924 resultados para Sick person
Background and purpose: Decision making (DM) has been defined as the process through which a person forms preferences, selects and executes actions, and evaluates the outcome related to a selected choice. This ability represents an important factor for adequate behaviour in everyday life. DM impairment in multiple sclerosis (MS) has been previously reported. The purpose of the present study was to assess DM in patients with MS at the earliest clinically detectable time point of the disease. Methods: Patients with definite (n=109) or possible (clinically isolated syndrome, CIS; n=56) MS, a short disease duration (mean 2.3 years) and a minor neurological disability (mean EDSS 1.8) were compared to 50 healthy controls aged 18 to 60 years (mean age 32.2) using the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Subjects had to select a card from any of 4 decks (A/B [disadvantageous]; C/D [advantageous]). The game consisted of 100 trials then grouped in blocks of 20 cards for data analysis. Skill in DM was assessed by means of a learning index (LI) defined as the difference between the averaged last three block indexes and first two block indexes (LI=[(BI-3+BI-4+BI-5)/3-(BI-1+B2)/2]). Non parametric tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: LI was higher in the control group (0.24, SD 0.44) than in the MS group (0.21, SD 0.38), however without reaching statistical significance (p=0.7). Interesting differences were detected when MS patients were grouped according to phenotype. A trend to a difference between MS subgroups and controls was observed for LI (p=0.06), which became significant between MS subgroups (p=0.03). CIS patients who confirmed MS diagnosis by presenting a second relapse after study entry showed a dysfunction in the IGT in comparison to the other CIS (p=0.01) and definite MS (p=0.04) patients. In the opposite, CIS patients characterised by not entirely fulfilled McDonald criteria at inclusion and absence of relapse during the study showed an normal learning pattern on the IGT. Finally, comparing MS patients who developed relapses after study entry, those who remained clinically stable and controls, we observed impaired performances only in relapsing patients in comparison to stable patients (p=0.008) and controls (p=0.03). Discussion: These results raise the assumption of a sustained role for both MS relapsing activity and disease heterogeneity (i.e. infra-clinical severity or activity of MS) in the impaired process of decision making.
El treball analitza les institucions de protecció de la persona en el dret civil de Catalunya, d’acord amb la nova regulació del llibre segon CCCat: la potestat parental, la tutela, la curatela, el defensor judicial, la guarda de fet, l’assistència, la protecció patrimonial de la persona discapacitada o dependent, i la protecció dels menors desemparats
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disorders characterised by too much glucose in the blood. The body breaks down digested food into a sugar called glucose from which it derives energy. The hormone insulin allows the body to use that sugar by helping glucose to enter the cells. When a person has diabetes, either the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin or the body cannot properly use the insulin it has. As a result there is a build-up of glucose in the blood causing the cells to be starved of energy. The Chronic Conditions Hub is a website that brings together information on chronic health conditions. It allows you to easily access, manage and share relevant information resources. The Chronic Conditions Hub includes the Institute of Public Health in Ireland’s (IPH) estimates and forecasts of the number of people living with chronic conditions. On the Chronic Conditions Hub you will find:- A Briefing for each condition - Detailed technical documentation - Detailed national and sub-national data that can be downloaded or explored using online data tools
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disorders characterised by too much glucose in the blood. The body breaks down digested food into a sugar called glucose from which it derives energy. The hormone insulin allows the body to use that sugar by helping glucose to enter the cells. When a person has diabetes, either the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin or the body cannot properly use the insulin it has. As a result there is a build-up of glucose in the blood causing the cells to be starved of energy. There are two types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes is characterised by a lack of insulin production and occurs most frequently in children; Type 2 diabetes is the most common form in persons aged over 40 but cases are starting to emerge at younger ages, and is caused by the body’s ineffective use of insulin. This document details hoe the IPH has systematically estimated and forecast the prevalence of diabetes on the island of Ireland
Number of hospital discharges and age-standardised discharge rates for emergency hospital admissions for injury by sex and type of injury for the following regions and year:Republic of Ireland 2006Northern Ireland 2006England 2006/07Scotland 2006/07Wales 2006 Numbers and rates are based on official hospital statistics from each region. All regions use International Classification of Disease (ICD) version 10 for hospital discharges in these years. Only emergency inpatient hospital spells with an ICD 10 code in the range S000-T739, T750-T759, T780-T789 (in any diagnostic position) and an ICD10 external cause code in the range V01-Y36 (in any diagnostic position) were included. A hospital spell is an unbroken period of time that a person spends as an inpatient in a hospital. The person may change consultant and/or specialty during a spell but is counted only once. See http://www.injuryobservatory.net/analysis-of-inpatient-admissions-data-f... for more details.
Etiologic research in psychiatry relies on an objectivist epistemology positing that human cognition is specified by the "reality" of the outer world, which consists of a totality of mind-independent objects. Truth is considered as some sort of correspondence relation between words and external objects, and mind as a mirror of nature. In our view, this epistemology considerably impedes etiologic research. Objectivist epistemology has been recently confronting a growing critique from diverse scientific fields. Alternative models in neurosciences (neuronal selection), artificial intelligence (connectionism), and developmental psychology (developmental biodynamics) converge in viewing living organisms as self-organizing systems. In this perspective, the organism is not specified by the outer world, but enacts its environment by selecting relevant domains of significance that constitute its world. The distinction between mind and body or organism and environment is a matter of observational perspective. These models from empirical sciences are compatible with fundamental tenets of philosophical phenomenology and hermeneutics. They imply consequences for research in psychopathology: symptoms cannot be viewed as disconnected manifestations of discrete localized brain dysfunctions. Psychopathology should therefore focus on how the person's self-coherence is maintained and on the understanding and empirical investigation of the systemic laws that govern neurodevelopment and the organization of human cognition.
El treball de recerca “Fonaments i actuacions de lideratge sistèmic d’un equip de bàsquet professional i futures aplicacions” fa l’anàlisi d’una experiència real vinculada al món de l’esport professional. Es pretén donar a conèixer com l’estructuració del coneixement de l’entrenador pot afavorir el bon funcionament de l’equip. L’estructuració ens genera criteri i coherència a l’hora de prendre decisions.Es reconeix a l’entrenador com una persona treballadora, apassionada per la seva feina i en constant creixement individual. Valors com la humilitat, l’entusiasme, el compromís, la generositat i l’autoexigència es converteixen en adjectius fonamentals del nostre entrenador.L’estudi en l’autoconeixement en conceptes com lideratge, nivells neurològics, talent i motivació esdevenen el pal de paller en la construcció de l’equip. Un equip amb identitat pròpia, on el benefici pel bé comú (equip) està per sobre de tot, cooperatiu, compromès, i on la figura de l’entrenador intuïtiu amb coneixement influeix més per convenciment que per autoritat.El treball del dia a dia de l’entrenador i de l´equip es fonamenta en l’organització dels pilars de l’entrenador: flexibilitat, creixement de l’entrenador, equip, marges col·lectiu i individual són els motors del bon funcionament del col·lectiu. En el treball presentat, es destaca la importància de saber diferenciar, en el rendiment d’un equip, dues vessants: una més objectiva (tècnica, tàctica, estratègia i física) i l’altra on el factor humà és determinant. La investigació aprofundeix en aquest segon factor i el reconeix com a preferent. Per acabar es presenten tot un seguit d’actuacions utilitzades al llarg de la investigació amb la finalitat de generar, mantenir i millorar l’equip al mateix temps que es mostren diferents eines per tal d’optimitzar l’eficiència de les actuacions. La investigació pretén ser una experiència útil i enriquidora a l’hora d’estructurar el coneixement per tal de poder ser utilitzat en futures aplicacions.
La recerca Atenció Primària: una aproximació a l'experiència vital de l'educand com a element educatiu, posa de relleu la importància de l'experiència viscuda en un individu com a element motivador i capacitador de les pròpies expectatives personals, de les ganes de superació en el procés educatiu que s'està duent a terme entre l'educador o educadora i l'educand com a subjecte de l'experiència. El treball que presento vol ser una primera aproximació a un element tan important com és l'experiència vital de l'educand. Preguntes com quin paper juga l'experiència, el record, la posada en pràctica i la seva recuperació, sempre des d'un punt de vista educatiu i no terapèutic, són les que m'he plantejat en la recerca. Exploro com la recuperació d’allò que cadascú viu com a bon saber i posar-lo en pràctica de nou, pot ser un element facilitador en el procés educatiu. Reflexionar sobre unes accions ja realitzades és tornar-les a pensar des d'una memòria reflexiva, perquè no comencem de zero, sinó que comencem des d'aquella acció que en el seu moment ja ens va dur a un resultat positiu. Suposa aprendre a pensar millor, a utilitzar el pensament com un processador de la experiència i la informació. L’educador/a social, en aquesta relació, fa “de mirall” del propi educand, ajudant a sortir-se'n, acompanyant-lo en el recorregut de l'aprenentatge.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la University of Calgary, Canadà, entre desembre del 2007 i febrer del 2008. El projecte ha consistit en l'anàlisi de les dades d'una recerca en el camp de la psicologia de la música, concretament en com influeix la música en l'atenció a través de les vies dels estats emocionals i enèrgics de la persona. Per a la recerca es feu ús de videu en les sessions, obtenint dades visuals i auditives per a complementar les dades de tipus quantitatiu provinents dels resultats d'uns tests d'atenció subministrats. L'anàlisi es realitzà segons mètodes i tècniques de caràcter qualitatiu, apresos durant l'estada. Així mateix també s'ha aprofundit en la comprensió del paradigma qualitatiu com a paradigma vàlid i realment complementari del paradigma qualitatiu. S'ha focalitzat especialment en l'anàlisi de la conversa des d'un punt de vista interpretatiu així com l'anàlisi de llenguatge corporal i facial a partir de l'observació de videu, tot formulant descriptors i subdescriptors de la conducta que està relacionada amb la hipòtesis. Alguns descriptors havien estat formulats prèviament a l’anàlisi, en base a altres investigacions i al background de la investigadora; altres s’han anat descobrint durant l’anàlisi. Els descriptors i subdescriptors de la conducta estan relacionats amb l'intent dels estats anímics i enèrgics dels diferents participants. L'anàlisi s'ha realitzat com un estudi de casos, fent un anàlisi exhaustiu persona per persona amb l'objectiu de trobar patrons de reacció intrapersonals i intrapersonals. Els patrons observats s'utilitzaran com a contrast amb la informació quantitativa, tot realitzant triangulació amb les dades per trobar-ne possibles recolzaments o contradiccions entre sí. Els resultats preliminars indiquen relació entre el tipus de música i el comportament, sent que la música d'emotivitat negativa està associada a un tancament de la persona, però quan la música és enèrgica els participants s'activen (conductualment observat) i somriuen si aquesta és positiva.
Educational aspirations during lower secondary school and choice of upper secondary education are important for young people’s future trajectories into higher education and labour market positions. In line with ideas about reflexive, autonomous individuals (Giddens, 1991), choice of education is often represented as a young person’ individual decision, and educational guidance as aimed at discovering what ‘fits’ an individual’s personality, interests and abilities. Educational aspirations and choices are also social patterns that are reproduced. Some population categories represent exceptions from expected patterns of social reproduction of educational level and professions. In several countries, one such category is young people from families with migration experiences (Lauglo, 2000; Modood, 2004). In Norway, students have a legal right to non-compulsory upper secondary schooling and 96 percent of the students continue from lower to upper secondary school. In spite of positive developments regarding minority youths’ completion of upper secondary and higher education in later years, studies still persistently show lower educational attainment among minority youth, particularly among boys (Fekjaer, 2006). However, in lower secondary school, minor ity youth tend to have markedly higher educational aspirations and stronger learning motivation than their majority peers, as well as greater effort in school and strong adherence to school values (Lauglo, 2000) despite lower educational attainment or lower socio-economic backgrounds. In addition, gender differences in educational aspirations seem to be smaller among minority youth. The principal objective of the study in progress that will be presented in this paper, is to describe how processes relating to gendered, ethnic and class-based identities influence young people’s educational choices. The study is undertaken as a PhD project in social anthropology. The methodological approach is ethnographic longitudinal fieldwork in two multicultural lower secondary schools in Oslo. The study is part of a larger project that also include quantitative analyses of longitudinal data covering 9th graders in Oslo 2006 through four data collections during lower and upper secondary school.
This assessment tool is designed to assess the registered nursing needs of an older person needing long-term care.
The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of unusual writing positions on a person's signature, in comparison to a standard writing position. Ten writers were asked to sign their signature six times, in each of four different writing positions, including the standard one. In order to take into consideration the effect of the day-to-day variation, this same process was repeated over 12 sessions, giving a total of 288 signatures per subject. The signatures were collected simultaneously in an off-line and on-line acquisition mode, using an interactive tablet and a ballpoint pen. Unidimensional variables (height to width ratio; time with or without in air displacement) and time-dependent variables (pressure; X and Y coordinates; altitude and azimuth angles) were extracted from each signature. For the unidimensional variables, the position effect was assessed through ANOVA and Dunnett contrast tests. Concerning the time-dependent variables, the signatures were compared by using dynamic time warping, and the position effect was evaluated through classification by linear discriminant analysis. Both of these variables provided similar results: no general tendency regarding the position factor could be highlighted. The influence of the position factor varies according to the subject as well as the variable studied. The impact of the session factor was shown to cover the impact that could be ascribed to the writing position factor. Indeed, the day-to-day variation has a greater effect than the position factor on the studied signature variables. The results of this study suggest guidelines for best practice in the area of signature comparisons and demonstrate the importance of a signature collection procedure covering an adequate number of sampling sessions, with a sufficient number of samples per session.
BACKGROUND: The provision of sufficient basal insulin to normalize fasting plasma glucose levels may reduce cardiovascular events, but such a possibility has not been formally tested. METHODS: We randomly assigned 12,537 people (mean age, 63.5 years) with cardiovascular risk factors plus impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or type 2 diabetes to receive insulin glargine (with a target fasting blood glucose level of ≤95 mg per deciliter [5.3 mmol per liter]) or standard care and to receive n-3 fatty acids or placebo with the use of a 2-by-2 factorial design. The results of the comparison between insulin glargine and standard care are reported here. The coprimary outcomes were nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or death from cardiovascular causes and these events plus revascularization or hospitalization for heart failure. Microvascular outcomes, incident diabetes, hypoglycemia, weight, and cancers were also compared between groups. RESULTS: The median follow-up was 6.2 years (interquartile range, 5.8 to 6.7). Rates of incident cardiovascular outcomes were similar in the insulin-glargine and standard-care groups: 2.94 and 2.85 per 100 person-years, respectively, for the first coprimary outcome (hazard ratio, 1.02; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.94 to 1.11; P=0.63) and 5.52 and 5.28 per 100 person-years, respectively, for the second coprimary outcome (hazard ratio, 1.04; 95% CI, 0.97 to 1.11; P=0.27). New diabetes was diagnosed approximately 3 months after therapy was stopped among 30% versus 35% of 1456 participants without baseline diabetes (odds ratio, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.64 to 1.00; P=0.05). Rates of severe hypoglycemia were 1.00 versus 0.31 per 100 person-years. Median weight increased by 1.6 kg in the insulin-glargine group and fell by 0.5 kg in the standard-care group. There was no significant difference in cancers (hazard ratio, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.88 to 1.13; P=0.97). CONCLUSIONS: When used to target normal fasting plasma glucose levels for more than 6 years, insulin glargine had a neutral effect on cardiovascular outcomes and cancers. Although it reduced new-onset diabetes, insulin glargine also increased hypoglycemia and modestly increased weight. (Funded by Sanofi; ORIGIN ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00069784.).
During the period from 1987 to 1998, 13 cases of human sporotrichosis were recorded at the Research Center Evandro Chagas Hospital (CPqHEC) in Rio de Janeiro. Two of these patients related scratch by a sick cat. During the subsequent period from July 1998 to July 2000, 66 human, 117 cats and 7 dogs with sporotrichosis were diagnosed at the CPqHEC. Fifty-two humans (78.8%) reported contact with cats with sporotrichosis, and 31 (47%) of them reporting a history of a scratch or bite. This epidemic, unprecedented in the literature, involving cats, dogs and human beings may have started insidiously before 1998.
BACKGROUND: Subclinical hypothyroidism has been associated with systolic and diastolic cardiac dysfunction and an elevated cholesterol level, but data on cardiovascular outcomes and death are limited. METHODS: We studied 2730 men and women, aged 70 to 79 years, with baseline thyrotropin (TSH) measurements and 4-year follow-up data to determine whether subclinical hypothyroidism was associated with congestive heart failure (CHF), coronary heart disease, stroke, peripheral arterial disease, and cardiovascular-related and total mortality. After the exclusion of participants with abnormal thyroxine levels, subclinical hypothyroidism was defined as a TSH level of 4.5 mIU/L or greater, and was further classified according to TSH levels (4.5-6.9, 7.0-9.9, and > or = 10.0 mIU/L). RESULTS: Subclinical hypothyroidism was present in 338 (12.4%) of the participants. Compared with euthyroid participants, CHF events occurred more frequently among those with a TSH level of 7.0 mIU/L or greater (35.0 vs 16.5 per 1000 person-years; P = .006), but not among those with TSH levels between 4.5 and 6.9 mIU/L. In multivariate analyses, the risk of CHF was higher among those with high TSH levels (TSH of 7.0-9.9 mIU/L: hazard ratio, 2.58 [95% confidence interval, 1.19-5.60]; and TSH of > or = 10.0 mIU/L: hazard ratio, 3.26 [95% confidence interval, 1.37-7.77]). Among the 2555 participants without CHF at baseline, the hazard ratio for incident CHF events was 2.33 (95% confidence interval, 1.10-4.96; P = .03) in those with a TSH of 7.0 mIU/L or greater. Subclinical hypothyroidism was not associated with increased risk for coronary heart disease, stroke, peripheral arterial disease, or cardiovascular-related or total mortality. CONCLUSIONS: Subclinical hypothyroidism is associated with an increased risk of CHF among older adults with a TSH level of 7.0 mIU/L or greater, but not with other cardiovascular events and mortality. Further investigation is warranted to assess whether subclinical hypothyroidism causes or worsens preexisting heart failure.