993 resultados para Rudy, Gerard
A post-embedding immunogold technique was used to examine the subcellular distribution of immunoreactivities to the invertebrate peptide, FMRFamide, and to vertebrate pancreatic polypeptide (PP) within the central nervous system of the trematode, Fasciola hepatica. Gold labeling of peptide was localised exclusively over both dense-cored and ellipsoidal electron-dense vesicles (with a homogeneous matrix) present within nerve cell bodies, small and 'giant' nerve processes of the neuropile in the cerebral ganglia and transverse commissure, as well as in the main longitudinal nerve cords. Double labeling demonstrated an apparent co-localisation of FMRFamide and PP immunoreactivities in the same dense-cored vesicles, although populations of ellipsoidal electron-dense vesicles that labeled solely for FMRFamide were also evident. Antigen pre-absorption studies indicated little, if any, cross-reactivity of the two antisera.
Specific antisera, directed against the highly conserved C-terminal hexapeptide amide of mammalian pancreatic polypeptide (PP) and the invertebrate peptide FMRFamide, have been used in conjunction with post-embedding, IgG-conjugated colloidal gold immunostaining to demonstrate peptide immunoreactivity at subcellular level in the nervous system of adult Diclidophora merlangi. Gold labelling revealed that immunoreactivity for PP and FMRFamide was localized exclusively in dense-cored vesicles occupying the majority of axons in the central nervous system. Double-labelling demonstrated an apparent co-localization of PP and FMRFamide in the same dense-cored vesicles. Antigen preabsorption experiments indicated cross-reactivity of the two antisera as unlikely, and that some if not all of the PP/FMRFamide immunostaining in the parasite was due to a neuropeptide F-like peptide.
An electron microscopical examination has been made of the fine structure and disposition of pancreatic polypeptide immunoreactive cells associated with the egg-forming apparatus in Diclidophora merlangi. The cell bodies are positioned in the parenchyma surrounding the ootype and taper to axon-like processes that extend to the ootype wall. The terminal regions of these processes branch and anastomose and, in places, the swollen endings or varicosities form synaptic appositions with the muscle fibres in the ootype wall. The cells are characterized by an extensive GER-Golgi system that is involved in the assembly and packaging of dense-cored vesicles. The vesicles accumulate in the axons and terminal varicosities, and their contents were found to be immunoreactive with antisera raised to the C-terminal hexapeptide amide of pancreatic polypeptide. It is concluded that the cells are neurosecretory in appearance and that, functionally, their secretions may serve to regulate ootype motility and thereby help co-ordinate egg production in the worm.
Context: The effects of assessment practice on students’ learning are unclear, particularly regarding professional development. Corralling in objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) is designed to reduce illicit passing of examination information. Candidates completing an examination are kept secluded until the next cohort of examinees has begun. We used the introduction of corralling as a context in which to explore social influences on examination misconduct, with the aims of improving understanding of the hidden effects of assessment, and evaluating the acceptability of corralling from the student perspective.
Methods: A questionnaire was administered to students corralled post-OSCE for the first time. Eleven semi-structured interviews were subsequently conducted. Questionnaire data were analysed for descriptive statistics and thematic analysis of interview transcripts was carried out.
Results: The questionnaire response rate was 95.4% (251/263). Before corralling, 80.9% (203/251) of students were aware of the sharing of information among peers and 78.5% (197/251) agreed that such misconduct was unprofessional. The majority were in favour of corralling (90.8%, 228/251). Four themes emerged from the semi-structured interviews: the student network versus the individual; assessment-driven culture; the deferring of professionalism, and the ‘level playing field’. Students saw interaction within the student network, on a background of assessment-driven culture, as the key driver in examination misconduct. Conforming to the rules of the social network was prioritised over individual agency, although the mismatch between the rules of the network and the dominant professional discourse caused some conflict for individuals. Deferred professionalism (described as the practice of taking on the norms of professional behaviour only when qualified) was a rationalisation used to minimise this conflict. Corralling provided a ‘level playing field’ in which the influences of the network were minimised.
Conclusions: Examination misconduct is thus a complex social construction with implications for individual learners in terms of professional development. Corralling is one mechanism for addressing misconduct that is acceptable to students, but assessment processes have important hidden effects which educators should acknowledge.
Non-Markovian evolutions are responsible for a wide variety of physically interesting effects. Here, we study nonlocality of the nonclassical state of a system consisting of a qubit and an oscillator exposed to the effects of non-Markovian evolutions. We find that the different facets of non-Markovianity affect nonlocality in different and nonobvious ways, ranging from pronounced insensitivity of the Bell function to quite spectacular evidence of information kickback.
Over the past decade it has become clear that the nervous systems of platyhelminths are both complex and highly developed, particularly in peptidergic elements. The central position of an ancestral flatworm in the evolution of the Bilateria has placed a greater importance on the study of modern flatworms. Using antisera generated to the C-terminal region of platyhelminth neuropeptide F and the molluscan neuropeptide, FMRFamide, in immunocytochemistry at both Light and ultrastructural levels, immunoreactivities have been localised within the nervous systems of three species of triclad turbellarians, Dugesia lugubris, Dendrocoelum lacteum, and Polycelis nigra, and one species of monogenean trematode, Diclidophora merlangi. Extensive immunostaining was obtained with both antisera throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems of all species studied, but intensity and abundance was significantly greater in the turbellarians. Indirect electron-immunogold labeling demonstrated that immunoreactivity to both neuropeptides was often colocalised in neurosecretory vesicles, although discrete populations of vesicles were also observed. Radioimmunoassay of extracts of all species confirmed that neuropeptide F immunoreactivity was consistently more abundant than FMRFamide immunoreactivity, and that the levels of both in the three turbellarians were several orders of magnitude greater than those found in the monogenean. Chromatographic analyses of turbellarian extracts revealed that neuropeptide F and FMRFamide immunoreactivities were attributable to different peptides. These data imply that the neuropeptidergic systems of turbellarians are considerably more extensive than those of monogeneans, and would suggest that a regression has occurred in the latter as a consequence of the adoption of a more sedentary parasitic lifestyle. (C) 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Immunochemical techniques were used to determine the distribution, chemical characteristics and relative abundance of immunoreactivity (IR) to two native platyhelminth neuropeptides, neuropeptide F (NPF) (Moniezia expansa) and the FMRFamide-related peptide (FaRP), GNFFRFamide, in the trematodes, Fasciola hepatica and Schistosoma mansoni; the larger S. margrebowiei was used in the chemical analysis. Extensive immunostaining for the two peptides was demonstrated throughout the nervous systems of both F. hepatica and S. mansoni, with strong IR also in the innervation of muscular structures, including those associated with the egg-forming apparatus. The patterns of immunostaining were similar to those previously described for the vertebrate neuropeptide Y superfamily of peptides and for FMRFamide. Ultrastructurally, gold labelling of NPF- and GNFFRFamide-IRs was localized exclusively to the contents of secretory vesicles in the axons and somatic cytoplasm of neurones. Double-labelling experiments showed an apparent homogeneity of antigenic sites, in all probability due to the demonstrated cross-reactivity of the FaRP antiserum with NPF. Radioimmunoassay of acid-ethanol extracts of the worms detected 8.3 pmol/g and 4.7 pmol/g equivalents of NPF- and FMRFamide-IRs, respectively, for F. hepatica, and corresponding values of 4.9 pmol/g and 4.3 pmol/g equivalents for S. margrebowiei. Gel-permeation chromatography resolved IR to both peptides in discrete peaks and these eluted in similar positions to synthetic NPF (M. expansa) and GNFFRFamide, respectively.
Indirect immunocytochemistry, in conjunction with confocal scanning laser microscopy and electron-microscopic immunogold labeling, has been used to localize neuropeptide and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) immunereactivities (IRs) in the plerocercoid (scolex and surrounding blastocyst) of the trypanorhynch tapeworm, Grillotia erinaceus. Antisera directed to two native cestode neuropeptides, neuropeptide F and the FMRFamide-related peptide, GNFFRFamide, were used to demonstrate the presence of a well-developed and extensive peptide-immunoreactive nervous system of central and peripheral elements in the juvenile scolex. Neuronal connectivity exists between the scolex and the surrounding blastocyst, in which there is a rich innervation of varicose fibers displaying peptide IR. Ultrastructurally, gold labeling of the peptide IR was found exclusively over the contents of dense secretory vesicles in the axons and somatic cytoplasm of neurons. Double-labeling experiments demonstrated an apparent colocalization of peptide IR, although the results of antigen preadsorption procedures indicated substantial cross-reactivity of the two antisera. A separate and well-differentiated 5-HT-immunoreactive nervous system, with a similar anatomical arrangement as the peptide-immunoreactive nervous system, is present in both the scolex and blastocyst (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.
The distribution pattern and subcellular localisation of neuropeptide F (NPF) immunoreactivity (IR) in the tetrathyridium stage of Mesocestoides corti were investigated by whole-mount immunocytochemistry in conjunction with confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) and by immunoelectron microscopy using immunogold labeling. Using an antiserum directed to the C-terminal decapeptide amide (residues 30-39) of synthetic NPF (Moniezia expansa), CSLM revealed NPF-IR throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems of parental and dividing tetrathyridia. Ultrastructurally, gold labeling of NPF-IR was confined to the contents of the smaller of the two sizes of electron-dense neuronal vesicle identified.
An electron immunogold-labeling technique was used in conjunction with a post-embedding procedure to demonstrate for the first time the ultrastructural distribution of the parasitic platyhelminth neuropeptide, neuropeptide F (NPF), in the nervous system of the cestode Moniezia expansa. Two axon types, distinguished by their populations of different-sized electron-dense vesicles, were identified. Immunogold labeling demonstrated an apparent homogeneity of PP, FMRFamide and NPF (M. expansa) antigenic sites throughout the larger dense-cored vesicles within the central nervous system. Triple labeling clearly demonstrated the co-localisation of immunoreactivities (IR) for NPF, PP and FMRFamide within the same dense-cored vesicles. The presence of NPF-IR within the vesicles occupying the perikaryon of the neuronal cell body indicated that the peptides had undergone post-translational C-terminal amidation prior to entering the axon. Antigen pre-absorption experiments using NPF prevented labeling with either PP or FMRFamide antisera, and the failure of these antisera to block NPF-IR supports the view that some, if not all, of the PP/FMRFamide-IR is due to NPF-like peptides.
Immunocytochemical techniques used in conjunction with confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) and electron microscopy have been used to demonstrate, for the first time, the distribution of the parasitic platyhelminth neuropeptide, neuropeptide F (NPF) in the cestode, Moniezia expansa. Antisera were raised to intact NPF(1-39) and to the C-terminal decapeptide of NPF(30-39). These antisera were characterized and validated for use in both immunocytochemistry and radioimmunoassay (RIA). NPF immunoreactivity (IR) was detected using both antisera throughout all of the major components of the central and peripheral nervous systems of the worm. The pattern of NPF-IR was found to mirror the IR obtained using a C-terminally directed pancreatic polypeptide (PP) antiserum and FMRFamide antisera; blocking studies using these antisera revealed that FMRFamide and PP antisera cross-react with NPF(M. expansa). RIA of acid-alcohol extracts of the worm measured 114 ng/g using the C-terminal NPF antiserum and 56 ng/g using the whole-molecule-directed antiserum. While the C-terminally-directed NPF antiserum cross-reacts with NPF-related peptides from other invertebrates, the whole-molecule-directed NPF antiserum is specific for NPF(M. expansa). The C-terminal NPF antiserum has potential for use in the identification and purification of NPF analogues from other platyhelminth parasites.
The localisation and distribution of neuropeptide F (NPF)-immunoreactivity (IR) in the monogenean fish-gill parasite, Diclidophora merlangi, have been investigated by whole-mount immunocytochemistry interfaced with confocal scanning laser microscopy and, at the ultrastructural level, by indirect immunogold labeling. Using antisera directed to intact synthetic NPF (Moniezia expansa, residues 1-39) or to the C-terminal decapeptide (residues 30-39) of synthetic NPF (M. expansa), immunostaining was found throughout the central (CNS) and peripheral nervous systems (PNS), including the innervation of the reproductive system. Immunoreactivity was found to be more intense using the antiserum to the C-terminal decapeptide fragment of NPF. At the subcellular level, gold labeling of NPF-IR was found exclusively over the contents of dense-cored vesicles that occupied nerve axons of both the CNS and the PNS. The distribution pattern of immunostaining for NPF mirrored exactly that previously documented for the vertebrate pancreatic polypeptide (PP) family of peptides and for FMRFamide. This finding and the results of preabsorption experiments strongly suggest that NPF is the predominant native neuropeptide in D. merlangi and that it accounts for most of the immunostaining previously obtained with PP and FMRFamide antisera.