867 resultados para Segregated lipid domains
Among the numerous coadjuvant therapies that could influence the incidence and progression of diabetic complications, antioxidants and flavonoids are currently being tested in clinical trials. We investigated the effect of quercetin on biochemical parameters in streptozotocin-induced (60 mg/kg body mass, by intraperitoneal injection) diabetic rats. A total of 32 female Wistar rats were distributed among 4 groups as follows: control (G1); control treated with quercetin (G2); diabetic (G3); and diabetic treated with quercetin (G4). Quercetin administered to pregnant diabetic rats controlled dyslipidemia and improved lipid profiles in diabetes mellitus, regulated oxidative stress by reducing the generation of lipid hydroperoxides, and increased the activity of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase.
Annona crassiflora Mart. is a typical fruit of the Brazilian cerrado, considered to be a species of economic interest, mainly for its use in cooking, which is widespread among the inhabitants of that region, and can be found in many typical local dishes, especially sweets, jellies, liqueurs, soft drinks, ice creams and juices. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the bioactive substance contents and the antioxidant capacity of the lipid fraction of A. crassiflora Mart. seeds in the interest of better identifying the quality of this raw material from the Brazilian cerrado. After the receipt of the fruits, the seeds were removed manually and, then, the lipid fraction was obtained by cold extraction with chloroform:methanol:water (2:1:0.8, v/v/v) and analyzed for the composition of phytosterols, tocopherols, fatty acids, total carotenoids, antioxidant activity and oxidative stability index. The lipid fraction showed significant quantity of bioactive substances, especially phytosterols, tocopherols and unsaturated fatty acids, as well as significant antioxidant capacity and oxidative stability, influenced by the content of phytosterols and the composition of fatty acids present in the analyzed fraction. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
This study aimed to assess the nutritional composition of the fruit and the physicochemical and bioactive properties of jatoba (Hymenaea courbaril L.) pulp and seed oils. The lipid content of both fractions was below 6%. There was a significant presence of minerals, especially, sodium, potassium and phosphorus. The main macronutrient in pulp and seed was crude fiber, and considerable amounts of Vitamin C, 51.87 and 121.45. mg/100. g respectively, were found. The physicochemical properties demonstrated the good quality of the oils. The oxidative stability index was influenced by the composition of fatty acids reaching a value of 45.97. h for the jatoba pulp oil. The most abundant bioactive compounds were α-tocopherol (886.37 and 993.63. mg/kg) and β-sitosterol (61.83 and 91.09. mg/kg) for pulp and seed oils, respectively. Among the unsaturated fatty acids in the pulp, the oleic (46.09%) and linolenic acid (14.54%) stood out. The pulp and seed oils can be considered a valuable source for new industrial, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Aflatoxins (AF) and fumonisins (FU) are a major problem faced by poultry farmers, leading to huge economic losses. This experiment was conducted to determine the effects of AF (1 mg/kg of feed) and FU (25 mg/kg of feed), singly or in combination, on the lipid metabolism in commercial layers and investigate the efficacy of a commercial binder (2 kg/t of feed) on reducing the toxic effects of these mycotoxins. A total of 168 Hisex Brown layer hens, 37 wk of age, were randomized into a 3 × 2 + 1 factorial arrangement (3 diets with no binder containing AF, FU, and AF+FU; 3 diets with binder containing AF, FU, and AF+FU; and a control diet with no mycotoxins and binders), totaling 7 treatments. The hens contaminated with AF showed the characteristic effects of aflatoxicosis, such as a yellow liver, resulting from the accumulation of liver fat, lower values of plasma very low-density lipoprotein and triglycerides, and higher relative weight of the kidneys and liver. Hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects of FU were not observed in this study. On the other hand, the FU caused a reduction in small intestine length and an increase in abdominal fat deposition. The glucan-based binder prevented some of the deleterious effects of these mycotoxins, particularly the effects of AF on hepatic lipid metabolism, kidney relative weight, and FU in the small intestine. © 2013 Poultry Science Association Inc.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of inclusion of lipid residue of biodiesel originated in the processing of palm oil (Elaeis guineensis) in the diet on the digestibility of feedlot lambs. Twenty-five crossbred male castrated lambs, weighing 20±1.61 kg, were distributed in randomized blocks with five treatments and five replications. The experimental period lasted 22 days; 15 for diet adaptation, 2 for the adaptation to the indicator LIPE (lignin from Eucalyptus grandis isolated, purified and enriched, UFMG, Minas Gerais) and 5 for fecal sampling. Diets were formulated with 64% concentrate based on corn and soybean meal, 31% Massai grass (Panicum maximum cv. Massai) hay and 5% lipid supplementation from increasing levels of substitution of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of palm oil for biodiesel oil from palm residue. The lambs were offered two meals a day, at 7h00 and 16h00. There was linear effect of inclusion of the residue from palm oil biodiesel on dry matter intake. There was no change in digestibility of nutrients except for ether extract. The use of biodiesel from palm oil residue up to 100% replacement for the lipid supplementation of sheep positively influences the consumption without altering the digestibility of nutrients.
Este artigo é dedicado ao estudo da controlabilidade finito-aproximada para a equação não linear de transferência de calor em domínios com fronteira móvel. A demonstração do resultado principal baseia-se no princípio de continuação única de Carolina Fabre 1996 e em argumentos de ponto fixo do tipo Leray-Schauder.
Neste estudo, um protocolo para induzir maiores quantidades de calos friáveis de Boerhaavia paniculata RICH e uma técnica de lipidômica foram aplicados para investigar o perfil dos lipídios e serem comparados com aqueles presentes nas raízes desta planta, os quais apresentaram atividade anti-inflamatória no extrato hexânico bruto. A cultura de calo foi induzida a partir de sementes em meio sólido contendo sais de Murashige e Skoog com diferentes quantidades de glicose e diferentes concentrações de ácido 2,4-diclorofenoxiacético. Os frascos foram mantidos em câmara de germinação a 30 ± 2°C, com fotoperíodo de 16h sob intensidade luminosa de 27 µmol m–2 s–1 durante 4 semanas. Os melhores resultados para a formação de calo friável e desenvolvimento da biomassa foram obtidos no tratamento contendo 2,26 µM de 2,4-D e de glicose (1,5 %; m/v). Técnica de lipidômica foi aplicada na fração hexânica mostrando as concentrações mais elevadas de esteróides β-sitosterol (3,53 mg/100 g de cs - células seca ), e ácidos graxos; especialmente o ácido 2-hidroxi-tetracosanóico (0,34 mg/100 g cs), ácido eicosanoico (86,25 mg/100 g cs), ácido esteárico (420,83 mg/100 g cs), ácido tetradecanóico (10,74 mg/100 g cs) e ácido linoléico (100,61 mg/100 g cs). O perfil lipídico do calo versus aquele encontrado nas raízes da planta silvestre é descrito neste trabalho.
OBJETIVO: Comparar o perfil lipídico e risco coronariano de uma população ribeirinha (Vigia) ao de uma população urbana (Belém). MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 50 indivíduos de cada região, controlados por idade e sexo, examinando-se os principais fatores de risco para a doença coronariana. RESULTADOS: Segundo o Programa Nacional de Educação sobre o Colesterol (NCEP III) e determinando-se o escore de Framingham, ambas as populações expressaram o mesmo risco absoluto de eventos (Vigia 5,4 ± 1 vs. Belém 5,7 ± 1), a despeito da população de Vigia apresentar menor consumo de gordura saturada (p<0,0001), maior de mono e poliinsaturada (p<0,03), além de menores valores do índice de massa corpórea (25,4±0,6 vs. 27,6±0,7kg/m², p<0,02), da prega biceptal (18,6±1,1 vs. 27,5±1,3mm, p<0,0001) e triceptal (28,7±1,2 vs. 37,3±1,7mm, p<0,002), de colesterol total (205±5 vs. 223±6mg/dL, p< 0,03) e triglicérides (119 ± 9 vs. 177±18mg/dL, p<0,005), não diferindo no HDL-c (46±1 vs. 46±1mg/dL), LDL-c (135 ± 4 vs. 144 ± 5mg/dL) e pressão arterial (PAS 124 ± 3 vs. 128 ± 3mmHg; PAD 80 ± 2 vs. 82 ± 2mmHg). CONCLUSÃO: A população ribeirinha e urbana da Amazônia apresentaram risco cardiovascular semelhante. Entretanto, a marcante diferença entre as variáveis estudadas sugere que devam ser aplicadas diferentes estratégias de prevenção.
This research aimed to evaluate the interactions and effects of 2 and 4% addition levels of poultry slaughterhouse fat (chicken tallow) and soybean oil in diets for broiler chickens. Two experiments were carried out using one-day-old male Cobb chicks in an entirely random design with a 2x2 factorial scheme. In the first experiment, 560 chicks were used to evaluate performance and carcass characteristics. In the second experiment, 100 chicks were used to determine the nutrient digestibility, dietary energy utilization and the lipase and amylase pancreatic activity. There was no interaction between the fat sources and the addition levels for any of the analyzed variables, except for the digestibility coefficient of dry matter (DCDM), which was higher in diets added with 2% soybean oil when compared to chicken tallow. The addition of 4% fat in the diet, regardless of fat source, improved the digestibility coefficient of ethereal extract (DCEE) and increased weight gain and feed intake. Moreover, in the initial phase, the addition of 4% fat to the diet increased lipase activity when compared to diets with 2% addition, and a positive correlation between DCEE and pancreatic lipase activity was observed. In conclusion, there is no interaction between fat sources and addition levels, except for DCDM. Carcass characteristics are not influenced by any of the studied factors. The addition of 4% fat increases pancreatic lipase activity and improves DCEE, resulting in greater weight gain, regardless of the tested fat source, making chicken tallow a great alternative to soybean oil.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the associations between phase angle, anthropometric measurements, and lipid profile in patients chronically infected with the hepatitis C virus. METHODS: A total of 160 consecutive patients chronically infected with the hepatitis C virus and who received treatment at the hepatitis C outpatient unit of our hospital from April 2010 to May 2011 were prospectively evaluated. Bioelectrical impedance analysis, anthropometric measurements, and serum lipid profile analysis were performed. RESULTS: Twenty-five patients were excluded. A total of 135 patients with a mean age of 49.8±11.4 years were studied. Among these patients, 60% were male. The phase angle and BMI means were 6.5±0.8° and 26.5±4.8 kg/m2, respectively. Regarding anthropometric variables, mid-arm circumference, mid-arm muscle circumference, and arm muscle area had a positive correlation with phase angle. In contrast, when analyzing the lipid profile, only HDL was inversely correlated with phase angle. However, in multiple regression models adjusted for age and gender, only mid-arm circumference (p = 0.005), mid-arm muscle circumference (p = 0.003), and arm muscle circumference (p = 0.001) were associated with phase angle in hepatitis C virus-infected patients. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, phase angle is positively correlated with anthropometric measures in our study. However, there is no association between phase angle and lipid profile in these patients. Our results suggest that phase angle is related to lean body mass in patients chronically infected with hepatitis C virus.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)