953 resultados para Scientific Research Programme
La ricerca sviluppa le più recenti proposte teoriche dell'antropologia interpretativa, applicandole alla teoria della letteratura. Si concentra sull'ipotesto antropologico attivo nell'opera di Elsa Morante, con particolare riferimento alla produzione successiva agli anni Sessanta (Il mondo salvato dai ragazzini, 1968; La Storia, 1974; Aracoeli, 1982), in cui si verifica la concentrazione del materiale etno-antropologico di derivazione demartiniana. La tesi si propone di sondare la prolificità del rapporto intertestuale Morante-De Martino, soprattutto mediante la ricorrenza di alcuni luoghi significanti che accomunano la ricerca poetica e quella scientifica degli autori, uniti da una fondamentale rielaborazione del concetto di "umanesimo". Centrale, a questo proposito, diviene la nozione di "crisi" della persona, direttamente collegata al vissuto da "fine del mondo" e alla percezione apocalittica post-atomica. Alla crisi del soggetto contemporaneo si guarda nei termini di una risoluzione culturale, che chiama direttamente in causa il rapporto tra letteratura e ritualità. Secondo la prospettiva sociologica durkheimiana, si indagano i momenti della piacularità e della festa, ricorsivi nella scrittura morantiana, come fondanti il discorso (la narrazione mitografica) della comunità. Di qui, la riflessione si attesta sulle strategie della comunicazione finzionale in ambito etno-antropologico, con attenzione all'autorialità dello stesso antropologo sul campo. Non mancano raffronti con le esperienze letterarie più significative nell'orizzonte culturale delineato: in particolar modo, si tiene in considerazione il fondamentale rapporto Morante-Pasolini.
Auf Paulfallen basierende Experimente spielen eine wichtige Rolle in verschiedenen Bereichen der Physik, z.B. der Atomphysik zum Test theoretischer Modelle und der Massenspektroskopie. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich beiden Themengebieten und gliedert sich entsprechend in zwei Teilbereiche: 1) Erdalkali-Ionen sind aufgrund ihrer Energieniveaus optimale Kandidaten für Laserspektroskopie-Experimente mit Ionenfallen und bestens geeignet, um mittels der spektroskopischen Daten die theoretischen Modelle zu testen. Lediglich für Ra+ fehlen bislang als einzigem Erdalkali-Ion diese Daten wie z.B. die Lebensdauern der metastabilen Niveaus. Diese wären auch von Interesse für bereits geplante Radium-Experimente zur Paritätsverletzung. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wird der Aufbau eines Laser-Paulfallenexperiments zur Messung der Lebensdauer des 6D3/2 Zustands von 226Ra+ dokumentiert und es werden Testmessungen mit 138Ba+ vorgestellt. 2) Für die Verwendung der Paulfalle in der Massenspektroskopie und zur Analyse von Reaktionsprodukten ist die Kenntnis der Lage der im Speicherbereich auftretenden nichtlinearen Resonanzen wesentlich, ebenso wie deren Veränderung durch Dämpfung und Raumladung. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit werden detaillierte Untersuchungen der Speicherung großer puffergasgekühlter Ionenwolken an zwei unterschiedlichen Paulfallen-Experimenten vorgestellt. Am ersten wurden 138Ba+-Ionenwolken kontinuierlich durch Laserspektroskopie bzw. über einen elektronischen Nachweis beobachtet, während das zweite N2+-Molekülionen automatisiert destruktiv nachwies. Am N2+-Experiment wurden zwei hochaufgelöste Messungen des ersten Speicherbereichs durchgeführt, die erstmals eine direkte Überprüfung der theoretisch berechneten Verläufe der Resonanzen mit experimentellen Daten erlauben. Die Nachweiseichung ermöglichte dabei zum ersten Mal die Angabe absoluter Ionenzahlen. Im Gegensatz zu vergleichbaren früheren Messungen wurden hierbei die sich überlagernden Speicherbereiche von 4 simultan gespeicherten Ionensorten beobachtet und zur Analyse der Resonanzen herangezogen. Die nichtlinearen Resonanzen wurden untersucht bei Variation von Puffergasdruck und Ionenzahl, wobei kollektive Resonanzen ohne zusätzliche externe Anregung beobachtet wurden. Die gemessenen Raumladungsverschiebungen wurden mit theoretischen Modellen verglichen. Bei Variation des Puffergasdrucks wurde mit Bariumionen die räumliche Ausdehnung der Ionenwolke gemessen und mit Stickstoffionen die Verschiebung des Punktes optimaler Speicherung bestimmt. Dabei wurde festgestellt, daß der zum Ioneneinfang optimale Puffergasdruck kleiner ist als der, bei dem die längsten Speicherdauern erzielt werden. Mit gespeicherten N2+-Ionen wurde die Position extern angeregter kollektiver und individueller Resonanzen im Frequenzspektrum bei Änderung der Parameter Ionenzahl, Puffergasdruck und Dauer der Anregung untersucht, ebenso wie die Resonanzform, die mit theoretischen Linienformen verglichen wurde. Bei Änderung der Fallenparameter wurden verstärkende Effekte zwischen nahen kollektiven Resonanzen festgestellt. Die Beobachtung, welche der im Frequenzspektrum vorher identifizierten Bewegungs-Resonanzen sich bei Variation der Fallenparameter a bzw. q überlagern, ermöglicht eine bislang nicht beschriebene einfache Methode der Bestimmung von nichtlinearen Resonanzen im Stabilitätsdiagramm.
Since the publication of the book of Russell and Burch in 1959, scientific research has never stopped improving itself with regard to the important issue of animal experimentation. The European Directive 2010/63/EU “On the protection of animals used for scientific purposes” focuses mainly on the animal welfare, fixing the Russell and Burch’s 3Rs principles as the foundations of the document. In particular, the legislator clearly states the responsibility of the scientific community to improve the number of alternative methods to animal experimentation. The swine is considered a species of relevant interest for translational research and medicine due to its biological similarities with humans. The surgical community has, in fact, recognized the swine as an excellent model replicating the human cardiovascular system. There have been several wild-type and transgenic porcine models which were produced for biomedicine and translational research. Among these, the cardiovascular ones are the most represented. The continuous involvement of the porcine animal model in the biomedical research, as the continuous advances achieved using swine in translational medicine, support the need for alternative methods to animal experimentation involving pigs. The main purpose of the present work was to develop and characterize novel porcine alternative methods for cardiovascular translational biology/medicine. The work was mainly based on two different models: the first consisted in an ex vivo culture of porcine aortic cylinders and the second consisted in an in vitro culture of porcine aortic derived progenitor cells. Both the models were properly characterized and results indicated that they could be useful to the study of vascular biology. Nevertheless, both the models aim to reduce the use of experimental animals and to refine animal based-trials. In conclusion, the present research aims to be a small, but significant, contribution to the important and necessary field of study of alternative methods to animal experimentation.
Oggetto della tesi e' l'approfondimento su tecniche e metodiche di preservazione del polmone isolato per lo studio ecografico. E' discussa l'appropriatezza sull'uso degli ultrasuoni in corso di chirurgia mini invasiva polmonare, obiettivo di una ricerca sperimentale. Il razionale dello studio si fonda sull'indicazione all'exeresi chirurgica di noduli polmonari di diametro inferiore al centometro, ovvero di diametro superiore ma localizzati in aree centrali del polmone. Queste lesioni sono sempre piu' frequentente diagnosticate per mezzo di avanzate tecniche di imaging. L'atto chirurgico ha scopo terapeutico quando sia stata posta la diagnosi di neoplasia maligna, diagnostico-terapeutico quando non sia ancora ottenuta la tipizzazione istologica della lesione. La tecnica toracoscopica offre numerosi vantaggi rispetto alle tecniche chirurgiche tradizionali ma presenta il grave limite di non permettere la palpazione diretta del tessuto polmonare e la localizzazione della formazione tumorale quando essa non sia visibile macroscopicamente. Gli ultrasuoni sono stati utilizzati con successo per indirizzare la localizzazione del nodulo polmonare. Scopo dello studio sperimentale e' quello di confrontare tecniche diverse di preservazione del polmone isolato in un modello animale, comparando catatteristiche e prestazioni di sonde ecografiche differenti per tipologia. Del tutto recentemente, in ambito trapiantologico, sono state proposte tecniche di preservazione organica utili ai fini di uno studio anatomico sperimentale particolareggiato (EVLP) e moderna e' da considerarsi la concezione di mezzi tecnici specifici per la localizzazione di bersagli intrapolmonari. La tecnica clinica applicata allo studio del particolare ecografico, nel modello animale, ha reso comprensibile e meglio definito il ruolo delle sonde ecografiche nell'individuazione di forme tumorali suscettibili di exeresi definitiva.
Questo lavoro si concentra su un particolare aspetto della sfaccettata ricerca scientifica di Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), ossia quello teorico-musicale. I pensieri dell’astronomo tedesco riguardanti tale campo sono concentrati – oltre che in alcuni capitoli del Mysterium cosmographicum (1596) ed in alcune sue lettere – nel Libro III dell’Harmonices mundi libri quinque (1619), che, per la sua posizione mediana all’interno dell’opera, tra i primi due libri geometrici e gli ultimi due astronomici, e per la sua funzione di raccordo tra la «speculazione astratta» della geometria e la concretizzazione degli archetipi geometrici nel mondo fisico, assume la struttura di un vero e proprio trattato musicale sul modello di quelli rinascimentali, nel quale la «musica speculativa», dedicata alla teoria delle consonanze e alla loro deduzione geometrica precede la «musica activa», dedicata alla pratica del canto dell’uomo nelle sue differenze, generi e modi. La tesi contiene la traduzione italiana, con testo latino a fronte, del Libro III dell’Harmonice, e un’ampia introduzione che percorre le tappe fondamentali del percorso biografico e scientifico che hanno portato alla concezione di quest’opera – soffermandosi in particolare sulla formazione musicale ricevuta da Keplero, sulle pagine di argomento musicale del Mysterium e delle lettere, e sulle riflessioni filosofico-armoniche sviluppate negli anni di ricerca – e offre gli elementi fondamentali per poter comprendere l’Harmonice mundi in generale e il Libro III in particolare. A ciò si aggiunge, in Appendice, la traduzione, anch’essa con testo latino a fronte, della Sectio V, dedicata alla musica, del Liber IX dell’Almagestum novum (1651) di Giovanni Battista Riccioli (1598-1671), interessante sia dal punto di vista della recezione delle teorie di Keplero che dal punto di vista della storia delle idee musicali.
L’obiettivo del presente elaborato di tesi è quello di valutare le conseguenze di alcuni scenari incidentali per un termovalorizzatore di rifiuti speciali. Per le simulazioni è stato utilizzato il software EFFECTS, prodotto da un ente privato olandese, il TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research), e progettato per prevedere gli effetti fisici degli scenari incidentali.
Data on rainfall, runoff and sediment loss from different land use types have been collected by the Soil Conservation Research Programme in seven small catchments (73-673 hectares) throughout the Ethiopian Highlands since the early 1980s. Monitoring was carried out on a storm-to-storm basis for extended periods of 10-20 years, and the data are analysed here to assess long-term effects of changes. Soil and water conservation technologies were introduced in the early years in the catchments in view of their capacity to reduce runoff and sediment yield. Results indicate that rainfall did not substantially change over the observation periods. Land use changes and land degradation, however, altered runoff, as shown by the data from small test plots (30 m2), which were not altered by conservation measures during the monitoring periods. Sediment delivery from the catchments may have decreased due to soil and water conservation, while runoff rates did not change significantly. Extrapolation of the results in the highlands, however, showed that expansion of cultivated and grazing land induced by population growth may have increased the overall surface runoff. Watershed management in the catchments, finally, had beneficial effects on ecosystem services by reducing soil erosion, restoring soil fertility, enhancing agricultural production, and maintaining overall runoff to the benefit of lowland areas and neighbouring countries.
Advances in laboratory techniques have led to a rapidly increasing use of biomarkers in epidemiological studies. Biomarkers of internal dose, early biological change, susceptibility, and clinical outcomes are used as proxies for investigating the interactions between external and/or endogenous agents and the body components or processes. The need for improved reporting of scientific research led to influential statements of recommendations such as STrengthening Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement. The STROBE initiative established in 2004 aimed to provide guidance on how to report observational research. Its guidelines provide a user-friendly checklist of 22 items to be reported in epidemiological studies, with items specific to the three main study designs: cohort studies, case-control studies and cross-sectional studies. The present STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology-Molecular Epidemiology (STROBE-ME) initiative builds on the STROBE Statement implementing 9 existing items of STROBE and providing 17 additional items to the 22 items of STROBE checklist. The additions relate to the use of biomarkers in epidemiological studies, concerning collection, handling and storage of biological samples; laboratory methods, validity and reliability of biomarkers; specificities of study design; and ethical considerations. The STROBE-ME recommendations are intended to complement the STROBE recommendations.
Advances in laboratory techniques have led to a rapidly increasing use of biomarkers in epidemiological studies. Biomarkers of internal dose, early biological change susceptibility and clinical outcomes are used as proxies for investigating the interactions between external and/or endogenous agents and body components or processes. The need for improved reporting of scientific research led to influential statements of recommendations such as the STrengthening Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement. The STROBE initiative established in 2004 aimed to provide guidance on how to report observational research. Its guidelines provide a user-friendly checklist of 22 items to be reported in epidemiological studies, with items specific to the three main study designs: cohort studies, case-control studies and cross-sectional studies. The present STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology -Molecular Epidemiology (STROBE-ME) initiative builds on the STROBE statement implementing 9 existing items of STROBE and providing 17 additional items to the 22 items of STROBE checklist. The additions relate to the use of biomarkers in epidemiological studies, concerning collection, handling and storage of biological samples; laboratory methods, validity and reliability of biomarkers; specificities of study design; and ethical considerations. The STROBE-ME recommendations are intended to complement the STROBE recommendations.
Advances in laboratory techniques have led to a rapidly increasing use of biomarkers in epidemiological studies. Biomarkers of internal dose, early biological change, susceptibility and clinical outcomes are used as proxies for investigating the interactions between external and/or endogenous agents and the body components or processes. The need for improved reporting of scientific research led to influential statements of recommendations such as the STrenghtening Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement. The STROBE initiative established in 2004 aimed to provide guidance on how to report observational research. Its guidelines provide a user-friendly checklist of 22 items to be reported in epidemiological studies, with items specific to the three main study designs: cohort studies, case-control studies and cross-sectional studies. The present STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology - Molecular Epidemiology (STROBE-ME) initiative builds on the STROBE Statement implementing 9 existing items of STROBE and providing 17 additional items to the 22 items of STROBE checklist. The additions relate to the use of biomarkers in epidemiological studies, concerning collection, handling and storage of biological samples; laboratory methods, validity and reliability of biomarkers; specificities of study design; and ethical considerations. The STROBE-ME recommendations are intended to complement the STROBE recommendations.
Advances in laboratory techniques have led to a rapidly increasing use of biomarkers in epidemiological studies. Biomarkers of internal dose, early biological change, susceptibility and clinical outcomes are used as proxies for investigating interactions between external and / or endogenous agents and body components or processes. The need for improved reporting of scientific research led to influential statements of recommendations such as the STrengthening Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement. The STROBE initiative established in 2004 aimed to provide guidance on how to report observational research. Its guidelines provide a user-friendly checklist of 22 items to be reported in epidemiological studies, with items specific to the three main study designs: cohort studies, case-control studies and cross-sectional studies. The present STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology - Molecular Epidemiology (STROBE-ME) initiative builds on the STROBE statement implementing nine existing items of STROBE and providing 17 additional items to the 22 items of STROBE checklist. The additions relate to the use of biomarkers in epidemiological studies, concerning collection, handling and storage of biological samples; laboratory methods, validity and reliability of biomarkers; specificities of study design; and ethical considerations. The STROBE-ME recommendations are intended to complement the STROBE recommendations.
Advances in laboratory techniques have led to a rapidly increasing use of biomarkers in epidemiological studies. Biomarkers of internal dose, early biological change, susceptibility and clinical outcomes are used as proxies for investigating interactions between external and/or endogenous agents and body components or processes. The need for improved reporting of scientific research led to influential statements of recommendations such as the STrengthening Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement. The STROBE initiative established in 2004 aimed to provide guidance on how to report observational research. Its guidelines provide a user-friendly checklist of 22 items to be reported in epidemiological studies, with items specific to the three main study designs: cohort studies, case-control studies and cross-sectional studies. The present STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology -Molecular Epidemiology (STROBE-ME) initiative builds on the STROBE statement implementing nine existing items of STROBE and providing 17 additional items to the 22 items of STROBE checklist. The additions relate to the use of biomarkers in epidemiological studies, concerning collection, handling and storage of biological samples; laboratory methods, validity and reliability of biomarkers; specificities of study design; and ethical considerations. The STROBE-ME recommendations are intended to complement the STROBE recommendations.
Pollinating insects form a key component of European biodiversity, and provide a vital ecosystem service to crops and wild plants. There is growing evidence of declines in both wild and domesticated pollinators, and parallel declines in plants relying upon them. The STEP project (Status and Trends of European Pollinators, 2010-2015, www.step-project.net) is documenting critical elements in the nature and extent of these declines, examining key functional traits associated with pollination deficits, and developing a Red List for some European pollinator groups. Together these activities are laying the groundwork for future pollinator monitoring programmes. STEP is also assessing the relative importance of potential drivers of pollinator declines, including climate change, habitat loss and fragmentation, agrochemicals, pathogens, alien species, light pollution, and their interactions. We are measuring the ecological and economic impacts of declining pollinator services and floral resources, including effects on wild plant populations, crop production and human nutrition. STEP is reviewing existing and potential mitigation options, and providing novel tests of their effectiveness across Europe. Our work is building upon existing and newly developed datasets and models, complemented by spatially-replicated campaigns of field research to fill gaps in current knowledge. Findings are being integrated into a policy-relevant framework to create evidence-based decision support tools. STEP is establishing communication links to a wide range of stakeholders across Europe and beyond, including policy makers, beekeepers, farmers, academics and the general public. Taken together, the STEP research programme aims to improve our understanding of the nature, causes, consequences and potential mitigation of declines in pollination services at local, national, continental and global scales.
Advances in laboratory techniques have led to a rapidly increasing use of biomarkers in epidemiological studies. Biomarkers of internal dose, early biological change, susceptibility, and clinical outcomes are used as proxies for investigating the interactions between external and/or endogenous agents and the body components or processes. The need for improved reporting of scientific research led to influential statements of recommendations such as STrengthening Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement. The STROBE initiative established in 2004 aimed to provide guidance on how to report observational research. Its guidelines provide a user-friendly checklist of 22 items to be reported in epidemiological studies, with items specific to the three main study designs: cohort studies, case-control studies and cross-sectional studies. The present STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology - Molecular Epidemiology (STROBE-ME) initiative builds on the STROBE Statement implementing 9 existing items of STROBE and providing 17 additional items to the 22 items of STROBE checklist. The additions relate to the use of biomarkers in epidemiological studies, concerning collection, handling and storage of biological samples; laboratory methods, validity and reliability of biomarkers; specificities of study design; and ethical considerations. The STROBE-ME recommendations are intended to complement the STROBE recommendations.