977 resultados para Shallow aquifer
Abstract The late Neoproterozoic or Ediacaran period, (635 to -543 Ma) is a primordial time in the Earth history corresponding to the beginning of animal life and the most extreme ice ages on Earth. In this dissertation, palaeoenvironmental conditions were reconstructed for Ediacaran, post-Gaskiers shelf deposits in SW- Gondwana and their changes were evaluated according to the diversity of organisms. The present study addresses the question of interactions between biodiversity and environmental change by using the elemental and isotopic geochemistry of sedimentary rocks and associated organic matter, as well as the distribution of hydrocarbon biomarkers. The studied sedimentary sequences are from a large basin extended from the Paraguay belt to the Rio de la Plata craton, including the Corumbâ Group in SW-Brazil (Paraguay belt), the Arroyo del Soldado Group in Uruguay and the Sierras Bayas Group in Argentina (both in the Rio de la Plata craton). Several geochemical signatures of the sediments from Corumbâ and Sierras Bayas groups provides evidence for an euxinic setting in the Ediacaran Ocean: 1) The occurrence of syngenetic pyrite in the Corumbâ Group together with hydrocarbon biomarkers of an anoxic microbial consortium including traces of gammacerane, a distribution of hopanes with maxima at C29 as well as a low pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph) ratio; 2) the occurrence of 34S enrichments within sulfides of the Sierras Bayas Group exceeding the sulfur isotopic composition of coeval carbonate-associated sulfate. In the Arroyo del Soldado Group, an event of reducing conditions was revealed by higher concentrations of redox-sensitive trace elements and negative 513Ccar shifts in all sections. This event is extended to the whole unit in the deepest section and is restricted to tempestites in the two other shallow sections. The persistent negative. ôl3Ccar values recorded at the basinal setting implies strong isotopic gradient between shallow and deep water environments and therefore, a locus of deposition below the redox chemocline. In all studied sections, the excursions, the strong enrichment of authigenic trace-elements, the occurrence of longer chain «-alkanes, gammacerane and low Pr/Ph and Ph/>;-C]a ratios, combined with the previous sedimentological and paleontological observations indicate that the chemistry of the ocean was strongly controlled by the oxygen availability; waters being moderately oxic at the surface and anoxic at depth for much of the Neoproterozoic. This water column stratification was favourable to the storage of large amounts of nutrients in the deep ocean. During upwelling periods, the export of these nutrient-rich waters may have triggered an important bioproductivity in surface waters. Drops in Al3Cc,,.](Cr and positive ôl3Ccllr excursions highlight the increase in primary productivity. Preservation of organic carbon was ensured by reducing conditions at the bottom. The Al3ccar.kcr excursions could also reflect changes in the composition of the primary biomass. New geochemical evidence from SW-Gondwana sections supports a stratified Ediacaran ocean, outside restricted or hypersaline environments, in the aftermath of glaciations. The association of ocean stratification and the appearance of metazoans support the model that the evolution of eukaryotic life was related to the increase of oxygen levels in surface environments due to an efficient recycling of nutrients in the anoxic deep ocean. Résumé Le Néoprotérozoïque terminal, ou Édiacarien (635 à -543 Ma), est un période de première importance dans l'histoire de la Terre, car elle correspond a l'apparition des métazoaires pendant un intervalle de glaciations extrêmes. Le présent mémoire se propose de reconstituer les conditions paléoenvironnementales des dépôts de plateforme mis en place durant l'Édiacarien, au sud-ouest du Gondwana. Les interactions entre changements environnementaux et biodiversité sont évaluées en s'appuyant d'une part sur la composition élémentaire et isotopique des roches sédimentaires et de leur matière organique, et d'autre part sur la distribution moléculaire de biomarqueurs hydrocarbonés. Les séquences sédimentaires étudiées proviennent d'un grand bassin qui s'étend de la chaîne du Paraguay jusqu'au craton du Rio de la Plata. La séquence du Groupe Corumbâ au Sud Ouest du Brésil se situe dans la chaîne du Paraguay, tandis que le Groupe Arroyo del Soldado en Uruguay et le Groupe Sierras Bayas en Argentine sont situés sur le craton du Rio de la Plata. L'étude géochimique des sédiments des groupes Corumbâ et Sierras Bayas révèle de façon claire des conditions euxiniques dans l'océan édiacarien. On trouve ainsi, dans le Groupe Corumbâ, les biomarqueurs d'un cortège microbien anoxique et sulfurique comprenant des bactéries sulfato-réductrices, et dans les sulfures du Groupe Sierras Bayas, des enrichissements en Î4S excédant les rapports isotopiques du soufre dans le sulfate cogénétique associé aux carbonates. Dans la séquence de l'Arroyo del Soldado, un événement réducteur est mis en évidence par des teneurs plus élevées en éléments traces sensibles aux conditions redox et par des excursions négatives du 613Ccardans toutes les coupes. Cet événement affecte la totalité de la section la plus profonde et n'apparaît que dans les tempestites dans les sections les moins profondes. La persistance de valeurs négatives du ô13Ccarau large implique un gradient isotopique prononcé entre les environnements superficiels et profonds, et donc, ta présence d'une chémocline redox. Les excursions du. ôBCcar, l'enrichissement authigène en éléments traces, la présence de gammacérane et de rt-alcanes à longue chaîne, ainsi que de faibles rapports Pr/Ph et Ph/«-Cl8, viennent s'ajouter aux observations préliminaires sur la sédimentologie et la paléontologie pour indiquer que la chimie de l'océan était fortement contrôlée par la disponibilité d'oxygène, les eaux étant modérément oxiques à la surface et anoxiques en profondeur pendant la plus grande partie du Néoprotérozoïque. La stratification de la colonne d'eau était favorable au stockage de grandes quantités de nutriments dans l'océan profond. Dans les zones d'upwelling, la migration d'eaux profondes riches en nutriment vers la surface a pu provoquer une bioproductivité prononcée dans les eaux de surface. La conservation du carbone organique était assurée par les conditions anoxiques prévalant au fond. Les excursions du A13Ccar.kt.r pourraient aussi refléter des changements dans la biomasse primaire. Le présent travail apporte donc de nouvelles preuves qu'un océan stratifié s'est maintenu à la suite des glaciations néoprotérozoïques dans le Sud Ouest du Gondwana. L'association d'un océan stratifié et de l'apparition de la vie animale est en accord avec le modèle stipulant que l'évolution de la vie est associée à une meilleure oxygénation des environnements de surface. Résumé pour le grand public La période Ediacarienne (635 à -543 Ma) à la fin du Précambrien est l'une de plus énigmatiques dans l'histoire de la Terre, car elle est caractérisée par la diversification de la vie multicellulaire (eucaryote) pendant un intervalle de glaciations extrêmes. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous cherchons à déceler l'existence éventuelle d'un lien entre ces changements environnementaux et l'évolution de la vie eucaryote à travers une étude biogéochimique. La biogéochimie est l'étude des activités biologiques dans la géosphère, telles que celles intervenant dans les cycles des éléments chimiques (y compris les isotopes stables) et celles de production de composés carbonés caractérisant certains groups d'organismes ou taxons. La recherche des signatures paléoenvironnementales dans les roches précambriennes a été fortement facilitée par l'utilisation des biomarqueurs ou fossiles moléculaires. Ces composés, provenant des lipides biologiques (molécules avec des fonctions spécifiques dans les organismes), peuvent être reliés à des taxons spécifiques ou à des voies métaboliques. La transformation d'un biolipide en fossile moléculaire intervient lorsque des restes organiques déposés dans un substrat subissent un enfouissement et une augmentation de la pression (diagenèse). Ce processus mène à la formation de kérogène, un grand agrégat chimique de matière organique insoluble dans des solvants organiques, et de bitume ou fraction soluble (extractible) de la matière organique. L'analyse intégrée du kérogène et du bitume fournit des indications précieuses pour les reconstitutions paléoenvironnementales. Des conditions paléoenvironnementales ont ainsi été déterminées pour une plateforme marine Ediacarienne située dans la partie sud-américaine du bloc occidental du paléocontinent Gondwana. Les séquences sédimentaires étudiées appartiennent au même bassin qui s'étend de la ceinture du Paraguay (Groupe Corumbâ, Brésil) au craton du Rio de la Plata (Groupes Arroyo del Soldado, Uruguay et Sierras Bayas, Argentina). Nous nous sommes intéressés aux isotopes stables de carbonates et de la matière organique associée (kérogène et bitume), aux éléments majeurs et traces, ainsi qu'aux biomarqueurs caractérisant ces roches. Les résultats de cette dissertation suggèrent qu'au cours de l'Édiacarien, suite aux glaciations néoprotérozoïques dans le bloc occidental du Gondwana, l'océan était stratifié en zones spécifiques d'eaux riches en sulfures et dépourvues d'oxygène (euxiniques). L'association d'un océan stratifié et de l'apparition de la vie animale est en accord avec le modèle stipulant que l'évolution de la vie est associée à une meilleure oxygénation des environnements de surface. Les excursions isotopiques (tendance à des valeurs positives ou négatives) en constante fluctuation pour le carbone et très positives pour le soufre des sulfures, l'enrichissement en éléments trace et la présence de certains composés (e.g. gammacerane; Pr/Ph et Ph/«-Ci8 en basse proportion) conjugués aux observations sédimentologiques et paléontologiques des différents profils étudiés indiquent que la chimie de l'océan était fortement contrôlée par la disponibilité d'oxygène, avec des eaux modérément oxygénées en surface et euxiniques en profondeur pour la plupart du Néoprotérozoïque.
L’increment de la salinitat a les aigües subterrànies a prop de la zones de les explotacions mineres salines representa un problema ambiental amb moltes implicacions socio-econòmiques. La part mitja de la conca del riu Llobregat i Cardener és un clar exemple d’aquesta problemàtica. En molts casos l’origen de la salinitat és dubtós, ja que pot provenir del contacte de l’aigua de l’aqüífer amb formacions geològiques salines naturals o per l’afectació de les escombreres produïdes per l’explotació minera de potasses que es troba en aquesta regió. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és demostrar que el Ra pot ser un bon traçador per determinar l’origen de la salinitat de les aigües i complementar les analítiques químiques elementals i dels isòtops del sofre i de l’oxigen del sulfat (δ34SSO4 i δ18OSO4). La presència dels diversos isòtops del Ra en les aigües subterrànies dependrà de la geologia i del temps de residència de l’aigua dins l’aqüífer. L’anàlisi de 12 mostres de la comarca indica que el 226Ra és el millor dels isòtops del Ra que permet diferenciar l’origen de les aigües subterrànies.
Geophysical techniques can help to bridge the inherent gap with regard to spatial resolution and the range of coverage that plagues classical hydrological methods. This has lead to the emergence of the new and rapidly growing field of hydrogeophysics. Given the differing sensitivities of various geophysical techniques to hydrologically relevant parameters and their inherent trade-off between resolution and range the fundamental usefulness of multi-method hydrogeophysical surveys for reducing uncertainties in data analysis and interpretation is widely accepted. A major challenge arising from such endeavors is the quantitative integration of the resulting vast and diverse database in order to obtain a unified model of the probed subsurface region that is internally consistent with all available data. To address this problem, we have developed a strategy towards hydrogeophysical data integration based on Monte-Carlo-type conditional stochastic simulation that we consider to be particularly suitable for local-scale studies characterized by high-resolution and high-quality datasets. Monte-Carlo-based optimization techniques are flexible and versatile, allow for accounting for a wide variety of data and constraints of differing resolution and hardness and thus have the potential of providing, in a geostatistical sense, highly detailed and realistic models of the pertinent target parameter distributions. Compared to more conventional approaches of this kind, our approach provides significant advancements in the way that the larger-scale deterministic information resolved by the hydrogeophysical data can be accounted for, which represents an inherently problematic, and as of yet unresolved, aspect of Monte-Carlo-type conditional simulation techniques. We present the results of applying our algorithm to the integration of porosity log and tomographic crosshole georadar data to generate stochastic realizations of the local-scale porosity structure. Our procedure is first tested on pertinent synthetic data and then applied to corresponding field data collected at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site near Boise, Idaho, USA.
The coupling between topography, waves and currents in the surf zone may selforganize to produce the formation of shore-transverse or shore-oblique sand bars on an otherwise alongshore uniform beach. In the absence of shore-parallel bars, this has been shown by previous studies of linear stability analysis, but is now extended to the finite-amplitude regime. To this end, a nonlinear model coupling wave transformation and breaking, a shallow-water equations solver, sediment transport and bed updating is developed. The sediment flux consists of a stirring factor multiplied by the depthaveraged current plus a downslope correction. It is found that the cross-shore profile of the ratio of stirring factor to water depth together with the wave incidence angle primarily determine the shape and the type of bars, either transverse or oblique to the shore. In the latter case, they can open an acute angle against the current (upcurrent oriented) or with the current (down-current oriented). At the initial stages of development, both the intensity of the instability which is responsible for the formation of the bars and the damping due to downslope transport grow at a similar rate with bar amplitude, the former being somewhat stronger. As bars keep on growing, their finite-amplitude shape either enhances downslope transport or weakens the instability mechanism so that an equilibrium between both opposing tendencies occurs, leading to a final saturated amplitude. The overall shape of the saturated bars in plan view is similar to that of the small-amplitude ones. However, the final spacings may be up to a factor of 2 larger and final celerities can also be about a factor of 2 smaller or larger. In the case of alongshore migrating bars, the asymmetry of the longshore sections, the lee being steeper than the stoss, is well reproduced. Complex dynamics with merging and splitting of individual bars sometimes occur. Finally, in the case of shore-normal incidence the rip currents in the troughs between the bars are jet-like while the onshore return flow is wider and weaker as is observed in nature.
Depth profiles were sampled at different locations throughout Lake Geneva on a monthly and seasonal basis over the course of 2 years and analysed for their stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions. The isotopic compositions indicate an isotopic stratification in the metalimnion during summer and fall. This is related to mixing of Rhône River water, which in summer is dominated by snow and glacier melt waters, and lake water, with the latter having a homogenous isotopic composition. The observed interflow layer is 7-15 m thick and can be traced by the distinct stable isotope composition of the water for about 55 km throughout the lake as well as into shallow bay regions. Depth of the interflow layer close to the Rhône River mouth is similar to those previously described based on echo-soundings and turbidity profiles of sediment dispersion. In contrast to previous descriptions of the interflow within Lake Geneva, the stable isotope compositions allow for direct, natural tracing of the Rhône River water even in cases where the turbidity and conductivity measurements do not indicate such an interflow. In addition, the method allows for a quantification of the Rhône River and lake water in the interflow with the fraction of Rhône River water within the interflow estimated to be up to 37% in summer. The isotopic composition further indicates different vertical mixing processes within the two lake basins of Lake Geneva, related to the density gradients and local stability within the water column. The method may be applicable to other lakes in catchments with large differences in the topography as water that originates from high altitudes or glaciers has a distinct oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition compared to other sources of water originating at lower altitudes and/or from direct precipitation over the lake. Stable isotope measurements thus improve the understanding of the circulation of water within the lake, which is fundamental for an evaluation of the water residence times, dissolved pollutant and nutrient transport as well as oxygenation.
The formation and development of transverse and crescentic sand bars in the coastal marine environment has been investigated by means of a nonlinear numerical model based on the shallow-water equations and on a simpli ed sediment transport parameterization. By assuming normally approaching waves and a saturated surf zone, rhythmic patterns develop from a planar slope where random perturbations of small amplitude have been superimposed. Two types of bedforms appear: one is a crescentic bar pattern centred around the breakpoint and the other, herein modelled for the rst time, is a transverse bar pattern. The feedback mechanism related to the formation and development of the patterns can be explained by coupling the water and sediment conservation equations. Basically, the waves stir up the sediment and keep it in suspension with a certain cross-shore distribution of depth-averaged concentration. Then, a current flowing with (against) the gradient of sediment concentration produces erosion (deposition). It is shown that inside the surf zone, these currents may occur due to the wave refraction and to the redistribution of wave breaking produced by the growing bedforms. Numerical simulations have been performed in order to understand the sensitivity of the pattern formation to the parameterization and to relate the hydro-morphodynamic input conditions to which of the patterns develops. It is suggested that crescentic bar growth would be favoured by high-energy conditions and ne sediment while transverse bars would grow for milder waves and coarser sediment. In intermediate conditions mixed patterns may occur.
The end-Permian mass extinction greatly affected the sedimentary record, but the sedimentary response was not limited to the Permian-Triassic boundary interval. This transformation extended to sedimentation that spanned the entire Early Triassic. Calcimicrobialites play an important role throughout this time interval, and at least four main events of anomalous carbonate deposition can be shown. A post-extinction calcimicrobial unit occurs above the extensive Permian skeletal carbonate platform exposed in the Taurus Mountains (southern Turkey), in south Armenia, north-west north and Central Iran along the Zagros Mountains. The calcimicrobial unit formed during the flooding of the platform that took place during the earliest Triassic. A similar calcimicrobialite formed during late Griesbachian to Dienerian time atop the shallow Permian skeletal carbonate platform largely exposed in south China. A third event occurred during the Early Olenekian on the first Mesozoic isolated pelagic plateau (Baid seamount, Oman Mountains). Here the change in carbonate sedimentation is reflected in the occurrence of thrombolites and carbonate seafloor fans. Near the end of Early Triassic time, unusual carbonate deposition is recorded both on an isolated pelagic plateau of the Western Tethys (Halstatt limestone of Dobrogea, Romania) and on the eastern Panthalassa margin of the western United States. In the western United States, the event is represented by stromatolites and thrombolites in the Virgin Limestone of the Moenkopi Formation and by seafloor fans in the middle and upper members of the Union Wash Formation. These unusual episodes of anomalous carbonate deposition illustrate a fundamental change in sedimentation that occurred in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction.
La contaminació per nitrats de les aigües subterrànies és un dels problemes mediambientals i de salut pública que més afecten els nostres aqüífers. És per això que un dels eixos del nostre estudi és fer la màxima difusió de l’estat de la qualitat de l’aigua dels aqüífers de diferents àrees de Catalunya. En el present estudi es tracta la contaminació per nitrats a les aigües de 945 punts de mostreig (sobretot d’aigua procedent de pous, d’algunes mines i d’algunes fonts) de Catalunya, situats en 12 comarques diferents, totes elles amb algun o una gran part dels seus municipis englobats en una zona vulnerable. D’aquests punts de mostreig s’ha fet un recull de dades de la concentració de nitrats des de l’any 2003 fins el 2012 per tal d’estudiar-ne l’evolució i la incidència de la pluviometria, així com conèixer en quines comarques les variables externes: superfície agrària útil (SAU), explotacions agràries i cabana porcina i bovina poden haver incidit directament en la contaminació. També s’estudia fins a quin punt, aquest deteriorament, ha afectat la mineralització de l’aigua o afecta a llocs d’aigües més mineralitzades. A partir dels resultats obtinguts s’ha arribat a les conclusions que la concentració mitjana de nitrats a les aigües subterrànies en la majoria de comarques estudiades és elevada, superior als 50 mg/l que estableix la normativa vigent; que ha tendit a l’estabilitat en els últims deu anys; que afecta llocs d’aigües molt mineralitzades i que la pluviometria incideix notablement en la concentració de nitrats. S’ha observat que les variables externes superfície agrària útil (SAU), explotacions agràries i cabana porcina i bovina incideixen directament en la contaminació, excepte al Maresme. Finalment es presenten diferents usos alternatius als de l’aigua de consum per aquestes aigües contaminades amb nitrats i que han posat en pràctica diferents municipis de les comarques estudiades.
The availability of large quantities of high-quality ground water from the Muscatine Island aquifer has had a tremendous impact upon urban, industrial and agricultural development of this part of Iowa. Although the nonpumping level of water has been lowered significantly near major pumping centers through time, proper management of this water resource can assure a continued supply of water for all competing users. This report provides basic information for long range management. Fold out maps are included.
It is generally accepted that high density polyethylene pipe (HDPE) performs well under live loads with shallow cover, provided the backfill is well compacted. Although industry standards require carefully compacted backfill, poor inspection and/or faulty construction may result in soils that provide inadequate restraint at the springlines of the pipes thereby causing failure. The objectives of this study were: 1) to experimentally define a lower limit of compaction under which the pipes perform satisfactorily, 2) to quantify the increase in soil support as compaction effort increases, 3) to evaluate pipe response for loads applied near the ends of the buried pipes, 4) to determine minimum depths of cover for a variety of pipes and soil conditions by analytically expanding the experimental results through the use of the finite element program CANDE. The test procedures used here are conservative especially for low-density fills loaded to high contact stresses. The failures observed in these tests were the combined effect of soil bearing capacity at the soil surface and localized wall bending of the pipes. Under a pavement system, the pipes' performance would be expected to be considerably better. With those caveats, the following conclusions are drawn from this study. Glacial till compacted to 50% and 80% provides insufficient support; pipe failureoccurs at surface contact stresses lower than those induced by highway trucks. On the other hand, sand backfill compacted to more than 110 pcf (17.3 kN/m3) is satisfactory. The failure mode for all pipes with all backfills is localized wall bending. At moderate tire pressures, i.e. contact stresses, deflections are reduced significantly when backfill density is increased from about 50 pcf (7.9 kN/m^3) to 90 pcf (14.1 kN/m^3). Above that unit weight, little improvement in the soil-pipe system is observed. Although pipe stiffness may vary as much as 16%, analyses show that backfill density is more important than pipe stiffness in controlling both deflections at low pipe stresses and at the ultimate capacity of the soil-pipe system. The rate of increase in ultimate strength of the system increases nearly linearly with increasing backfill density. When loads equivalent to moderate tire pressures are applied near the ends of the pipes, pipe deflections are slighly higher than when loaded at the center. Except for low density glacial till, the deflections near the ends are not excessive and the pipes perform satisfactorily. For contact stresses near the upper limit of truck tire pressures and when loaded near the end, pipes fail with localized wall bending. For flowable fill backfill, the ultimate capacity of the pipes is nearly doubled and at the upper limit of highway truck tire pressures, deflections are negligible. All pipe specimens tested at ambient laboratory room temperatures satisfied AASHTO minimum pipe stiffness requirements at 5% deflection. However, nearly all specimens tested at elevated pipe surface temperatures, approximately 122°F (50°C), failed to meet these requirements. Some HDPE pipe installations may not meet AASHTO minimum pipe stiffness requirements when installed in the summer months (i.e. if pipe surface temperatures are allowed to attain temperatures similar to those tested here). Heating of any portion of the pipe circumference reduced the load carrying capacity of specimens. The minimum soil cover depths, determined from the CANOE analysis, are controlled by the 5% deflection criterion. The minimum soil cover height is 12 in. (305 mm). Pipes with the poor silt and clay backfills with less than 85% compaction require a minimum soil cover height of 24 in. (610 mm). For the sand at 80% compaction, the A36 HDPE pipe with the lowest moment of inertia requires a minimum of 24 in. (610 mm) soil cover. The C48 HDPE pipe with the largest moment of inertia and all other pipes require a 12 in. (305 mm) minimum soil cover.
The role of nutrients, such as phosphorus (P), and their impact on primary productivity and the fluctuations in atmospheric CO2 over glacial-interglacial periods are intensely debated. Suggestions as to the importance of P evolved from an earlier proposal that P actively participated in changing productivity rates and therefore climate change, to most recent ones that changes in the glacial ocean inventory of phosphorus were important but not influential if compared to other macronutrients, such as nitrate. Using new data coming from a selection of ODP sites, we analyzed the distribution of oceanic P sedimentary phases and calculate reactive P burial fluxes, and we show how P burial fluxes changed over the last glacial-interglacial period at these sites. Concentrations of reactive P are generally lower during glacial times, while mass accumulation rates (MAR) of reactive P show higher variability. If we extrapolate for the analyzed sites, we may assume that in general glacial burial fluxes of reactive P are lower than those during interglacial periods by about 8%, because the lack of burial of reactive P on the glacial shelf reduced in size, was apparently not compensated by burial in other regions of the ocean. Using the calculated changes in P burial, we evaluate their possible impact on the phosphate inventory in the world oceans. Using a simple mathematical approach, we find that these changes alone could have increased the phosphate inventory of glacial ocean waters by 17-40% compared to interglacial stages. Variations in the distribution of sedimentary P phases at the investigated sites seem to indicate that at the onset of interglacial stages, shallower sites experienced an increase in reactive P concentrations, which seems to point to P-richer waters at glacial terminations. All these findings would support the Shelf-Nutrient Hypothesis, which assumes that during glacial low stands nutrients are transferred from shallow sites to deep sea with possible feedback on the carbon cycle.
Résumé : L'arc volcanique du sud de l'Amérique Centrale se situe sur la marge SW de la Plaque Caraïbe, au-dessus des plaques subduites de Cocos et Nazca. Il s'agit de l'un des arcs intra-océaniques les plus étudiés au monde, qui est généralement considéré comme s'étant développé à la fin du Crétacé le long d'un plateau océanique (le Plateau Caraïbe ou CLIP) et se trouvant actuellement dans un régime de subduction érosive. Au cours des dernières décennies, des efforts particuliers ont été faits pour comprendre les processus liés à la subduction sur la base d'études géophysiques et géochimiques. Au sud du Costa Rica et à l'ouest du Panama, des complexes d'accrétions et structures à la base de l'arc volcanique ont été exposés grâce à la subduction de rides asismiques et de failles transformantes. Des affleurements, situés jusqu'à seulement 15 km de la fosse, offrent une possibilité unique de mieux comprendre quelques uns des processus ayant lieu le long de la zone de subduction. Nous présentons de nouvelles contraintes sur l'origine de ces affleurements en alliant une étude de terrain poussée, de nouvelles données géochimiques, sédimentaires et paléontologiques, ainsi que des observations structurales effectuées en télédétection. Une nouvelle stratigraphie tectonique entre le Campanien et l'Éocène est définie pour la région d'avant-arc située entre la Péninsule d'Osa (Costa Rica) et la Péninsule d'Azuero (Panama). Nos résultats montrent que la partie externe de la marge est composée d'un arrangement complexe de roches ignées et de séquences sédimentaires de recouvrement qui comprennent principalement le socle de l'arc, des roches d'arc primitif, des fragments de monts sous-marins accrétés et des mélanges d'accrétion. Des preuves sont données pour le développement de l'arc volcanique du sud de l'Amérique Centrale sur un plateau océanique. Le début de la subduction le long de la marge SW de la Plaque Caraïbe a eu lieu au Campanien et a généré des roches d'arc primitif caractérisées par des affinités géochimiques particulières, globalement intermédiaires entre des affinités de plateau et d'arc insulaire. L'arc était mature au Maastrichtien et formait un isthme essentiellement continu entre l'Amérique du Nord et l'Amérique du Sud. Ceci a permis la migration de faunes terrestres entre les Amériques et pourrait avoir contribué à la crise fin Crétacé -Tertiaire en réduisant les courants océaniques subéquatoriaux entre le Pacifique et l'Atlantique. Plusieurs unités composées de fragments de monts sous-marins accrétés sont définies. La nature et l'arrangement structural de ces unités définissent de nouvelles contraintes sur les modes d'accrétion des monts sous-marins/îles océaniques et sur l'évolution de la marge depuis la formation de la zone de subduction. Entre la fin du Crétacé et l'Éocène moyen, la marge a enregistré plusieurs épisodes ponctuels d'accrétion de monts sous-marins alternant avec de la subduction érosive. A l'Éocène moyen, un événement tectonique régional pourrait avoir causé un fort couplage entre les plaques supérieure et inférieure, menant à des taux plus important d'accrétion de monts sous-marins. Durant cette période, la situation le long de la marge était très semblable à la situation actuelle et caractérisée par la présence de monts sous-marins subductants et l'absence d'accrétion de sédiments. L'enregistrement géologique montre qu'il n'est pas possible d'attribuer une nature érosive ou accrétionnaire à la marge dans le passé ou -par analogie- aujourd'hui, parce que (1) les processus d'accrétion et érosifs varient fortement spatialement et temporellement et (2) il est impossible d'évaluer la quantité exacte de matériel tectoniquement enlevé à la marge depuis le début de la subduction. Au sud du Costa Rica, certains fragments de monts sous-marins accrétés sont représentatifs d'une interaction entre une ride et un point chaud dans le Pacifique au Crétacé terminal/Paléocène. L'existence de ces fragments de monts sous-marins et la morphologie du fond de l'Océan Pacifique indiquent que la formation de la ride de Cocos-Nazca s'est formée au moins ~40 Ma avant l'âge proposé par les modèles tectoniques actuels. Au Panama, nous avons identifié une île océanique d'âge début Éocène qui a été accrétée à l'Éocène moyen. L'accrétion a eu lieu à très faible profondeur par détachement de l'île dans la fosse, et a mené à une exceptionnelle préservation des structures volcaniques. Des affleurement comprenant aussi bien des parties basses et hautes de l'édifice volcanique on été étudiées, depuis la phase sous-marine bouclier jusqu'à la phase subaérienne post-bouclier. La stratigraphie nous a permis de différencier les laves de la phase sous-marine de celles de la phase subaérienne. La composition des laves indique une diminution progressive de l'intensité de la fusion partielle de la source et une diminution de la température des laves produites durant les derniers stades de l'activité volcanique. Nous interprétons ces changements comme étant liés à l'éloignement progressif de l'île océanique de la zone de fusion ou point chaud. Abstract The southern Central American volcanic front lies on the SW edge of the Caribbean Plate, inboard of the subducting Cocos and Nazca Plates. It is one of the most studied intra-oceanic convergent margins around the world, which is generally interpreted to have developed in the late Cretaceous along an oceanic plateau (the Caribbean Large Igneous Province or CLIP) and to be currently undergoing a regime of subduction erosion. In the last decades a particular effort has been made to understand subduction-related processes on the basis of geophysical and geochemical studies. In southern Costa Rica and western Panama accretionary complexes and structures at the base of the volcanic front have been exposed in response to subduction of aseismic ridges and transforms. Onland exposures are located as close as to 15 km from the trench and provide a unique opportunity to better understand some of the processes occurring along the subduction zone. We provide new constraints on the origins of these exposures by integrating a comprehensive field work, new geochemical, sedimentary and paleontological data, as well as structural observations based on remote imaging. A new Campanian to Eocene tectonostratigraphy is defined for the forearc area located between the Osa Peninsula (Costa Rica) and the Azuero Peninsula (Panama). Our results show that the outer margin is composed of a complicated arrangement of igneous complexes and overlapping sedimentary sequences that essentially comprise an arc basement, primitive island-arc rocks, accreted seamount fragments and accretionary mélanges. Evidences are provided for the development of the southern Central American arc on the top an oceanic plateau. The subduction initiation along the SW edge of the Caribbean Plate occurred in the Campanian and led to formation of primitive island-arc rocks characterized by unusual geochemical affinities broadly intermediate between plateau and arc affinities. The arc was mature in the Maastrichtian and was forming a predominantly continuous landbridge between the North and South Americas. This allowed migration of terrestrial fauna between the Americas and may have contributed to the Cretaceous-Tertiary crisis by limiting trans-equatorial oceanic currents between the Pacific and the Atlantic. Several units composed of accreted seamount fragments are defined. The nature of the units and their structural arrangement provide new constraints on the modes of accretion of seamounts/oceanic islands and on the evolution of the margin since subduction initiation. Between the late Cretaceous and the middle Eocene, the margin recorded several local episodes of seamount accretion alternating with tectonic erosion. In the middle Eocene a regional tectonic event may have triggered strong coupling between the overriding and subducting plates, leading to higher rates of seamount accretion. During this period the situation along the margin was very similar to the present and characterized by subducting seamounts and absence of sediment accretion. The geological record shows that it is not possible to ascribe an overall erosive or accretionary nature to the margin in the past and, by analogy, today, because (1) accretionary and erosive processes exhibit significant lateral and temporal variations and (2) it is impossible to estimate the exact amount of material tectonically eroded from the margin since subduction initiation. In southern Costa Rica, accreted seamount fragments point toward a plume-ridge interaction in the Pacific in the late Cretaceous/Paleocene. This occurrence of accreted seamount fragments and morphology of the Pacific Ocean floor is indicative of the formation of the Cocos-Nazca spreading system at least ~40 Ma prior to the age proposed in current tectonic models. In Panama, we identified a remarkably-well preserved early Eocene oceanic island that accreted in the middle Eocene. The accretion probably occurred at very shallow depth by detachment of the island in the trench and led to an exceptional preservation of the volcanic structures. Exposures of both deep and superficial parts of the volcanic edifice have been studied, from the submarine-shield to subaerial-postshield stages. The stratigraphy allowed us to distinguish lavas produced during the submarine and subaerial stages. The lava compositions likely define a progressive diminution of source melting and a decrease in the temperature of erupted melts in the latest stages of volcanic activity. We interpret these changes to primarily reflect the progressive migration of the oceanic island out of the melting region or hotspot.
The relationship between Iowa’s roads and drainage developed when rural roads were originally constructed. The land parallel to roadways was excavated to create road embankments. The resulting ditches provided an outlet for shallow tiles to drain nearby fields for farming. Iowa’s climate and terrain are nearly ideal for farming, and more than 90 percent of the land suits the purpose. Much of the land, however, needs to be artificially drained to achieve maximum productivity. Most of this drainage has been accomplished with an extensive network of levees, open ditches, and underground tiles. The U.S. Census Bureau estimated that as early as 1920 approximately nine million acres of Iowa farm land had been artificially drained or needed to be. Couple this drainage system with Iowa’s extensive surface transportation system—approximately 100,000 miles of roads and streets, 90,000 on local systems— and potential for conflicts will naturally arise. This is particularly true with urban expansion resulting in residential and commercial development of rural land. This manual contains summaries of and references to the laws most relevant to drainage in Iowa. It also includes frequently asked questions about transportation agencies’ responsibilities related to drainage. Typical policies and agreement forms used by agencies to address drainage issues are illustrated and a glossary of common terms is included.
Recent data compiled by the National Bridge Inventory revealed 29% of Iowa's approximate 24,600 bridges were either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. This large number of deficient bridges and the high cost of needed repairs create unique problems for Iowa and many other states. The research objective of this project was to determine the load capacity of a particular type of deteriorating bridge – the precast concrete deck bridge – which is commonly found on Iowa's secondary roads. The number of these precast concrete structures requiring load postings and/or replacement can be significantly reduced if the deteriorated structures are found to have adequate load capacity or can be reliably evaluated. Approximately 600 precast concrete deck bridges (PCDBs) exist in Iowa. A typical PCDB span is 19 to 36 ft long and consists of eight to ten simply supported precast panels. Bolts and either a pipe shear key or a grouted shear key are used to join adjacent panels. The panels resemble a steel channel in cross-section; the web is orientated horizontally and forms the roadway deck and the legs act as shallow beams. The primary longitudinal reinforcing steel bundled in each of the legs frequently corrodes and causes longitudinal cracks in the concrete and spalling. The research team performed service load tests on four deteriorated PCDBs; two with shear keys in place and two without. Conventional strain gages were used to measure strains in both the steel and concrete, and transducers were used to measure vertical deflections. Based on the field results, it was determined that these bridges have sufficient lateral load distribution and adequate strength when shear keys are properly installed between adjacent panels. The measured lateral load distribution factors are larger than AASHTO values when shear keys were not installed. Since some of the reinforcement had hooks, deterioration of the reinforcement has a minimal affect on the service level performance of the bridges when there is minimal loss of cross-sectional area. Laboratory tests were performed on the PCDB panels obtained from three bridge replacement projects. Twelve deteriorated panels were loaded to failure in a four point bending arrangement. Although the panels had significant deflections prior to failure, the experimental capacity of eleven panels exceeded the theoretical capacity. Experimental capacity of the twelfth panel, an extremely distressed panel, was only slightly below the theoretical capacity. Service tests and an ultimate strength test were performed on a laboratory bridge model consisting of four joined panels to determine the effect of various shear connection configurations. These data were used to validate a PCDB finite element model that can provide more accurate live load distribution factors for use in rating calculations. Finally, a strengthening system was developed and tested for use in situations where one or more panels of an existing PCDB need strengthening.
The breccia-hosted epithermal Au-Ag deposit of Rosia Montana is located 7 kin northeast of Abrud, in the northern part of the South Apuseni Mountains, Romania. Estimated total reserves of 214.91 million metric toils (Mt) of ore at 1.46 g/t An and 6.9 g/t Ag (10.1 Moz of An and 47.6 Moz of Ag) make Rosia Montana one of the largest gold deposits in Europe. At this location, Miocene calc-alkaline magmatic and hydrothermal activity was associated with local extensional tectonics within a strike-slip regime related to the indentation of the Adriatic microplate into the European plate during the Carpathian orogenesis. The host rocks of the magmatic complex consist of pre-Mesozoic metamorphosed continental crust covered by Cretaceous turbiditic sediment (flysch). Magmatic activity at Rosia Montana and its surroundings occurred in several pulses and lasted about 7 m.y, Rosia Montana is a breccia-hosted epithermal system related to strong phreatomagmatic activity due to the shallow emplacement of the Montana dacite. The Montana dacite intruded Miocene volcaniclastic material (volcaniclastic breccias) and crops out at Cetate and Carnic Hills. Current mining is focused primarily on the Cetate open pit, which was mapped in detail, leading to the recognition of three distinct breccia bodies: the dacite breccia with a dominantly hydrothermal matrix, the gray polymict breccia with a greater proportion of sand-sized matrix support, and the black polymict breccia, which reached to the surface, contains carbonized tree trunks and has a dominantly barren elastic matrix. The hydrothermal alteration is pervasive. Adularia alteration with a phyllic overprint is ubiquitous; silicification and argillic alteration occur locally. Mineralization consists of quartz, adularia, carbonates (commonly Mn-rich), pyrite, Fe-poor sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, and native gold and occurs as disseminations, as well as in veins and filling vugs within the Montana dacite and the different breccias. The age of mineralization (12.85 +/- 0.07 Ma) was determined by Ar-40- Ar-39 dating on hydrothermal adularia crystals from vugs in the dacite breccia in the Cetate open pit. Microthermometric measurements of fluid inclusions in quartz phenocrysts from the Montana dacite revealed two fluid types that are absent from the hydrothermal breccia and must have been trapped at depth prior to dacite dome emplacement: brine inclusions (32-55 -wt % NaCl equiv, homogenizing at T-h > 460 degrees C) and intermediate density fluids (4.9-15.6 wt % NaCl equiv, T, between 345 degrees-430 degrees C). Secondary aqueous fluid inclusion assemblages in the phenocrysts have salinities of 0.2 to 2.2 wt percent NaCl equiv and T-h of 200 degrees to 280 degrees C. Fluid inclusion assemblages in hydrothermal quartz from breccias and veins have salinities of 0.2 to 3.4 wt percent NaCl equiv and T-h, from 200 degrees to 270 degrees C. The oxygen isotope composition of several zones of an ore-related epithermal quartz crystal indicate a very constant delta O-18 of 4.5 to 5.0 per mil for the mineralizing fluid, despite significant salinity and temperature variation over time. Following microthermometry, selected fluid inclusion assemblages were analyzed by laser ablation-inductively coupled-plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICMS). Despite systematic differences in salinity between phenocryst-hosted fluids trapped at depth and fluids from quartz in the epithermal breccias, all fluids have overlapping major and trace cation ratios, including identical Na/K/Rb/Sr/Cs/Ba. Consistent with the constant near-magmatic oxygen isotope composition of the hydrothermal fluids, these data strongly indicate a common magmatic component of these chemically conservative solutes in all fluids. Cu, Pb, Zn, and Mn show variations in concentration relative to the relatively non-reactive alkalis, reflecting the precipitation of sulfide minerals together with An in the epithermal breccia, and possibly of Cu in an inferred subjacent porphyry environment. The magmatic-hydrothermal processes responsible for epithermal Au-Ag mineralization at Rosia Montana are, however, not directly related to the formation of the spatially associated porphyry Cu-Au deposit of Rosia Poieni, which occurred lout 3 m.y. later.