943 resultados para Rh-Hr blood-group system


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We present simultaneous and continuous observations of the Halpha, Hbeta, He I D-3, Na I D-1,D-2 doublet and the Ca II H&K lines for the RS CVn system HR 1099. The spectroscopic observations were obtained during the MUSICOS 1998 campaign involving several observatories and instruments, both echelle and long-slit spectrographs. During this campaign, HR 1099 was observed almost continuously for more than 8 orbits of 2.(d)8. Two large optical flares were observed, both showing an increase in the emission of Halpha, Ca II H K, Hbeta and He I D-3 and a strong filling-in of the Na I D-1, D-2 doublet. Contemporary photometric observations were carried out with the robotic telescopes APT-80 of Catania and Phoenix-25 of Fairborn Observatories. Maps of the distribution of the spotted regions on the photosphere of the binary components were derived using the Maximum Entropy and Tikhonov photometric regularization criteria. Rotational modulation was observed in Halpha and He I D-3 in anti-correlation with the photometric light curves. Both flares occurred at the same binary phase (0.85), suggesting that these events took place in the same active region. Simultaneous X-ray observations, performed by ASM on board RXTE, show several flare-like events, some of which correlate well with the observed optical flares. Rotational modulation in the X-ray light curve has been detected with minimum flux when the less active G5 V star was in front. A possible periodicity in the X-ray flare-like events was also found.


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The ultrastructure of the nervous system of a planarian, Procerodes littoralis, belonging to the taxon Maricola is described for the first time. The study has revealed the presence of two neuronal cell types and a glia-like cell. Immunogold labelling with antibodies to two native flatworm neuropeptides-neuropeptide F and GNFFRFamide-has been localised to one neuronal cell type and associated processes and synapses, thus indicating its peptidergic nature. The ultrastructural features are compared to those of other investigated turbellarian species. The number of features shared by species from the Proseriata, Lecitoepitheliata and Tricladida show that in respect of the nervous system these taxa form a closely related group. (C) 1997 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Urotensin II (UII) is traditionally regarded as a product of the neurosecretory cells in the caudal portion of the spinal cord of jawed fishes. A peptide related to UII has been recently isolated from the frog brain, thereby providing the first evidence that UII is also present in the central nervous system of a tetrapod. In the present study, we have investigated the distribution of UII-immunoreactive elements in the brain and spinal cord of the frog Rana ridibunda by immunofluorescence using an antiserum directed against the conserved cyclic region of the peptide. Two distinct populations of UII-immunoreactive perikarya were visualized. The first group of positive neurons was found in the nucleus hypoglossus of the medulla oblongata, which controls two striated muscles of the tongue. The second population of immunoreactive cell bodies was represented by a subset of motoneurons that were particularly abundant in the caudal region of the cord (34% of the motoneuron population). The telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, and metencephalon were totally devoid of UII-containing cell bodies but displayed dense networks of UII-immunoreactive fibers, notably in the thalamus, the tectum, the tegmentum, and the granular layer of the cerebellum. In addition, a dense bundle of long varicose processes projecting rostrocaudally was observed coursing along the ventral surface of the brain from the midtelencephalon to the medulla oblongata. Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography analysis of frog brain, medulla oblongata, and spinal cord extracts revealed that, in all three regions, UII-immunoreactive material eluted as a single peak which exhibited the same retention time as synthetic frog UII. Taken together, these data indicate that UII, in addition to its neuroendocrine functions in fish, is a potential regulatory peptide in the central nervous system of amphibians. (C) 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Paralytic shellfish poisoning is a toxic syndrome described in humans following the ingestion of seafood contaminated with saxitoxin and/or its derivatives. The presence of these toxins in shellfish is considered an important health threat and their levels in seafood destined to human consumption are regulated in many countries, as well as the levels of other chemically unrelated toxins. We studied the feasibility of immunodetection of saxitoxin and its analogs using a solid-phase microsphere assay coupled to flow cytometry detection in a Luminex 200 system. The technique consists of a competition assay where the toxins in solution compete with bead-bound saxitoxin for binding to an antigonyautoxin 2/3 monoclonal antibody (GT-13A). The assay allowed the detection of saxitoxin both in buffer and mussel extracts in the range of 2.2-19.7 ng/mL (IC(20)-IC(80)). Moreover, the assay cross-reactivity with other toxins of the group is similar to previously published immunoassays, with adequate detection of most analogs except N-1 hydroxy analogs. The recovery rate of the assay for saxitoxin was close to 100%. This microsphere-based immunoassay is suitable to be used as a screening method, detecting saxitoxin from 260 to 2360 µg/kg. This microsphere/flow cytometry system provided similar sensitivities to previously published immunoassays and provides a solid background for the development of easy, flexible multiplexing of toxin detection in one sample.


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1. Since salt depletion stimulates the renal prostaglandin system to maintain renal function, the effects of indomethacin and ibuprofen upon renal haemodynamics, electrolyte excretion and renin release were examined in eight healthy male volunteers on a salt restricted diet, before and after frusemide administration. 2. Neither indomethacin (50 mg) nor ibuprofen (400 mg and 800 mg) affected renal blood flow, glomerular filtration rate or electrolyte excretion before frusemide. 3. Renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate were significantly increased in the first 20 min after frusemide. These changes were significantly attenuated by indomethacin compared with placebo and ibuprofen 400 mg. Frusemide-induced diuresis but not natriuresis was inhibited by all treatments. 4. Both nonsteroidal agents inhibited equally the rise in renin activity seen after frusemide. 5. In this group of healthy volunteers on a salt restricted diet, ibuprofen and indomethacin had no detrimental effects on renal function in the absence of frusemide. The changes in renal haemodynamics due to frusemide were suppressed more by indomethacin than by ibuprofen, probably reflecting the more potent nature of indomethacin as an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis.


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There is an urgent need to improve upon Alzheimer's disease (AD) treatments. Limitations of existing drugs are that they target specific downstream neurochemical abnormalities while the upstream underlying pathology continues unchecked. Preferable treatments would be those that can target a number of the broad range of molecular and cellular abnormalities that occur in AD such as amyloid-ß (Aß) and hyperphosphorylated tau-mediated damage, inflammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction, as well more systemic abnormalities such as brain atrophy, impaired cerebral blood flow (CBF), and cerebrovascular disease. Recent pre-clinical, epidemiological, and a limited number of clinical investigations have shown that prevention of the signaling of the multifunctional and potent vasoconstrictor angiotensin II (Ang II) may offer broad benefits in AD. In addition to helping to ameliorate co-morbid hypertension, these drugs also likely improve diminished CBF which is common in AD and can contribute to focal Aß pathology. These drugs, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, or angiotensin receptor antagonists (ARAs) may also help deteriorating cognitive function by preventing Ang II-mediated inhibition of acetylcholine release as well as interrupt the upregulation of deleterious inflammatory pathways that are widely recognized in AD. Given the current urgency to find better treatments for AD and the relatively immediate availability of drugs that are already widely prescribed for the treatment of hypertension, one of the largest modifiable risk factors for AD, this article reviews current knowledge as to the eligibility of ACE-inhibitors and ARAs for consideration in future clinical trials in AD.


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Prolonged lowering of blood pressure after a stroke reduces the risk of recurrent stroke. In addition, inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system in high-risk patients reduces the rate of subsequent cardiovascular events, including stroke. However, the effect of lowering of blood pressure with a renin-angiotensin system inhibitor soon after a stroke has not been clearly established. We evaluated the effects of therapy with an angiotensin-receptor blocker, telmisartan, initiated early after a stroke.


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In view of both the delay in obtaining identification by conventional methods following blood-culture positivity in patients with candidaemia and the close relationship between species and fluconazole (FLC) susceptibility, early speciation of positive blood cultures has the potential to influence therapeutic decisions. The aim was to develop a rapid test to differentiate FLC-resistant from FLC-sensitive Candida species. Three TaqMan-based real-time PCR assays were developed to identify up to six Candida species directly from BacT/Alert blood-culture bottles that showed yeast cells on Gram staining at the time of initial positivity. Target sequences in the rRNA gene complex were amplified, using a consensus two-step PCR protocol, to identify Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis, Candida dubliniensis, Candida glabrata and Candida krusei; these are the most commonly encountered Candida species in blood cultures. The first four of these (the characteristically FLC-sensitive group) were identified in a single reaction tube using one fluorescent TaqMan probe targeting 1 8S rRNA sequences conserved in the four species. The FLC-resistant species C. krusei and C. glabrata were detected in two further reactions, each with species-specific probes. This method was validated with clinical specimens (blood cultures) positive for yeast (n=33 sets) and the results were 100% concordant with those of phenotypic identification carried out concomitantly. The reported assay significantly reduces the time required to identify the presence of C. glabrata and C. krusei in comparison with a conventional phenotypic method, from ~72 to


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Enumeration of various lymphocyte subsets is used widely in the diagnosis and monitoring of various disease states. With the development of flow cytometric technology and whole blood analysis, methodologies have become more sensitive. It is therefore important to establish reference intervals in normal, healthy individuals using these techniques to give a better indication of the border between health and disease. Since some lymphocyte subpopulations are known to change with age, we have enumerated common subsets in healthy individuals from all decades of adult life, including nonagenarian subjects. We report reference intervals for these subsets in each age group, which will be of use in diagnosis and disease monitoring, particularly in elderly subjects, the most rapidly expanding group within the population today.


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Accurate pain assessment in preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is complex. Infants who are born at early gestational ages (GA), and who have had greater early pain exposure, have dampened facial responses which may lead to under-treatment. Since behavioral and physiological responses to pain in infants are often dissociated, using multidimensional scales which combine these indicators into a single score may limit our ability to determine the effects of interventions on each system. Our aim was to design a unidimensional scale which would combine the relatively most specific, individual, behavioral indicators for assessing acute pain in this population. The Behavioral Indicators of Infant Pain (BIIP) combines sleep/wake states, 5 facial actions and 2 hand actions. Ninety-two infants born between 23 and 32 weeks GA were assessed during 3, 1 min Phases of blood collection. Outcome measures included changes in BIIP and in Neonatal Infant Pain Scale (NIPS) scores coded in real time from continuous bedside video recordings; changes in heart rate (HR) were obtained using custom physiological processing software. Scores on the BIIP changed significantly across Phases of blood collection (p


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The aims of this study were to examine preterm infant reactions to pain in detail over prolonged time periods using multiple measures, and to assess the value of including specific body movements of the Neonatal Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP) system to evaluate pain. Ten preterm infants born at 31 weeks mean gestational age (GA) and mean birth weight 1676 g were studied during a routine blood collection in a Level III neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). At 32-week post-conceptional age, computerized physiologic and video recordings were obtained continuously for 60 min (prior to, during and after lance). Motor and facial behaviors were coded independently, using the NIDCAP and the NFCS (Neonatal Facial Coding System), respectively, and compared with heart rate (HR) and oxygen saturation responses. Of the movements hypothesized to be stress cues in the NIDCAP model, extension of arms and legs (80%) and finger splay (70%) were the most common following lance. Contrary to the model, most infants (70%) had lower incidence of twitches and startles post-lance compared to baseline. Whereas all infants showed some NFCS response to lance, for three infants, the magnitude was low. HR increased and oxygen saturation decreased post-lance. Infants with more prior pain exposure, lower Apgar, and lower GA at birth, displayed more motor stress cues but less facial activity post-lance. Extension of extremities and finger splay, but not twitches and startles, from the NIDCAP, appear to be stress cues and show promise as clinical pain indicators to supplement facial and physiological pain measures in preterm infants.


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Background: There are reports with conflicting results on the expression of toll-like receptors (TLRs) in trauma patients. In addition, these studies analyzed TLR expression only at patients hospital admission but not later when complications usually arise. Objectives: To analyze the surface expression of TLR2 and TLR4 on circulating monocytes from trauma patients during the hospitalization period and to correlate this with cytokine production after stimulation with TLR2 and TLR4 agonists. The phagocytic capacity of monocytes was analyzed at the same time points of TLR expression analysis; to correlate these molecular findings with the presence or absence of infections. Methods: Prospective and observational study from June 2005 to June 2007. In all analysis, a control group composed of healthy subjects was included. Results: We studied 70 trauma patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) of a tertiary hospital, and 30 healthy volunteers. Blood samples were collected at hospital admission, on day 7 and 14. Forty-four patients (63%) developed at least one episode of infection. Monocytes from trauma patients expressed higher levels of TLR2 and TLR4 than monocytes from control subjects at all time points. Expression of TLR2 and TLR4 in monocytes from those patients who developed any infection was significantly lower than in those patients without infection but still significantly higher than in control subjects. Cellular responses to TLR4 agonist were impaired. Monocytes from traumatic patients phagocytosized less efficiently than monocytes from control subjects. Conclusions: These results indicate that trauma patients present a dysregulation of the innate immune system that persists during the first 14 days after hospital admission. Copyright © 2010 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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We evaluated the expression of Toll-like receptors 2 and 4 (TLR-2 and TLR-4) in circulating monocytes from peripheral blood of critical care patients treated with and without glutamine. Because no research has been published to date on the effect of glutamine on TLR receptors in critical patients, it was determined in an initial sample of 30 patients.