979 resultados para Resonances, Orbital


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A presente tese está calcada na análise da obra de Ariano Suassuna, o Romance dA Pedra do Reino e o príncipe do sangue do vai-e-volta, considerado pelo autor como a sua obra maior e, a princípio, o primeiro volume da trilogia A maravilhosa desaventura de Quaderna, o decifrador, e no primeiro volume da segunda parte da trilogia, O rei degolado ao Sol da Onça Caetana. O trabalho consiste, fundamentalmente, em examinar o diálogo estabelecido entre a obra de Suassuna com textos representativos da tradição literária ocidental, mais propriamente com os que remontam ao medievo. Para isso, fez-se um recorte nas relações que o romance trava com a matéria cavaleiresca, principalmente com a Demanda do Santo Graal, na sua estrutura e no desenho psicológico e moral dos personagens, notadamente de Sinésio, que encarna o mito do herói prometido, cujos paradigmas se assentam na figura lendária do Rei Artur, além de Galaaz, e na histórica de D. Sebastião, o rei desaparecido de Portugal. Sabe-se que esses reis e heróis míticos, considerados salvadores, uma vez que retornariam para restituir ao povo a dignidade e a liberdade perdidas, povoaram o imaginário ibérico e chegaram ao Brasil trazidos pelos colonizadores europeus. Dessa forma, a cultura popular do Nordeste brasileiro é povoada de histórias e lendas eternizadas e recriadas no folclore da região e na literatura de Cordel. Mas, ao lado do messianismo, outro aspecto faz-se notório nos personagens de Suassuna: a crueldade. E este tema, bem como o nome do personagem D. Pedro Dinis Quaderna, remete-nos para a história de alguns reis ibéricos da Idade Média: Pedro de Portugal e Pedro de Castela, que serão revisitados à luz da Crônica de D. Pedro de Fernão Lopes, no intuito de observar-se o diálogo com esta estabelecido por Suassuna, direta ou indiretamente


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Escrever como obra. Essa é a proposta de //. Produzir uma publicação que não separe o texto da plasticidade tendo como tema o afeto- sua produção, permanência e evanescência. Neste livro-objeto, pensar a escrita como arte [um fazer] e a escrita na arte [um localizar] é um mesmo movimento, um mesmo exercício. // incide sobre o campo do afeto como tema e da escrita como forma, partindo de trabalhos que problematizem o campo afetivo e/ou existam no contato escrita-arte. Nos vastos estudos que localizam o afeto como força central na constituição da paisagem urbana e das relações sociais, políticas e econômicas, busquei me movimentar por um espaço que tratasse das novas modalidades de um afeto íntimo e de uma intimidade pública. O cruzamento da pesquisa teórica com a produção de artistas contemporâneos apareceu como método de pesquisa e impulso produtivo apontando para um trabalho prático-teórico que trouxesse tanto uma escrita de si quanto uma escrita conceitual para dentro do trabalho. Em // a produção de um texto/obra parte da investigação sobre os modos de aparição de subjetividade e afetividade no contemporâneo, sobre como ressonâncias psicológicas e afetivas dão origem a uma escrita de superfícies estéticas, matérias visuais e operações gráficas


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Desde a descoberta do estado quasicristalino por Daniel Shechtman et al. em 1984 e da fabricação por Roberto Merlin et al. de uma superrede artificial de GaAs/ AlAs em 1985 com características da sequência de Fibonacci, um grande número de trabalhos teóricos e experimentais tem relatado uma variedade de propriedades interessantes no comportamento de sistemas aperiódicos. Do ponto de vista teórico, é bem sabido que a cadeia de Fibonacci em uma dimensão se constitui em um protótipo de sucesso para a descrição do estado quasicristalino de um sólido. Dependendo da regra de inflação, diferentes tipos de estruturas aperiódicas podem ser obtidas. Esta diversidade originou as chamadas regras metálicas e devido à possibilidade de tratamento analítico rigoroso este modelo tem sido amplamente estudado. Neste trabalho, propriedades de localização em uma dimensão são analisadas considerando-se um conjunto de regras metálicas e o modelo de ligações fortes de banda única. Considerando-se o Hamiltoniano de ligações fortes com um orbital por sítio obtemos um conjunto de transformações relativas aos parâmetros de dizimação, o que nos permitiu calcular as densidades de estados (DOS) para todas as configurações estudadas. O estudo detalhado da densidade de estados integrada (IDOS) para estes casos, mostra o surgimento de plateaux na curva do número de ocupação explicitando o aparecimento da chamada escada do diabo" e também o caráter fractal destas estruturas. Estudando o comportamento da variação da energia em função da variação da energia de hopping, construímos padrões do tipo borboletas de Hofstadter, que simulam o efeito de um campo magnético atuando sobre o sistema. A natureza eletrônica dos auto estados é analisada a partir do expoente de Lyapunov (γ), que está relacionado com a evolução da função de onda eletrônica ao longo da cadeia unidimensional. O expoente de Lyapunov está relacionado com o inverso do comprimento de localização (ξ= 1 /γ), sendo nulo para os estados estendidos e positivo para estados localizados. Isto define claramente as posições dos principais gaps de energia do sistema. Desta forma, foi possível analisar o comportamento autossimilar de cadeias com diferentes regras de formação. Analisando-se o espectro de energia em função do número de geração de cadeias que seguem as regras de ouro e prata foi feito, obtemos conjuntos do tipo-Cantor, que nos permitiu estudar o perfil do calor específico de uma cadeia e Fibonacci unidimensional para diversas gerações


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We have studied the response of a sol-gel based TiO(2), high k dielectric field effect transistor structure to microwave radiation. Under fixed bias conditions the transistor shows frequency dependent current fluctuations when exposed to continuous wave microwave radiation. Some of these fluctuations take the form of high Q resonances. The time dependent characteristics of these responses were studied by modulating the microwaves with a pulse signal. The measurements show that there is a shift in the centre frequency of these high Q resonances when the pulse time is varied. The measured lifetime of these resonances is high enough to be useful for non-classical information processing.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Recent analyses of terrestrial (pollen) and marine microfossils (foraminifera and radiolaria) in cores V28-204 and RC14-99 from the northwest Pacific Ocean extend the continuous, chronostratigraphically-controlled records of the regional vegetation of the Pacific coast of Japan and offshore marine environments through three full glacial cycles. The high-resolution pollen time series show systematic relationships between fluctuations in Japanese vegetation and global ice volume over the last 350 kyr. ... Comparison with solar insolation at 30°N and with an index of orbital parameters suggests that variation in northeast Asian summer monsoon intensity is related to orbital forcing.


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A normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) has been produced and archived on a 1° latitude by 1° longitude grid between 55°S and 75°N. The many sources of data errors in the NDVI include cloud contamination, scan angle biases, changes in solar zenith angle, and sensor degradation. Week-to-week variability, primarily caused by cloud contamination and scan angle biases, can be minimized by temporally filtering the data. Orbital drift and sensor degradation introduces interannual variability into the dataset. These trends make the usefulness of a long-term climatology uncertain and limit the usefulness of the NDVI. Elimination of these problems should produce an index that can be used for climate monitoring.


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I tentatively conclude ... that the QBO may be either modulated or amplified by atmospheric tidal resonances. The generally strong correlation between the QBO and tropical Southern Oscillation, in turn, suggests that one or probably both of these stratospheric and tropospheric oscillations are modulated or amplified by the same tidal-resonance system. ... The strikingly weaker correlation between the Southern Oscillation and El Niño events strongly suggests that some critical parameters are missing in the GCMs specifically designed to predict El Niño occurrence.


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Coherent coupling between a large number of qubits is the goal for scalable approaches to solid state quantum information processing. Prototype systems can be characterized by spectroscopic techniques. Here, we use pulsed-continuous wave microwave spectroscopy to study the behavior of electrons trapped at defects within the gate dielectric of a sol-gel-based high-k silicon MOSFET. Disorder leads to a wide distribution in trap properties, allowing more than 1000 traps to be individually addressed in a single transistor within the accessible frequency domain. Their dynamical behavior is explored by pulsing the microwave excitation over a range of times comparable to the phase coherence time and the lifetime of the electron in the trap. Trap occupancy is limited to a single electron, which can be manipulated by resonant microwave excitation and the resulting change in trap occupancy is detected by the change in the channel current of the transistor. The trap behavior is described by a classical damped driven simple harmonic oscillator model, with the phase coherence, lifetime and coupling strength parameters derived from a continuous wave (CW) measurement only. For pulse times shorter than the phase coherence time, the energy exchange between traps, due to the coupling, strongly modulates the observed drain current change. This effect could be exploited for 2-qubit gate operation. The very large number of resonances observed in this system would allow a complex multi-qubit quantum mechanical circuit to be realized by this mechanism using only a single transistor.


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Resonant tunnelling spectroscopy is used to investigate the energy level spectrum of a wide potential well in the presence of a large magnetic field oriented at angles θ between 0° and 90° to the normal to the plane of the well. In the tilted field geometry, the current-voltage characteristics exhibit a large number of quasiperiodic resonant peaks even though the classical motion of electrons in the potential well is chaotic. The voltage range and spacing of the resonances both change dramatically with θ. We give a quantitative explanation for this behaviour by considering the classical period of unstable periodic orbits within the chaotic sea of the potential well.


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In a surface stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystal cell, optical transmission oscillations have been revealed accompanying mechanical vibrations caused by fast field reversal. Special bookshelf textures, so-called "rainbow", were used in the experiments. Temperature dependences of the oscillation parameters have been studied. The temperature dependence of the oscillation frequency suggests that the some oscillation resonances correspond to modes of the liquid crystals.


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The use of a superconducting magnetic bearing in an Urenco Power Technologies (UPT) 100kW flywheel is being studied. The dynamics of a conventional flywheel energy storage system have been studied at low frequencies. We show that the main design consideration is overcoming drag friction losses and parasitic resonances. We propose an original superconducting magnetic bearing design and improved cryogenic motor cooling to increase stability and decrease energy losses in the system. © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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In the present work a simple form to obtain analytical expression for the dynamic permeability of Maxwellian fluids is presented. This expression gives the frequency dependent form of this dynamic permeability. In particular case, the analytic expression for the sinusoidal pressure pump fluid is illustrated in the configuration space. As an example of the feasibility of this expression the flow of human blood in a tube is presented finding that the human heart frequency has the same order that the frequencies where the dynamic permeability shows resonances. In order to make clear the above aspect of the dynamic permeability a model of pulsing pressure drops (gaussian like) are analyzed.


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The paper reports on the statistical analysis of growth pattern and meristic studies of body parts of the spotted estuarine prawn, Macrobrachium equidens (Dana) of Vembanad Lake, Kerala State. The results showed that the growth pattern of carapace length, telson length, ischium length and dactylus length in relation to total length were significantly different between the sexes at slope itself (at 1% level) and growth pattern of abdominal length, merus length, carpus length, propodus length and palm length were significant at elevations (5%, 1% levels). The average sizes of all these characters were greater in males than in females. Regression equations have been calculated for the characters and presented in the text. Among the characters of the carapace, rostrum length, post-orbital length showed significant difference between sexes at 1% level (slope value) and width of carapace at 1% level (elevations). The average sizes of all these characters were higher in males. Among the meristic characters studied, the species exhibited sexual dimorphism with regard to dorsal teeth, post-orbital teeth and ventral teeth. The fundamental data generated is essential for establishing the species status as well as it is useful for making comparison with other species.


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We report selective tunnelling through a nanographene intermolecular tunnel junction achieved via scanning tunnelling microscope tip functionalization with hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) molecules. This leads to an offset in the alignment between the energy levels of the tip and the molecular assembly, resulting in the imaging of a variety of distinct charge density patterns in the HBC assembly, not attainable using a bare metallic tip. Different tunnelling channels can be selected by the application of an electric field in the tunnelling junction, which changes the condition of the HBC on the tip. Density functional theory-based calculations relate the imaged HBC patterns to the calculated molecular orbitals at certain energy levels. These patterns bear a close resemblance to the π-orbital states of the HBC molecule calculated at the relevant energy levels, mainly below the Fermi energy of HBC. This correlation demonstrates the ability of an HBC functionalized tip as regards accessing an energy range that is restricted to the usual operating bias range around the Fermi energy with a normal metallic tip at room temperature. Apart from relating to molecular orbitals, some patterns could also be described in association with the Clar aromatic sextet formula. Our observations may help pave the way towards the possibility of controlling charge transport between organic interfaces.


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The possibility of using acoustic Bessel beams to produce an axial pulling force on porous particles is examined in an exact manner. The mathematical model utilizes the appropriate partial-wave expansion method in spherical coordinates, while Biot's model is used to describe the wave motion within the poroelastic medium. Of particular interest here is to examine the feasibility of using Bessel beams for (a) acoustic manipulation of fine porous particles and (b) suppression of particle resonances. To verify the viability of the technique, the radiation force and scattering form-function are calculated for aluminum and silica foams at various porosities. Inspection of the results has shown that acoustic manipulation of low porosity (<0.3) spheres is similar to that of solid elastic spheres, but this behavior significantly changes at higher porosities. Results have also shown a strong correlation between the backscattered form-function and the regions of negative radiation force. It has also been observed that the high-order resonances of the particle can be effectively suppressed by choosing the beam conical angle such that the acoustic contribution from that particular mode vanishes. This investigation may be helpful in the development of acoustic tweezers for manipulation of micro-porous drug delivery carrier and contrast agents.