913 resultados para Sandy Kapoor
This paper summarizes floristic and phytossociology data of 11, out of 14 plots of 1 ha, allocated along an altitudinal gradient in the Serra do Mar, Silo Paulo, Brazil. The study was conducted at Serra do Mar State Park and the plots start at the sea level (10 m - plot of Restinga Forest that occurs at Praia da Fazenda, Picinguaba, municipality of Ubatuba) up to 1100 m above sea level (the Montane Ombrophilous Dense occurs alongside the Itamambuca Trail, municipality of Silo Luis do Paraitinga). The Restinga Forest occurs in Pleistocenic Coastal Plain where the soil is classified as a sandy Quartzipsamment (Quartzenic Neosol), while along the slopes of the Serra do Mar, the Ombrophylus Dense Forest grows on the top of a pre-Cambrian crystalline basement with granitic rocks, where the soil is a sandy-loam Dystrophic Inceptisol (Cambisol/Latosol). In all 14 plots soils are acidic (pH 3 - 4), chemically poor, with high dilution of nutrients and high saturation of aluminum. In the Restinga and at the foot of the slope the climate is Tropical/Subtropical Humid (Af/Cfa), with no dry season, an average annual rainfall over 2,200 mm and an average annual temperature of 22 degrees C. Towards the top of the Serra do Mar there is a gradual cooling along the slope, but there is no reduction in rainfall, so at 1,100 m above sea level the climate is classified as Humid Subtropical (Cfa/Cfb), with no dry season and an average annual temperature of 17 degrees C. It is important to remark that, almost daily, from 400 m above sea level up to the top of slopes the mountains are covered by a dense fog. In the 14 plots 21,733 individuals with DBH >= 4.8 cm, including trees, palms and ferns, were marked, measured and sampled. The average number of individuals sampled in each plot was 1264 ind.ha(-1)(+/- 218 SE 95%). Within the parameters considered trees prevailed (71% in the Montane ODF to 90% in the Restinga Forest), followed by palms (10% in the RF and 25% in the Montane Ombrophilous Dense Forest/ODF) and ferns (0% % in the RF and 4% in the Montane ODF). Regarding these proportions the Exploited Lowlands ODF differs from the others with only 1.8% of palm trees and striking 10% of ferns. The forest canopy is irregular with heights ranging from 7 to 9 m, rarely emergent trees reach 18 m, and due to this irregularity of the canopy the amount of light that gets through sets conditions for the development of hundreds of epiphytic species. Aside from Montana ODF, where the number of dead trees was more than 5% of individuals sampled, in the other phytophysiognomies this value was below 2.5%. In the 11 plots where the floristic study was conducted we found 562 species in 195 genera and 68 families. Only seven species - Euterpe edulis Mart. (Arecaceae), Calyptranthes lucida Mart. ex DC. and Marlierea tomentosa Cambess (both Myrtaceae), Guapira opposita (Veil.) Reitz (Nyctaginaceae), Cupania oblongifolia Mart. (Sapindaceae), Cecropia glaziovii Snethl. and Coussapoa microcarpa (Schott) Rizzini (both Urticaceae) - occurred from Restinga to Montane ODF, while 12 other species did not occur only in the Restinga Forest. Families with the greatest number of species are Myrtaceae (133 spp), Fabaceae (47 spp), Rubiaceae (49) and Lauraceae (49) throughout the gradient and Monimiaceae (21) specifically in portions Montane ODF. Only in the F plot, where logging has occurred between 1950 and 1985, the abundance of palm trees has been replaced by Cyatheaceae. The study shows a peak of diversity and richness, Shannon-Weiner index (H') ranging from 3.96 to 4.48 nats.ind(-1), in the intermediate altitudes (300 to 400 m) along the slope. Several explanations for this result are raised here, including the fact that these elevations are within the limits expansions and retractions of the different phytophysiognomies of the Atlantic ODF due to climate fluctuations during the Pleistocene. The results presented in this paper demonstrate the extraordinary richness of tree species of the Atlantic Rainforest from the northeastern coast of the State of São Paulo, reinforcing the importance of its conservation throughout the altitudinal gradient. The richness of this forest justifies a long term commitment to study its dynamics and functioning through permanent plots, and monitor the impacts of climate change in this vegetation.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The Pantanal wetland is located in a tectonically active interior sedimentary basin in west-central Brazil. The south-flowing Paraguay River is the trunk-river of an alluvial constructional landform comprising several large alluvial fans, the largest one of which is the Taquari megafan. The Taquari River flows in two distinct geomorphologic zones within the megafan. Entrenched on sediments of Pleistocene fan lobes, the Taquari River flows in a 3 to 5 km wide meander belt in the upper fan, where avulsion is hindered by entrenchment. Downstream of the intersection point, stream discharge progressively decreases and the Taquari River becomes narrow and shallow toward the Paraguay River plain. Within the distributary fan lobe, the channel-levee sandy complex is topographically higher than the adjacent floodplains and avulsion is a natural consequence of crevasses in the natural levees. Many channel avulsions have occurred during the last decades and documented cases show that significant channel changes may take place in a few years. Beginning with crevassing in 1988 and ending with the abandonment of the former channel in 1998, the river completely changed course in the lower fan. Presently, a major avulsion is occurring in the upper portion of the growing fan lobe, where many crevasses have appeared in the natural levees with associated splays onto the floodbasin. New anastomosed channels have formed north of the Taquari River, but downstream of them the flow is unconfined and the water spreads into natural floodbasins. This avulsion is still in process and allows observation of channel evolution, the geomorphic features produced, the sedimentary processes involved, and resulting effects. If the new channels do not rejoin the main channel, the river mouth may abandon its present master channel and shift to a position a hundred kilometers north from its present position. A large volume of sediment has been transferred to the floodbasin, with progradation of crevasse splay deposits over fine overbank sediments. Many geomorphic features, recognizable in satellite and radar images, clearly show that avulsion has occurred many limes before in the Taquari River. Avulsion belt deposits and former diverted channels testify to ancient avulsion events within the fan lobe and show that progradation of splays onto the floodbasin is the most important infilling process within the Taquari distributary fan lobe. The avulsion process in the lower Taquari River has accelerated in the last 30 years, along with the magnitude of flooding. Pasture and intensive agriculture in the catchment area has increased the sediment supply to the wetland, but larger floods are also a consequence of higher rainfall since 1973. Avulsion and floods have been a cause of great concern among the local population and landowners. Before human intervention in attempting to control floods, however, a better understanding of the avulsive river system is needed, especially because a major navigation project including the channelization of the Paraguay River was recently proposed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar possíveis métodos para aumentar a taxa de biodegradação aeróbia de hidrocarbonetos (tratamentos ex-situ). Neste trabalho, processos de biorremediação foram aplicados a um solo arenoso com alto nível de contaminação ocasionada por um vazamento de um tanque de armazenamento de óleo diesel subterrâneo em um posto de combustíveis. Experimentos em escala laboratorial (respirômetros de Bartha) foram utilizados para avaliar a biodegradação do óleo diesel. Estímulo da biodegradação foi realizado utilizando-se as técnicas de bioestímulo (adição de soluções de nitrogênio e fósforo ou surfactante Tween 80) e de bioaumento (consórcio bacteriano isolado de um sistema de landfarming). Para investigar as interações entre os fatores otimizadores, e encontrar a melhor combinação entre esses agentes, o estudo foi baseado em um delineamento experimental fatorial completo. A eficiência de biodegradação foi simultaneamente medida com dois métodos: respirométrico (produção de CO2 microbiano) e cromatografia gasosa. Testes de toxicidade aguda com Daphnia similis foram aplicados para examinar a eficiência dos processos em termos de geração de produtos menos tóxicos. Resultados mostraram que todas as estratégias de biorremediação aceleraram a biorremediação natural do solo contaminado e os melhores resultados foram obtidos quando os tratamentos tinham adição de nutrientes. Dados respirométricos indicaram uma máxima mineralização de hidrocarbonetos de 19,8%, obtida com a combinação dos três agentes, com uma remoção de hidrocarbonetos totais de petróleo (TPH) de 45,5% em 55 dias de tratamento. No final dos experimentos, duas espécies predominantes de bactéria foram isoladas e identificadas como Staphylococcus hominis e Kocuria palustris.
In waterlogged environments of the upper Amazon basin, organic matter is a major driver in the podzolisation of clay-depleted laterites, especially through its ability to weather clay minerals and chelate metals. Its structure in eight organic-rich samples collected at the margin and in the centre of the podzolic area of a soil sequence was investigated. The samples illustrate the main steps in the development of waterlogged podzols and belong either to eluviated topsoil A horizons or to illuviated subsoil Bhs, Bh and 2BCs horizons. Organic matter micromorphology was described, and the overall molecular structure of their clay size fractions was assessed using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and cross polarization/magic angle spinning (CP/MAS) C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Organic features of the horizons strongly vary both vertically and laterally in the sequence. Topsoil A horizons are dominated by organic residues juxtaposed to clean sands with a major aliphatic contribution. In the subsoil, numerous coatings, characteristic of illuviation processes, are observed in the following horizons: (i) At the margin and bottom parts of the podzolic area, dark brown organic compounds of low aromacity with abundant oxygen-containing groups accumulate in Bhs and 2BCs horizons. Their spectroscopic features agree with the observation of cracked coatings in 2BCs and the presence of organometallic complexes, whose abundance decreases towards low lying positions. (ii) By contrast, black organic compounds of high aromacity with few chelating functions accumulate as coatings and infills in the overlying sandy Bh horizon of well-expressed waterlogged podzols. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O trabalho insere-se num estudo global sobre os efeitos do espaçamento entre sulcos de semeadura e da dose de adubação nitrogenada sobre as relações competitivas entre a cultura do arroz de sequeiro (Oryza sativa L.) e uma comunidade de plantas daninhas. Para tanto, os tratamentos foram dispostos num esquema fatorial 2x2x3, onde constituiram variáveis: duas condições de manejo da comunidade infestante - sem controle e com controle do mato durante todo o ciclo do arroz - dois espaçamentos entre sulcos de semeadura - 0,40 e 0,60 m - e três doses de nitrogênio - 2,4, e 7,2 de N/m de sulco. O experimento foi montado sobre solo Latossolo Vermelho Escuro fase arenosa e obedeceu o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com 4repetições. Foram realizadas duas avaliações: por ocasião do perfilhamento e por ocasião do florescimento da cultura. em comparação com as plantas daninhas, os teores de N, P, Fe, Mn e Zn foram mais elevados no arroz; os de Ca e Mg foram menos elevados e os teores de K e Cu foram inferiores aos de D. horizontalis e superiores aos de 7. hirsuta. Por ocasião do florescimento, o arroz apresentou teores mais elevados de P, Cu, Mn e Zn, enquanto que a comunidade infestante apresentou maiores teores de N, K, Ca, Mg e Fe. Os efeitos do espaçamento e da fertilização nitrogenada apresentaram aspectos distintos de acordo com o nutriente, a espécie envolvida e a época da avaliação. de um modo geral, os efeitos das plantas daninhas foram mais acentuados no espaçamento de 0,60 m.
As aves migratórias podem reconhecer humanos e animais domésticos como possíveis predadores, alterando seus padrões de abundância e comportamento de formação de bandos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a abundância de aves migratórias neárticas, a freqüência de bandos e o número médio de aves por bando em áreas com alta e baixa concentração humana em uma região costeira de praia arenosa no sudeste do Brasil. As aves, pessoas e cães foram contados mensalmente entre novembro de 2006 a abril de 2007. Foram registradas seis espécies de aves (Arenaria interpres, Calidris alba, Calidris canutus, Calidris pusilla, Charadrius semipalmatus, Pluvialis dominica) nas duas áreas, no entanto somente C. canutus foi registrado exclusivamente na área com baixa concentração humana. Houve diferença significativa no número médio de pessoas e cães entre as áreas, mas não no número médio de aves. Não houve correlação entre o número de humanos e aves, e entre cães e aves. Adicionalmente, não houve diferença significativa na freqüência de bandos e número de indivíduos por bando entre as áreas. Os resultados deste estudo destacaram a sensibilidade de C. canutus na área com alta concentração humana e a necessidade de futuras investigações que determinem os limites máximos de concentração de pessoas e cães domésticos que as aves migratórias neárticas podem tolerar para a tomada de ações de proteção em áreas costeiras com ocupação humana.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Studies on the sociality of heterospecific assemblages of birds have promoted a greater understanding of the types of interactions and survivorship between coexisting species. This study verified the group compositions in bird assemblages and analyzed the sociality of migratory and resident species on sandy beaches of southeastern Brazil. A transect was established on the median portion of beaches and all the groups of bird species (monospecific, heterospecific) and solitary individuals were registered four days per month from November 2006 to April 2007. The sociality of each species was calculated by its frequency in heterospecific groups, its proportional number of contacts with other species in heterospecific groups, and the number of species that it associated with. Semipalmated Sandpiper Calidris pusilla (Linnaeus, 1766) and Semipalmated Plover Charadrius semipalmatus Bonaparte, 1825 (both migratory) had the highest degree of sociality and did not show a preference to associate with either residents or migratory species. Sanderling Calidris alba (Pallas, 1764) (migratory) occupied the third position in the sociality rank and associated with migratory species frequently. Southern Caracara Carara plancus (Miller, 1777) and Black Vulture Coragyps atratus (Beschstein, 1793) (both resident) were uniquely found among heterospecific groups with necrophagous and resident species. Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus Lichtenstein, 1823 (resident) associated more frequently with resident species. The sociality in assemblages of birds may promote advantages such as an increased collective awareness in dangerous situations and indication of sites with abundant food sources.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)