1000 resultados para Professores de ensino fundamental - Práticas pedagógicas
From a diagnostic on the learning of written text, this research aimed to carry out educational activities aimed at textual production, performing operation and activity of reflection on texts written by students in a learning situation of parallel recovery, aiming to improve the standard textuality of his written production. These actions were guided from the conception of language as social practice and discourse and, later, a survey was made in the standard of textuality textual productions resulting from such actions. 5 students participated in the research of a 4th grade of elementary school, a School of Duartina peripheral zone integrating the local school system of that city. The textual productions written by these students were analyzed from three categories: common mistakes in the process of literacy, with subdivisions: phonetic transcription, dialetação, hollow hipossegmentação or vocabulary, or improper separation hiperssegmentação, overcorrection, exchange, omission or addition letters, phonemes homorganic exchange; factors textual and contextual, in which it reviewed the following factors: coherence, cohesion and story elements, clarity, in which category were analyzed: the segmentation of text into paragraphs, grammar errors of different nature, use of direct and indirect speech. The results of the intervention and ongoing analysis of data shows that there has been considered developments in the performance of the written production of the research subjects
The aim of this study is to investigate the importance of playfulness and interpersonal relationships at school. The methodology of the study was divided into three phases: the first phase was a survey and analysis of studies in the field of childhood playfulness and interpersonal relationships, from a reference from a multidisciplinary reference, supported in the areas of Educational Psychology and history and sociology of childhood and the second was the realization of an empirical study in a classroom of 1st year of elementary school, in which we use as instruments the use of participant observation, semistructured interviews with six selected students and collected school records and the third phase focused on analysis of data from a qualitative perspective with dialogues between literature in the area and data analysis. Among the main directions of study have the following problematizations: school world not adapted in order to enroll in elementary school, lack of playfulness, interpersonal relations in this context. By analyzing this information and the main results we have the advancement of education in the new environment where playfulness, as the jokes were not taken during the year by the teacher, but remained present in the actions of children, highlighting also the symbolism and sets of rules. Interpersonal relationships were present at all times, between being a friend, share and discuss, through the interactions. Therefore, we consider that there are still challenges to deal with this new child who enters school as it relates to your mood, the play, study or friendship
A importância do estudo da paleontologia está no seu caráter integrador, reunindo conhecimentos de várias áreas, o que pode contribuir para que os alunos do ensino básico entendam a história da vida no planeta, encarando a evolução como um processo contínuo e bem evidenciado no qual também estamos inseridos. No contexto de pequena presença do ensino da paleontologia na Educação Básica, outros espaços de educação não formal ganham força na transmissão desses conhecimentos à população e, dentre estes espaços, na área da paleontologia, encontram-se as exposições de fósseis. Estas permitem que os conhecimentos desenvolvidos na universidade e que normalmente ficam restritos ao âmbito universitário sejam levadas ao conhecimento de um grande número de alunos, contribuindo para a formação e alfabetização científica. A partir desta perspectiva, o presente estudo teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento e a avaliação de uma exposição de fósseis e réplicas para os alunos do ensino básico da rede pública das escolas de Botucatu e região. Através dessa exposição, chamada Paleo Expo, pretendeu-se que os alunos conhecessem a história da vida na Terra, tivessem contato com os principais eventos evolutivos e entendessem a evolução como um processo contínuo e bem evidenciado, contribuindo para o enriquecimento dos conhecimentos dos visitantes, aguçando a curiosidade e gerando reflexões. A exposição, destinada a alunos de sexta a oitava series do ensino fundamental, priorizou a participação ativa dos alunos e contou também com atividades complementares, que consistiram em um jogo educativo e uma apresentação de informações sobre como são realizadas as pesquisas em paleontologia. A Paleo Expo, de um modo geral, atingiu seus objetivos e os alunos se mostraram estimulados e participativos. Pode-se considerar, pelos dados coletados, que a experiência... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This study is a reflexive review of theories about the teaching of English to children in Elementary School, a suggestion to teach English through the Fairy Tales and Fables, associated with the study of Transversal Themes suggested by the plot in the selected stories. Based on the Communicative Approach to language were conducted a few classes with students of the 4th year of Elementary School in a private school of Bauru city. A bibliographic study was conducted in Applied Linguistics, Philosophy of Education, Psychoanalysis, Approaches to teaching Foreign Language and Theories related to foreign language acquisition
The object of this study was to analyze the process of implementing the compulsory education to nine years, according to the Law 11.274/06, in Rio Claro. Thus it was established a brief analysis of the trajectory of Brazilian educational policy that began with the Law of Directives and Bases 4.024/61 and was followed by the Law 5.692/71, the 1988 Federal Constitution, the Law of Directives and Bases 9394 / 96, the National Educational Plan - Law 10.172/01, Law 11.114/05, 11.274/06 and the Constitutional Amendment. 59/2009, pointing to increase access to education that aims to expand and ensure free education and compulsory basic education for children aging from 04 to 17 years old. The research has been based on collecting bibliographical data, information and data for the municipality of Rio Claro, through official documents, semi-structured interviews, and research on government websites. The expansion of basic education to nine years has been securing the rights gained over time through education. Moreover, this expansion of education promotes a questioning about the quality of teaching and a concern for the financial contributions required for education.
Todos nós sabemos o quanto é importante uma base de conhecimentos sólida, para que, posteriormente, quando forem ensinados os novos conceitos, os alunos possam fazer relações com o conhecimento que já possuem, com maior facilidade. Verificamos no Ensino Médio a grande dificuldade dos alunos têm para o aprendizado de Física, além da idéia pré-concebida que eles possuem de que é uma disciplina de difícil compreensão. Porém, essas dificuldades, em sua grande parte são advindas da compreensão dos textos de e do desenvolvimento de cálculos, ou seja, essas dificuldades provêm das disciplinas de Língua Portuguesa e de Matemática. Com base na situação descrita acima, o presente trabalho tem o objetivo de buscar alternativas para este problema, trabalhando desde a base destes conhecimentos, através de atividades desenvolvidas com o primeiro ciclo do Ensino Fundamental. Dessa maneira, levamos para escola pública de um bairro periférico de Presidente Prudente, mais especificamente, para a 3ª série do ensino fundamental, uma atividade com conceitos de Física para desenvolver com as crianças, estimulando o raciocínio das mesmas e a incentivando a busca por soluções para situações-problemas, utilizando-se para isso das idéias propostas pelo Construtivismo, fundamentadas na epistemologia de Piaget. Este trabalho sempre visou a valorização do conhecimento prévio desses alunos e estabelecendo relações com o seu cotidiano
Sabe-se que crianças adquirem conhecimentos sobre o esporte, antes mesmo de ingressarem na escola ou de receberem informações sobre esse conteúdo de maneira sistematizada, em aulas de Educação Física. Este estudo analisou qual visão os alunos do ensino fundamental têm sobre o esporte e discutiu qual foi o meio responsável por esse conhecimento, a mídia ou a escola. Foram entrevistadas, através de um roteiro previamente elaborado, crianças da 3º e da 6º série do ensino fundamental de uma mesma escola. Os resultados foram apresentados de modo comparativo entre essas diferentes séries a fim de se obter uma discussão sobre a influência da mídia e da escola sobre o aprendizado do conteúdo esportivo.
This work had how I aim to notice what it happens in the recreation of two schools of basic teaching I, more precisely with children of the 2nd and 3rd year, analysing what they do and since they play. The interest in observing this moment is the fact of, at present, the children they have not many places to play, principally due to the violence and gradually places with structure for the same thing; the streets are already not any more places where the child can play the friends calmly, interact with other, his turn discovers the world and principally to enjoy itself. With these facts the school becomes the most appropriate place so that the child can play and interact with other children and at the same time to be protected leaving so the most carefree parents. The school becomes the great back yard in the life of the child, when several activities are happening there more and in this way developing not only the communication, the spirit of collaboration and of companionship, the co-ordination motora in general and the autonomy. Therefore the recreation makes an important time into the school life, moment in which the child can practise the universal right that is secured of playing
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper aims to discuss the approach of sentences concessive on grammars and teaching books in Portuguese in order to ascertain to what extent is closer or more distant from the description of sentences concessive in real interaction from the perspective of Functional Discourse Grammar. Were consulted normative grammars, descriptive and five textbooks used in primary schools. In some, the grant was not addressed, as in others, we note that, in general, have definitions which simply equate concessive clauses a concept syntactic and sometimes semantic, detaching it from the domain of pragmatic language. This level of analysis is not left out, however, by the prospect Functional Discourse, which analyzes the pragmatic as the broader component within which we analyze the semantics and syntax. From this point of view, we intend to propose new emphases in approach given the award by the grammars and the teaching materials.
Objetiva discutir os aspectos determinantes da descentralização da Educação Básica brasileira no período pós-1988 (nova Constituição Federal), com um enfoque na municipalização do Ensino Fundamental a partir da instituição do Fundef (Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento do Ensino Fundamental e de Valorização do Magistério). Investiga os sistemas de ensino de quatorze municípios que compõem a Diretoria Regional de São José do Rio Preto (SP). A partir desta amostra, busca identificar quais aderem à municipalização por meio da análise da evolução das matrículas nos sistemas municipais de ensino no período compreendido entre 1997 e 2007, visto que grande parte da literatura aponta o Fundef como um fator indutor do processo de municipalização do Ensino Fundamental. Os resultados indicam que uma parte desses municípios inicia um processo de municipalização das matrículas do Ensino Fundamental com a implementação do Fundef. No caso específico da Região Administrativa estudada, é no ano de 2002 que ocorre a inversão do contexto anterior, qual seja, a partir deste ano o número de matrículas nos sistemas municipais de Ensino Fundamental supera o total de alunos matriculados na rede estadual de ensino.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This paper deals with unconventional segmentations of words in texts produced by students of the last four years of elementary school. The main hypothesis is that these data allow us to observe the characteristics of written and spoken utterances. Through analysis of data on prosodic constituents, we argue that students deal with (conflicting) hypotheses on the organization of unstressed syllables into prosodic constituents: metric feet, prosodic word and clitic group. We found evidence that unconventional spellings have their main motivation in the difficulty of students to assign the status of written word to grammatical items that are prosodic clitics.
The majority of the population knows their role in dengue control, preventing the accumulation of water in containers as potential breeding sites of Aedes aegypti, the main vector of dengue. Also known chemical control, widely used by the institutions responsible for the control of endemic diseases. On the other hand, unaware that an alternative measure such biological control through a microbial biopesticide, safe, harmless to health and the environment, can be adopted. Thus, this work reported for elementary school students, simply and clearly, the biological control of mosquitoes through bacterial biopesticide produced locally. Moreover, promoted the interdisciplinary teaching of science and mathematics through the data tabulation and charting on interviews conducted by students, about the level of knowledge of the population about dengue and other related variables.