994 resultados para Sampling rates


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Occurrence and growth rates of two species of intertidal fouling bryozoans namely Electra bengalensis (Stoliczka) and Electra crustulanta (Pallas) are presented in this paper. The former was a typically marine form, settling on panels only during the high saline conditions of the pre-monsoon period and were absent during the low salinity conditions of the monsoon period, while the latter appeared to be a typical brackish water form settling on panels during the low saline conditions existing during the monsoon and post-monsoon periods and were totally absent during the pre-monsoon months. Regression co-efficient of the former was higher than that of the latter suggesting more pronounced growth in Electra bengalensis. Maximum growth for this species was noticed during March, April and May (pre-monsoon) while for the other species growth was more or less similar during monsoon and post-monsoon months (June-January) showing that the species was at home in oligohaline and mesohaline waters.


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We have investigated evolutionary rates of the mitochondrial genome among individuals of Madoqua kirkii using the relative rate test. Our results demonstrate that individuals of two chromosome races, East African cytotype A and Southwest African cytotype D, evolve about 2.3 times faster than East African cytotype B. Cytogenetic changes, DNA repair efficiency, mutagens, and more likely, hitherto unrecognized factors will account for the rate difference we have observed. Our results suggest additional caution when using molecular clocks in the estimation of divergence time, even within lineages of closely related taxa. Rate heterogeneity in microevolutionary timescales represents a potentially important aspect of basic evolutionary processes and may provide additional insights into factors which affect genome evolution. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.


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An outline is given of a sampling plan for prepacked fish products based on the net weight of the container, which may be used to make the inspection of fish and fish products easier and more effective.


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Postlarvae of tiger prawns, P. monodon , were fed with various protein levels of 0; 30; 40 and 50%, fish meal and rice bran were combined and pelletized for 16 wks. Prawns used had an average mean length of 1.2 mm and an average mean weight of 5.5 mg. Nitrite, ammonia, dissolved oxygen content, temperature and pH were monitored. After one month of feeding, growth increments of postlarvae fed with 30% protein diet were significantly different from those given 0; 40 and 50%. Survival rate of the group fed 40% protein was higher (81.7%) but was not significantly different from those fed 30% (68.0%). The highest feed efficiency was obtained from the 30% protein pellets (4.6). At the end of 16 weeks, growth increment of 40% protein level was significantly different from the 30% and 50% protein levels, but the survival rate was not signficantly different from the 30% protein level. Feed conversion for the 40% protein diet was 2.8.


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The objective of this study is to determine survival rates of different postlarval stages upon stocking in the Leganes ponds. Twelve 3m x 2m x 2m suspension nets made of nylon cloth (mesh size = 0 . 1 mm) were set up in a Leganes Station pond (ave. water depth = 1 m) by means of 3-m long poles stacked at distances approximating the area of each net. The net bottom was filled with topsoil at least 15 cm thick to stimulate the pond bottom. At least 60 cm of the upper edge of each net was above the water level to prevent mixing of water inside and outside the net. P.monodon of stages P SUB-11 , P SUB-15 , P SUB-21 (from the hatchery) and P SUB-25 (from the wet lab) were stocked in the nets at 200/sq m or 1,200 fry/net. Due to lack of fry, only one P SUB-25 net was stocked. Each net had two large dried miapi branches as shelter from predation and cannibalism for the young sugpo fry. Fresh lablab was fed at the rate of one pail (approximately 5 kg) every four days per net. Harvest data show relatively higher survival rates for P SUB-15 and P SUB-18 compared to P SUB-11 and P SUB-25 with no significant difference between these two stages. The results for P SUB-25 may not be valid because the stock came from the wet lab in comparison to the other postlarval stages which were reared in the hatchery. Moreover, the P SUB-25 stock had no replicates and the net itself (no. 10) was discovered to have many holes. These preliminary results point to P SUB-15 as the best stage for harvest from the hatchery in terms of high pond recovery and lesser expense in rearing compared to older postlarvae.


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Milkfish and prawn pond operation in the Philippines is often associated with lab-lab culture. Lab-lab is a biological complex of blue-green algae, diatoms, bacteria and various animals which form a mat at the bottom of nursery ponds or floating patches along the margins of ponds. This complex is considered the most favorable food of milkfish in brackishwater ponds. Variations in the quantity and quality of lab-lab between and within areas of a 1,000 sq. m. pond was determined over 2 culture periods (6 month duration) and the applicability and suitability of stratified random sampling as a method of sampling lab-lab was evaluated.


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Eggs of P. monodon are classified into 5 different types on the basis of morphological criteria and hatching rates: A sub(1) eggs, which undergo normal development with 58% hatching rate; A sub(2) eggs, which show delayed and/or abnormal development with 32% hatching rate; B eggs, which are unfertilized and characterized by irregular cytoplasmic formation; C eggs, which are unfertilized and show no change in appearance; and D eggs, which are unfertilized and show extensive bacterial presence. The establishment of a highly linear relationship between percent A sub(1) eggs and hatching rate provides a useful tool to aid the hatchery technician in determining which spawnings to reject outright and which to rear through the larval and post-larval stages.


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Growth and survival rates of hatchery-produced and wild milkfish (Chanos chanos ) fry grown to fingerling size were compared. Data show no significant difference between the 2 fry. At a recommended stocking density of 30 fry/m super(2), hatchery-produced milkfish fry could attain fingerling size of almost 2g with a survival of 68%. The study indicates that hatchery-produced fry/fingerlings can equal the culture performance of the wild fry. Comparative performance of hatchery-bred and wild fry should encourage intensified research on milkfish broodstock development and refinement of induced spawning methods.


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Postlarvae of tiger prawns, P. monodon, were fed with various protein levels of 0; 30; 40 and 50%, fish meal and rice bran were combined and pelletized for 16 wks. Prawns used had an average mean length of 1.2 mm and an average mean weight of 5.5 mg. Nitrite, ammonia, dissolved oxygen content, temperature and pH were monitored. After one month of feeding, growth increments of postlarvae fed with 30% protein diet were significantly different from those given 0; 40 and 50%. Survival rate of the group fed 40% protein was higher (81.7%) but was not significantly different from those fed 30% (68.0%). The highest feed efficiency was obtained from the 30% protein pellets (4.6). At the end of 16 weeks, growth increment of 40% protein level was significantly different from the 30% and 50% protein levels, but the survival rate was not significantly different from the 30% protein level. Feed conversion for the 40% protein diet was 2.8.


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The study was conducted to determine other sex ratios of ablated wild-stock Penaeus monodon other than the most commonly practiced 1 male: 1 female. Four different sex ratios, 0:1, 1:1, 1:2, and 1:4 male: female were tested in four 4m diameter circular tanks for a period of 55 days. During the first run the 1 male: 2 females ratio gave: (a) the highest percentage of first (42.20%), second (30.00%) and third (33.33%) spawning; and (b) the highest total and average fecundity (3.9 million eggs and 300,692 eggs, respectively). The 1 male: 2 females ratio is recommended on the basis of highest percentage for the first, second and third spawners, total and average fecundity.


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Penaeus indicus harvested after three months of rearing in brackishwater ponds and averaging 6.9 g for females and 5.6 g for males were stocked in two 12 cu m flowthrough ferrocement tanks at 240 females and 200 males per tank. The females were ablated on one eyestalk in one tank and remained unablated in the other tank; all males were unablated. Ablated females spawned up to 7 times per female; unablated females spawned up to only 3 times during the two month duration of the experiment. Ablated females produced a total number of 17.5 x 106 eggs, 6.6 x 106 nauplii, and an average of 23,480 eggs/spawning and 37.8% hatching rate from a total of 757 spawnings. Unablated females produced a total of 2.0 x 106 eggs, 1.1 x 106 nauplii, and an average of 26.990 eggs/spawning and 53.9% hatching rate from a total of 74 spawnings. Survival of ablated females was 53.5% compared to 69.4% for unablated females; males in both tanks averaged more than 90% survival.


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The present study aimed production of a new product with various texture and sensory properties in chase of the impetus for increasing human consumption considering suitable resources of Kilka fish in Caspian Sea. Following deheading, gutting, and brining, common Kilka were battered in two different formulations, i.e. simple batter and tempura batter, via automated predusting machinery and then, they were fried through flash frying for 30 seconds at 170°C in sunflower oil after they were breaded with bread crumbs flour. The products were subjected to continuous freezing at -40°C and were kept at -18°C in cold storage for four months once they were packed. Chemical composition (protein, fat, moisture, and ash), fatty acid profiles (29 fatty acids), chemical indices of spoilage (peroxide value, thiobarbituric acid, free fatty acids, and volatile nitrogen), and microbial properties (total bacteria count and coliform count) were compared in fresh and breaded Kilka at various times before frying (raw breaded Kilka), after frying (zero-phase), and in various months of frozen storage (phases 1, 2, 3, and 4). Organoleptic properties of breaded Kilka (i.e. odor, taste, texture, crispiness, cohesiveness of batter) and general acceptability in the phases 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 were evaluated. The results obtained from chemical composition and fatty acid profiles in common Kilka denoted that MUFA, PUFA, and SFA were estimated to be 36.96, 32.85, and 29.12 g / 100g lipid, respectively. Levels of ù-3 and ù-6 were 7.6 and 1.12 g / 100 gr lipid, respectively. Docosahexaonoic acid (20.79%) was the highest fatty acid in PUFA group. ù-3/ù-6 and PUFA/SFA ratios were 7.6 and 1.12, respectively. The high rates of the indices and high percentage of ù-3 fatty acid in common Kilka showed that the fish can be considered as invaluable nutritional and fishery resources and commonsensical consumption of the species may reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Frying breaded Kilka affected overall fat and moisture contents so that moisture content in fried breaded Kilka decreased significantly compared to raw breaded Kilka, while it was absolutely reverse for fat content. Overall fat content in tempura batter treatment was significantly lower than that of simple batter treatment (P≤0.05). Presence of hydrocolloids, namely proteins, starch, gum, and other polysaccharides, in tempura batter may prohibit moisture evaporation and placement with oil during frying process in addition to boosting water holding capacity through confining water molecules. During frying process, fatty acids composition of breaded Kilka with various batters changed so that rates of some fatty acids such as Palmitic acid (C16:0), Stearic acid (C18:0), Oleic acid (C18:1 ù-9cis), and linoleic acid (C18:3 ù-3) increased considerably following frying; however, ù-3/ù-6, PUFA/SFA, and EPA+DHA/C16:0 ratios (Polyan index) decreased significantly after frying. ù-3/ù-6, PUFA/SFA, and EPA+DHA/C16:0 ratios in tempura batter treatment were higher than those of simple batter treatment which is an indicator of higher nutritional value of breaded Kilka with tempura batter. Significant elevations were found in peroxide, thiobarbituric acid, and free fatty acids in fried breaded Kilka samples compared to raw samples which points to fat oxidation during cooking process. Overall microorganism count and coliform count decreased following heating process. Both breaded Kilka samples were of high sanitation quality at zero-phase according to ICMSF Standard. The results acquired from organoleptic evaluation declared that odor, cohesiveness, and general acceptability indices, among others, had significant differences between the treatments (P≤0.05). In all evaluated properties, breaded Kilka with tempura batter in different phases gained higher scores than breaded Kilka with simple batter. During cold storage of various treatments of breaded Kilka, total lipid content, PUFA, MUFA, ù-3, ù- 3/ù-6, PUFA/SFA, Polyen index decreased significantly. The mentioned reductions in addition to significant elevation of spoilage indices, namely peroxide, thiobarbituric acid, and free fatty acids, during frozen storage, indicate to oxidation and enzymatic mechanism activity during frozen storage of breaded Kilka. Considering sensory evaluation at the end of the fourth month and TVB-N contents exceeded eligible rate in the fourth month, shelf life of the products during frozen storage was set to be three months at -18°C. The results obtained from statistical tests indicate to better quality of breaded Kilka processed with tempura batter compared to simple batter in terms of organoleptic evaluation, spoilage indices, and high quality of fat in various sampling phases.