967 resultados para SEED arrays


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Entre os vários fatores que contribuem para a produção de uma cultura de milho, a distribuição vertical dos semeadores avaliada através da localização da semente em profundidade é um fator-chave, especialmente na técnica de sementeira direta. Simultaneamente, dada a complexidade dos ecossistemas naturais e agrícolas em sistemas de agricultura de conservação, a gestão diferenciada e localizada das parcelas assume um importante papel na análise e gestão da variabilidade das propriedades do solo e estabelecimento das culturas, nomeadamente utilizando informação geo referenciada e tecnologia expedita. Assim, o principal objetivo desta Tese foi a avaliação em culturas de milho da variabilidade espacial da localização de semente em profundidade e estabelecimento da cultura em sementeira direta usando sistemas convencionais de controlo de profundidade, tendo-se comparado com diferentes sistemas de mobilização e recorrendo a tecnologias de agricultura de precisão. Os ensaios decorreram na região Mediterrânea do Alentejo, em propriedades agrícolas no decorrer das campanhas de 2010, 2011, 2012 e 2015 em 6 diferentes campos experimentais. O trabalho experimental consistiu em ensaios com avaliações in loco do solo e cultura, consumo de combustível das operações e deteção remota. Os resultados obtidos indicam que não só o sistema de mobilização afetou a localização da semente em profundidade, como em sementeira direta a profundidade de sementeira foi afetada pelo teor de humidade do solo, resistência do solo à profundidade e velocidade da operação de sementeira. Adicionalmente observaram-se condições heterogéneas de emergência e estabelecimento da cultura afetadas por condições físicas de compactação do solo. Comparando os diferentes sistemas de mobilização, obteve-se uma significativa redução de combustível para a técnica de sementeira direta, apesar de se terem observado diferenças estatísticas significativas considerando diferentes calibrações de profundidade de sementeira Do trabalho realizado nesta Tese ressalva-se a importância que as tecnologias de agricultura de precisão podem ter no acompanhamento e avaliação de culturas em sementeira direta, bem como a necessidade de melhores procedimentos no controlo de profundidade dos semeadores pelo respetivos operadores ou ao invés, a adoção de semeadores com mecanismos ativos de controlo de profundidade. ABSTRACT Among the various factors that contribute towards producing a successful maize crop, seeders vertical distribution evaluated through seed depth placement is a key determinant, especially under a no-tillage technique. At the same time in conservation agriculture systems due to the complexity of natural and agricultural ecosystems site specific management became an important approach to understand and manage the variability of soil properties and crop establishment, especially when using geo spatial information and affording readily technology Thus, the main objective of this Thesis was to evaluate the spatial variability of seed depth placement and crop establishment in maize crops under no-tillage conditions compared to different tillage systems, using conventional seed depth control no till seeders and precision farming technologies. Trials were carried out in the Mediterranean region of Alentejo, in private farms along the sowing operations season over the years 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2015 in 6 different experimental fields. Experimental work covered field tests with in loco soil and crop evaluations, fuel operation evaluations and aerial sensing. The results obtained indicate that not only tillage system affected seed depth placement but under no till conditions seed depth was affected by soil moisture content, soil resistance to penetration and seeders forward speed. In addition uneven crop seedling and establishment depended on seed depth placement and could be affected by physical problems of compaction layers. Significant reduction in fuel consumption was observed for no till operations although significant differences observed according to different setting calibrations of seed depth control. According to the results, precision agriculture is an important tool to evaluate crops under no till conditions and seed depth mechanisms should be more accurate by the operators or is determinant the adoption of new active depth control technology to improve seeders performance.


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El proyecto fin de carrera consiste en un estudio acústico del Estadio de la Peineta (estadio de fútbol perteneciente al club Atlético de Madrid el cual se encuentra en construcción). Se realizará el diseño por completo de una maqueta del estadio utilizando el programa EASE. Esta maqueta se hará a escala real, exactamente como se está construyendo el estadio. A dicha maqueta se le incorporarán los diferentes materiales absorbentes específicos a cada una de las superficies que compongan el estadio. Se crearán tantas zonas de audiencia como superficies se obtenga en cada grada sobre donde se realizarán dos estudios acústicos diferentes. El primer estudio se realizará con un total de 24 clústeres de altavoces los cuales están compuestos por 10 altavoces Aero 50. La colocación estratégica de cada uno de estos altavoces se estudiará con la herramienta EASE Focus 2. Una vez obtenidas las posiciones se importarán cada uno de estos clústeres de altavoces su respectiva configuración. El otro estudio se realizará con la mitad de arrays de altavoces con la intención de tener una comparativa de recubrimiento entre un estudio y otro. Las pruebas de simulación serán analizando el nivel de presión sonora que provoca cada uno de estos estudios cuando tienen sus altavoces en funcionamiento. Se utilizará el módulo de “Area mapping” para estudiar el mapeo en cada una de las zonas de audiencia definidas, así como cada una de las distribuciones por área que predominan. Se irán anotando cada uno de los problemas e ideas que van surgiendo a lo largo de dicho proyecto para proponer una continuación y mejora del mismo. Se planteará una serie de pasos e pruebas al final de la memoria ya que se trata de un proyecto sin cerrar y puede ser continuado por otra persona. ABSTRACT. The final project is an acoustic studio Peineta Stadium (soccer stadium belongs to the club Atletico Madrid which is under construction). The design is made entirely of a model of the stadium using the EASE program. This model will be full scale, exactly as is building the stadium. A model that should be incorporated into the various specific absorbent material to each of the surfaces that make up the stadium. Hearing so many areas as surfaces is obtained in each tier on which two different acoustic studies will be conducted will be created. The first study was conducted with a total of 24 speaker clusters which are composed of 10 speakers Aero 50. The strategic placement of each of these speakers will be studied with the EASE Focus 2. Once obtained tool positions are imported each these clusters of the respective speaker configuration. The other study was conducted with half speaker arrays with the intention of having a comparative study between a coating and another. Simulation tests will be analyzing the sound pressure level which causes each of these studies have their speakers when in operation. Module "mapping area" will be used to study the mapping in each of the areas defined audience, and each of the area distributions predominate. They will be written down each of the issues and ideas that arise throughout the project to propose a continuation and improvement. a series of steps and tests at the end of the memory will be raised because it is a project without closing and may be continued for another person.


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The aim of this study was to determine the germination characteristics of Phillyrea angustifolia L. and P. latifolia L. seeds in order to develop an optimized propagation protocol for Phillyrea species. Seeds of P. angustifolia and P. latifolia were collected from wild plants growing in Cáceres province (CW Spain) and Andalucía (S Spain), respectively. Percentage of water uptake for P. latifolia seeds was calculated. Seeds with and without endocarp were germinated at different constant and alternating temperatures. Seeds without endocarp were soaked in distilled water or gibberellic acid, and then set to germinate. Seeds with endocarp of both species were stratified at 5 ºC for 30 or 90 days and then the endocarp was completely removed from the seeds before they were sowed. Chemical scarification with sulfuric acid and mechanical scarification were tested on P. angustifolia seeds with endocarp. Phillyrea endocarp was permeable to water, since Phillyrea seeds with endocarp imbibed water, but water uptake was faster when the endocarp was removed. Moreover, the encodarp could interfere mechanically in the emergence of the radicle, since seed germination of Phillyrea species was promoted by the complete removal of the lignified endocarp surrounding each seed. Optimal germination temperature for both species was 15 ºC, and lower temperatures produced secondary dormancy. Soaking in distilled water or gibberellic acid did not significantly enhance seed germination. Cold stratification and chemical scarification treatments were detrimental for seed germination. Keywords cold stratification, Phillyrea species, treatments before sowing, seed germination, seed scarification, lignified endocarp.


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Immunolocalization of mannans in the seeds of Brachypodium distachyon reveals the presence of these polysaccharides in the root embryo and in the coleorhiza in the early stages of germination (12h), decreasing thereafter to the point of being hardly detected at 27h. Concurrently, the activity of endo-β-mannanases (MANs; EC that catalyse the hydrolysis of β-1,4 bonds in mannan polymers, increases as germination progresses. The MAN gene family is represented by six members in the Brachypodium genome, and their expression has been explored in different organs and especially in germinating seeds. Transcripts of BdMAN2, BdMAN4 and BdMAN6 accumulate in embryos, with a maximum at 24–30h, and are detected in the coleorhiza and in the root by in situ hybridization analyses, before root protrusion (germination sensu stricto). BdMAN4 is not only present in the embryo root and coleorhiza, but is abundant in the de-embryonated (endosperm) imbibed seeds, while BdMAN2 and BdMAN6 are faintly expressed in endosperm during post-germination (36–42h). BdMAN4 and BdMAN6 transcripts are detected in the aleurone layer. These data indicate that BdMAN2, BdMAN4 and BdMAN6 are important for germination sensu stricto and that BdMAN4 and BdMAN6 may also influence reserve mobilization. Whether the coleorhiza in monocots and the micropylar endosperm in eudicots have similar functions, is discussed.


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El principal objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo de métodos de síntesis de diagramas de radiación de agrupaciones de antenas, en donde se realiza una caracterización electromagnética rigurosa de los elementos radiantes y de los acoplos mutuos existentes. Esta caracterización no se realiza habitualmente en la gran mayoría de métodos de síntesis encontrados en la literatura, debido fundamentalmente a dos razones. Por un lado, se considera que el diagrama de radiación de un array de antenas se puede aproximar con el factor de array que únicamente tiene en cuenta la posición de los elementos y las excitaciones aplicadas a los mismos. Sin embargo, como se mostrará en esta tesis, en múltiples ocasiones un riguroso análisis de los elementos radiantes y del acoplo mutuo entre ellos es importante ya que los resultados obtenidos pueden ser notablemente diferentes. Por otro lado, no es sencillo combinar un método de análisis electromagnético con un proceso de síntesis de diagramas de radiación. Los métodos de análisis de agrupaciones de antenas suelen ser costosos computacionalmente, ya que son estructuras grandes en términos de longitudes de onda. Generalmente, un diseño de un problema electromagnético suele comprender varios análisis de la estructura, dependiendo de las variaciones de las características, lo que hace este proceso muy costoso. Dos métodos se utilizan en esta tesis para el análisis de los arrays acoplados. Ambos están basados en el método de los elementos finitos, la descomposición de dominio y el análisis modal para analizar la estructura radiante y han sido desarrollados en el grupo de investigación donde se engloba esta tesis. El primero de ellos es una técnica de análisis de arrays finitos basado en la aproximación de array infinito. Su uso es indicado para arrays planos de grandes dimensiones con elementos equiespaciados. El segundo caracteriza el array y el acoplo mutuo entre elementos a partir de una expansión en modos esféricos del campo radiado por cada uno de los elementos. Este método calcula los acoplos entre los diferentes elementos del array usando las propiedades de traslación y rotación de los modos esféricos. Es capaz de analizar agrupaciones de elementos distribuidos de forma arbitraria. Ambas técnicas utilizan una formulación matricial que caracteriza de forma rigurosa el campo radiado por el array. Esto las hace muy apropiadas para su posterior uso en una herramienta de diseño, como los métodos de síntesis desarrollados en esta tesis. Los resultados obtenidos por estas técnicas de síntesis, que incluyen métodos rigurosos de análisis, son consecuentemente más precisos. La síntesis de arrays consiste en modificar uno o varios parámetros de las agrupaciones de antenas buscando unas determinadas especificaciones de las características de radiación. Los parámetros utilizados como variables de optimización pueden ser varios. Los más utilizados son las excitaciones aplicadas a los elementos, pero también es posible modificar otros parámetros de diseño como son las posiciones de los elementos o las rotaciones de estos. Los objetivos de las síntesis pueden ser dirigir el haz o haces en una determinada dirección o conformar el haz con formas arbitrarias. Además, es posible minimizar el nivel de los lóbulos secundarios o del rizado en las regiones deseadas, imponer nulos que evitan posibles interferencias o reducir el nivel de la componente contrapolar. El método para el análisis de arrays finitos basado en la aproximación de array infinito considera un array finito como un array infinito con un número finito de elementos excitados. Los elementos no excitados están físicamente presentes y pueden presentar tres diferentes terminaciones, corto-circuito, circuito abierto y adaptados. Cada una de estas terminaciones simulará mejor el entorno real en el que el array se encuentre. Este método de análisis se integra en la tesis con dos métodos diferentes de síntesis de diagramas de radiación. En el primero de ellos se presenta un método basado en programación lineal en donde es posible dirigir el haz o haces, en la dirección deseada, además de ejercer un control sobre los lóbulos secundarios o imponer nulos. Este método es muy eficiente y obtiene soluciones óptimas. El mismo método de análisis es también aplicado a un método de conformación de haz, en donde un problema originalmente no convexo (y de difícil solución) es transformado en un problema convexo imponiendo restricciones de simetría, resolviendo de este modo eficientemente un problema complejo. Con este método es posible diseñar diagramas de radiación con haces de forma arbitraria, ejerciendo un control en el rizado del lóbulo principal, así como en el nivel de los lóbulos secundarios. El método de análisis de arrays basado en la expansión en modos esféricos se integra en la tesis con tres técnicas de síntesis de diagramas de radiación. Se propone inicialmente una síntesis de conformación del haz basado en el método de la recuperación de fase resuelta de forma iterativa mediante métodos convexos, en donde relajando las restricciones del problema original se consiguen unas soluciones cercanas a las óptimas de manera eficiente. Dos métodos de síntesis se han propuesto, donde las variables de optimización son las posiciones y las rotaciones de los elementos respectivamente. Se define una función de coste basada en la intensidad de radiación, la cual es minimizada de forma iterativa con el método del gradiente. Ambos métodos reducen el nivel de los lóbulos secundarios minimizando una función de coste. El gradiente de la función de coste es obtenido en términos de la variable de optimización en cada método. Esta función de coste está formada por la expresión rigurosa de la intensidad de radiación y por una función de peso definida por el usuario para imponer prioridades sobre las diferentes regiones de radiación, si así se desea. Por último, se presenta un método en el cual, mediante técnicas de programación entera, se buscan las fases discretas que generan un diagrama de radiación lo más cercano posible al deseado. Con este método se obtienen diseños que minimizan el coste de fabricación. En cada uno de las diferentes técnicas propuestas en la tesis, se presentan resultados con elementos reales que muestran las capacidades y posibilidades que los métodos ofrecen. Se comparan los resultados con otros métodos disponibles en la literatura. Se muestra la importancia de tener en cuenta los diagramas de los elementos reales y los acoplos mutuos en el proceso de síntesis y se comparan los resultados obtenidos con herramientas de software comerciales. ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis is the development of optimization methods for the radiation pattern synthesis of array antennas in which a rigorous electromagnetic characterization of the radiators and the mutual coupling between them is performed. The electromagnetic characterization is usually overlooked in most of the available synthesis methods in the literature, this is mainly due to two reasons. On the one hand, it is argued that the radiation pattern of an array is mainly influenced by the array factor and that the mutual coupling plays a minor role. As it is shown in this thesis, the mutual coupling and the rigorous characterization of the array antenna influences significantly in the array performance and its computation leads to differences in the results obtained. On the other hand, it is difficult to introduce an analysis procedure into a synthesis technique. The analysis of array antennas is generally expensive computationally as the structure to analyze is large in terms of wavelengths. A synthesis method requires to carry out a large number of analysis, this makes the synthesis problem very expensive computationally or intractable in some cases. Two methods have been used in this thesis for the analysis of coupled antenna arrays, both of them have been developed in the research group in which this thesis is involved. They are based on the finite element method (FEM), the domain decomposition and the modal analysis. The first one obtains a finite array characterization with the results obtained from the infinite array approach. It is specially indicated for the analysis of large arrays with equispaced elements. The second one characterizes the array elements and the mutual coupling between them with a spherical wave expansion of the radiated field by each element. The mutual coupling is computed using the properties of translation and rotation of spherical waves. This method is able to analyze arrays with elements placed on an arbitrary distribution. Both techniques provide a matrix formulation that makes them very suitable for being integrated in synthesis techniques, the results obtained from these synthesis methods will be very accurate. The array synthesis stands for the modification of one or several array parameters looking for some desired specifications of the radiation pattern. The array parameters used as optimization variables are usually the excitation weights applied to the array elements, but some other array characteristics can be used as well, such as the array elements positions or rotations. The desired specifications may be to steer the beam towards any specific direction or to generate shaped beams with arbitrary geometry. Further characteristics can be handled as well, such as minimize the side lobe level in some other radiating regions, to minimize the ripple of the shaped beam, to take control over the cross-polar component or to impose nulls on the radiation pattern to avoid possible interferences from specific directions. The analysis method based on the infinite array approach considers an infinite array with a finite number of excited elements. The infinite non-excited elements are physically present and may have three different terminations, short-circuit, open circuit and match terminated. Each of this terminations is a better simulation for the real environment of the array. This method is used in this thesis for the development of two synthesis methods. In the first one, a multi-objective radiation pattern synthesis is presented, in which it is possible to steer the beam or beams in desired directions, minimizing the side lobe level and with the possibility of imposing nulls in the radiation pattern. This method is very efficient and obtains optimal solutions as it is based on convex programming. The same analysis method is used in a shaped beam technique in which an originally non-convex problem is transformed into a convex one applying symmetry restrictions, thus solving a complex problem in an efficient way. This method allows the synthesis of shaped beam radiation patterns controlling the ripple in the mainlobe and the side lobe level. The analysis method based on the spherical wave expansion is applied for different synthesis techniques of the radiation pattern of coupled arrays. A shaped beam synthesis is presented, in which a convex formulation is proposed based on the phase retrieval method. In this technique, an originally non-convex problem is solved using a relaxation and solving a convex problems iteratively. Two methods are proposed based on the gradient method. A cost function is defined involving the radiation intensity of the coupled array and a weighting function that provides more degrees of freedom to the designer. The gradient of the cost function is computed with respect to the positions in one of them and the rotations of the elements in the second one. The elements are moved or rotated iteratively following the results of the gradient. A highly non-convex problem is solved very efficiently, obtaining very good results that are dependent on the starting point. Finally, an optimization method is presented where discrete digital phases are synthesized providing a radiation pattern as close as possible to the desired one. The problem is solved using linear integer programming procedures obtaining array designs that greatly reduce the fabrication costs. Results are provided for every method showing the capabilities that the above mentioned methods offer. The results obtained are compared with available methods in the literature. The importance of introducing a rigorous analysis into the synthesis method is emphasized and the results obtained are compared with a commercial software, showing good agreement.


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A method to reconstruct the excitation coefficients of wide-slot arrays from near-field data is presented. The plane wave spectrum (PWS) is used for reconstruction, and the shape of the field distribution on a wide slot is considered in the calculation of the PWS. The proposed algorithm is validated through the reconstruction of the excitation coefficients of a wide-slot array with element failures from the simulated nearfield data. The element failures are clearly located by the proposed algorithm


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Defined model systems consisting of physiologically spaced arrays of H3/H4 tetramer⋅5S rDNA complexes have been assembled in vitro from pure components. Analytical hydrodynamic and electrophoretic studies have revealed that the structural features of H3/H4 tetramer arrays closely resemble those of naked DNA. The reptation in agarose gels of H3/H4 tetramer arrays is essentially indistinguishable from naked DNA, the gel-free mobility of H3/H4 tetramer arrays relative to naked DNA is reduced by only 6% compared with 20% for nucleosomal arrays, and H3/H4 tetramer arrays are incapable of folding under ionic conditions where nucleosomal arrays are extensively folded. We further show that the cognate binding sites for transcription factor TFIIIA are significantly more accessible when the rDNA is complexed with H3/H4 tetramers than with histone octamers. These results suggest that the processes of DNA replication and transcription have evolved to exploit the unique structural properties of H3/H4 tetramer arrays.


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With the aim of improving the nutritive value of an important grain legume crop, a chimeric gene specifying seed-specific expression of a sulfur-rich, sunflower seed albumin was stably transformed into narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.). Sunflower seed albumin accounted for 5% of extractable seed protein in a line containing a single tandem insertion of the transferred DNA. The transgenic seeds contained less sulfate and more total amino acid sulfur than the nontransgenic parent line. This was associated with a 94% increase in methionine content and a 12% reduction in cysteine content. There was no statistically significant change in other amino acids or in total nitrogen or total sulfur contents of the seeds. In feeding trials with rats, the transgenic seeds gave statistically significant increases in live weight gain, true protein digestibility, biological value, and net protein utilization, compared with wild-type seeds. These findings demonstrate the feasibility of using genetic engineering to improve the nutritive value of grain crops.


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Protein acetylation has been implicated in the regulation of HIV-1 gene transcription. Here, we have exploited the activities of four native histone acetyltransferase (HAT) complexes from yeast to directly test whether acetylation regulates HIV-1 transcription in vitro. HAT activities acetylating either histone H3 (SAGA, Ada, and NuA3) or H4 (NuA4) stimulate HIV-1 transcription from preassembled nucleosomal templates in an acetyl CoA-dependent manner. HIV-1 transcription from histone-free DNA is not affected by the HATs, indicating that these activities function in a chromatin-specific fashion. For Ada and NuA4, we demonstrate that acetylation of only histone proteins mediates enhanced transcription, suggesting that these complexes facilitate transcription at least in part by modifying histones. To address a potential mechanism by which HAT complexes stimulate transcription, we performed a restriction enzyme accessibility analysis. Each of the HATs increases the cutting efficiencies of restriction endonucleases targeting the HIV-1 chromatin templates in a manner not requiring transcription, suggesting that histone acetylation leads to nucleosome remodeling.


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Mechanistic insights to viral replication and pathogenesis generally have come from the analysis of viral gene products, either by studying their biochemical activities and interactions individually or by creating mutant viruses and analyzing their phenotype. Now it is possible to identify and catalog the host cell genes whose mRNA levels change in response to a pathogen. We have used DNA array technology to monitor the level of ≈6,600 human mRNAs in uninfected as compared with human cytomegalovirus-infected cells. The level of 258 mRNAs changed by a factor of 4 or more before the onset of viral DNA replication. Several of these mRNAs encode gene products that might play key roles in virus-induced pathogenesis, identifying them as intriguing targets for further study.


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The gene VII protein (pVII) and gene IX protein (pIX) are associated closely on the surface of filamentous bacteriophage that is opposite of the end harboring the widely exploited pIII protein. We developed a phagemid format wherein antibody heavy- and light-chain variable regions were fused to the amino termini of pVII and pIX, respectively. Significantly, the fusion proteins interacted to form a functional Fv-binding domain on the phage surface. Our approach will be applicable to the display of generic peptide and protein libraries that can form combinatorial heterodimeric arrays. Consequently, it represents a first step toward artificial antibodies and the selection of novel biological activities.


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A fundamental goal of plant population ecology is to understand the consequences for plant fitness of seed dispersal by animals. Theories of seed dispersal and tropical forest regeneration suggest that the advantages of seed dispersal for most plants are escape from seed predation near the parent tree and colonization of vacant sites, the locations of which are unpredictable in space and time. Some plants may gain in fitness as a fortuitous consequence of disperser behavior if certain species of dispersers nonrandomly place seeds in sites predictably favorable for seedling establishment. Such patterns of directed dispersal by vertebrates long have been suggested but never demonstrated for tropical forest trees. Here we report the pattern of seed distribution and 1-year seedling survival generated by five species of birds for a neotropical, shade-tolerant tree. Four of the species dispersed seeds to sites near the parent trees with microhabitat characteristics similar to those at random locations, whereas the fifth species, a bellbird, predictably dispersed seeds under song perches in canopy gaps. The pattern of seedling recruitment was bimodal, with a peak near parent trees and a second peak, corresponding to bellbird song perches, far (>40 m) from parent trees. Seedling survival was higher for seeds dispersed by bellbirds than by the other species, because of a reduction in seedling mortality by fungal pathogens in gaps. Thus, bellbirds play a significant role in seed dispersal by providing directed dispersal to favorable sites and therefore may influence plant recruitment patterns and species diversity in Neotropical forests.


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The pleiotropic activities of interferons (IFNs) are mediated primarily through the transcriptional regulation of many downstream effector genes. The mRNA profiles from IFN-α, -β, or -γ treatments of the human fibrosarcoma cell line, HT1080, were determined by using oligonucleotide arrays with probe sets corresponding to more than 6,800 human genes. Among these were transcripts for known IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs), the expression of which were consistent with previous studies in which the particular ISG was characterized as responsive to either Type I (α, β) or Type II (γ) IFNs, or both. Importantly, many novel IFN-stimulated genes were identified that were diverse in their known biological functions. For instance, several novel ISGs were identified that are implicated in apoptosis (including RAP46/Bag-1, phospholipid scramblase, and hypoxia inducible factor-1α). Furthermore, several IFN-repressed genes also were identified. These results demonstrate the usefulness of oligonucleotide arrays in monitoring mammalian gene expression on a broad and unprecedented scale. In particular, these findings provide insights into the basic mechanisms of IFN actions and ultimately may contribute to better therapeutic uses for IFNs.


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Here we present the successful application of the microarray technology platform to the analysis of DNA polymorphisms. Using the rice genome as a model, we demonstrate the potential of a high-throughput genome analysis method called Diversity Array Technology, DArT‘. In the format presented here the technology is assaying for the presence (or amount) of a specific DNA fragment in a representation derived from the total genomic DNA of an organism or a population of organisms. Two different approaches are presented: the first involves contrasting two representations on a single array while the second involves contrasting a representation with a reference DNA fragment common to all elements of the array. The Diversity Panels created using this method allow genetic fingerprinting of any organism or group of organisms belonging to the gene pool from which the panel was developed. Diversity Arrays enable rapid and economical application of a highly parallel, solid-state genotyping technology to any genome or complex genomic mixtures.


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We have systematically characterized gene expression patterns in 49 adult and embryonic mouse tissues by using cDNA microarrays with 18,816 mouse cDNAs. Cluster analysis defined sets of genes that were expressed ubiquitously or in similar groups of tissues such as digestive organs and muscle. Clustering of expression profiles was observed in embryonic brain, postnatal cerebellum, and adult olfactory bulb, reflecting similarities in neurogenesis and remodeling. Finally, clustering genes coding for known enzymes into 78 metabolic pathways revealed a surprising coordination of expression within each pathway among different tissues. On the other hand, a more detailed examination of glycolysis revealed tissue-specific differences in profiles of key regulatory enzymes. Thus, by surveying global gene expression by using microarrays with a large number of elements, we provide insights into the commonality and diversity of pathways responsible for the development and maintenance of the mammalian body plan.