984 resultados para SOCIETY SOURCE CLAYS


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The velocity distribution for a vibrated granular material is determined in the dilute limit where the frequency of particle collisions with the vibrating surface is large compared to the frequency of binary collisions. The particle motion is driven by the source of energy due to particle collisions with the vibrating surface, and two dissipation mechanisms-inelastic collisions and air drag-are considered. In the latter case, a general form for the drag force is assumed. First, the distribution function for the vertical velocity for a single particle colliding with a vibrating surface is determined in the limit where the dissipation during a collision due to inelasticity or between successive collisions due to drag is small compared to the energy of a particle. In addition, two types of amplitude functions for the velocity of the surface, symmetric and asymmetric about zero velocity, are considered. In all cases, differential equations for the distribution of velocities at the vibrating surface are obtained using a flux balance condition in velocity space, and these are solved to determine the distribution function. It is found that the distribution function is a Gaussian distribution when the dissipation is due to inelastic collisions and the amplitude function is symmetric, and the mean square velocity scales as [[U-2](s)/(1 - e(2))], where [U-2](s) is the mean square velocity of the vibrating surface and e is the coefficient of restitution. The distribution function is very different from a Gaussian when the dissipation is due to air drag and the amplitude function is symmetric, and the mean square velocity scales as ([U-2](s)g/mu(m))(1/(m+2)) when the acceleration due to the fluid drag is -mu(m)u(y)\u(y)\(m-1), where g is the acceleration due to gravity. For an asymmetric amplitude function, the distribution function at the vibrating surface is found to be sharply peaked around [+/-2[U](s)/(1-e)] when the dissipation is due to inelastic collisions, and around +/-[(m +2)[U](s)g/mu(m)](1/(m+1)) when the dissipation is due to fluid drag, where [U](s) is the mean velocity of the surface. The distribution functions are compared with numerical simulations of a particle colliding with a vibrating surface, and excellent agreement is found with no adjustable parameters. The distribution function for a two-dimensional vibrated granular material that includes the first effect of binary collisions is determined for the system with dissipation due to inelastic collisions and the amplitude function for the velocity of the vibrating surface is symmetric in the limit delta(I)=(2nr)/(1 - e)much less than 1. Here, n is the number of particles per unit width and r is the particle radius. In this Limit, an asymptotic analysis is used about the Limit where there are no binary collisions. It is found that the distribution function has a power-law divergence proportional to \u(x)\((c delta l-1)) in the limit u(x)-->0, where u(x) is the horizontal velocity. The constant c and the moments of the distribution function are evaluated from the conservation equation in velocity space. It is found that the mean square velocity in the horizontal direction scales as O(delta(I)T), and the nontrivial third moments of the velocity distribution scale as O(delta(I)epsilon(I)T(3/2)) where epsilon(I) = (1 - e)(1/2). Here, T = [2[U2](s)/(1 - e)] is the mean square velocity of the particles.


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We consider the problem of compression via homomorphic encoding of a source having a group alphabet. This is motivated by the problem of distributed function computation, where it is known that if one is only interested in computing a function of several sources, then one can at times improve upon the compression rate required by the Slepian-Wolf bound. The functions of interest are those which could be represented by the binary operation in the group. We first consider the case when the source alphabet is the cyclic Abelian group, Zpr. In this scenario, we show that the set of achievable rates provided by Krithivasan and Pradhan [1], is indeed the best possible. In addition to that, we provide a simpler proof of their achievability result. In the case of a general Abelian group, an improved achievable rate region is presented than what was obtained by Krithivasan and Pradhan. We then consider the case when the source alphabet is a non-Abelian group. We show that if all the source symbols have non-zero probability and the center of the group is trivial, then it is impossible to compress such a source if one employs a homomorphic encoder. Finally, we present certain non-homomorphic encoders, which also are suitable in the context of function computation over non-Abelian group sources and provide rate regions achieved by these encoders.


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Recently, we demonstrated a very general route to monolithic macroporous materials prepared without the use of templates (Rajamathi et al. J. Mater. Chem. 2001, 11, 2489). The route involves finding a precursor containing two metals, A and B, whose oxides are largely immiscible. Firing of the precursor followed by suitable sintering results in a monolith from which one of the oxide phases can be chemically leached out to yield a macroporous mass of the other oxide phase. The metals A and B that we employed in the demonstration were Ni and Zn. From the NiO-ZnO monolith that was obtained by decomposing the precursor, ZnO could be leached out at high pH to yield macroporous NiO. In the present work, we show that combustion-chemical (also called self-propagating) decomposition of a mixture of Ni and Zn nitrates with urea as a fuel yields an intimate mixture of the oxides that can be sintered and leached with alkali to form a macroporous NiO monolith. The new process that we present here thereby avoids the need for a crystalline single-source precursor. A novel and unanticipated aspect of the present work is that the combination of high temperatures and rapid quenching associated with combustion synthesis results in an intimate mixture of wurtzite ZnO and the metastable rock-salt Ni1-xZnxO where x is about 0.3. Leaching this monolith with alkali gives a macroporous mass of rock-salt Ni1-xZnxO, which upon reduction in H-2/Ar forms macroporous Ni and ZnO. There are thus two stages in the process that lead to two modes of pore formation. The first is associated with leaching of ZnO by alkali. The second is associated with the reduction of porous Ni1-xZnxO to give porous Ni and ZnO.


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Large scale reclamation works in coastal areas of the Nakdong River plain are at various stages of progress, since early 1990's on in-situ soft marine clay deposits. These deposits are of the order of 30 to 40 m thick. A realistic rapid characterization of soft ground would ensure success of any reclamation work in this area. In order to cope with the work carried out with different agencies, it is desirable to evolve a systematic methodology. In this study, engineering properties of clays at three coastal areas, Gadukdo, Noksan and Shinho, have been generated. The analysis of data has been done within the framework of classical developments in soil mechanics. Analysis has also been made by making use of the recent developments in dealing with soft clays. The dominant factors, namely, stress, time, and environment influencing the response of clay to loading are identified.


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Hepatitis C virus infection is a major health problem worldwide. Developing effective antiviral therapy for HCV is the need of the hour. The viral enzymes NS3 protease and NS5B RNA dependent RNA polymerase are essential enzymes for polyprotein processing and viral RNA replication and thus can be potential targets for screening anti-HCV compounds. A large number of phytochemicals are present in plants, which are found to be promising antiviral agents. In this study, we have screened inhibitory effect of different plant extracts against the NS3 and NS5B enzymes of hepatitis C virus. Methanolic extracts were prepared from various plant materials and their inhibitory effects on the viral enzymes were determined by in vitro enzyme assays. Effect on viral RNA replication was investigated by using TaqMan Real time RT-PCR. Interestingly, Phyllanthus amarus root (PAR) extract showed significant inhibition of HCV-NS3 protease enzyme; whereas P. amarus leaf (PAL) extract showed considerable inhibition of NS5B in the in vitro assays. Further, the PAR and PAL extracts significantly inhibited replication of HCV monocistronic replicon RNA and HCV H77S viral RNA in HCV cell culture system. However, both PAR and PAL extracts did not show cytotoxicity in Huh7 cells in the MTT assay. Furthermore, addition of PAR together with IFN-alpha showed additive effect in the inhibition of HCV RNA replication. Results suggest the possible molecular basis of the inhibitory activity of PA extract against HCV which would help in optimization and subsequent development of specific antiviral agent using P. amarus as potent natural source. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have studied the power spectral density [S(f) = gamma/f(alpha)] of universal conductance fluctuations (UCF's) in heavily doped single crystals of Si, when the scatterers themselves act as the primary source of dephasing. We observed that the scatterers, with internal dynamics like two-level-systems, produce a significant, temperature-dependent reduction in the spectral slope alpha when T less than or similar to 10 K, as compared to the bare 1/f (alphaapproximate to1) spectrum at higher temperatures. It is further shown that an upper cutoff frequency (f(m)) in the UCF spectrum is necessary in order to restrict the magnitude of conductance fluctuations, [(deltaG(phi))(2)], per phase coherent region (L-phi(3)) to [(deltaGphi)(2)](1/2) less than or similar to e(2)/h. We find that f(m) approximate to tau(D)(-1), where tau(D) = L-2/D, is the time scale of the diffusive motion of the electron along the active length (L) of the sample (D is the electron diffusivity).


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The soft clay of Ariake Bay, in western Kyushu, Japan covers several hundred square kilometers. Ariake clay consists of the principal clay minerals namely, smectite, illite, kaolinite and vermiculite, and other minerals in lesser quantity. The percentage of the principal clay, mineral can vary significantly. The percent clay, size fraction and the salt concentration can also vary significantly. In view of the importance of undrained shear strength in geotechnical engineering practice, its behavior has been studied with respect to variation in salt concentration. Basically, two mechanisms control the undrained strength in clays, namely (a) cohesion or undrained strength is due to the net interparticle attractive forces, or (b) cohesion is due to the viscous nature of the double layer water. Concept (a) operates primarily for kaolinitic soil, and concept (b) dominates primarily for montmorillonitic soils. In Ariake clay, different clay minerals with different exchangeable cations and varying ion concentration in the pore water and varying nonclay size fraction are present. In view of this while both concepts (a) and (b) can coexist and operate simultaneously, one of the mechanisms dominates. For Isahaya clay, concept (a), factors responsible for an increase in level of flocculation and attractive forces result in higher undrained strength. Increase in salt concentration increases the remolded undrained strength at any moisture content. For Kubota and Kawazoe clays, concept (b) factors responsible for an expansion of diffuse double layer thickness, resulting in higher viscous resistance, increase the undrained shear strength, that is, as concentration decreases, the undrained strength increases at any moisture content.The liquid limit of Isahaya,a clay increases with increase in ion concentration and a marginal decrease is seen for both Kubota and Kawazoe clays, and their behavior has been explained satisfactorily,.


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Acoustic Emission (AE) signals, which are electrical version of acoustic emissions, are usually analysed using a set of signal parameters. The major objective of signal analysis is to study the characteristics of the sources of emissions. Peak amplitude (P-a) and rise time (R-t) are two such parameters used for source characterization. In this paper, we theoretically investigate the efficiency of P-a and R-t to classify and characterize AE sources by modelling the input stress pulse and transducer. Analytical expressions obtained for P-a and R-t clearly indicate their use and efficiency for source characterization. It is believed that these results may be of use to investigators in areas like control systems and signal processing also.


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We describe here a photoelectron spectroscopy beamline installed on Indus-1 storage ring. Initially we give a brief description of optical and mechanical layout of beam-line. The beamline optics was designed to cover energy range from 10 eV to 200 eV and it consists of a pre-focusing mirror, a toroidal grating monochromator and a post-focusing mirror. We then discuss indigenously developed ultra high vacuum compatible work station to carry out angle integrated photoemission experiments. The beamline has been successfully commissioned and photoemission measurements on a variety of standard samples are presented.


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Indium-tin oxide films have been deposited by reactive electron beam evaporation of ln+Sn alloy both in neutral and ionized oxygen environments. A low-energy ion source (fabricated in-house) has been used. Films deposited with neutral oxygen exhibited very low optical transmittance (5% at 550 nm). Highly transparent (85%) and low-resistivity (5 X 10(-4) Omega cm) films have been deposited in ionized oxygen at ambient substrate temperature. Optical and electrical properties of the films have been studied as a function of deposition parameters. (C) 2002 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Conventional thyristor-based load commutated inverter (LCI)-fed wound field synchronous machine operates only above a minimum speed that is necessary to develop enough back emf to ensure commutation. The drive is started and brought up to a speed of around 10-15% by a complex `dc link current pulsing' technique. During this process, the drive have problems such as pulsating torque, insufficient average starting torque, longer starting time, etc. In this regard a simple starting and low-speed operation scheme, by employing an auxiliary low-power voltage source inverter (VSI) between the LCI and the machine terminals, is presented in this study. The drive is started and brought up to a low speed of around 15% using the VSI alone with field oriented control. The complete control is then smoothly and dynamically transferred to the conventional LCI control. After the control transfer, the VSI is turned off and physically disconnected from the main circuit. The advantages of this scheme are smooth starting, complete control of torque and flux at starting and low speeds, less starting time, stable operation, etc. The voltage rating of the required VSI is very low of the order of 10-15%, whereas the current rating is dependent on the starting torque requirement of the load. The experimental results from a 15.8 hp LCI-fed wound field synchronous machine are given to demonstrate the scheme.


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The specified range of free chlorine residual (between minimum and maximum) in water distribution systems needs to be maintained to avoid deterioration of the microbial quality of water, control taste and/or odor problems, and hinder formation of carcino-genic disinfection by-products. Multiple water quality sources for providing chlorine input are needed to maintain the chlorine residuals within a specified range throughout the distribution system. The determination of source dosage (i.e., chlorine concentrations/chlorine mass rates) at water quality sources to satisfy the above objective under dynamic conditions is a complex process. A nonlinear optimization problem is formulated to determine the chlorine dosage at the water quality sources subjected to minimum and maximum constraints on chlorine concentrations at all monitoring nodes. A genetic algorithm (GA) approach in which decision variables (chlorine dosage) are coded as binary strings is used to solve this highly nonlinear optimization problem, with nonlinearities arising due to set-point sources and non-first-order reactions. Application of the model is illustrated using three sample water distribution systems, and it indicates that the GA,is a useful tool for evaluating optimal water quality source chlorine schedules.


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The maintenance of chlorine residual is needed at all the points in the distribution system supplied with chlorine as a disinfectant. The propagation and level of chlorine in a distribution system is affected by both bulk and pipe wall reactions. It is well known that the field determination of wall reaction parameter is difficult. The source strength of chlorine to maintain a specified chlorine residual at a target node is also an important parameter. The inverse model presented in the paper determines these water quality parameters, which are associated with different reaction kinetics, either in single or in groups of pipes. The weighted-least-squares method based on the Gauss-Newton minimization technique is used for the estimation of these parameters. The validation and application of the inverse model is illustrated with an example pipe distribution system under steady state. A generalized procedure to handle noisy and bad (abnormal) data is suggested, which can be used to estimate these parameters more accurately. The developed inverse model is useful for water supply agencies to calibrate their water distribution system and to improve their operational strategies to maintain water quality.