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Motivated by Ooguri and Vafa, we study superstrings in flat R-4 in a constant self-dual graviphoton background. The supergravity equations of motion are satisfied in this background which deforms the N = 2 d = 4 flat space super-Poincare algebra to another algebra with eight supercharges. A D-brane in this space preserves a quarter of the supercharges; i.e. N = 1/2 supersymmetry is realized linearly, and the remaining N = 3/2 supersymmetry is realized nonlinearly. The theory on the brane can be described as a theory in noncommutative superspace in which the chiral fermionic coordinates theta(alpha) of N = 1 d = 4 superspace are not Grassman variables but satisfy a Clifford algebra.
The vestibular syndrome is a well-defined disease in domestic animals but little known in wild ones. Here this affection of central origin is described in a caquetic adult female giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), which presented circling behavior, extensor hypermetry in thoracic limbs, head tilt and spontaneous horizontal and positional vertical nystagmus. The animal received tube feeding twice daily and dexamethasone was given subcutaneous once daily at the dosis of 6mg/kg, with a progressive improvement of health after the second day of treatment. Dose was reduced to a half from fourth to sixth day, and to a quarter on seventh day, when the animal died. on the fifth day, however, circle deambulation had ceased and hypermetry, head tilt and nystagmus were reduced. Treating vestibular syndrome is a challenge in wild animal practice. Treatment is affected by hyporexia and anorexia, making difficult the animals' health improvement, which generally present muscle atrophy.
OBJETIVO: Descrever e comparar as fases do stress de primigestas no terceiro trimestre de gestação e no pós-parto e correlacioná-las à ocorrência de depressão pós-parto (DPP). MÉTODOS: A pesquisa foi constituída de duas etapas, caracterizando-se como pesquisa longitudinal. Na Etapa 1, participaram 98 primigestas e na Etapa 2, 64 delas. Na Etapa 1, a coleta de dados aconteceu no terceiro trimestre de gestação e, na Etapa 2, no mínimo 45 dias após o parto. Na Etapa 1 aplicou-se o Inventário de Sintomas de Stress de Lipp (ISSL) e uma Entrevista Inicial para caracterização da amostra. Na Etapa 2, aplicou-se novamente o ISSL e também a EPDS (Escala de Edimburgo). Os dados foram analisados usando o programa estatístico SPSS for Windows®, versão 17.0. As análises estatísticas efetuadas foram o Teste t de Student e p de Spearman. RESULTADOS: No terceiro trimestre, 78% das participantes apresentaram sinais significativos para stress e, no puerpério, 63% manifestaram, apresentando diferença significativa entre o stress manifestado no terceiro trimestre e no puerpério (t=2,20; p=0,03). Observou-se, também, correlação entre o stress apresentado tanto na gestação como no puerpério e a manifestação de DPP (p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Tanto na gestação como no puerpério mais da metade das mulheres apresentam sinais significativos para stress. Entretanto, a frequência da manifestação dos sintomas significativos de stress na gestação foi superior à frequência apresentada no puerpério. Tais resultados parecem guardar uma estreita relação com a manifestação de DPP, indicando relação entre stress e DPP.
Remanescentes florestais na porção nordeste do Estado de São Paulo são ainda pouco estudados quanto à composição florística. Foi realizado o levantamento florístico e fitossociológico de uma floresta de galeria no Município de Cristais Paulista visando à caracterização da flora do remanescente e o estudo das relações florísticas com outras formações ribeirinhas. Para o levantamento fitossociológico foi utilizado o método de ponto-quadrante. em quatro transeções paralelas ao curso d'água, foram estabelecidos 90 pontos eqüidistantes em 10 metros e amostrados os indivíduos com PAP > 15 cm. Espécies em estágio reprodutivo, não amostradas no levantamento fitossociológico, foram coletadas e identificadas. Foram encontradas 68 espécies, distribuídas em 37 famílias, das quais 53 espécies e 34 famílias foram amostradas no levantamento fitossociológico. O índice de diversidade (H') para as espécies foi de 3,17 nats indivíduo-1 e as espécies mais importantes (em VI) foram Virola sebifera, Protium heptaphyllum, Tapirira guianensis e Copaifera langsdorffii. A comparação com outras florestas ribeirinhas evidenciou uma maior semelhança florística com as florestas situadas principalmente na bacia do Rio Grande, possivelmente devido às condições semelhantes de clima, e no Brasil Central, devido à rede de drenagem que atua como rota migratória das espécies. Foram encontradas também muitas espécies compartilhadas com os cerrados, evidenciando a contribuição da flora desse domínio para a floresta de galeria estudada.
Objetivou-se estimar parâmetros genéticos, utilizando inferência Bayesiana, para as estimativas dos parâmetros individuais de peso à maturidade (Â) e taxa de crescimento, obtidos pela função de crescimento Brody. O arquivo estava constituído de 14.563 registros de pesos e idades referentes a 1.158 fêmeas da raça Nelore, participantes do Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Raça Nelore. Para a análise das estimativas dos parâmetros da curva, via inferência bayesiana, foi proposto um modelo animal unicaráter, que incluiu como fixo o efeito de grupo contemporâneo (animais nascidos no mesmo estado, no mesmo trimestre do ano, mesmo ano e mesmo regime alimentar) e como aleatórios os efeitos genético direto e residual. Nessa análise, foram utilizados dois diferentes tamanhos para as cadeias geradas pelo algoritmo de amostragem de Gibbs, de 550 e 1.100 mil ciclos, com períodos de descarte amostral de 50 e 100 mil ciclos, respectivamente, e amostragens a cada 500 e 1.000 ciclos, respectivamente. As médias posteriores da variância genética aditiva e residual foram próximas, tanto para  quanto para a, mesmo quando implementados diferentes tamanhos para as cadeias geradas pelo algoritmo de amostragem de Gibbs. Os coeficientes de herdabilidade estimados para Â, variaram de 0,44 a 0,46, amplitude semelhante aos 0,46 a 0,48 obtidos para as estimativas de. Essas magnitudes indicam que a seleção pode ser usada como instrumento para alterar a forma da curva de crescimento desses animais. Entretanto, o uso das informações obtidas, visando à alteração da curva de crescimento dos animais, deve ser feito com grande cautela, uma vez que as características a serem trabalhadas na modificação do formato da curva de crescimento, de acordo com resultados da literatura especializada, são negativamente correlacionadas.
Com o objetivo de determinar a biodisponibilidade de duas fontes de lisina (lisina HCl e lisina sulfato), por intermédio de um ensaio de crescimento, foram alojados em um galpão de alvenaria com 56 boxes 840 pintos de corte machos com um dia de idade. Duas dietas basais foram formuladas para atender as exigências nutricionais das aves nas fases inicial e crescimento, deficientes apenas em lisina e suplementadas em 0,08; 0,16; e 0,24% pelas duas fontes de lisina. As variáveis avaliadas foram: ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, rendimento de carcaça, rendimento de perna, rendimento de peito, rendimento de filé e porcentagem de gordura abdominal. Com os dados obtidos foram estimadas equações de regressão linear múltipla e, usando os coeficientes de regressão destas, foi determinada a biodisponibilidade da lisina sulfato em relação a lisina HCl, padronizada como 100% disponível. As equações obtidas que melhor estimaram a biodisponibilidade das lisinas foram Y = 544,72 + 439,62 X1 + 475,84 X2, R² = 0,90, para ganho de peso de 01 a 21 dias de idade, Y = 1824,63 + 1469,18 X1 + 1381,33 X2, R² = 0,85, para ganho de peso de 01 a 42 dias de idade, Y = 1,9623 - 0,9043X1--1,0235 X2, R² = 0,83, para conversão alimentar de 01 a 21 dias de idade, Y = 0,3766 + 0,5320 X1 + 0,4986 X2, R² = 0,88, para peso de peito aos 42 dias de idade e Y = 0,2565 + 0,4685X1 + 0,4300 X2, R² = 0,92, para peso de filé de peito aos 42 dias de idade das aves. A biodisponibilidade média encontrada para a Lisina Sulfato foi de 100,19%, mostrando não haver diferença significativa na biodisponibilidade das lisinas testadas.
The purpose of this study was to isolate yeast (Candida) from the quarter milk of cow udders from 37 dairy farms in Brazil and to identify the different species involved in mastitis. The samples were collected between October 2002 and February 2003. Two-hundred-and-sixty milk samples from cows with clinical and subclinical mastitis were examined. Milk samples were plated onto Blood agar, Mac Conkey agar and Sabouraud dextrose agar. Forty-five (17.3%) samples were positive for the genus Candida. The Candida species isolated were C. krusei (44.5%), C. rugosa (24.5%), C. albicans (8.9%), C. guilliermondii (8.9%), and others (13.2%). We also isolated Escherichia coli (26.5%), coagulase-positive Staphylococcus (25.0%), Streptococcus spp. (8.1%), Enterobacter spp. (8.1%), and other fungi (8.1%), among others.
Through the point-centered quarter method, a phytosociological study was carried out in an area of semideciduous mesophytic forest with 190 ha, in the municipality of Jahu,SP. Due to the fact of the forest be crossed by three small rivers, for the sampling process, the Total Area was divided in two sampling areas: the Area I (under the influence of the rivers) and the Area II (without this influence). Some differences between the two regions were observed.
The object of the current study was to evaluate the efficacy of thermography and ultrasonography in the diagnosis of thoracolumbar lesions in Quarter Horse athletes and associate the different types of lesions found with the athletic modality practiced. Twenty-four horses were admitted to the Surgery Service for Large Animals of the Veterinary and Animal Science Faculty, UNESP, Botucatu, Brazil, with complaints of back problems. All the horses were submitted for physical examinations to confirm the existence of thoracolumbar alterations and then for thermography and ultrasonography Thermography was used to map the lesioned areas of this region and ultrasonography for lesion characterization. The lesions found were supraspinous desmitis, interspinous desmitis, dorsal intervertebral osteoarthritis, and impingement of the spinous processes or kissing spines. The existence of a relation between the type of event practiced by the horse and the type of lesion found was determined. In horses that competed in the barrel race, a predominance of lesions in the thoracic caudal, thoracolumbar, and cranial lumbar regions occurred, with intervertebral osteoarthritis and interspinous desmitis being the most common. In cutting horses, most of the lesions were observed in the caudal lumbar region, whereas horses competing in reining showed a preferential location for lesions in the middle lumbar, with a predominance of supraspinous desmitis and myositis. Thermography associated with ultrasonography was shown to be efficient in the diagnosis of the thoracolumbar lesions of these horses.
Results are given of a phytosociological study of a forest located in the Morro do Diabo State Park. in the county of Teodoro Sampaio (22 degrees 31'S, 52 degrees 10'W), Pontal do Paranapanema region, state of São Paulo. The point-centered quarter method, using 300 sampling points, was used establishing 3 trails of 100 sampling points each, 10 m interdistant. All woody vegetation with a breast height diameter of 5 cm or more were samplied. Three distinct ecotopes could be identified in the forest: the lower, thc slope and the peak, which were analised separately.The families that presented the greatest numbers of genera, species and individuals were Leguminosae, Euphorbiaceae and Myrtaceae, followed by Rutaceae, Lauraceae, Meliaceae and Moracea. A total of 104 species, 85 genera and 37 families were sampled by the phytosociological survey. The relative sociological position of each plant family or species varied according to ecotope.
Four trials of identical experimental design were conducted to determine the effects of temperature, dietary Lys level, and dietary Arg:Lys ratios on performance and carcass yield of male broilers. Birds of a commercial strain were grown from 21 to 42 d of age in wire-floored finishing batteries placed in environmental chambers. The chambers were programmed to provide either a constant thermoneutral temperature (21.1 C), a constant cold temperature (15.5 C), or a cycling hot diurnal temperature (25.5 to 33.3 C). Within each environment there was a factorial arrangement of three Lys levels (1.0, 1.1, and 1.2%) with four Arg:Lys ratios (1.1:1, 1.2:1, 1.3:1, and 1.4:1). Environmental temperature significantly influenced virtually every characteristic examined. Hot cyclic temperatures reduced weight gain, feed intake, and breast meat yield, and increased feed conversion, dressing percentage, leg quarter yield, and abdominal fat content. The cold environment promoted increased feed intake and mortality. Ascites and cardiomyopathy were the leading causes of death under cold exposure and thermoneutral conditions, whereas complications arising from heat exposure were the main cause of death under hot cyclic conditions. Levels of Lys affected leg quarter yield and abdominal fat content over all environments but increased breast meat yield only under cold conditions. Increasing Arg: Lys ratios improved feed conversion and dressing percentage and reduced abdominal fat content; it could not be determined whether these responses were consistent with Arg per se or were due to a nonspecific N response. As increasing Lys levels or Arg:Lys ratios did not improve weight gain, increase breast meat yield, or attenuate adverse effects due to heat or cold exposure, it is concluded that the levels of Lys and Arg suggested for 21 to 42 d by the NRC are adequate for birds of this age under the environmental conditions encountered.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the discrepancy index between the clinical and histological diagnosis and the prevalence of epithelial dysplasia and carcinoma in 45 patients with potentially malignant epithelial oral lesions (PMEL). PATIENTS AND METHODS: We submitted 45 patients with PMEL to clinical examination and obtained a biopsy from each. The results of histological diagnosis were compared to the clinical diagnosis. RESULTS: Clinical diagnosis showed that the most common PMEL was leukoplakia followed by lichen planus and by actinic cheilitis associated with leukoplakia. The most common site was the buccal mucosa. Histological diagnosis revealed that 46.7% of the PMEL were lichen planus. The discrepancy index between clinical and histological diagnosis was 24.4%. The higher discrepancy index occurred among leukoplakias. The prevalence of epithelial dysplasia and carcinoma was 17.8%. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that all PMEL should be submitted to a microscopic analysis because the discrepancy between clinical and histological diagnosis was present in a quarter of these lesions. Otherwise, the epithelial dysplasia and carcinoma were more frequent in the leukoplakias.
Over the last quarter century, Petrobras has continually developed tools, techniques and methods to predict and to deal with organic deposition problems in offshore fields.
This paper presents a non-model based technique to detect, locate, and characterize structural damage by combining the impedance-based structural health monitoring technique with an artificial neural network. The impedance-based structural health monitoring technique, which utilizes the electromechanical coupling property of piezoelectric materials, has shown engineering feasibility in a variety of practical field applications. Relying on high frequency structural excitations (typically >30 kHz), this technique is very sensitive to minor structural changes in the near field of the piezoelectric sensors. In order to quantitatively assess the state of structures, multiple sets of artificial neural networks, which utilize measured electrical impedance signals for input patterns, were developed. By employing high frequency ranges and by incorporating neural network features, this technique is able to detect the damage in its early stage and to estimate the nature of damage without prior knowledge of the model of structures. The paper concludes with experimental examples, investigations on a massive quarter scale model of a steel bridge section and a space truss structure, in order to verify the performance of this proposed methodology.
Motivated by Ooguri and Vafa, we study superstrings in flat ℝ4 in a constant self-dual graviphoton background. The supergravity equations of motion are satisfied in this background which deforms the M = 2 d = 4 flat space super-Poincaré algebra to another algebra with eight supercharges. A D-brane in this space preserves a quarter of the supercharges; i.e. N = 1/2 supersymmetry is realized linearly, and the remaining N = 3/2 supersymmetry is realized nonlinearly. The theory on the brane can be described as a theory in noncommutative superspace in which the chiral fermionic coordinates θα of N = 1 d = 4 superspace are not Grassman variables but satisfy a Clifford algebra. © SISSA/ISAS 2003.