953 resultados para Semiconductor field-effect transistors (mosfets)
Ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI) may occur from ischemia due to thrombotic occlusion, trauma or surgical interventions, including transplantation, with subsequent reestablishment of circulation. Time-dependent molecular and structural changes result from the deprivation of blood and oxygen in the affected tissue during ischemia. Upon restoration of blood flow a multifaceted network of plasma cascades is activated, including the complement-, coagulation-, kinin-, and fibrinolytic system, which plays a major role in the reperfusion-triggered inflammatory process. The plasma cascade systems are therefore promising therapeutic targets for attenuation of IRI. Earlier studies showed beneficial effects through inhibition of the complement system using specific complement inhibitors. However, pivotal roles in IRI are also attributed to other cascades. This raises the question, whether drugs, such as C1 esterase inhibitor, which regulate more than one cascade at a time, have a higher therapeutic potential. The present review discusses different therapeutic approaches ranging from specific complement inhibition to simultaneous inhibition of plasma cascade systems for reduction of IRI, gives an overview of the plasma cascade systems in IRI as well as highlights recent findings in this field.
Listeria (L.) monocytogenes is an environmental bacterium that may become an intracellular pathogen upon ingestion to cause gastroenteritis, septicaemia, abortions, and/or fatal infections of the central nervous system. We here describe a L. monocytogenes field strain (JF5171) isolated from a bovine placenta in the context of abortion, which exhibited attenuation in bovine brain-slice cultures. The whole genome of strain JF5171 was sequenced, and the invasion, replication, and intercellular spread of JF5171 were further analyzed by quantification of colony forming units and immunofluorescence studies. Phospholipase and hemolysis activity of JF5171 were also quantified along with transcription levels of actA, hly and prfA. The data obtained were compared to those of the widely used L. monocytogenes reference strain, EGD-e. JF5171 exhibited reduced replication and lower levels of phospholipase and hemolysis activity. Invasion and cell-to-cell spread was strongly decreased compared to EGD-e, and actin polymerization was absent. A frame shift deletion was identified in the JF5171 coding region of the major regulator for virulence, prfA. This resulted in a truncated C-terminus sequence (WEN* vs. WGKLN*). In addition, a point mutation resulted in a lysine to arginine substitution at amino acid position 197. Complementation with prfA from EGD-e and with (EGD-e) prfA-K197N increased the replication and spread efficiency of JF5171. In contrast, complementation with the truncated version of prfA had no effect. Taken together, these results suggest that the truncated C-terminus of prfA considerably contributes to the strongly attenuated phenotype observed in vitro.
The impact of common versus separate estimation of orbit parameters on GRACE gravity field solutions
Gravity field parameters are usually determined from observations of the GRACE satellite mission together with arc-specific parameters in a generalized orbit determination process. When separating the estimation of gravity field parameters from the determination of the satellites’ orbits, correlations between orbit parameters and gravity field coefficients are ignored and the latter parameters are biased towards the a priori force model. We are thus confronted with a kind of hidden regularization. To decipher the underlying mechanisms, the Celestial Mechanics Approach is complemented by tools to modify the impact of the pseudo-stochastic arc-specific parameters on the normal equations level and to efficiently generate ensembles of solutions. By introducing a time variable a priori model and solving for hourly pseudo-stochastic accelerations, a significant reduction of noisy striping in the monthly solutions can be achieved. Setting up more frequent pseudo-stochastic parameters results in a further reduction of the noise, but also in a notable damping of the observed geophysical signals. To quantify the effect of the a priori model on the monthly solutions, the process of fixing the orbit parameters is replaced by an equivalent introduction of special pseudo-observations, i.e., by explicit regularization. The contribution of the thereby introduced a priori information is determined by a contribution analysis. The presented mechanism is valid universally. It may be used to separate any subset of parameters by pseudo-observations of a special design and to quantify the damage imposed on the solution.
In this work we study the Zeeman effect on stratospheric O₂ using ground-based microwave radiometer measurements. The interaction of the Earth magnetic field with the oxygen dipole leads to a splitting of O₂ energy states, which polarizes the emission spectra. A special campaign was carried out in order to measure this effect in the oxygen emission line centered at 53.07 GHz. Both a fixed and a rotating mirror were incorporated into the TEMPERA (TEMPERature RAdiometer) in order to be able to measure under different observational angles. This new configuration allowed us to change the angle between the observational path and the Earth magnetic field direction. Moreover, a high-resolution spectrometer (1 kHz) was used in order to measure for the first time the polarization state of the radiation due to the Zeeman effect in the main isotopologue of oxygen from ground-based microwave measurements. The measured spectra showed a clear polarized signature when the observational angles were changed, evidencing the Zeeman effect in the oxygen molecule. In addition, simulations carried out with the Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator (ARTS) allowed us to verify the microwave measurements showing a very good agreement between model and measurements. The results suggest some interesting new aspects for research of the upper atmosphere.
BACKGROUND Intravenous anaesthetic drugs are the primary means for producing general anaesthesia in equine practice. The ideal drug for intravenous anaesthesia has high reliability and pharmacokinetic properties indicating short elimination and lack of accumulation when administered for prolonged periods. Induction of general anaesthesia with racemic ketamine preceded by profound sedation has already an established place in the equine field anaesthesia. Due to potential advantages over racemic ketamine, S-ketamine has been employed in horses to induce general anaesthesia, but its optimal dose remains under investigation. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether 2.5 mg/kg S-ketamine could be used as a single intravenous bolus to provide short-term surgical anaesthesia in colts undergoing surgical castration, and to report its pharmacokinetic profile. RESULTS After premedication with romifidine and L-methadone, the combination of S-ketamine and diazepam allowed reaching surgical anaesthesia in the 28 colts. Induction of anaesthesia as well as recovery were good to excellent in the majority (n = 22 and 24, respectively) of the colts. Seven horses required additional administration of S-ketamine to prolong the duration of surgical anaesthesia. Redosing did not compromise recovery quality. Plasma concentration of S-ketamine decreased rapidly after administration, following a two-compartmental model, leading to the hypothesis of a consistent unchanged elimination of the parent compound into the urine beside its conversion to S-norketamine. The observed plasma concentrations of S-ketamine at the time of first movement were various and did not support the definition of a clear cut-off value to predict the termination of the drug effect. CONCLUSIONS The administration of 2.5 mg/kg IV S-ketamine after adequate premedication provided good quality of induction and recovery and a duration of action similar to what has been reported for racemic ketamine at the dose of 2.2 mg/kg. Until further investigations will be provided, close monitoring to adapt drug delivery is mandatory, particularly once the first 10 minutes after injection are elapsed. Taking into account rapid elimination of S-ketamine, significant inter-individual variability and rapid loss of effect over a narrow range of concentrations a sudden return of consciousness has to be foreseen.
A large body of research demonstrated that participants preferably look back to the encoding location when retrieving visual information from memory. However, the role of this 'looking back to nothing' is still debated. The goal of the present study was to extend this line of research by examining whether an important area in the cortical representation of the oculomotor system, the frontal eye field (FEF), is involved in memory retrieval. To interfere with the activity of the FEF, we used inhibitory continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS). Before stimulation was applied, participants encoded a complex scene and performed a short-term (immediately after encoding) or long-term (after 24 h) recall task, just after cTBS over the right FEF or sham stimulation. cTBS did not affect overall performance, but stimulation and statement type (object vs. location) interacted. cTBS over the right FEF tended to impair object recall sensitivity, whereas there was no effect on location recall sensitivity. These findings suggest that the FEF is involved in retrieving object information from scene memory, supporting the hypothesis that the oculomotor system contributes to memory recall.
Charged massive matter fields of spin-0 and spin- 1/2 are quantized in the presence of an external uniform magnetic field in a spatial region bounded by two parallel plates. The most general set of boundary conditions at the plates, that is required by mathematical consistency and the self-adjointness of the Hamiltonian operator, is employed. The vacuum fluctuations of the matter field in the case of the magnetic field orthogonal to the plates are analyzed, and it is shown that the pressure from the vacuum onto the plates is positive and independent of the boundary condition, as well as of the distance between the plates. Possibilities of the detection of this new-type Casimir effect are discussed. Read More: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/10.1142/S0217732315500996
We address ethical consumption using a natural field experiment on the actual purchase of Fair Trade (FT) coffee in three supermarkets in Germany. Based on a quasi-experimental before-and-after design the effects of three different treatments – information, 20% price reduction, and a moral appeal – are analyzed. Sales data cover actual ethical purchase behavior and avoid problems of social desirability. But they offer only limited insights into the motivations of individual consumers. We therefore complemented the field experiment with a customer survey that allows us to contrast observed (ethical) buying behavior with self-reported FT consumption. Results from the experiment suggest that only the price reduction had the expected positive and statistically significant effect on FT consumption.
The induction of activity of the enzyme nitrate reductase (NR, EC, in needles of Norway spruce (Picea abies[L.] Karst.) by nitrogen dioxide (NO2) was studied under laboratory and field conditions. In fumigation chambers an increase in nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was detected 4 h after the start of the NO2 treatment. During the first 2 days with 100 µg NO2 m−3, NRA reached a constant level and did not change during the following 4 days. At the same level of NO2, NRA was lower in needles from trees grown on NPK-fertilized soil than on non-fertilized soil. After the transfer of spruce trees from fertilized soil to NPK-rich nutrient solution, NRA was transiently increased. This effect was assigned to root injuries causing nitrate transport to the shoot and subsequent induction of NRA. Neither trees on fertilized soil nor trees transferred to NPK-poor nutrient solution had increased NRA unless NO2 was provided. The NO2 gradient in the vicinity of a highway was used to test the long-term effect of elevated levels of NO2 on needle NRA of potted and field-grown spruce trees. Compared with less polluted sites, permanently increased NRAs were detected when NO2 concentrations were above 20 µg m−3. Controls of field measurements some 10 years after the introduction of catalytic converters in cars showed no significant change neither in NO2 levels nor in the decreasing NRA of spruce needles with the distance from the highway.
Severe liver injury (SLI) due to drugs is a frequent cause of catastrophic illness and hospitalization. Due to significant morbidity, mortality, and excess medical care costs, this poses a challenge as a public health problem. The role of associated risk factors like alcohol consumption in contributing to the high mortality remains to be studied. This study was conducted to assess the impact of alcohol use on mortality in IDILI patients, while adjusting for age, gender, race/ethnicity, and education level. The data from this study indicate only a small excess risk of death among IDILI patients using alcohol, but the difference was not statistically significant. The major contribution of this study to the field of public health is that it excludes a large hazard of alcohol consumption on the mortality among idiosyncratic drug induced liver injury (IDILI) patients. ^
Species variations in formaldehyde solutions and gases were investigated by means of infrared spectral analysis. Double beam infrared spectrometry in conjunction with sodium chloride wafer technique and solvent compensation technique were employed. Formaldehyde species in various solutions were investigated. Formalin 37% was stable for many months. Refrigeration had no effects on its stability. Spectral changes were detected in 1000 ppm formaldehyde solutions. The absorbances of very diluted solutions up to 100 ppm were lower than the detection limit of the instruments. Solvent compensation improved resolution, but was associated with an observed lack of repeatability. Formaldehyde species in animal chambers containing animals and in mobile home air were analyzed with the infrared spectrophotometer equipped with a 10 cm gas cell. Spectra were not different from the spectrum of clean air. A portable single beam infrared spectrometer with a 20 meter pathlength was used for reinvestigation. Indoor formaldehyde could not be detected in the spectral; conversely, an absorption peak at 3.58 microns was found in the spectra of 3 and 15 ppm formaldehyde gas in animal chambers. This peak did not appear in the spectrum of the control chamber. Because of concerns over measurement bias among various analytical methods for formaldehyde, side-by-side comparisons were conducted in both laboratory and field measurements. The chromotropic acid method with water and 1% sodium bisulfite as collection media, the pararosaniline method, and a single beam infrared spectrometer were compared. Measurement bias was elucidated and the extent of the effects of temperature and humidity was also determined. The problems associated with related methods were discussed. ^
Gemcitabine is a potent nucleoside analogue against solid tumors however drug resistance rapidly emerges. Removal of gemcitabine incorporated in the DNA by repair mechanisms could potentially contribute to resistance in chemo-refractory solid tumors. In this study, we evaluated homologous recombination repair of gemcitabine-stalled replication forks as a potential mechanism contributing to resistance. We also studied the effect of hyperthermia on homologous recombination pathway to explain the previously reported synergy between gemcitabine and hyperthermia. We found that hyperthermia degrades and inhibits localization of Mre11 to gemcitabine-stalled replication forks. Furthermore, gemcitabine-treated cells that were also treated with hyperthermia demonstrate a prolonged passage through late S/ G2 phase of cell cycle in comparison to cells treated with gemcitabine alone. This coincides with inhibition of resolution of γH2AX foci. Our findings also demonstrate that thermal sensitization of human hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines to gemcitabine is mediated through an Mre11-dependent homologous recombination repair pathway. Combination of non-invasive radiofrequency field-induced hyperthermia and gemcitabine was superior to either therapy alone (p
The study aimed at investigating effects of three differently acting biocides; the insecticide esfenvalerate, the fungicide picoxystrobin and the bactericide triclosan, applied individually and as a mixture, on an earthworm community in the field. A concentration-response design was chosen and results were analyzed using univariate and multivariate approaches. Effects on juvenile proportions were less pronounced and more variable than effects on abundance, but effects in general were species- and chemical-specific, and temporal variations distinct. Esfenvalerate and picoxystrobin appeared to elicit stronger effects than triclosan at laboratory-based ECx values, which is in accordance with our previous laboratory study on Eisenia fetida. The mixture affected abundance and juvenile proportions, but the latter only at high mixture concentrations. Esfenvalerate and picoxystrobin appeared to be the main drivers for the mixture's toxicity. Species-specific toxicity patterns question the reliability of mixture toxicity predictions derived on E. fetida for field earthworms. Biocide concentrations equaling EC50s (reproduction) for E. fetida provoked effects on the field earthworms mainly exceeding 50%, indicating effect intensification from the laboratory to field as well as the influence of indirect effects produced by species interactions. The differing results of the present field study and the previous laboratory study imply that lower- and higher-tier studies may not be mutually exclusive, but to be used in complementary.
We carried out an experiment to estimate in-situ stresses at ODP Hole 794C (water depth: 2809 m) from the basaltic core samples by deformation rate analysis (DRA). Site 794 is located at the northern end of the Yamato Basin and 70 km west of the eastern Japan Sea intraplate or interplate convergent zone. Stress previously applied to a rock specimen is identified in the inelastic strain behavior of the specimen under uniaxial compression by the method used. Natural remanent magnetization of the sample was also measured to get a reference for the orientation of the horizontal stresses. The vertical, maximum, and minimum horizontal in-situ stresses estimated at a depth of 582 mbsf are 36.4, 43.1, and 31.2 MPa, respectively. The average of the largest and the least horizontal stresses is nearly equal in value to the vertical stress. This suggests that the site is in the stress field of the strike slip regime at the depth, while the stress field of the reverse fault regime has been estimated from the focal mechanism solutions of the earthquakes whose hypocenters are located near or on the convergent boundary. The directions of the largest and the least horizontal stress are estimated to be northeast-southwest and in northwest-southeast, respectively, in taking account of rotation tectonics of the Japan Sea since its formation. The directions of the largest and the least horizontal stresses are opposite to those determined from the earthquakes. These discrepancies of our results with those from earthquakes may be due mainly to the fact that the site is not in the convergent zone.