955 resultados para Risco cardiovascular


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Objective Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) may protect against the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Genotype at key genes such as nitric oxide synthase (NOS3) may determine responsiveness to fatty acids. Gene–nutrient interactions may be important in modulating the development of CVD, particularly in high-risk individuals with the metabolic syndrome (MetS). Methods Biomarkers of CVD risk, plasma fatty acid composition, and NOS3 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotype (rs11771443, rs1800783, rs1800779, rs1799983, rs3918227, and rs743507) were determined in 450 individuals with the MetS from the LIPGENE dietary intervention cohort. The effect of dietary fat modification for 12 weeks on metabolic indices of the MetS was determined to understand potential NOS3 gene–nutrient interactions. Results Several markers of inflammation and dyslipidaemia were significantly different between the genotype groups. A significant gene–nutrient interaction was observed between the NOS3 rs1799983 SNP and plasma n-3 PUFA status on plasma triacylglycerol (TAG) concentrations. Minor allele carriers (AC + AA) showed an inverse association with significantly higher plasma TAG concentrations in those with low plasma n-3 PUFA status and vice versa but the major allele homozygotes (CC) did not. Following n-3 PUFA supplementation, plasma TAG concentrations of minor allele carriers of rs1799983 were considerably more responsive to changes in plasma n-3 PUFA, than major allele homozygotes. Conclusions Carriers of the minor allele at rs1799983 in NOS3 have plasma TAG concentrations which are more responsive to n-3 PUFA. This suggests that these individuals might show greater beneficial effects of n-3 PUFA consumption to reduce plasma TAG concentrations.


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Data on the potential health benefits of dietary flavanols and procyanidins, especially in the context of cardiovascular health, are considerable and continue to accumulate. Significant progress has been made in flavanol analytics and the creation of phytonutrient-content food databases, and novel data emanated from epidemiological investigations as well as dietary intervention studies. However, a comprehensive understanding of the pharmacological properties of flavanols and procyanidins, including their precise mechanisms of action in vivo, and a conclusive, consensus-based accreditation of a causal relationship between intake and health benefits in the context of primary and secondary cardiovascular disease prevention is still outstanding. Thus, the objective of this review is to identify and discuss key questions and gaps that will need to be addressed in order to conclusively demonstrate whether or not dietary flavanols and procyanidins have a role in preventing, delaying the onset of, or treating cardiovascular diseases, and thus improving human life expectancy and quality of life.


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O câncer de mama é um dos cânceres mais comuns a nível mundial e no Brasil. O câncer de mama não é comum em mulheres jovens (menor que 36 anos) porém tem um prognóstico ruim e uma pobre sobrevida. O objetivo deste estudo é verificar fatores de risco e sobrevida em mulheres jovens diagnosticadas com câncer de mama em um centro de referência oncológica em câncer na cidade de Rio de Janeiro. Mulheres com menos de 36 anos de idade com diagnóstico histopatológico de câncer de mama no Instituto Nacional de Câncer entre 01/01/1999 e 31/12/2006 foram selecionadas para o estudo. (...)


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Os inibidores de apetite a base de anfetamina (Femproporex, Anfepramona, Mazindol) foram comercializados no Brasil durante mais de 30 anos. Já a Sibutramina é um medicamento mais recente, cuja entrada no mercado brasileiro data de 1998. Em 2010, a partir de um estudo que avaliou o risco da utilização da Sibutramina entre pacientes obesos, a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa) inicia um processo de revisão da avaliação de risco relativa a esses quatro medicamentos. No ano seguinte, após um longo processo de discussão com os atores e setores interessados, a autoridade sanitária decide pelo cancelamento do registro dos três inibidores de apetite a base de anfetamina e pela manutenção da sibutramina no mercado, com ampliação do controle sobre a dispensação do produto. Três anos depois, em 2014, o Congresso Nacional apresenta um entendimento diferente em relação ao perfil de segurança/ risco desses medicamentos e, por intermédio de um decreto legislativo, anula a resolução da Anvisa e autoriza a volta dos anorexígenos ao mercado brasileiro. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar como os sentidos sobre risco foram construídos pelos jornais diários durante a cobertura noticiosa da controvérsia relativa aos emagrecedores, considerando esses dois momentos antagônicos. Para tanto, analisamos 25 notícias produzidas nos anos de 2011 e 2014, comparando os discursos veiculados para identificar as vozes contempladas, os modos de dizer e as redes de sentido mobilizadas A análise qualitativa dos textos foi feita com base nos postulados centrais da Semiologia dos Discursos Sociais. Os resultados apontam para uma linearidade na forma como a imprensa escrita enquadra a controvérsia dos emagrecedores: como uma questão \2018política\2019 e não científica; sem aprofundar as discussões epidemiológicas relativas ao perfil de segurança/risco dos medicamentos; a partir da polarização do debate entre favoráveis e contrários à proibição dos emagrecedores; por meio da valorização da voz de experts e fontes institucionais em detrimento do \2018doente\2019 e do público leigo; a partir de um olhar que demoniza a obesidade e postula a necessidade de tratála com todas as alternativas terapêuticas disponíveis. O discurso do risco está presente na maioria dos textos, mas não assume o centro da cena discursiva, dando lugar a uma cobertura \2018política\2019 que privilegia os conflitos de interesse entre os atores envolvidos, os embates travados com a autoridade sanitária e as contradições do processo. As controvérsias científicas relacionadas ao risco de utilização dos emagrecedores restam suprimidas do debate midiático


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Although the independence of the association and causality has not been fully established, non-fasting (postprandial) triglyceride (TG) concentrations have emerged as a clinically significant cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor. In the current review, findings from three insightful prospective studies in the area, namely the Women's Health Study, the Copenhagen City Heart Study and the Norwegian Counties Study, are discussed. An overview is provided as to the likely etiological basis for the association between postprandial TG and CVD, with a focus on both lipid and non-lipid (inflammation, hemostasis and vascular function) risk factors. The impact of various lifestyle and physiological determinants are considered, in particular genetic variation and meal fat composition. Furthermore, although data is limited some information is provided as to the relative and interactive impact of a number of modulators of lipemia. It is evident that relative to age, gender and body mass index (known modulators of postprandial lipemia), the contribution of identified gene variants to the heterogeneity observed in the postprandial response is likely to be relatively small. Finally, we highlight the need for the development of a standardised ‘fat tolerance test’ for use in clinical trials, to allow the integration and comparison of data from individual studies


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Purpose Limited robust randomised controlled trials investigating fruit and vegetable (F&V) intake in people at risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) exist. We aimed to design and validate a dietary strategy of increasing flavonoid-rich versus flavonoid-poor F&V consumption on nutrient biomarker profile. Methods A parallel, randomised, controlled, dose–response dietary intervention study. Participants with a CVD relative risk of 1.5 assessed by risk scores were randomly assigned to one of the 3 groups: habitual (control, CT), high-flavonoid (HF) or low-flavonoid (LF) diets. While the CT group (n = 57) consumed their habitual diet throughout, the HF (n = 58) and LF (n = 59) groups sequentially increased their daily F&V intake by an additional 2, 4 and 6 portions for 6-week periods during the 18-week study. Results Compliance to target numbers and types of F&V was broadly met and verified by dietary records, and plasma and urinary biomarkers. Mean (±SEM) number of F&V portions/day consumed by the HF and LF groups at baseline (3.8 ± 0.3 and 3.4 ± 0.3), 6 weeks (6.3 ± 0.4 and 5.8 ± 0.3), 12 weeks (7.0 ± 0.3 and 6.8 ± 0.3) and 18 weeks (7.6 ± 0.4 and 8.1 ± 0.4), respectively, was similar at baseline yet higher than the CT group (3.9 ± 0.3, 4.3 ± 0.3, 4.6 ± 0.4, 4.5 ± 0.3) (P = 0.015). There was a dose-dependent increase in dietary and urinary flavonoids in the HF group, with no change in other groups (P = 0.0001). Significantly higher dietary intakes of folate (P = 0.035), non-starch polysaccharides (P = 0.001), vitamin C (P = 0.0001) and carotenoids (P = 0.0001) were observed in both intervention groups compared with CT, which were broadly supported by nutrient biomarker analysis. Conclusions The success of improving nutrient profile by active encouragement of F&V intake in an intervention study implies the need for a more hands-on public health approach.


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Olive oil, an important component of the Mediterranean diet, is rich in polyphenols and is known to possess positive health effects relative to other dietary fats. In addition, the leaves of the olive plant (Olea europaea) contain similar phenolics (oleuropein, luteolin-7-glucoside, apigenin-7-glucoside, verbascoside and hydroxytyrosol) to those of olives and olive oil, although at higher concentrations. For example, the most abundant is the secoiridoid, oleuropein, representing 1–14% of olive leaf weight vs. 0.005–0.12% in olive oil. Although currently considered a waste product of the olive oil industry, recent research has suggested beneficial effects of phenolic-rich olive leaf extracts (OLE) in modifying cardiovascular risk biomarkers such as blood pressure, hyperglycaemia, oxidative stress and inflammation, as well as improving vascular function and lipid profiles. Despite this, data regarding the biological actions of OLE has mostly derived from animal, in vitro and ex vivo studies, with limited evidence deriving from human trials. Although the absorption and metabolism of olive oil phenolics has been investigated, less is known about the bioavailability of phenolics from OLE, limiting the interpretation of existing in vitro and ex vivo data. The current review will begin by describing the phenolic composition of olive leaves in comparison with that of the better studied olive oil. It will then review the effects of OLE on cardiovascular risk factors, covering both animal and human studies and will end by considering potential mechanisms of action


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This report summarises the proceedings of a meeting held by the Food and Health Forum at the Royal Society of Medicine, London, on 12 October 2011. The objective of the meeting was to highlight nutritional strategies targeted at cardiovascular health. This included a review of the effects of various foods, nutrients and ingredients on maintenance of healthy cholesterol levels, endothelial function and blood pressure


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Despite strong prospective epidemiology and mechanistic evidence for the benefits of certain micronutrients in preventing CVD, neutral and negative outcomes from secondary intervention trials have undermined the efficacy of supplemental nutrition in preventing CVD. In contrast, evidence for the positive impact of specific diets in CVD prevention, such as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, has focused attention on the potential benefits of whole diets and specific dietary patterns. These patterns have been scored on the basis of current guidelines for the prevention of CVD, to provide a quantitative evaluation of the relationship between diet and disease. Using this approach, large prospective studies have reported reductions in CVD risk ranging from 10 to 60% in groups whose diets can be variously classified as 'Healthy', 'Prudent', Mediterranean' or 'DASH compliant'. Evaluation of the relationship between dietary score and risk biomarkers has also been informative with respect to underlying mechanisms. However, although this analysis may appear to validate whole-diet approaches to disease prevention, it must be remembered that the classification of dietary scores is based on current understanding of diet-disease relationships, which may be incomplete or erroneous. Of particular concern is the limited number of high-quality intervention studies of whole diets, which include disease endpoints as the primary outcome. The aims of this review are to highlight the limitations of dietary guidelines based on nutrient-specific data, and the persuasive evidence for the benefits of whole dietary patterns on CVD risk. It also makes a plea for more randomised controlled trials, which are designed to support food and whole dietary-based approaches for preventing CVD.