908 resultados para Randomised control trial


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La úlcera venosa es una revelación clínica severa de la insuficiencia venosa crónica. Es la causa del 54-76% de las úlceras venosas de miembros inferiores. La ciencia médica ha generado diversos procedimientos en el manejo de esta patología, es así como a partir de conocimientos en fisiopatología de la ulceración venosa, se han aplicado procedimientos como opción de tratamiento. Objetivos: Valorar si el uso de rutina de la oclusión endoluminal con espuma guiada por ecografía del sistema venoso superficial insuficiente, en adicción al manejo convencional de la ulcera venosa (vendaje no compresivo, gasa vaselinada y curaciones) podría mejorar la tasa de curación a las 24 semanas de tratamiento. Diseño: Estudio clínico aleatorizado prospectivo de pacientes de la consulta externa de cirugía vascular del Hospital Occidente de Kennedy-Bogotá, durante el 01 de junio del 2011 hasta el 30 junio del 2012. Métodos: Un total de 44 pacientes con ulcera activa que cumplieron criterios de selección ingresaron al estudio, correspondientes a 48 extremidades con clasificación CEAP (C6), los pacientes fueron a aleatorizados a manejo convencional (control) o con manejo adicional de oclusión endoluminal con espuma eco-guiada. El objetivo principal fue el cierre de la ulcera a las 24 semanas. Resultados: La Curación de la ulcera a las 24 semanas de la aleatorización fue de 20 (83.3%) extremidades del grupo de oclusión endoluminal con espuma eco-guiada Vs 3(12.5%) para el grupo de control P: 0.0005 Discusión: Las tasas de curación de la ulcera luego de la oclusión endoluminal con espuma eco-guiada es muy superior al manejo convencional con curaciones y vendaje no compresivo, las tasa de curación son tan altas como las reportadas con sistemas de alta compresión y cirugía a las 24 semanas. La oclusión endoluminal eco-guiada es segura, mínimamente invasiva y clínicamente efectiva.


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Objetivo: Caracterizar a los pacientes que recibieron ventilación mecánica en las unidades de cuidado intensivo (UCI) de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá entre los años 2009 y 2013. Metodología: Se analizó una cohorte retrospectiva de los pacientes en UCI que requirieron soporte ventilatorio mecánico al ingreso a la unidad independientemente de la causa. Resultados: La media de edad de los pacientes fue 63,83 años; el diagnóstico más frecuente de ingreso fue revascularización miocárdica, seguido por neumonía y recambio valvular aórtico; en el 43% de los casos la causa de la falla fue el estado postoperatorio. Los modos ventilatorios más frecuentemente utilizados fueron SIMV (27,5%) y ventilación asistida controlada (26,12%). El 50% de los pacientes fueron ventilados con PEEP < 6 cmH2O. La mortalidad bruta fue del 15%. 22% de los pacientes tuvieron estancia prolongada en UCI. Se aplicó protocolo de retiro de ventilación mecánica en el 77% de los pacientes. La duración de la ventilación mecánica es mayor a medida que aumenta la edad del paciente entre los 60 y los 80 años. La mortalidad es cercana al 50% alrededor de los 50 años y mayor a 80% después de los 80 años. El soporte ventilatorio por cinco o más días aumentó la mortalidad a 80% o más. Discusión y Conclusiones: Estos resultados son comparables a los encontrados en estudios previos. Este estudio puede ser considerado como el primer paso para generar un registro adecuado de la ventilación de la mecánica de las unidades de cuidado intensivo del país.


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Introducción: Las deficiencias de micronutrientes continúan siendo un problema de salud pública en la población infantil, dentro de las ellas se ha encontrado a la deficiencia de zinc causa importante de morbi-mortalidad en los países en desarrollo, la nutrición adecuada de zinc es esencial para un crecimiento adecuado, inmunocompetencia y desarrollo neuroconductual; se dispone de información insuficiente sobre el estado de zinc en la población preescolar lo cual dificulta la expansión de las intervenciones para el control de su deficiencia. Colombia presenta una deficiencia de este micronutriente, considerándose a nivel mundial como un problema de salud pública moderado a severo. Una evaluación sobre la prevalencia y factores determinantes asociados puede proporcionar datos sobre el riesgo de deficiencia de zinc en una población, considerando factores demográficos, sociales y nutricionales que podrían predisponer a la población preescolar colombiana a sufrir este déficit. Metodología: Estudio observacional de corte transversal que incluyó 4275 niños entre 1 y 4 años, utilizando datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Situación Nutricional (ENSIN-2010). Se realizaron análisis bivariados y multivariados para determinar factores asociados positiva y negativamente con deficiencia de zinc. Resultados: El 49,1% de los niños encuestados cursaban con deficiencia de zinc. Los factores de riesgo asociados a deficiencia de zinc encontrados fueron menor edad, peso y talla bajos, vivir en región Atlántica, región Central, Territorios Nacionales, vivienda en área de población dispersa, pertenencia a etnia afrocolombiana, pertenencia a etnia indígena, estar afiliado a régimen subsidiado, no estar afiliado a ningún régimen de salud, madre sin educación, no asistencia a programa de alimentación dirigido y el grado severo de inseguridad Conclusiones: El déficit de zinc en los niños entre 1 y 4 años de edad es multifactorial, siendo un reflejo probable de la situación de inequidad de la población colombiana, en especial, la más pobre y vulnerable. Palabras clave: Zinc, Deficiencia de zinc, factores asociados, niños entre 1 y 4 años, Colombia


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Introducción: Autismo es un trastorno del desarrollo caracterizado por compromiso en interacción social, habilidades de lenguaje, presentando rituales con estereotipias. Sin tratamientos curativos, actualmente se buscan terapias alternativas. Un incremento de la literatura científica de terapias asistidas con animales se ha evidenciado, demostrando mejoría en pacientes autistas con la equinoterapia. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura para evaluar efectividad de la equinoterapia en habilidades sociales y de lenguaje en niños autistas. Metodología: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos obtenidos en bases de datos y Meta-buscadores que proporcionaron evidencia de equinoterapia en niños autistas. Tipo de artículos consultados: revisiones sistemáticas, meta análisis y ensayos clínicos. Trabajos publicados hasta 2013. En inglés y español. Se emplearon términos MeSH y EMTREE. Resultados: Cuatro artículos cumplieron criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se analizaron los artículos individualmente, no se logró realizar un meta análisis por diferencias metodológicas entre los estudios. En total 85 sujetos fueron evaluados en dichos estudios. La equinoterapia en niños autistas evidenció mejoría en habilidades sociales y en las habilidades de lenguaje pre verbal. Discusión: La equinoterapia es prometedora en el manejo de niños autistas, los artículos evidencian consistentemente mejorías a nivel de habilidades sociales y de lenguaje. Debe ser considerado el tipo de paciente, el régimen de equinoterapia y la sostenibilidad de las mejoras. Conclusiones: Se necesitan nuevos estudio con un mayor rigor metodológico que permitan fortalecer la evidencia sobre la equinoterapia en niños con autismo y así poder realizar recomendaciones con un adecuado nivel de evidencia.


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Los pacientes con cáncer de próstata con tumores de riesgo bajo e intermedio de recaída pueden ser tratados con cirugía, radioterapia, y en casos seleccionados observación. Los pacientes en nuestro país, son tratados con prostatectomía radical, los cuales tienen una probabilidad de recaída bioquímica del 15% al 40% a 5 años (1,2,3). Metodología: estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, tipo serie de casos. Se revisaron los registros de todos que recibieron radioterapia de salvamento que ofrece para a aquellos pacientes que ya tienen recaída bioquímica o local después de la Prostatectomia Radical, entre enero de 2003 y diciembre de 2007. Resultado: entre los 40 pacientes elegibles para el análisis, la media de seguimiento fue de 2,17 años, con una desviación estándar de 1,5 años, con un rango de 0 a 58 meses, la media de la edad fue de 66,12 años, con una desviación estándar de 6,63, con un rango entre 50 y 78 años. Todos los pacientes le realizaron prostatectomía. La media de supervivencia libre de enfermedad con intervalos de confianza del 95% fue de 4,58 años (2,24 a 4,92 años). Discusión: analizados los resultados en éste grupo de pacientes con cáncer de próstata sometidos a prostatectomía radical y radioterapia como terapia de salvamento, con un seguimiento promedio de 2,17 años, observamos que los resultados obtenidos en el presente estudio son inferiores a los registrados en otros reportes en la literatura (16-20).


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ANTECEDENTES. La mortalidad neonatal se debe principalmente a procesos infecciosos y a prematurez. Se ha sugerido que el lavado corporal total con clorhexidina podría reducir la mortalidad neonatal relacionada con infección. No existen revisiones sistemáticas que exploren la eficacia de esta intervención. Objetivo. Evaluar la eficacia y seguridad de la limpieza corporal total con clorhexidina en la prevención de las infecciones asociadas al cuidado de la salud en neonatos de alto riesgo hospitalizados en cuidado intensivo neonatal. Metodología. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura. La búsqueda se hizo a través de las bases de datos Medline, Embase, LilaCS, Cochrane library y el registro de ensayos clínicos del Instituto Nacional de Salud de Estados Unidos. Se incluyeron ensayos clínicos publicados en los últimos 15 años hasta el 30 de enero del 2015. Las variables cualitativas se estimaron mediante OR o RR con sus IC95%. Las variables cuantitativas mediante diferencias de promedios o diferencias estandarizadas de promedios con sus IC95%. Resultados: Se incluyeron 3 estudios en el análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo. No se encontró evidencia concluyente que permita recomendar el uso de la limpieza corporal total con clorhexidina en los recién nacidos hospitalizados en cuidado intensivo neonatal. Conclusión: No existe evidencia que permita concluir que la limpieza corporal total con clorhexidina al 0.25% es mejor respecto a otras intervenciones en la prevención de sepsis neonatal asociada al cuidado de la salud . Es una intervención segura sin efectos adversos significativos.


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Determinar el efecto de la cirugía laparoscópica versus cirugía abierta sobre la supervivencia en el manejo de pacientes del cáncer colorectal.


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We developed three different knowledge-dissemination methods for educating Tanzanian smallholder farmers about mastitis in their dairy cattle. The effectiveness of these methods (and their combinations) was evaluated and quantified using a randomised controlled trial and multilevel statistical modelling. To our knowledge, this is the first study that has used such techniques to evaluate the effectiveness of different knowledge-dissemination interventions for adult learning in developing countries. Five different combinations of knowledge-dissemination method were compared: 'diagrammatic handout' ('HO'), 'village meeting' ('VM'), 'village meeting and video' ('VM + V), 'village meeting and diagrammatic handout' ('VM + HO') and 'village meeting, video and diagrammatic handout' ('VM + V + HO'). Smallholder dairy farmers were exposed to only one of these interventions, and the effectiveness of each was compared to a control ('C') group, who received no intervention. The mastitis knowledge of each farmer (n = 256) was evaluated by questionnaire both pre- and post-dissemination. Generalised linear mixed models were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the different interventions. The outcome variable considered was the probability of volunteering correct responses to mastitis questions post-dissemination, with 'village' and 'farmer' considered as random effects in the model. Results showed that all five interventions, 'HO' (odds ratio (OR) = 3.50, 95% confidence intervals (CI) = 3.10, 3.96), 'VM + V + HO' (OR = 3.34, 95% CI = 2.94, 3.78), 'VM + HO, (OR=3.28, 95% CI=2.90, 3.71), WM+V (OR=3.22, 95% CI=2.84, 3.64) and 'VM' (OR = 2.61, 95% CI = 2.31, 2.95), were significantly (p < 0.0001) more effective at disseminating mastitis knowledge than no intervention. In addition, the 'VM' method was less effective at disseminating mastitis knowledge than other interventions. Combinations of methods showed no advantage over the diagrammatic handout alone. Other explanatory variables with significant positive associations on mastitis knowledge included education to secondary school level or higher, and having previously learned about mastitis by reading pamphlets or attendance at an animal-health course. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background Major depressive disorders (MDD) are a debilitating and pervasive group of mental illnesses afflicting many millions of people resulting in the loss of 110 million working days and more than 2,500 suicides per annum. Adolescent MDD patients attending NHS clinics show high rates of recurrence into adult life. A meta-analysis of recent research shows that psychological treatments are not as efficacious as previously thought. Modest treatment outcomes of approximately 65% of cases responding suggest that aetiological and clinical heterogeneity may hamper the better use of existing therapies and discovery of more effective treatments. Information with respect to optimal treatment choice for individuals is lacking, with no validated biomarkers to aid therapeutic decision-making. Methods/Design Magnetic resonance-Improving Mood with Psychoanalytic and Cognitive Therapies, the MR-IMPACT study, plans to identify brain regions implicated in the pathophysiology of depressions and examine whether there are specific behavioural or neural markers predicting remission and/or subsequent relapse in a subsample of depressed adolescents recruited to the IMPACT randomised controlled trial (Registration # ISRCTN83033550). Discussion MR-IMPACT is an investigative biomarker component of the IMPACT pragmatic effectiveness trial. The aim of this investigation is to identify neural markers and regional indicators of the pathophysiology of and treatment response for MDD in adolescents. We anticipate that these data may enable more targeted treatment delivery by identifying those patients who may be optimal candidates for therapeutic response.


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Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of a preseason physical training programme that taught landing and falling skills in improving landing skills technique and preventing injury in junior elite Australian football players.

Methods: 723 male players who participated in an under 18 elite competition were studied prospectively in a non-randomised controlled trial over two consecutive football seasons. There were 114 players in the intervention group and 609 control players. The eight session intervention programme taught players six landing, falling, and recovery skills, which were considered fundamental for safe landing in Australian football. Landing skills taught in these sessions were rated for competence by independent and blinded assessors at baseline and mid-season.

Results: Evaluation of landing skills found no significant differences between the groups at baseline. Evaluation after the intervention revealed overall improvement in landing skills, but significantly greater improvement in the intervention group (z = –7.92, p = 0.001). Players in the intervention group were significantly less likely (relative rate 0.72, 95% confidence interval 0.52 to 0.98) to sustain an injury during the season than the control group. In particular, the time to sustaining a landing injury was significantly less for the intervention group (relative rate 0.40, 95% confidence interval 0.17 to 0.92) compared with the control group.

Landing and falling ability can be taught to junior elite Australian football players. Players in the intervention group were protected against injury, particularly injuries related to landing and falls.


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Background: Sildenafil (Viagra®), a new oral drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, was licensed for use across Europe in 1998. Aim: To examine the effectiveness and safety of sildenafil as an oral treatment for erectile dysfunction. Design of study: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
Setting: All published or unpublished randomised controlled trials comparing sildenafil with a placebo or alternative therapies. Method: Published studies were sought by computerised searches of electronic databases using the keywords ‘sildenafil’ and ‘Viagra’. A hand search was also done of the British Medical Journal, Lancet, Journal of the American
Medical Association, New England Journal of Medicine, British Journal of General Practice, Drug, Inpharma and Scrip. An assessment of quality of all identified studies and data extraction was undertaken independently by two researchers. Results were combined in a meta-analysis where appropriate, using RevMan version 3. Results: Twenty-one trials were identified. All trials showed a statistically significant improvement in erectile or sexual function in patients using sildenafil compared with a placebo. A meta-analysis of 16 trials reporting a global efficacy response showed that men were 3.57 (95% CI = 2.93–4.43) times as likely to have improved erections on sildenafil compared with those on a placebo. The number needed to treat to have one man with improved erections was two. The drug has a relatively safe side-effect profile. Conclusions: Available research shows that sildenafil is an effective treatment for male erectile dysfunction. Many trial participants had some baseline erectile function and it is probable that in clinical practice, where the erectile function tends to be more impaired, the number needed to treat may be higher.


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 To assess from a societal perspective the incremental cost-effectiveness of a family-based GP-mediated intervention targeting overweight and moderately obese children. The intervention was modelled on the LEAP (live, eat and play) trial, a randomised controlled trial conducted by the Centre for Community Child Health, Melbourne, Australia in 2002–2003. This study was undertaken as part of the assessing cost-effectiveness (ACE) in obesity project which evaluated, using consistent methods, 13 interventions targeting unhealthy weight gain in children and adolescents.
A logic pathway was used to model the effects of the intervention compared to no intervention on body mass index (BMI) and health outcomes (disability-adjusted life years—DALYs). Disease costs and health benefits were tracked until the cohort of eligible children reached the age of 100 years or death. Simulation-modelling techniques were used to present a 95% uncertainty interval around the cost-effectiveness ratio. The intervention was also assessed against a series of filters (‘equity’, ‘strength of evidence’, ‘acceptability’, ‘feasibility’, sustainability’ and ‘side-effects’) to incorporate additional factors that impact on resource allocation decisions.
The intervention, as modelled, reached 9685 children aged 5–9 years with a BMI z-score of ≥3.0, and cost $AUD6.3M (or $AUD4.8M excluding time costs). It resulted in an incremental saving of 2300 BMI units which translated to 511 DALYs. The cost-offsets stemming from the intervention totalled $AUD3.6M, resulting in a net cost per DALY saved of $AUD4670 (dominated; $0.1M) (dominated means intervention costs more for less effect).
Compared to a ‘no intervention’ control group, the intervention was cost-effective under current assumptions, although the uncertainty intervals were wide. A key question related to the long-term sustainability of the small incremental weight loss reported, based on the 9-month follow-up results for LEAP.


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Background: Patient education and self-management programs are offered in many countries to people with chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis (OA). The most well-known is the disease-specific Stanford Arthritis Self-Management Program (ASMP). While Australian and international clinical guidelines promote the concept of self-management for OA, there is currently little evidence to support the use of the ASMP. Several meta-analyses have reported that arthritis self-management programs had minimal or no effect on reducing pain and disability. However, previous studies have had methodological shortcomings including the use of outcome measures which do not accurately reflect program goals. Additionally, limited cost-effectiveness analyses have been undertaken and the cost-utility of the program has not been explored.

Methods/design: This study is a randomised controlled trial to determine the efficacy (in terms of Health-Related Quality of Life and self-management skills) and cost-utility of a 6-week group-based Stanford ASMP for people with hip or knee OA.

Six hundred participants referred to an orthopaedic surgeon or rheumatologist for hip or knee OA will be recruited from outpatient clinics at 2 public hospitals and community-based private practices within 2 private hospital settings in Victoria, Australia. Participants must be 18 years or over, fluent in English and able to attend ASMP sessions. Exclusion criteria include cognitive dysfunction, previous participation in self-management programs and placement on a waiting list for joint replacement surgery or scheduled joint replacement.

Eligible, consenting participants will be randomised to an intervention group (who receive the ASMP and an arthritis self-management book) or a control group (who receive the book only). Follow-up will be at 6 weeks, 3 months and 12 months using standardised self-report measures. The primary outcome is Health-Related Quality of Life at 12 months, measured using the Assessment of Quality of Life instrument. Secondary outcome measures include the Health Education Impact Questionnaire, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (pain subscale and total scores), Kessler Psychological Distress Scale and the Hip and Knee Multi-Attribute Priority Tool. Cost-utility analyses will be undertaken using administrative records and self-report data. A subgroup of 100 participants will undergo qualitative interviews to explore the broader potential impacts of the ASMP.

Using an innovative design combining both quantitative and qualitative components, this project will provide high quality data to facilitate evidence-based recommendations regarding the ASMP.


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Background: In the presence of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) or coronary heart disease (CHD), depression is under diagnosed and under treated despite being associated with worse clinical outcomes. Our earlier pilot study demonstrated that it was feasible, acceptable and affordable for practice nurses to extend their role to include screening for and monitoring of depression alongside biological and lifestyle risk factors. The current study will compare the clinical outcomes of our model of practice nurse-led collaborative care with usual care for patients with depression and T2DM or CHD.

Methods: This is a cluster-randomised intervention trial. Eighteen general practices from regional and metropolitan areas agreed to join this study, and were allocated randomly to an intervention or control group. We aim to recruit 50 patients with co-morbid depression and diabetes or heart disease from each of these practices. In the intervention group, practice nurses (PNs) will be trained for their enhanced roles in this nurse-led collaborative care study. Patients will be invited to attend a practice nurse consultation every 3 months prior to seeing their usual general practitioner. The PN will assess psychological, physiological and lifestyle parameters then work with the patient to set management goals. The outcome of this assessment will form the basis of a GP Management Plan document. In the control group, the patients will continue to receive their usual care for the first six months of the study before the PNs undergo the training and switch to the intervention protocol. The primary clinical outcome will be a reduction in the depression score. The study will also measure the impact on physiological measures, quality of life and on patient attitude to health care delivered by practice nurses.

Conclusion: The strength of this programme is that it provides a sustainable model of chronic disease management with monitoring and self-management assistance for physiological, lifestyle and psychological risk factors for high-risk patients with co-morbid depression, diabetes or heart disease. The study will demonstrate whether nurse-led collaborative care achieves better outcomes than usual care.


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Despite the high prevalence and negative physical and psychosocial consequences of overweight and obesity in adolescents, very little research has evaluated treatment in this population. Consequently, clinicians working with overweight and obese adolescents have little empirical research on which to base their practise. Cognitive behavioural therapy has demonstrated efficacy in promoting behaviour change in many treatment resistant disorders. Motivational interviewing has been used to increase motivation for change and improve treatment outcomes. In this paper we describe the rationale and design of a randomised controlled trial testing the efficacy of motivational interviewing and cognitive behaviour therapy in the treatment of overweight and obese adolescents.

Participants took part in a motivational interview or a standard semi-structured assessment interview and were then randomly allocated to a cognitive behavioural intervention or a wait-list control condition. The cognitive behavioural intervention, the CHOOSE HEALTH Program, consisted of 13 individual treatment sessions (12 face-to-face, 1 phone call) followed by 9 maintenance sessions (7 phone calls, 2 face-to-face). Assessments were conducted prior to participation, after the treatment phase and after the maintenance phase of intervention. Improvement in body composition was the primary outcome; secondary outcomes included improved cardiovascular fitness, eating and physical activity habits, family and psychosocial functioning.

Despite the demonstrated effectiveness of motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioural therapy in the long-term management of many treatment resistant disorders, these approaches have been under-utilised in adolescent overweight and obesity treatment. This study provides baseline data and a thorough review of the study design and treatment approach to allow for the assessment of the efficacy of motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioural therapy in the treatment of adolescent overweight and obesity. Data obtained in this study will also provide much needed information about the behavioural and psychosocial factors associated with adolescent overweight and obesity.