899 resultados para Pulmonary Vascular Function


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Neo-angiogenesis during neoplastic growth involves endothelial mitogenic and migration stimuli produced by cancer or tumour stromal cells. Although this active angiogenesis takes place in the tumour periphery, the process of vessel growth and survival in inner areas and its clinical role remain largely unexplored. The present study compared the microvessel score (MS) as well as the single endothelial cell score (ECS) in the invading edge and in inner areas of non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLCs). Three different patterns of vascular growth were distinguished: the edvin (edge vs. inner) type 1, where a low MS was observed in both peripheral and inner tumour areas; the edvin type 2, where a high MS was noted in the invading front but a low MS in inner areas; and the edvin type 3, where both peripheral and inner tumour areas had a high MS. The ECS was high in the invading edge in edvin type 2 and 3 cases and was sharply decreased in both types in inner areas, suggesting that endothelial cell migration is unlikely to contribute to the angiogenic process in areas away from the tumour front. Expression of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and of thymidine phosphorylase (TP) was associated with a high MS in the invading edge. VEGF was associated with a high MS in inner areas (edvin 3), while TP expression was associated with edvin type 2, showing that VEGF (and not TP) contributes to the preservation of the inner vasculature. Both edvin type 2 and 3 cases showed an increased incidence of node metastasis, but edvin type 3 cases had a poorer prognosis, even in the N1-stage group. The present study suggests that tumour factors regulating angiogenesis and vascular survival are not identical. A possible method is reported to quantify these two parameters by comparing the MS in the invading edge and inner areas (edvin types). This observation may contribute to the evaluation of the effectiveness of different therapeutic approaches, namely vascular targeting vs. anti-angiogenesis. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.


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Tumour angiogenesis has been recently recognised as one of the most important prognostic factors in lung cancer. Although a variety of angiogenic factors have been identified, the angiogenesis process remains poorly understood. Bcl-2, c-erbB-2 and p53 are well-known oncogenes involved in non- small-cell lung cancer pathogenesis. A direct correlation of thymidine phosphorylase (TP) and of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) with intratumoural angiogenesis has been reported. In the present study we investigated the possible regulatory role if bcl-2, c-erB-2 proteins in angiogenesis and in VEGF and TP expression in non-small-cell lung cancer. Two hundred sixteen specimens from T1,2-NO, 1 staged patients treated with surgery alone were immunohistochemically examined. Bcl-2 and c-erbB-2 were significantly inversely related to each other (P = 0.04) and both were inversely associated with microvessel density (P < 0.02). High TP and VEGF reactivity was statistically related to loss of bcl-2 expression (P < 0.01). A significant co-expression of c-erbB-2 with TP was noted (P = 0.01). However, TP expression was related to high angiogenesis only in cases with absence of c-erB-2 expression (P < 0.0001). c-erbB-2 expression in poorly vascularised tumours was linked with poor outcome (P = 0.03). The present study provides strong evidence that the bcl-2 gene has a suppressive function over genes involved in both angiogenesis (VEGF and TP) and cell migration (c- erbB-2) in NSCLC. TP and c-erbB-2 proteins are significantly, and often simultaneously, expressed in bcl-2 negative cases. However, expression of the c-erbB-2 abolishes the TP-related angiogenic activity. Whether this is a result of a direct activity of the c-erbB-2 protein or a consequence of a c- erbB-2-related immune response remains to be further investigated.


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Purpose: PTK787/ZK 222584 (PTK/ZK), an orally active inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor tyrosine kinases, inhibits VEGF-mediated angiogenesis. The pharmacodynamic effects of PTK/ZK were evaluated by assessing changes in contrast-enhancement parameters of metastatic liver lesions using dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) in patients with advanced colorectal cancer treated in two ongoing, dose-escalating phase I studies. Patients and Methods: Twenty-six patients had DCE-MRI performed at baseline, day 2, and at the end of each 28-day cycle. Doses of oral PTK/ZK ranged from 50 to 2000 mg once daily. Tumor permeability and vascularity were assessed by calculating the bidirectional transfer constant (Ki). The percentage of baseline Ki (% of baseline Ki) at each time point was compared with pharmacokinetic and clinical end points. Results: A significant negative correlation exists between the % of baseline Ki and increase in PTK/ZK oral dose and plasma levels (P = .01 for oral dose; P = .0001 for area under the plasma concentration curve at day 2). Patients with a best response of stable disease had a significantly greater reduction in Ki at both day 2 and at the end of cycle 1 compared with progressors (mean difference in % of baseline Ki, 47%, P = .004%; and 51%, P = .006; respectively). The difference in % of baseline Ki remained statistically significant after adjusting for baseline WHO performance status. Conclusion: These findings should help to define a biologically active dose of PTK/ZK. These results suggest that DCE-MRI may be a useful biomarker for defining the pharmacological response and dose of angiogenesis inhibitiors, such as PTK/ZK, for further clinical development. © 2003 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.


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DOUBLE-STRANDED RNA BIN DIN G (DRB) proteins have been functionally characterized in viruses, prokaryotes and eukaryotes and are involved in all aspects of RNA biology. Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) encodes five closely related DRB proteins, DRB1 to DRB5. DRB1 and DRB4 are required by DICER-LIKE (DCL) proteins DCL1 and DCL4 to accurately and efficiently process structurally distinct double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) precursor substrates in the microRNA (miRNA) and trans-acting small-interfering RNA (tasiRNA) biogenesis pathways respectively. We recently reported that DRB2 is also involved in the biogenesis of specific miRNA subsets. Furthermore, the severity of the developmental phenotype displayed by the drb235 triple mutant plant, compared with those expressed by either drb2, drb3 and drb5 single mutants, or double mutant combinations thereof, indicates that DRB3 and DRB5 function in the same non-canonical miRNA pathway as DRB2. Through the use of our artificial miRNA (amiRNA) plant expression vector, pBlueGreen 2,3 we demonstrate here that unlike DRB2, DRB3 and DRB5 are not involved in the dsRNA processing stages of the miRNA biogenesis pathway, but are required to mediate RNA silencing of target genes of DRB2-associated miRNA s. © 2012 Landes Bioscience.


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The complete nucleotide sequence of genome segment S4 of rice ragged stunt oryzavirus (RRSV, Thai-isolate) was determined. The 3823 bp sequence contains two large open reading frames (ORFs). ORF1, spanning nucleotides 12 to 3776, is capable of encoding a protein of M(r) 141,380 (P4a). The P4a amino acid sequence predicted from the nucleotide sequence contains sequence motifs conserved in RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RDRPs). When compared for evolutionary relationships with RDRPs of other reoviruses using the amino acid sequences around the conserved GDD motif, P4a was shown to be more related to Nilaparvata lugens reovirus and reovirus serotype 3 than to rice dwarf phytoreovirus, bovine rotavirus or bluetongue virus. The ORF2, spanning nucleotides 491 to 1468, is out of frame with ORF1 and is capable of encoding a protein of 36, 920 (P4b). Coupled in vitro transcription-translation from cloned ORF2 in wheat germ extract confirmed the existence of ORF2 but in vivo production and possible function of P4b is yet to be determined.


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The expression patterns of GUS fusion constructs driven by the Agrobacterium rhizogenes RolC and the maize Sh (Shrunken: sucrose synthase-1) promoters were examined in transgenic potatoes (cv. Atlantic). RolC drove high-level gene expression in phloem tissue, bundle sheath cells and vascular parenchyma, but not in xylem or non-vascular tissues. Sh expression was exclusively confined to phloem tissue. Potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV) replicates only in phloem tissues, and we show that when RolC is used to drive expression of the PLRV coat protein gene, virus-resistant lines can be obtained. In contrast, no significant resistance was observed when the Sh promoter was used.


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BACKGROUND: The vasoconstricting peptide endothelin-1 (ET-1) has been associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) growth stimulation, and intimal thickening. ET-1 binds 2 receptor subtypes, endothelin A and B, and the ETA receptor mediates vasoconstriction and VSMC growth. This study aims to quantitatively assess arterial remodeling variables and compare them with changes in ET-1, ETA, and ETB expression in the internal mammary artery (IMA). METHODS AND RESULTS: Specimens from 55 coronary artery disease (CAD) patients (45 men, 10 women; mean age 65 years) and 14 control IMA specimens (from 7 men and 7 women; mean age 45 years) were collected. IMA cross sections were assessed by histochemical and immunohistochemical staining methods to quantify the levels of medionecrosis, fibrosis, VSMC growth, ET-1, ETA, ETB, and macrophage infiltration. The percentage area of medionecrosis in the patients was almost double that in the controls (31.85+/-14.52% versus 17.10+/-9.96%, P=0.0006). Total and type 1 collagen was significantly increased compared with controls (65.8+/-18.3% versus 33.7+/-13.7%, P=0.07, and 14.2+/-10.0% versus 4.8+/-2.8%, P=0.01, respectively). Despite ACE and/or statin therapy, ET-1 expression and cell cycling were significantly elevated in the patient IMAs relative to the controls (46.27+/-18.46 versus 8.56+/-8.42, P=0.0001, and 37.29+/-12.88 versus 11.06+/-8.18, P=0.0001, respectively). ETA and ETB staining was elevated in the patient vessels (46.88+/-11.52% versus 18.58+/-7.65%, P=0.0001, and 42.98+/-7.08% versus 34.73+/-5.20%, P=0.0067, respectively). A mild presence of macrophages was noted in all sections. CONCLUSIONS: Elevated distribution of collagen indicative of fibrosis coupled with increased cell cycling and high levels of ET-1 and ETA expression in the absence of chronic inflammation suggests altered IMA VSMC regulation is fundamental to the remodeling process.


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It has been postulated that susceptible individuals may acquire infection with nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) from water and aerosol exposure. This study examined household water and shower aerosols of patients with NTM pulmonary disease. The mycobacteria isolated from clinical samples from 20 patients included M. avium (5 patients), M. intracellulare (12 patients), M. abscessus (7 patients), M. gordonae (1 patient), M. lentiflavum (1 patient), M. fortuitum (1 patient), M. peregrinum (1 patient), M. chelonae (1 patient), M. triplex (1 patient), and M. kansasii (1 patient). One-liter water samples and swabs were collected from all taps, and swimming pools or rainwater tanks. Shower aerosols were sampled using Andersen six-stage cascade impactors. For a subgroup of patients, real-time PCR was performed and high-resolution melt profiles were compared to those of ATCC control strains. Pathogenic mycobacteria were isolated from 19 homes. Species identified in the home matched that found in the patient in seven (35%) cases: M. abscessus (3 cases), M. avium (1 case), M. gordonae (1 case), M. lentiflavum (1 case), and M. kansasii (1 case). In an additional patient with M. abscessus infection, this species was isolated from potable water supplying her home. NTM grown from aerosols included M. abscessus (3 homes), M. gordonae (2 homes), M. kansasii (1 home), M. fortuitum complex (4 homes), M. mucogenicum (1 home), and M. wolinskyi (1 home). NTM causing human disease can be isolated from household water and aerosols. The evidence appears strongest for M. avium, M. kansasii, M. lentiflavum, and M. abscessus. Despite a predominance of disease due to M. intracellulare, we found no evidence for acquisition of infection from household water for this species.


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Human genetic association studies have shown gene variants in the α5 subunit of the neuronal nicotinic receptor (nAChR) influence both ethanol and nicotine dependence. The α5 subunit is an accessory subunit that facilitates α4* nAChRs assembly in vitro. However, it is unknown whether this occurs in the brain, as there are few research tools to adequately address this question. As the α4*-containing nAChRs are highly expressed in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) we assessed the molecular, functional and pharmacological roles of α5 in α4*-containing nAChRs in the VTA. We utilized transgenic mice α5+/+(α4YFP) and α5-/-(α4YFP) that allow the direct visualization and measurement of α4-YFP expression and the effect of the presence (α5+/+) and absence of α5 (-/-) subunit, as the antibodies for detecting the α4* subunits of the nAChR are not specific. We performed voltage clamp electrophysiological experiments to study baseline nicotinic currents in VTA dopaminergic neurons. We show that in the presence of the α5 subunit, the overall expression of α4 subunit is increased significantly by 60% in the VTA. Furthermore, the α5 subunit strengthens baseline nAChR currents, suggesting the increased expression of α4* nAChRs to be likely on the cell surface. While the presence of the α5 subunit blunts the desensitization of nAChRs following nicotine exposure, it does not alter the amount of ethanol potentiation of VTA dopaminergic neurons. Our data demonstrates a major regulatory role for the α5 subunit in both the maintenance of α4*-containing nAChRs expression and in modulating nicotinic currents in VTA dopaminergic neurons. Additionally, the α5α4* nAChR in VTA dopaminergic neurons regulates the effect of nicotine but not ethanol on currents. Together, the data suggest that the α5 subunit is critical for controlling the expression and functional role of a population of α4*-containing nAChRs in the VTA.


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Background The prognostic significance of vascular and lymphatic invasion in non-small-cell lung cancer is under continuous debate. We analyzed the effect of tumor aggressiveness (lymphatic and/or vessel invasion) on survival and relapse in stage I and II non-small-cell lung cancer. Methods We retrospectively analyzed prospectively collected data of 457 patients with stage I and II non-small-cell lung cancer from 1998 to 2008. Specimens were analyzed for intratumoral vascular invasion and lymphovascular space invasion. Overall survival and disease-free survival were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method, and differences were determined by the logrank test. Cox regression analysis was performed to identify independent risk factors. Results: The incidence of intratumoral vascular invasion was 23.4%, and this correlated significantly with grade of differentiation, visceral pleural involvement, lymphovascular space invasion, and N status. The incidence of lymphovascular space invasion was 5.5%, and this correlated significantly with grade of differentiation, lymph nodes involved, and intratumoral vascular invasion. On multivariate analyses, intratumoral vascular invasion proved to be an significant independent risk factor for overall survival but not for disease-free survival. Lymphovascular space invasion was associated significantly with early tumor recurrence but not with overall survival. Conclusions: Vascular and lymphatic invasion can serve as independent prognostic factors in completely resected nonsmall- cell lung cancer. Intratumoral vascular invasion and lymphovascular space invasion in early stage non-small-cell lung cancer are important factors in overall survival and early tumor recurrence. Further large scale studies with more recent patient cohorts and refined histological techniques are warranted.


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An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a computational modeling tool which has found extensive acceptance in many disciplines for modeling complex real world problems. An ANN can model problems through learning by example, rather than by fully understanding the detailed characteristics and physics of the system. In the present study, the accuracy and predictive power of an ANN was evaluated in predicting kinetic viscosity of biodiesels over a wide range of temperatures typically encountered in diesel engine operation. In this model, temperature and chemical composition of biodiesel were used as input variables. In order to obtain the necessary data for model development, the chemical composition and temperature dependent fuel properties of ten different types of biodiesels were measured experimentally using laboratory standard testing equipments following internationally recognized testing procedures. The Neural Networks Toolbox of MatLab R2012a software was used to train, validate and simulate the ANN model on a personal computer. The network architecture was optimised following a trial and error method to obtain the best prediction of the kinematic viscosity. The predictive performance of the model was determined by calculating the absolute fraction of variance (R2), root mean squared (RMS) and maximum average error percentage (MAEP) between predicted and experimental results. This study found that ANN is highly accurate in predicting the viscosity of biodiesel and demonstrates the ability of the ANN model to find a meaningful relationship between biodiesel chemical composition and fuel properties at different temperature levels. Therefore the model developed in this study can be a useful tool in accurately predict biodiesel fuel properties instead of undertaking costly and time consuming experimental tests.


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Chlamydia pneumoniae is responsible for up to 20% of community acquired pneumonia and can exacerbate chronic inflammatory diseases. As the majority of infections are either mild or asymptomatic, a vaccine is recognized to have the greatest potential to reduce infection and disease prevalence. Using the C. muridarum mouse model of infection, we immunized animals via the intranasal (IN), sublingual (SL) or transcutaneous (TC) routes, with recombinant chlamydial major outer membrane protein (MOMP) combined with adjuvants CTA1-DD or a combination of cholera toxin/CpG-oligodeoxynucleotide (CT/CpG). Vaccinated animals were challenged IN with C. muridarum and protection against infection and pathology was assessed. SL and TC immunization with MOMP and CT/CpG was the most protective, significantly reducing chlamydial burden in the lungs and preventing weight loss, which was similar to the protection induced by a previous live infection. Unlike a previous infection however, these vaccinations also provided almost complete protection against fibrotic scarring in the lungs. Protection against infection was associated with antigen-specific production of IFNγ, TNFα and IL-17 by splenocytes, however, protection against both infection and pathology required the induction of a similar pro-inflammatory response in the respiratory tract draining lymph nodes. Interestingly, we also identified two contrasting vaccinations capable of preventing infection or pathology individually. Animals IN immunized with MOMP and either adjuvant were protected from infection, but not the pathology. Conversely, animals TC immunized with MOMP and CTA1-DD were protected from pathology, even though the chlamydial burden in this group was equivalent to the unimmunized controls. This suggests that the development of pathology following an IN infection of vaccinated animals was independent of bacterial load and may have been driven instead by the adaptive immune response generated following immunization. This identifies a disconnection between the control of infection and the development of pathology, which may influence the design of future vaccines.


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G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are critical for cardiovascular physiology. Cardiac cells express >100 nonchemosensory GPCRs, indicating that important physiological and potential therapeutic targets remain to be discovered. Moreover, there is a growing appreciation that members of the large, distinct taste and odorant GPCR families have specific functions in tissues beyond the oronasal cavity, including in the brain, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system. To date, these chemosensory GPCRs have not been systematically studied in the heart. We performed RT-qPCR taste receptor screens in rodent and human heart tissues that revealed discrete subsets of type 2 taste receptors (TAS2/Tas2) as well as Tas1r1 and Tas1r3 (comprising the umami receptor) are expressed. These taste GPCRs are present in cultured cardiac myocytes and fibroblasts, and are enriched in myocytes, which we corroborated using in situ hybridization. Tas1r1 gene-targeted mice (Tas1r1Cre/Rosa26tdRFP) strikingly recapitulated these data. In vivo taste receptor expression levels were developmentally regulated in the postnatal period. Intriguingly, several Tas2rs were upregulated in cultured rat myocytes and in mouse heart in vivo following starvation. The discovery of taste GPCRs in the heart opens an exciting new field of cardiac research. We predict that these taste receptors may function as nutrient sensors in the heart.


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A pilot experiment was performed using the WOMBAT powder diffraction instrument at ANSTO in which the first neutron diffraction peak (Q0) was measured for D2O flowing in a 2 mm internal diameter aluminium tube. Measurements of Q0 were made at -9, 4.3, 6.9, 12, 18.2 and 21.5 °C. The D2O was circulated using a siphon with water in the lower reservoir returned to the upper reservoir using a small pump. This enabled stable flow to be maintained for several hours. For example, if the pump flow increased slightly, the upper reservoir level rose, increasing the siphon flow until it matched the return flow. A neutron wavelength of 2.4 Å was used and data integrated over 60 minutes for each temperature. A jet of nitrogen from a liquid N2 Dewar was directed over the aluminium tube to vary water temperature. After collection of the data, the d spacing of the aluminium peaks was used to calculate the temperature of the aluminium within the neutron beam and therefore was considered to be an accurate measure of water temperature within the beam. Sigmaplot version 12.3 was used to fit a Weibull five parameter peak fit to the first neutron diffraction peak. The values of Q0 obtained in this experiment showed an increase with temperature consistent with data in the literature [1] but were consistently higher than published values for bulk D20. For example at 21.5 °C we obtained a value of 2.008 Å-1 for Q0 compared to a literature value of 1.988 Å-1 for bulk D2O at 20 °C, a difference of 1%. Further experiments are required to see if this difference is real or artifactual.


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X-ray diffraction structure functions for water flowing in a 1.5 mm diameter siphon in the temperature range 4 – 63 °C were obtained using a 20 keV beam at the Australian Synchrotron. These functions were compared with structure functions obtained at the Advanced Light Source for a 0.5 mm thick sample of water in the temperature range 1 – 77 °C irradiated with an 11 keV beam. The two sets of structure functions are similar, but there are subtle differences in the shape and relative position of the two functions suggesting a possible differences between the structure of bulk and siphon water. In addition, the first structural peak (Q0) for water in a siphon, showed evidence of a step-wise increase in Q0 with increasing temperature rather than a smoothly varying increase. More experiments are required to investigate this apparent difference.