992 resultados para Reynolds, Irving


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To demonstrate the utility of distributional surveys for assessing relative abundance and trends in counts for a discrete area of coastline, aerial survey data from Sarasota County, Florida, USA, were analyzed for the years 1987 to 2006. The study area was divided into 3 regions: the Sarasota Bay Region (SBR; N = 353 surveys), Lemon Bay (N = 368), and the Myakka River (N = 209). Manatee counts varied significantly across seasons (p < 0.0001) for all 3 regions. Manatees within Sarasota County utilized open bays primarily in the warmer months. Such usage may have been influenced by resource availability. Conversely, usage of the Myakka River peaked in winter months when manatees seek warm-water refugia such as Warm Mineral Spring. Marginal means for yearly counts within Lemon Bay and the SBR increased significantly, beginning midway through the survey period (1996) until the early 2000s. In contrast, mean yearly counts within the Myakka River decreased over this time period. After record lows in 2003 for Lemon Bay and the Myakka River, and a considerable decline in 2004 for the SBR, mean yearly counts for all 3 regions showed an increasing trend over the remaining 2 yr of the study. Greater protection of manatee habitat and availability of forage coincided with the increase in numbers of manatees using Sarasota County waters during the 1990s, and the subsequent decline in numbers may be indicative of the increase in mortality in recent years due to watercraft collisions and severe red tide events.


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This paper presents a numerical method for the simulation of flow in turbomachinery blade rows using a solution-adaptive mesh methodology. The fully three-dimensional, compressible, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with k-ε turbulence modeling (and low Reynolds number damping terms) are solved on an unstructured mesh formed from tetrahedral finite volumes. At stages in the solution, mesh refinement is carried out based on flagging cell faces with either a fractional variation of a chosen variable (like Mach number) greater than a given threshold or with a mean value of the chosen variable within a given range. Several solutions are presented, including that for the highly three-dimensional flow associated with the corner stall and secondary flow in a transonic compressor cascade, to demonstrate the potential of the new method.


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In turbomachinery, a considerable proportion of the blade surface area can be covered by transitional boundary layers. This means that accurate prediction of the profile loss and boundary layer behavior in general depends on the accurate modeling of the transitional boundary layers, especially at low Reynolds numbers. This paper presents a model for determining the intermittency resulting from the unsteady transition caused by the passage of wakes over a blade surface. The model is founded on work by Emmons (1951) who showed that the intermittency could be calculated from a knowledge of the behavior of randomly formed turbulent spots. The model is used to calculate the development of the boundary layer on the rotor of a low Reynolds number single-stage turbine. The predictions are compared with experimental results obtained using surface-mounted hot-film anemometers and hot-wire traverses of the rotor midspan boundary layer at two different rotor-stator gaps. The validity and limitations of the model are discussed.


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This paper describes an investigation of the behavior of suction surface boundary layers in a modern multistage Low Pressure turbine. An array of eighteen surface-mounted hot-film anemometers was mounted on a stator blade of the third stage of a 4-stage machine. Data were obtained at Reynolds numbers between 0.9 × 105 and 1.8 × 105 and 1.8 × 105. At the majority of the test conditions, wakes from upstream rotors periodically initiated transition at about 40% surface length. In between these events, laminar separation occurred at about 75% surface length. It is inferred that the effect of the wakes on the performance of the bladerow is limited and that steady flow design methods should provide an adequate assessment of LP turbine performance during design.


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This paper describes an investigation of the behavior of suction surface boundary layers in a modern multistage Low-Pressure turbine. An array of 18 surface-mounted hot-film anemometers was mounted on a stator blade of the third stage of a four-stage machine. Data were obtained at Reynolds numbers between 0.9 × 105 and 1.8 × 105. At the majority of the test conditions, wakes from upstream rotors periodically initiated transition at about 40 percent surface length. In between these events, laminar separation occurred at about 75 percent surface length. Because the wake-affected part of the flow appeared to be only intermittently turbulent, laminar separation also occurred at about 75 percent surface length while this flow was instantaneously laminar. At all but the lowest Reynolds numbers, the time-mean boundary layer appeared to have re-attached by the trailing edge even though it was not fully turbulent. It is inferred that the effect of the wakes on the performance of the blade row is limited and that steady flow design methods should provide an adequate assessment of LP turbine performance during design.


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The majority of computational studies of confined explosion hazards apply simple and inaccurate combustion models, requiring ad hoc corrections to obtain realistic flame shapes and often predicting an order of magnitude error in the overpressures. This work describes the application of a laminar flamelet model to a series of two-dimensional test cases. The model is computationally efficient applying an algebraic expression to calculate the flame surface area, an empirical correlation for the laminar flame speed and a novel unstructured, solution adaptive numerical grid system which allows important features of the solution to be resolved close to the flame. Accurate flame shapes are predicted, the correct burning rate is predicted near the walls, and an improvement in the predicted overpressures is obtained. However, in these fully turbulent calculations the overpressures are still too high and the flame arrival times too low, indicating the need for a model for the early laminar burning phase. Due to the computational expense, it is unrealistic to model a laminar flame in the complex geometries involved and therefore a pragmatic approach is employed which constrains the flame to propagate at the laminar flame speed. Transition to turbulent burning occurs at a specified turbulent Reynolds number. With the laminar phase model included, the predicted flame arrival times increase significantly, but are still too low. However, this has no significant effect on the overpressures, which are predicted accurately for a baffled channel test case where rapid transition occurs once the flame reaches the first pair of baffles. In a channel with obstacles on the centreline, transition is more gradual and the accuracy of the predicted overpressures is reduced. However, although the accuracy is still less than desirable in some cases, it is much better than the order of magnitude error previously expected.


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The composition of the time-resolved surface pressure field around a high-pressure rotor blade caused by the presence of neighboring blade rows was studied, with the individual effects of wake, shock and potential field interaction being determined. Two test geometries were considered: first, a high-pressure turbine stage coupled with a swan-necked diffuser exit duct; secondly, the same high-pressure stage but with a vane located in the downstream duct. Both tests were carried out at engine-representative Mach and Reynolds numbers. By comparing the results to time-resolved computational predictions of the flowfield, the accuracy with which the computation predicts blade interaction was determined. It was found that in addition to upstream vane-rotor and rotor-downstream vane interactions, a new interaction mechanism was found resulting from the interaction between the downstream vane's potential field and the upstream vane's trailing edge potential field and shock.


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The composition of the time-resolved surface pressure field around a high-pressure rotor blade caused by the presence of neighboring blade rows was studied, with the individual effects of wake, shock and potential field interaction being determined. Two test geometries were considered: first, a high-pressure turbine stage coupled with a swan-necked diffuser exit duct; secondly, the same high-pressure stage but with a vane located in the downstream duct. Both tests were carried out at engine-representative Mach and Reynolds numbers. By comparing the results to time-resolved computational predictions of the flowfield, the accuracy with which the computation predicts blade interaction was determined. Evidence was obtained that for a large downstream vane, the flow conditions in the rotor passage, at any instant in time, are close to being steady state.


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This paper describes an investigation into the effect that passing wakes have on a separation bubble that exists on the pressure surface and near the leading edge of a low pressure turbine blade. Previous experimental studies have shown that the behaviour of this separation is strongly incidence dependent and that it responds to its disturbance environment. The results presented in this paper examine the effect of wake passing in greater detail. Two dimensional, Reynolds averaged, numerical predictions are first used to examine qualitatively the unsteady interaction between the wakes and the separation bubble. The separation is predicted to consist of spanwise vortices whose development is in phase with the wake passing. However, comparison with experiments shows that the numerical predictions exaggerate the coherence of these vortices and also overpredict the time-averaged length of the separation. Nonetheless, experiments strongly suggest that the predicted phase locking of the vortices in the separation onto the wake passing is physical.


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Transient test facilities offer the potential for the simultaneous study of turbine aerodynamic performance, unsteady flow phenomena and the heat transfer characteristics of a turbine stage. This paper describes the development of aerodynamic performance measurement techniques in the Oxford Rotor Facility (ORF). The solutions to the technological issues involved with transient testing presented in this paper are expected to achieve levels of precision uncertainty comparable with traditional steady flow test rigs. The theoretical background to the measurement of aerodynamic performance is presented together with a comprehensive pre-test uncertainty analysis. The instrumentation scheme for the measurement of stage mass flow rate is discussed in detail, the measurements of shaft power, total inlet enthalpy, and stage pressure ratio are also outlined. The current working section features a 62% scale, 1-1/2 stage, high-pressure shroudless transonic turbine. The required inlet flow conditions are provided by an Isentropic Light Piston Tunnel (ILPT) with a quasi-steady state run time of approximately 70ms. The testing is conducted at engine representative specific speed, pressure ratio, gas-to-wall temperature ratio, Mach number and Reynolds number.


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The interaction between a high-pressure rotor and a downstream vane is dominated by vortex-blade interaction. Each rotor blade passing period two co-rotating vortex pairs, the tip-leakage and upper passage vortex and the lower passage and trailing shed vortex, impinge on, and are cut by, the vane leading edge. In addition to the streamwise vortex the tip-leakage flow also contains a large velocity deficit. This causes the interaction of the tip-leakage flow with a downstream vane to differ from typical vortex blade interaction. This paper investigates the effect these interaction mechanisms have on a downstream vane. The test geometry considered was a low aspect ratio second stage vane located within a S-shaped diffuser with large radius change mounted downstream of a shroudless high-pressure turbine stage. Experimental measurements were conducted at engine-representative Mach and Reynolds numbers, and data was acquired using a fast-response aerodynamic probe upstream and downstream of the vane. Time-resolved numerical simulations were undertaken with and without a rotor tip gap in order to investigate the relative magnitude of the interaction mechanisms. The presence of the upstream stage is shown to significantly change the structure of the secondary flow in the vane and to cause a small drop in its performance.


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This paper describes the development of an automated design optimization system that makes use of a high fidelity Reynolds-Averaged CFD analysis procedure to minimize the fan forcing and fan BOGV (bypass outlet guide vane) losses simultaneously taking into the account the down-stream pylon and RDF (radial drive fairing) distortions. The design space consists of the OGV's stagger angle, trailing-edge recambering, axial and circumferential positions leading to a variable pitch optimum design. An advanced optimization system called SOFT (Smart Optimisation for Turbomachinery) was used to integrate a number of pre-processor, simulation and in-house grid generation codes and postprocessor programs. A number of multi-objective, multi-point optimiztion were carried out by SOFT on a cluster of workstations and are reported herein.


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This paper presents the effect of a single spanwise 2D wire upon the downstream position of boundary layer transition under steady and unsteady inflow conditions. The study is carried out on a high turning, high-speed, low pressure turbine (LPT) profile designed to take account of the unsteady flow conditions. The experiments were carried out in a transonic cascade wind tunnel to which a rotating bar system had been added. The range of Reynolds and Mach numbers studied includes realistic LPT engine conditions and extends up to the transonic regime. Losses are measured to quantify the influence of the roughness with and without wake passing. Time resolved measurements such as hot wire boundary layer surveys and surface unsteady pressure are used to explain the state of the boundary layer. The results suggest that the effect of roughness on boundary layer transition is a stability governed phenomena, even at high Mach numbers. The combination of the effect of the roughness elements with the inviscid Kelvin-Helmholtz instability responsible for the rolling up of the separated shear layer (Stieger [1]) is also examined. Wake traverses using pneumatic probes downstream of the cascade reveal that the use of roughness elements reduces the profile losses up to exit Mach numbers of 0.8. This occurs with both steady and unsteady inflow conditions.


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Local measurements of the heat transfer coefficient and pressure coefficient were conducted on the tip and near tip region of a generic turbine blade in a five-blade linear cascade. Two tip clearance gaps were used: 1.6% and 2.8% chord. Data was obtained at a Reynolds number of 2.3 × 10 5 based on exit velocity and chord. Three different tip geometries were investigated: a flat (plain) tip, a suction-side squealer, and a cavity squealer. The experiments reveal that the flow through the plain gap is dominated by flow separation at the pressure-side edge and that the highest levels of heat transfer are located where the flow reattaches on the tip surface. High heat transfer is also measured at locations where the tip-leakage vortex has impinged onto the suction surface of the aerofoil. The experiments are supported by flow visualisation computed using the CFX CFD code which has provided insight into the fluid dynamics within the gap. The suction-side and cavity squealers are shown to reduce the heat transfer in the gap but high levels of heat transfer are associated with locations of impingement, identified using the flow visualisation and aerodynamic data. Film cooling is introduced on the plain tip at locations near the pressure-side edge within the separated region and a net heat flux reduction analysis is used to quantify the performance of the successful cooling design. copyright © 2005 by ASME.


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This paper considers the effect of the rotor tip on the casing heat load of a transonic axial flow turbine. The aim of the research is to understand the dominant causes of casing heat-transfer. Experimental measurements were conducted at engine-representative Mach number, Reynolds number and stage inlet to casing wall temperature ratio. Time-resolved heat-transfer coefficient and gas recovery temperature on the casing were measured using an array of heat-transfer gauges. Time-resolved static pressure on the casing wall was measured using Kulite pressure transducers. Time-resolved numerical simulations were undertaken to aid understanding of the mechanism responsible for casing heat load. The results show that between 35% and 60% axial chord the rotor tip-leakage flow is responsible for more than 50% of casing heat transfer. The effects of both gas recovery temperature and heat transfer coefficient were investigated separately and it is shown that an increased stagnation temperature in the rotor tip gap dominates casing heat-transfer. In the tip gap the stagnation temperature is shown to rise above that found at stage inlet (combustor exit) by as much as 35% of stage total temperature drop. The rise in stagnation temperature is caused by an isentropic work input to the tip-leakage fluid by the rotor. The size of this mechanism is investigated by computationally tracking fluid path-lines through the rotor tip gap to understand the unsteady work processes that occur. Copyright © 2005 by ASME.