944 resultados para Proteomic screen


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Through a screen to identify genes that induce multi-drug resistance when overexpressed, we have identified a fission yeast homolog of Int-6, a component of the human translation initiation factor eIF3. Disruption of the murine Int-6 gene by mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) has been implicated previously in tumorigenesis, although the underlying mechanism is not yet understood. Fission yeast Int6 was shown to interact with other presumptive components of eIF3 in vivo, and was present in size fractions consistent with its incorporation into a 43S translation preinitiation complex. Drug resistance induced by Int6 overexpression was dependent on the AP-1 transcription factor Pap1, and was associated with increased abundance of Pap1-responsive mRNAs, but not with Pap1 relocalization. Fission yeast cells lacking the int6 gene grew slowly. This growth retardation could be corrected by the expression of full length Int6 of fission yeast or human origin, or by a C-terminal fragment of the fission yeast protein that also conferred drug resistance, but not by truncated human Int-6 proteins corresponding to the predicted products of MMTV-disrupted murine alleles. Studies in fission yeast may therefore help to explain the ways in which Int-6 function can be perturbed during MMTV-induced mammary tumorigenesis.


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This study reviews the exploratory implementation of an ‘internationalising the curriculum’ policy in relation to a cultural studies unit within a Creative Industries Faculty at an Australian university. Charting certain pedagogical practices in the delivery of transnational film studies, this case study involves a critical, contextual examination of student feedback as well as current theories about transcultural curricula in general and film studies curricula in particular. The study shows that tertiary students can be provided with an extraordinarily rich range of differing, sometimes conflicting, but always engaging transcultural insights and understandings. It is further argued that transnational competencies may be developed and enabled through the innovative realisation of a type of ‘border crossing’ pedagogical model, largely by foregrounding transcultural ‘affective’ issues around social justice.


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Local governments struggle to engage time poor and seemingly apathetic citizens, as well as the city's young digital natives, the digital locals. Capturing the attention of this digitally literate community who are technology and socially savvy adds a new quality to the challenge of community engagement for urban planning. This project developed and tested a lightweight design intervention towards removing the hierarchy between those who plan the city and those who use it. The aim is to narrow this gap by enhancing people's experience of physical spaces with digital, civic technologies that are directly accessible within that space. The study's research informed the development of a public screen system called Discussions In Space (DIS). It facilitates a feedback platform about specific topics, e.g., a concrete urban planning project, and encourages direct, in-situ, real-time user responses via SMS and Twitter. The thesis presents the findings of deploying and integrating DIS in a wide range of public and urban environments, including the iconic urban screen at Federation Square in Melbourne, to explore the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) related challenges and implications. It was also deployed in conjunction with a major urban planning project in Brisbane to explore the system's opportunities and challenges of better engaging with Australia's new digital locals. Finally, the merits of the short-texted and ephemeral data generated by the system were evaluated in three focus groups with professional urban planners. DIS offers additional benefits for civic participation as it gives voice to residents who otherwise would not be easily heard. It also promotes a positive attitude towards local governments and gathers complementary information that is different than that captured by more traditional public engagement tools.


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are undifferentiated, multi-potent stem cells with the ability to renew. They can differentiate into many types of terminal cells, such as osteoblasts, chondrocytes, adipocytes, myocytes, and neurons. These cells have been applied in tissue engineering as the main cell type to regenerate new tissues. However, a number of issues remain concerning the use of MSCs, such as cell surface markers, the determining factors responsible for their differentiation to terminal cells, and the mechanisms whereby growth factors stimulate MSCs. In this chapter, we will discuss how proteomic techniques have contributed to our current knowledge and how they can be used to address issues currently facing MSC research. The application of proteomics has led to the identification of a special pattern of cell surface protein expression of MSCs. The technique has also contributed to the study of a regulatory network of MSC differentiation to terminal differentiated cells, including osteocytes, chondrocytes, adipocytes, neurons, cardiomyocytes, hepatocytes, and pancreatic islet cells. It has also helped elucidate mechanisms for growth factor–stimulated differentiation of MSCs. Proteomics can, however, not reveal the accurate role of a special pathway and must therefore be combined with other approaches for this purpose. A new generation of proteomic techniques have recently been developed, which will enable a more comprehensive study of MSCs. Keywords


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An enhanced mill extraction model has been developed to calculate mill performance parameters and to predict the extraction performance of a milling unit. The model takes into account the fibre suspended in juice streams and calculates filling ratio, reabsorption factor, imbibition coefficient, and separation efficiency using more complete definitions than those used in previous extraction models. A mass balance model is used to determine the fibre, brix and moisture mass flows between milling units so that a complete milling train, including the return stream from the juice screen, is modelled. Model solutions are presented to determine the effect of different levels of fibre in juice and efficiency of fibre separation in the juice screen on brix extraction. The model provides more accurate results than earlier models leading to better understanding and improvement of the milling process.


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Milk proteins are susceptible to chemical changes during processing and storage. We used proteomic tools to analyse bovine αS1-casein in UHT milk. 2-D gels of freshly processed milk αS1-casein was presented as five or more spots due to genetic polymorphism and variable phosphorylation. MS analysis after phosphopeptide enrichment allowed discrimination between phosphorylation states and genetic variants. We identified a new alternatively-spliced isoform with a deletion of exon 17, producing a new C-terminal sequence, K164SQVNSEGLHSYGL177, with a novel phosphorylation site at S174. Storage of UHT milk at elevated temperatures produced additional, more acidic αS1-casein spots on the gels and decreased the resolution of minor forms. MS analysis indicated that non-enzymatic deamidation and loss of the N-terminal dipeptide were the major contributors to the changing spot pattern. These results highlight the important role of storage temperature in the stability of milk proteins and the utility of proteomic techniques for analysis of proteins in food.


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Bananas are one of the world's most important food crops, providing sustenance and income for millions of people in developing countries and supporting large export industries. Viruses are considered major constraints to banana production, germplasm multiplication and exchange, and to genetic improvement of banana through traditional breeding. In Africa, the two most important virus diseases are bunchy top, caused by Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV), and banana streak disease, caused by Banana streak virus (BSV). BBTV is a serious production constraint in a number of countries within/bordering East Africa, such as Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda and Zambia, but is not present in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Additionally, epidemics of banana streak disease are occurring in Kenya and Uganda. The rapidly growing tissue culture (TC) industry within East Africa, aiming to provide planting material to banana farmers, has stimulated discussion about the need for virus indexing to certify planting material as virus-free. Diagnostic methods for BBTV and BSV have been reported and, for BBTV, PCR-based assays are reliable and relatively straightforward. However for BSV, high levels of serological and genetic variability and the presence of endogenous virus sequences within the banana genome complicate diagnosis. Uganda has been shown to contain the greatest diversity in BSV isolates found anywhere in the world. A broad-spectrum diagnostic test for BSV detection, which can discriminate between endogenous and episomal BSV sequences, is a priority. This PhD project aimed to establish diagnostic methods for banana viruses, with a particular focus on the development of novel methods for BSV detection, and to use these diagnostic methods for the detection and characterisation of banana viruses in East Africa. A novel rolling-circle amplification (RCA) method was developed for the detection of BSV. Using samples of Banana streak MY virus (BSMYV) and Banana streak OL virus (BSOLV) from Australia, this method was shown to distinguish between endogenous and episomal BSV sequences in banana plants. The RCA assay was used to screen a collection of 56 banana samples from south-west Uganda for BSV. RCA detected at least five distinct BSV isolates in these samples, including BSOLV and Banana streak GF virus (BSGFV) as well as three BSV isolates (Banana streak Uganda-I, -L and -M virus) for which only partial sequences had been previously reported. These latter three BSV had only been detected using immuno-capture (IC)-PCR and thus were possible endogenous sequences. In addition to its ability to detect BSV, the RCA protocol was also demonstrated to detect other viruses within the family Caulimoviridae, including Sugar cane bacilliform virus, and Cauliflower mosaic virus. Using the novel RCA method, three distinct BSV isolates from both Kenya and Uganda were identified and characterised. The complete genome of these isolates was sequenced and annotated. All six isolates were shown to have a characteristic badnavirus genome organisation with three open reading frames (ORFs) and the large polyprotein encoded by ORF 3 was shown to contain conserved amino acid motifs for movement, aspartic protease, reverse transcriptase and ribonuclease H activities. As well, several sequences important for expression and replication of the virus genome were identified including the conserved tRNAmet primer binding site present in the intergenic region of all badnaviruses. Based on the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) guidelines for species demarcation in the genus Badnavirus, these six isolates were proposed as distinct species, and named Banana streak UA virus (BSUAV), Banana streak UI virus (BSUIV), Banana streak UL virus (BSULV), Banana streak UM virus (BSUMV), Banana streak CA virus (BSCAV) and Banana streak IM virus (BSIMV). Using PCR with species-specific primers designed to each isolate, a genotypically diverse collection of 12 virus-free banana cultivars were tested for the presence of endogenous sequences. For five of the BSV no amplification was observed in any cultivar tested, while for BSIMV, four positive samples were identified in cultivars with a B-genome component. During field visits to Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, 143 samples were collected and assayed for BSV. PCR using nine sets of species-specific primers, and RCA, were compared for BSV detection. For five BSV species with no known endogenous counterpart (namely BSCAV, BSUAV, BSUIV, BSULV and BSUMV), PCR was used to detect 30 infections from the 143 samples. Using RCA, 96.4% of these samples were considered positive, with one additional sample detected using RCA which was not positive using PCR. For these five BSV, PCR and RCA were both useful for identifying infected samples, irrespective of the host cultivar genotype (Musa A- or B-genome components). For four additional BSV with known endogenous counterparts in the M. balbisiana genome (BSOLV, BSGFV, BSMYV and BSIMV), PCR was shown to detect 75 infections from the 143 samples. In 30 samples from cultivars with an A-only genome component there was 96.3% agreement between PCR positive samples and detection using RCA, again demonstrating either PCR or RCA are suitable methods for detection. However, in 45 samples from cultivars with some B-genome component, the level of agreement between PCR positive samples and RCA positive samples was 70.5%. This suggests that, in cultivars with some B-genome component, many infections were detected using PCR which were the result of amplification of endogenous sequences. In these latter cases, RCA or another method which discriminates between endogenous and episomal sequences, such as immuno-capture PCR, is needed to diagnose episomal BSV infection. Field visits were made to Malawi and Rwanda to collect local isolates of BBTV for validation of a PCR-based diagnostic assay. The presence of BBTV in samples of bananas with bunchy top disease was confirmed in 28 out of 39 samples from Malawi and all nine samples collected in Rwanda, using PCR and RCA. For three isolates, one from Malawi and two from Rwanda, the complete nucleotide sequences were determined and shown to have a similar genome organisation to previously published BBTV isolates. The two isolates from Rwanda had at least 98.1% nucleotide sequence identity between each of the six DNA components, while the similarity between isolates from Rwanda and Malawi was between 96.2% and 99.4% depending on the DNA component. At the amino acid level, similarities in the putative proteins encoded by DNA-R, -S, -M, - C and -N were found to range between 98.8% to 100%. In a phylogenetic analysis, the three East African isolates clustered together within the South Pacific subgroup of BBTV isolates. Nucleotide sequence comparison to isolates of BBTV from outside Africa identified India as the possible origin of East African isolates of BBTV.


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A 16 y.o. fully ambulant boy born to consanguineous Indian parents, presented for assessment of a fragility femoral neck fracture sustained against a background of autism and moderately severe intellectual disability. He had a past history of infantile eczema, and epilepsy treated with anticonvulsants from 2 to 10 years of age, with no further seizures following cessation of anticonvulsants. He had a thin body habitus (see Table 1) with long fingers and a high arched palate. He had no speech and negligible social interaction, but physical examination was otherwise unremarkable. Positive investigations revealed an undetectable serum creatinine and a urinary metabolic screen which showed an elevated GUA:Phe of 160 (< 36) and a decreased creatinine of 0.3 mmol/l (1.2–29.5) consistent with the diagnosis of guanidinoacetate methyltransferase(GAMT) deficiency. He was commenced on oral creatine 5 g three times daily. Despite improvement in physical activity, height and bone density, there was no discernable improvement in his intellectual functioning. Proton and phosphorous brain and leg magnetic resonance spectroscopy(MRS) was performed at baseline and showed an increased inorganic phosphorus peak and decreased phosphocreatine synthesis in brain and decreased creatine concentration in muscle. Following creatine treatment total brain creatine(1H-MRS) and phosphocreatine/ATP ratio (31P-MRS) content increased to 30% and 60% of control values, respectively. Brain GUA returned to normal levels.


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Background Late stage Ovarian Cancer is essentially incurable primarily due to late diagnosis and its inherent heterogeneity. Single agent treatments are inadequate and generally lead to severe side effects at therapeutic doses. It is crucial to develop clinically relevant novel combination regimens involving synergistic modalities that target a wider repertoire of cells and lead to lowered individual doses. Stemming from this premise, this is the first report of two- and three-way synergies between Adenovirus-mediated Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase based gene directed enzyme prodrug therapy (PNP-GDEPT), docetaxel and/or carboplatin in multidrug-resistant ovarian cancer cells. Methods The effects of PNP-GDEPT on different cellular processes were determined using Shotgun Proteomics analyses. The in vitro cell growth inhibition in differentially treated drug resistant human ovarian cancer cell lines was established using a cell-viability assay. The extent of synergy, additivity, or antagonism between treatments was evaluated using CalcuSyn statistical analyses. The involvement of apoptosis and implicated proteins in effects of different treatments was established using flow cytometry based detection of M30 (an early marker of apoptosis), cell cycle analyses and finally western blot based analyses. Results Efficacy of the trimodal treatment was significantly greater than that achieved with bimodal- or individual treatments with potential for 10-50 fold dose reduction compared to that required for individual treatments. Of note was the marked enhancement in apoptosis that specifically accompanied the combinations that included PNP-GDEPT and accordingly correlated with a shift in the expression of anti- and pro-apoptotic proteins. PNP-GDEPT mediated enhancement of apoptosis was reinforced by cell cycle analyses. Proteomic analyses of PNP-GDEPT treated cells indicated a dowregulation of proteins involved in oncogenesis or cancer drug resistance in treated cells with accompanying upregulation of apoptotic- and tumour- suppressor proteins. Conclusion Inclusion of PNP-GDEPT in regular chemotherapy regimens can lead to significant enhancement of the cancer cell susceptibility to the combined treatment. Overall, these data will underpin the development of regimens that can benefit patients with late stage ovarian cancer leading to significantly improved efficacy and increased quality of life.


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Background Canonical serine protease inhibitors commonly bind to their targets through a rigid loop stabilised by an internal hydrogen bond network and disulfide bond(s). The smallest of these is sunflower trypsin inhibitor (SFTI-1), a potent and broad-range protease inhibitor. Recently, we re-engineered the contact β-sheet of SFTI-1 to produce a selective inhibitor of kallikrein-related peptidase 4 (KLK4), a protease associated with prostate cancer progression. However, modifications in the binding loop to achieve specificity may compromise structural rigidity and prevent re-engineered inhibitors from reaching optimal binding affinity. Methodology/Principal Findings In this study, the effect of amino acid substitutions on the internal hydrogen bonding network of SFTI were investigated using an in silico screen of inhibitor variants in complex with KLK4 or trypsin. Substitutions favouring internal hydrogen bond formation directly correlated with increased potency of inhibition in vitro. This produced a second generation inhibitor (SFTI-FCQR Asn14) which displayed both a 125-fold increased capacity to inhibit KLK4 (Ki = 0.0386±0.0060 nM) and enhanced selectivity over off-target serine proteases. Further, SFTI-FCQR Asn14 was stable in cell culture and bioavailable in mice when administered by intraperitoneal perfusion. Conclusion/Significance These findings highlight the importance of conserving structural rigidity of the binding loop in addition to optimising protease/inhibitor contacts when re-engineering canonical serine protease inhibitors.


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The discovery of protein variation is an important strategy in disease diagnosis within the biological sciences. The current benchmark for elucidating information from multiple biological variables is the so called “omics” disciplines of the biological sciences. Such variability is uncovered by implementation of multivariable data mining techniques which come under two primary categories, machine learning strategies and statistical based approaches. Typically proteomic studies can produce hundreds or thousands of variables, p, per observation, n, depending on the analytical platform or method employed to generate the data. Many classification methods are limited by an n≪p constraint, and as such, require pre-treatment to reduce the dimensionality prior to classification. Recently machine learning techniques have gained popularity in the field for their ability to successfully classify unknown samples. One limitation of such methods is the lack of a functional model allowing meaningful interpretation of results in terms of the features used for classification. This is a problem that might be solved using a statistical model-based approach where not only is the importance of the individual protein explicit, they are combined into a readily interpretable classification rule without relying on a black box approach. Here we incorporate statistical dimension reduction techniques Partial Least Squares (PLS) and Principal Components Analysis (PCA) followed by both statistical and machine learning classification methods, and compared them to a popular machine learning technique, Support Vector Machines (SVM). Both PLS and SVM demonstrate strong utility for proteomic classification problems.


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This paper describes the design and study of public urban screen applications aiming to facilitate urban dwellers to control content shown on public urban screens. Two types of content sharing are presented: aggregating existing social media content about particular locations for sharing, and sharing online videos with collocated people at a public urban screen. The paper describes an exploratory study, an observational study, as well as an interpretational study in regards to application usage and user experience. Sharing content on public urban screens can pique the curiosity of users towards collocated people and the application itself resulting in raised awareness of collocated people.


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Purpose - This paper seeks to understand the impact of financial cost on customer value in health prevention services by comparing free government services with private fee-charging providers. This is important as there is a common belief that a free health service is of lower quality and thus lower value than a paid service. However there is no evidence to verify this notion. Design / Methodology / Approach - A large-scale online survey was administered nationwide to Australian women. The respondents were asked about the functional and emotional value derived from their service experiences. Findings - Structural equation modelling (SEM) revealed non significant relationships between fee/free services and functional and emotional value (FV/EV). The non-significant relationship with FV is contrary to the theory of price quality relationship in services. This could be attributed to consumer perceptions that the technical quality of health professionals is comparable across free and paid services. The non-significant relationship with EV could be explained by the indicators used to reflect EV. These indicators were reflective of breast screening behaviour, not breast screening services. Subsequently, it may be posited that the act of having a breast screen is sufficient for consumers to derive emotional value, regardless of the financial cost. Originality / Value - This research fills an important gap in the literature by investigating the impact of financial cost on a service that consumers use proactively(prevention), rather than reactively (treatment). Insights are provided into the impact of cost on customer value in preventive health services, which are valuable to social marketing academics, health practitioners, and governments


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The film adaptation of "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead"'s constant reallocation of actor and audience roles (or subject and object positions) means that the film’s viewers are as deeply implicated in considering issues of identity, agency and determination as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are. Tellingly, one of The Player’s outbursts reveals the philosophical connections between observing and being observed in ways that are true of the theatre, but which also transcend it: ‘You don’t understand the humiliation of it. To be tricked out of the single assumption that makes our existence bearable; that somebody is watching.’ In this statement is one of the film’s main concerns; that is, the relationship between knowing the self, knowing others, and being known by others.


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The increasing popularity of video consumption from mobile devices requires an effective video coding strategy. To overcome diverse communication networks, video services often need to maintain sustainable quality when the available bandwidth is limited. One of the strategy for a visually-optimised video adaptation is by implementing a region-of-interest (ROI) based scalability, whereby important regions can be encoded at a higher quality while maintaining sufficient quality for the rest of the frame. The result is an improved perceived quality at the same bit rate as normal encoding, which is particularly obvious at the range of lower bit rate. However, because of the difficulties of predicting region-of-interest (ROI) accurately, there is a limited research and development of ROI-based video coding for general videos. In this paper, the phase spectrum quaternion of Fourier Transform (PQFT) method is adopted to determine the ROI. To improve the results of ROI detection, the saliency map from the PQFT is augmented with maps created from high level knowledge of factors that are known to attract human attention. Hence, maps that locate faces and emphasise the centre of the screen are used in combination with the saliency map to determine the ROI. The contribution of this paper lies on the automatic ROI detection technique for coding a low bit rate videos which include the ROI prioritisation technique to give different level of encoding qualities for multiple ROIs, and the evaluation of the proposed automatic ROI detection that is shown to have a close performance to human ROI, based on the eye fixation data.