen conflict over sex ratio in social Hymenoptera, because the conflict is maximal in colonies headed by a singly mated queen and is weak or nonexistent in colonies headed by a multiply mated queen. In the wood ant Formica exsecta, workers in colonies with a singly mated queen, but not those in colonies with a multiply mated queen, altered the sex ratio of queen-laid eggs by eliminating males to preferentially raise queens. By this conditional response to queen mating frequency, workers enhance their inclusive fitness.


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Giovanni C. Cattini is a young historian who offers an itemized study on Berneri's Guerra di Classe: he refers the first moments and also the definitive crisis of this newspaper after Berneri¿s assassination in May 1937. This is not the first work devoted to this militant platform has been annalysed but Cattini's approach observes not only the ideological and political contest maintained with other sectors of the libertarian movement but the contrived militant tools that have allowed its existance during the Spanish Civil War.


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Giovanni C. Cattini is a young historian who offers an itemized study on Berneri's Guerra di Classe: he refers the first moments and also the definitive crisis of this newspaper after Berneri¿s assassination in May 1937. This is not the first work devoted to this militant platform has been annalysed but Cattini's approach observes not only the ideological and political contest maintained with other sectors of the libertarian movement but the contrived militant tools that have allowed its existance during the Spanish Civil War.


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With the use of supplementary cementing materials (SCMs) in concrete mixtures, salt scaling tests such as ASTM C672 have been found to be overly aggressive and do correlate well with field scaling performance. The reasons for this are thought to be because at high replacement levels, SCM mixtures can take longer to set and to develop their properties: neither of these factors is taken into account in the standard laboratory finishing and curing procedures. As a result, these variables were studied as well as a modified scaling test, based on the Quebec BNQ scaling test that had shown promise in other research. The experimental research focused on the evaluation of three scaling resistance tests, including the ASTM C672 test with normal curing as well as an accelerated curing regime used by VDOT for ASTM C1202 rapid chloride permeability tests and now included as an option in ASTM C1202. As well, several variations on the proposed draft ASTM WK9367 deicer scaling resistance test, based on the Quebec Ministry of Transportation BNQ test method, were evaluated for concretes containing varying amounts of slag cement. A total of 16 concrete mixtures were studied using both high alkali cement and low alkali cement, Grade 100 slag and Grade 120 slag with 0, 20, 35 and 50 percent slag replacement by mass of total cementing materials. Vinsol resin was used as the primary air entrainer and Micro Air® was used in two replicate mixes for comparison. Based on the results of this study, a draft alternative test method to ASTM C762 is proposed.


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Understanding and anticipating biological invasions can focus either on traits that favour species invasiveness or on features of the receiving communities, habitats or landscapes that promote their invasibility. Here, we address invasibility at the regional scale, testing whether some habitats and landscapes are more invasible than others by fitting models that relate alien plant species richness to various environmental predictors. We use a multi-model information-theoretic approach to assess invasibility by modelling spatial and ecological patterns of alien invasion in landscape mosaics and testing competing hypotheses of environmental factors that may control invasibility. Because invasibility may be mediated by particular characteristics of invasiveness, we classified alien species according to their C-S-R plant strategies. We illustrate this approach with a set of 86 alien species in Northern Portugal. We first focus on predictors influencing species richness and expressing invasibility and then evaluate whether distinct plant strategies respond to the same or different groups of environmental predictors. We confirmed climate as a primary determinant of alien invasions and as a primary environmental gradient determining landscape invasibility. The effects of secondary gradients were detected only when the area was sub-sampled according to predictions based on the primary gradient. Then, multiple predictor types influenced patterns of alien species richness, with some types (landscape composition, topography and fire regime) prevailing over others. Alien species richness responded most strongly to extreme land management regimes, suggesting that intermediate disturbance induces biotic resistance by favouring native species richness. Land-use intensification facilitated alien invasion, whereas conservation areas hosted few invaders, highlighting the importance of ecosystem stability in preventing invasions. Plants with different strategies exhibited different responses to environmental gradients, particularly when the variations of the primary gradient were narrowed by sub-sampling. Such differential responses of plant strategies suggest using distinct control and eradication approaches for different areas and alien plant groups.


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El artículo presenta y discute una experiencia de innovación de la docencia universitaria en el ámbito disciplinar de la Psicología de la Educación, basada en una metodología de análisis y resolución de casos-problema en pequeños grupos colaborativos, y en el uso de tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC). La experiencia, que se ha desarrollado a lo largo de dos cursos académicos, se fundamenta en una visión constructivista y sociocultural de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Se describe en detalle el diseño instruccional desarrollado, que prioriza tres formas de uso de las TIC: 1) como apoyo al trabajo colaborativo en pequeñogrupo de los estudiantes; 2) como soporte al seguimiento, el apoyo y la tutorización por parte del profesor, y 3) como apoyo a la reflexión y regulación de los estudiantes sobre su propio proceso de trabajo y aprendizaje. Estas formas de uso extienden y amplifican la actividad presencial de profesor y estudiantes, y dan lugara un contexto híbrido (presencial y virtual) de enseñanza y aprendizaje. La valoración global de la experiencia es muy positiva, tanto desde el punto de vista del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes como desde el de la satisfacción de éstos y de profesores. Con todo, se identifican también algunos aspectos susceptibles de revisióny mejora; en particular, se señala la dificultad que supone integrar herramientas y espacios virtuales de enseñanza y aprendizaje en una "cultura institucional" y de los estudiantes centrada en la presencialidad, y sedestaca la necesidad de ayudar y enseñar explícitamente a los alumnos habilidades específicas para el trabajo y el aprendizaje en entornos virtuales.