966 resultados para S. X. y P.


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Triplex-forming oligodeoxynucleotide 15mers, designed to bind in the antiparallel triple-helical binding motif, containing single substitutions (Z) of the four isomeric alphaN(7)-, betaN(7)-, alphaN(9)- and betaN(9)-2-aminopurine (ap)-deoxyribonucleosides were prepared. Their association with double-stranded DNA targets containing all four natural base pairs (X-Y) opposite the aminopurine residues was determined by quantitative DNase I footprint titration in the absence of monovalent metal cations. The corresponding association constants were found to be in a rather narrow range between 1.0 x 10(6) and 1.3 x 10(8) M(-1). The following relative order in Z x X-Y base-triple stabilities was found: Z = alphaN(7)ap: T-A > A-T> C-G approximately G-C; Z = betaN(7)ap: A-T > C-G > G-C > T-A; Z = alphaN(9)ap: A-T = G-C > T-A > C-G; and Z = betaN(9)ap: G-C > A-T > C-G > T-A


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The copepod Calanus finmarchicus is the dominant species of the meso-zooplankton in the Norwegian Sea, and constitutes an important link between the phytoplankton and the higher trophic levels in the Norwegian Sea food chain. An individualbased model for C. finmarchicus, based on super-individuals and evolving traits for behaviour, stages, etc., is two-way coupled to the NORWegian ECOlogical Model system (NORWECOM). One year of modelled C. finmarchicus spatial distribution, production and biomass are found to represent observations reasonably well. High C. finmarchicus abundance is found along the Norwegian shelf-break in the early summer, while the overwintering population is found along the slope and in the deeper Norwegian Sea basins. The timing of the spring bloom is generally later than in the observations. Annual Norwegian Sea production is found to be 29 million tonnes of carbon and a production to biomass (P/B) ratio of 4.3 emerges. Sensitivity tests show that the modelling system is robust to initial values of behavioural traits and with regards to the number of super-individuals simulated given that this is above about 50,000 individuals. Experiments with the model system indicate that it provides a valuable tool for studies of ecosystem responses to causative forces such as prey density or overwintering population size. For example, introducing C. finmarchicus food limitations reduces the stock dramatically, but on the other hand, a reduced stock may rebuild in one year under normal conditions. The NetCDF file contains model grid coordinates and bottom topography.


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El objetivo de este trabajo fue diferenciar cultivares monoclonales de ajos colorados argentinos por sus características productivas, de calidad y respuesta a la fertilización nitrogenada en la región de Cuyo. Durante la campaña 2003 se realizó un ensayo en La Consulta, San Carlos, Mendoza, Argentina (950 msnm; 33° 42' S y 69° 04' W). El diseño experimental fue en franjas con parcelas divididas dispuestas en un diseño de bloques completos al azar de tres repeticiones en el cual las dosis de nitrógeno (75, 150, 225 y 300 kg de N·ha-1) incorporadas como SolUAN (30 % N) se asignaron a las parcelas principales y las subparcelas correspondieron a cinco clones de ajo: Fuego INTA, Sureño INTA, Gostoso INTA, Inco 30 y Rubí INTA. Se adicionó además un tratamiento control sin nitrógeno. En el análisis estadístico de los rendimientos (r2 = 0,81; cv%: 8,48 y p < 0,0001) se detectaron efectos significativos de las variables cultivares y dosis de fertilización nitrogenada pero no de la interacción de ambas. Se determinó que en suelos con contenidos medios de nitrógeno total (800 mg·kg-1), la dosis que maximiza los rendimientos es de 150 kg N·ha-1 en todas las cultivares salvo Gostoso cuyo valor crítico resultó mayor que el resto. El incremento de rendimiento atribuible a la fertirrigación con 150 kg N·ha-1 respecto del testigo fue: 45 % en Rubí (17,7 t· ha-1), 31 % en Fuego (15,3 t·ha-1), 19 % en Inco (15,4 t·ha-1) y 23 % en Sureño (13 t·ha-1). Gostoso aumentó un 21 % (13,8 t·ha-1) su rendimiento respecto del testigo con la dosis de 300 kg N·ha-1. El análisis de clasificación jerárquica permitió agrupar los genotipos según su potencial productivo, de mayor a menor, en tres clases: I: cv. Rubí ; II: cv. Inco 30 y cv. Fuego; III: cv. Sureño y Gostoso. La fertilización nitrogenada incrementó la manifestación de malformaciones en todas las cultivares respecto del testigo sin fertilización, excepto Sureño que presentó mayores anormalidades en el tratamiento testigo sin fertilizar.


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Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron determinar el estado dental de la población bajo estudio, detectar subgrupos de riesgo específico para enfermedades bucales y proponer estrategias de intervención apropiadas para la promoción de la salud bucal para ellos. Método: sobre la base de datos del subprograma de salud bucal "El hospital y los chicos&quot; se efectuó un estudio descriptivo del estado dental sobre 277 niños entre 2 meses y 13 años de edad asistentes al CDlF Nº11, Guaymallén, Mendoza. Se registraron: ceod, CPOD, ceos CPOS, índice de Necesidad de tratamiento de caries, índice de Paca de Silness y Loe, ICDAS II, y datos demográficos. Además, como parte del programa, se llevó a cabo la enseñanza de Técnicas de Higiene Bucal adecuada a la edad, dirigidas a madres y niños, y una topicación de flúor profesional siguiendo protocolos específicos según edad del niño. Resultados: la población libre de caries fue del 31,4%, mientras que el 68,6% tuvo experiencia de caries pasada o presente. La media de la sumatoria de ceod+ cpod fue 4,91 = 5, con una carga de enfermedad muy alta denotada por un componente c+C de 4.25=4.55. Presentó un valor para ceos+CPOS de 9,22+11 96 y de c+CS de 6.8918 61. En cuanto a la severidad de las lesiones de caries expresadas con las categorías de ICDAS II del 2 al 6, se observó que las medias mayores corres- , ponden al nivel 6 (x2 Friedman= 20,999, p= 0,000). La media de necesidad de tratamiento de caries fue de 5,74, pero los niveles 8 ys abarcan al 33.2% de la población de estudio Se observó un aumento progresivo de estos indicadores en la primera infancia comenzando en la primera franja etaria con una media de ceod+CPOD de 0.8811,92, de 3, 93t4.65a los tres años, de 6,38+6,36 a los 5 años, y de 8,40+5,47 a los 7 años, siendo esta población la que presentó el mayor valor del indicador (x2 Kruskall Wallis= 104,637, p=O,OO). El índice CPOD fue de 1,35~1,34 a los 7 años y de 4.65+3 99 a los 9 ( x2 Kruskall Wallis =17,609 y p=0,001) Conclusiones~ este grupo de niños de alto riesgo social presentó elevados índices de caries y de necesidad de tratamiento, que requerirán de un sistema de salud que pueda contenerlos. Al observar las medias de ceod+CPOD según las categorías de edad se pone de manifiesto una tendencia a agravarse el estado dentario en la primera infancia, llegando a valores muy por encima de la media general para los 5, 6 ,7 y 8 años El CEOD también tiende a aumentar con la edad, poniendo en evidencia la susceptibilidad de caries de los molares permanentes erupcionados Las tendencias de los indicadores permitieron reconocer dos subgrupos de riesgo para desarrollar programas preventivos' el de niños de O a 3 años, y el de 6 a 12, es decir niños escolares. Se sugieren dos programas prioritarios Materno- infantil y Protección de 1er molar permanente.


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Long-term evolution is thought to take opportunities that arise as a consequence of mass extinction (as argued, for example, by Gould, 2002) and the following biotic recovery, but there is absolutely no evidence for this being the case. However, our study shows that eutrophication by oceanic mixing also played a part in the enhancement of several evolutionary events amongst marine organisms, and these results could indicate that the rates of oceanic biodiversification may be slowed if upwelling becomes weakened by future global warming. This paper defines three distinct evolutionary events of resting spores of the marine diatom genus Chaetoceros, to reconstruct past upwelling through the analysis of several DSDP, ODP and land-based successions from the North, South and equatorial Pacific as well as the Atlantic Ocean during the past 40 million years. The Atlantic Chaetoceros Explosion (ACE) event occurred across the E/O boundary in the North Atlantic, and is characterized by resting spore diversification that occurred as a consequence of the onset of upwelling following changes in thermohaline circulation through global cooling in the early Oligocene. Pacific Chaetoceros Explosion events-1 and -2 (PACE-1 and PACE-2) are characterized by relatively higher occurrences of iron input following the Himalayan uplift and aridification at 8.5 Ma and ca. 2.5 Ma in the North Pacific region. These events not only enhanced the diversification and increased abundance of primary producers, including that of Chaetoceros, other diatoms and seaweeds, but also stimulated the evolution of zooplankton and larger predators, such as copepods and marine mammals, which ate these phytoplankton and plants. Current thinking suggests new evolutionary niches open up after a mass extinction, but our study finds that eutrophication can also stimulate evolutionary diversification. Moreover, in the opposite fashion, our results show that as thermohaline circulation abates, global warming progresses and the ocean surface becomes warmer, many marine organisms will be affected by the environmental degradation.


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Hole 504B, drilled into the 5.9 Ma crust of the southern flank of the Costa Rica Rift, tapped a hydrothermal system in its conductive stage. Three alteration zones were encountered along the 561.5 meters of basement drilled. The upper alteration zone, 274.5 to 584.5 meters below the seafloor (BSF), is characterized by the presence of color zonation in which red halos are located between dark gray inner rock portions and dark gray outer bands. The red halos are characterized by an abundance of iddingsite, and they have higher K2O contents and Fe3+/FeT ratios, but lower SiO2 contents, than the adjacent dark gray inner zones. The dark gray outer bands are characterized by the presence of celadonite-nontronite. Saponite is omnipresent in these three alteration bands. Phillipsite is the only zeolite that occurs in the upper alteration zone. The upper alteration zone is interpreted as being the result of low-temperature alteration, with large amounts of cold oxygenated seawater percolating through the upper ocean crust. In the upper alteration zone, the formation of red halos was both preceded and followed by formation of dark gray outer bands. Then followed formation of dark gray cores. The lower alteration zone (584.5-835.5 m BSF) is characterized by the absence of color zonation, the downward-increasing abundance of pyrite and saponite, and the presence of quartz, talc, and calcite. The chemical changes (downhole MgO enrichment and concomitant CaO depletion) observed in the basalts of the lower alteration zone are thought to result from reactions of oceanic basalts with evolved seawater (i.e., solutions derived from seawater that has already reacted with ocean crust), which is thus depleted in oxygen, potassium, and radiogenic strontium. This alteration process, which was responsible for saponite formation in both the upper and lower alteration zones, was rock dominated, and it took place under suboxic to anoxic conditions during a second stage of alteration. Reaction temperatures could have progressively increased with depth. There is also a zeolitic zone that essentially coincides with the lower part of the upper alteration zone (between 528.5 and 563 m BSF). The host rock adjacent to veins of zeolite exhibits a greenish discoloration due to the intensive replacement of the igneous minerals. The replacement minerals result in significant increases in the bulk rock K2O, MgO, CaO, CO2, and H2O+ contents. The solutions circulating along the newly opened fissures had high Ca activity, and minerals probably precipitated in these fissures at 60°C or 110°C. These hydrothermal solutions circulated later than those responsible for the formation of the minerals that characterize the upper and lower alteration zones.


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The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 318 to the Wilkes Land margin of Antarctica recovered a sedimentary succession ranging in age from lower Eocene to the Holocene. Excellent stratigraphic control is key to understanding the timing of paleoceanographic events through critical climate intervals. Drill sites recovered the lower and middle Eocene, nearly the entire Oligocene, the Miocene from about 17 Ma, the entire Pliocene and much of the Pleistocene. The paleomagnetic properties are generally suitable for magnetostratigraphic interpretation, with well-behaved demagnetization diagrams, uniform distribution of declinations, and a clear separation into two inclination modes. Although the sequences were discontinuously recovered with many gaps due to coring, and there are hiatuses from sedimentary and tectonic processes, the magnetostratigraphic patterns are in general readily interpretable. Our interpretations are integrated with the diatom, radiolarian, calcareous nannofossils and dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) biostratigraphy. The magnetostratigraphy significantly improves the resolution of the chronostratigraphy, particularly in intervals with poor biostratigraphic control. However, Southern Ocean records with reliable magnetostratigraphies are notably scarce, and the data reported here provide an opportunity for improved calibration of the biostratigraphic records. In particular, we provide a rare magnetostratigraphic calibration for dinocyst biostratigraphy in the Paleogene and a substantially improved diatom calibration for the Pliocene. This paper presents the stratigraphic framework for future paleoceanographic proxy records which are being developed for the Wilkes Land margin cores. It further provides tight constraints on the duration of regional hiatuses inferred from seismic surveys of the region.