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The Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) core can enhance our understanding of the relationship between parameters measured in the ice in central Greenland and variability in the ocean, atmosphere, and cryosphere of the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent land masses. Seasonal (summer, winter) to annual responses of dD and deuterium excess isotopic signals in the GISP2 core to the seesaw in winter temperatures between West Greenland and northern Europe from A.D. 1840 to 1970 are investigated. This seesaw represents extreme modes of the North Atlantic Oscillation, which also influences sea surface temperatures (SSTs), atmospheric pressures, geostrophic wind strength, and sea ice extents beyond the winter season. Temperature excursions inferred from the dD record during seesaw/extreme NAO mode years move in the same direction as the West Greenland side of the seesaw. Symmetry with the West Greenland side of the seesaw suggests a possible mechanism for damping in the ice core record of the lowest decadal temperatures experienced in Europe from A.D. 1500 to 1700. Seasonal and annual deuterium excess excursions during seesaw years show negative correlation with dD. This suggests an isotopic response to a SST/ land temperature seesaw. The isotopic record from GISP2 may therefore give information on both ice sheet and sea surface temperature variability. Cross-plots of dD and d show a tendency for data to be grouped according to the prevailing mode of the seesaw, but do not provide unambiguous identification of individual seesaw years. A combination of ice core and tree ring data sets may allow more confident identification of GA and GB (extreme NAO mode) years prior to 1840.
Seamounts and knolls are 'undersea mountains', the former rising more than 1000 m from the sea floor. These features provide important habitats for aquatic predators, demersal deep-sea fish and benthic invertebrates. However most seamounts have not been surveyed and their numbers and locations are not well known. Previous efforts to locate and quantify seamounts have used relatively coarse bathymetry grids. Here we use global bathymetric data at 30 arc-second resolution to identify seamounts and knolls. We identify 33,452 seamounts and 138,412 knolls, representing the largest global set of identified seamounts and knolls to date. We compare estimated seamount numbers, locations, and depths with validation sets of seamount data from New Zealand and Azores. This comparison indicates the method we apply finds 94% of seamounts, but may overestimate seamount numbers along ridges and in areas where faulting and seafloor spreading creates highly complex topography. The seamounts and knolls identified herein are significantly geographically biased towards areas surveyed with ship-based soundings. As only 6.5% of the ocean floor has been surveyed with soundings it is likely that new seamounts will be uncovered as surveying improves. Seamount habitats constitute approximately 4.7% of the ocean floor, whilst knolls cover 16.3%. Regional distribution of these features is examined, and we find a disproportionate number of productive knolls, with a summit depth of <1.5 km, located in the Southern Ocean. Less than 2% of seamounts are within marine protected areas and the majority of these are located within exclusive economic zones with few on the High Seas. The database of seamounts and knolls resulting from this study will be a useful resource for researchers and conservation planners.
Abiotic stress is one of the most common causes of crop deficit and loss and hence an important area of study. Moreover, concerns regarding global climate change over past decades mean the study of different abiotic stresses appears to be essential if its effects are to be mitigated. The current review covers the effects of heat stress on crop performance, the response crops make when subjected to this stress and the development of tools designed to breed for stress tolerant crops. Distinct levels of the problem are considered, from the morphological/anatomical, through the physiological and to the biochemical/molecular. The study of heat shock proteins (HSPs), quantitative trait loci (QTLs) identification and the relationship between metabolomics (OMICS) and heat stress are given special consideration.
This dataset contains raster grids in GeoTIFF format describing the benthic environment of South Georgia. The data include topographic layers that are directly calculated from a bathymetry grid (Slope, Aspect, Roughness, Slope, Terrain Ruggedness Index, Topographic Position Index). A benthic classification of the area is included, based on topographic layers. Also included are sea-bed environmental layers that are interpolated from global three dimensional grids (Alkalinity, Apparent Oxygen Utilisation, Omega Aragonite, Omega Calcite, Dissolved Oxygen, Nitrate, pH, Phosphate, Salinity, Silicate, Temperature, and Total CO2). These layers were used to construct a habitat suitability model for Octocorallia. The geographic extent is 43°57'56.65"W - 33°45'38.19"W and 52°47'29.50"S - 56° 9'11.03"S. The spatial resolution is 150m x 150m (except for benthic classification wihch is 450m x 450m). The map projection is EPSG:3762.
This dataset consists of global raster maps indicating the habitat suitability for 7 suborders of cold water octocorals (Octocorallia found deeper than 50m). Maps present a relative habitat suitability index ranging from 0 (unsuitable) to 100 (highly suitable). Two maps are provided for each suborder (Alcyoniina, Calcaxonia, Holaxonia, Scleraxonia, Sessiliflorae, Stolonifera, and Subselliflorae). A publicly accessable low resolution map (grid size 10x10 arc-minutes) and a restricted access high resolution map (grid size 30x30 arc-seconds). Maps are geotiff format incorporating LZW compression to reduce file size. Please contact the corresponding author (Chris Yesson) for access to the high resolution data.