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Introduction: The progress in technology, associated to the high survival rate in premature newborn infants in neonatal intensive care units, causes an increase in morbidity. Individuals with CP present complex motor alterations, with primary deficits of abnormal muscle tone affecting posture and voluntary movement, alteration of balance and coordination, decrease of force, and loss of selective motor control with secondary problems of contractures and bone deformities. Objective: The aim of this work is to describe the spontaneous movement and strategies that lead infants with cerebral palsy to move. Methods: Seven infants used to receive assistance at the Essential Stimulation Center of CIAM (Israeli Center for Multidisciplinary Support - Philanthropic Institution), with ages ranging between six and 18 months with diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy (CP) were assessed. Results: The results show the difficulty presented by the infants with respect to the spontaneous motor functions and the necessity of help from the caregiver in order to perform the functional activity (mobility). Prematurity prevails as the major risk factor among the complications. Conclusion: The child development can be understood as a product of the dynamic interactions involving the infant, the family, and the context. Thus, the social interactions and family environment in which the infant live may encourage or limit both the acquisition of skills and the functional independence.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the behavioral patterns associated with autism and the prevalence of these behaviors in males and females, to verify whether our model of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration represents an experimental model of autism. For this, we prenatally exposed Wistar rats to LPS (100 mu g/kg, intraperitoneally, on gestational day 9.5), which mimics infection by gram-negative bacteria. Furthermore, because the exact mechanisms by which autism develops are still unknown, we investigated the neurological mechanisms that might underlie the behavioral alterations that were observed. Because we previously had demonstrated that prenatal LPS decreases striatal dopamine (DA) and metabolite levels, the striatal dopaminergic system (tyrosine hydroxylase [TH] and DA receptors D1a and D2) and glial cells (astrocytes and microglia) were analyzed by using immunohistochemistry, immunoblotting, and real-time PCR. Our results show that prenatal LPS exposure impaired communication (ultrasonic vocalizations) in male pups and learning and memory (T-maze spontaneous alternation) in male adults, as well as inducing repetitive/restricted behavior, but did not change social interactions in either infancy (play behavior) or adulthood in females. Moreover, although the expression of DA receptors was unchanged, the experimental animals exhibited reduced striatal TH levels, indicating that reduced DA synthesis impaired the striatal dopaminergic system. The expression of glial cell markers was not increased, which suggests that prenatal LPS did not induce permanent neuroinflammation in the striatum. Together with our previous finding of social impairments in males, the present findings demonstrate that prenatal LPS induced autism-like effects and also a hypoactivation of the dopaminergic system. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Objective: To investigate the use of nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) in level three neonatal intensive care units (NICU) in northeastern Brazil. Methods: This observational cross-sectional survey was conducted from March 2009 to January 2010 in all level three NICUs in northeastern Brazil that are registered in the Brazilian Registry of Health Establishments (Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saude, CNES) of the Ministry of Health. Questionnaires about the use of NIPPV were sent to the NICU directors in each institution. Statistical analysis was conducted using the software Epi-Info 6.04 and double data entry. A chi-square test was used to compare variables, and the level of statistical significance was set at p <= 0.05. Results: This study identified 93 level three NICUs in northeastern Brazil registered in CNES, and 87% answered the study questionnaire. Most classified themselves as private institutions (30.7%); 98.7% used NIPPV; 92.8 % adapted mechanical ventilators for NIPPV and used short binasal prongs as the interface (94.2%). Only 17.3% of the units had a protocol for the use of NIPPV. Mean positive inspiratory pressure and positive end-expiratory pressure were 20.0 cmH(2)O (standard deviation [SD]: 4.47) and 5.0 cmH(2)O (SD: 0.84). Conclusion: NICUs in northeastern Brazil use nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation, but indications and ventilation settings are not the same in the different institutions.


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The combination of solid-phase microextraction (SPME) with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography is evaluated here for fatty acid (FA) profiling of the glycerophospholipid fraction from human buccal mucosal cells. A base-catalyzed derivatization reaction selective for polar lipids such as glycerophospholipid was adopted. SPME is compared to a miniaturized liquidliquid extraction procedure for the isolation of FA methyl esters produced in the derivatization step. The limits of detection and limits of quantitation were calculated for each sample preparation method. Because of its lower values of limits of detection and quantitation, SPME was adopted. The extracted analytes were separated, detected, and quantified by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (FID). The combination of SPME and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with FID, using a selective derivatization reaction in the preliminary steps, proved to be a simple and fast procedure for FA profiling, and was successfully applied to the analysis of adult human buccal mucosal cells.


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Objective: To verify, in extremely preterm infants, if disagreement between obstetricians and neonatologists regarding proactive management is associated with early death. Study Design: Prospective cohort of 484 infants with 23(0/7) to 26(6/7) weeks, without malformations, born from January 2006 to December 2009 in eight Brazilian hospitals. Pro-active management was defined as indication of >= 1 dose of antenatal steroid or cesarean section (obstetrician) and resuscitation at birth according to the international guidelines (neonatologist). Main outcome was neonatal death in the first 24 h of life. Result: Obstetricians and neonatologists disagreed in 115 (24%) patients: only neonatologists were proactive in 107 of them. Disagreement between professionals increased 2.39 times the chance of death in the first day (95% confidence interval 1.40 to 4.09), adjusted for center and maternal/neonatal clinical conditions. Conclusion: In infants with 23 to 26 weeks of gestation, disagreement between obstetricians and neonatologists, translated as lack of antenatal steroids and/or vaginal delivery, despite resuscitation procedures, increases the odds of death in the first day. Journal of Perinatology (2012) 32, 913-919; doi:10.1038/jp.2012.28; published online 29 March 2012


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Oral Diseases (2012) 18, 648654 Aim: Infective agents may affect pregnancy outcomes by deregulating homeostasis. Objectives: The effects of Porphyromonas gingivalis infection before and at different gestation periods were evaluated. Materials and Methods: Wistar rats infected via subcutaneous with P. gingivalis W83, one week before mating (BM), days 1 (PR1) and 11 of gestation (PR11), and controls were evaluated, and samples were obtained at the end of gestation. P. gingivalis was detected by PCR. Cytokine was determined by ELISA. Results: Infected rats had lower maternal gain of weight. Implantation was not observed in 2/12 BM rats. PR11 presented more fetal-placental resorptions and lower placenta/fetus weight than controls. P. gingivalis was detected in placenta and fetus. IL-6 and TNF-a levels were higher in placenta and serum of infected groups, except for TNF-a in placenta of PR1. IL-1 beta levels were higher in placenta of PR11, but lower in serum and placenta of PR1. There were no differences in IL-10 and PGE2 concentrations among the groups (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The experimental infection by P. gingivalis resulted in alterations in the gestational pattern and in fetal development. The consequences of infection at mid-gestation were more severe than at the beginning, possibly due to the induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the fetal compartment.


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Background: Snake bite is a neglected public health problem in communities in rural areas of several countries. Bothrops jararaca causes many snake bites in Brazil and previous studies have demonstrated that the pharmacological activities displayed by its venom undergo a significant ontogenetic shift. Similarly, the venom proteome of B. jararaca exhibits a considerable variation upon neonate to adult transition, which is associated with changes in diet from ectothermic prey in early life to endothermic prey in adulthood. Moreover, it has been shown that the Brazilian commercial antibothropic antivenom, which is produced by immunization with adult venom, is less effective in neutralizing newborn venom effects. On the other hand, venom gland transcripts of newborn snakes are poorly known since all transcriptomic studies have been carried out using mRNA from adult specimens. Methods/Principal Findings: Here we analyzed venom gland cDNA libraries of newborn and adult B. jararaca in order to evaluate whether the variability demonstrated for its venom proteome and pharmacological activities was correlated with differences in the structure of toxin transcripts. The analysis revealed that the variability in B. jararaca venom gland transcriptomes is quantitative, as illustrated by the very high content of metalloproteinases in the newborn venom glands. Moreover, the variability is also characterized by the structural diversity of SVMP precursors found in newborn and adult transcriptomes. In the adult transcriptome, however, the content of metalloproteinase precursors considerably diminishes and the number of transcripts of serine proteinases, C-type lectins and bradykinin-potentiating peptides increase. Moreover, the comparison of the content of ESTs encoding toxins in adult male and female venom glands showed some genderrelated differences. Conclusions/Significance: We demonstrate a substantial shift in toxin transcripts upon snake development and a marked decrease in the metalloproteinase P-III/P-I class ratio which are correlated with changes in the venom proteome complexity and pharmacological activities.


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Background and Purpose-The pattern of antenatal brain injury varies with gestational age at the time of insult. Deep brain nuclei are often injured at older gestational ages. Having previously shown postnatal hypertonia after preterm fetal rabbit hypoxia-ischemia, the objective of this study was to investigate the causal relationship between the dynamic regional pattern of brain injury on MRI and the evolution of muscle tone in the near-term rabbit fetus. Methods-Serial MRI was performed on New Zealand white rabbit fetuses to determine equipotency of fetal hypoxia-ischemia during uterine ischemia comparing 29 days gestation (E29, 92% gestation) with E22 and E25. E29 postnatal kits at 4, 24, and 72 hours after hypoxia-ischemia underwent T2- and diffusion-weighted imaging. Quantitative assessments of tone were made serially using a torque apparatus in addition to clinical assessments. Results-Based on the brain apparent diffusion coefficient, 32 minutes of uterine ischemia was selected for E29 fetuses. At E30, 58% of the survivors manifested hind limb hypotonia. By E32, 71% of the hypotonic kits developed dystonic hypertonia. Marked and persistent apparent diffusion coefficient reduction in the basal ganglia, thalamus, and brain stem was predictive of these motor deficits. Conclusions-MRI observation of deep brain injury 6 to 24 hours after near-term hypoxia-ischemia predicts dystonic hypertonia postnatally. Torque-displacement measurements indicate that motor deficits in rabbits progressed from initial hypotonia to hypertonia, similar to human cerebral palsy, but in a compressed timeframe. The presence of deep brain injury and quantitative shift from hypo-to hypertonia may identify patients at risk for developing cerebral palsy. (Stroke. 2012;43:2757-2763.)


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Noonan syndrome (NS) and Noonan-like syndromes (NLS) are autosomal dominant disorders caused by heterozygous mutations in genes of the RAS/MAPK pathway. The aim of the study was to construct specific growth charts for patients with NS and NLS. Anthropometric measurements (mean of 4.3 measurements per patient) were obtained in a mixed cross-sectional and longitudinal mode from 127 NS and 10 NLS patients with mutations identified in PTPN11 (n?=?90), SOS1 (n?=?14), RAF1 (n?=?10), KRAS (n?=?8), BRAF (n?=?11), and SHOC2 (n?=?4) genes. Height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) references were constructed using the lambda, mu, sigma (LMS) method. Patients had birth weight and length within normal ranges for gestational age although a higher preterm frequency (16%) was observed. Mean final heights were 157.4?cm [-2.4 standard deviation score (SDS)] and 148.4?cm (-2.2?SDS) for adult males and females, respectively. BMI SDS was lower when compared to Brazilian standards (BMI SDS of -0.9 and -0.5 SDS for males and females, respectively). Patients harboring mutations in RAF1 and SHOC2 gene were shorter than other genotypes, whereas patients with SOS1 and BRAF mutations had more preserved postnatal growth. In addition, patients with RAF1 and BRAF had the highest BMI whereas patients with SHOC2 and KRAS mutations had the lowest BMI. The present study established the first height, weight, and BMI reference curves for NS and NLS patients, based only on patients with a proven molecular cause. These charts can be useful for the clinical follow-up of patients with NS and NLS. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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In developed countries, children with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) or born preterm (PT) tend to achieve catch-up growth. There is little information about height catch-up in developing countries and about height catch-down in both developed and developing countries. We studied the effect of IUGR and PT birth on height catch-up and catch-down growth of children from two cohorts of liveborn singletons. Data from 1,463 children was collected at birth and at school age in Ribeirao Preto (RP), a more developed city, and in Sao Luis (SL), a less developed city. A change in z-score between schoolchild height z-score and birth length z-score >= 0.67 was considered catch-up; a change in z-score <=-0.67 indicated catch-down growth. The explanatory variables were: appropriate weight for gestational age/PT birth in four categories: term children without IUGR (normal), IUGR only (term with IUGR), PT only ( preterm without IUGR) and preterm with IUGR; infant's sex; maternal parity, age, schooling and marital status; occupation of family head; family income and neonatal ponderal index (PI). The risk ratio for catch-up and catch-down was estimated by multinomial logistic regression for each city. In RP, preterms without IUGR (RR = 4.13) and thin children (PI<10th percentile, RR = 14.39) had a higher risk of catch-down; catch-up was higher among terms with IUGR (RR = 5.53), preterms with IUGR (RR = 5.36) and children born to primiparous mothers (RR = 1.83). In SL, catch-down was higher among preterms without IUGR (RR = 5.19), girls (RR = 1.52) and children from low-income families ( RR = 2.74); the lowest risk of catch-down (RR = 0.27) and the highest risk of catch-up (RR = 3.77) were observed among terms with IUGR. In both cities, terms with IUGR presented height catch-up growth whereas preterms with IUGR only had height catch-up growth in the more affluent setting. Preterms without IUGR presented height catch-down growth, suggesting that a better socioeconomic situation facilitates height catch-up and prevents height catch-down growth.


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Breathing moves volumes of electrically insulating air into and out of the lungs, producing conductivity changes which can be seen by electrical impedance tomography (EIT). It has thus been apparent, since the early days of EIT research, that imaging of ventilation could become a key clinical application of EIT. In this paper, we review the current state and future prospects for lung EIT, by a synthesis of the presentations of the authors at the 'special lung sessions' of the annual biomedical EIT conferences in 2009-2011. We argue that lung EIT research has arrived at an important transition. It is now clear that valid and reproducible physiological information is available from EIT lung images. We must now ask the question: How can these data be used to help improve patient outcomes? To answer this question, we develop a classification of possible clinical scenarios in which EIT could play an important role, and we identify clinical and experimental research programmes and engineering developments required to turn EIT into a clinically useful tool for lung monitoring.


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Problem We evaluated the influence of amniotic fluid (AF) on immune mediator production by mononuclear leukocytes. Method of study Thirty mid-gestation AFs were incubated with peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in the presence or absence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Supernatants were tested for interleukin (IL) -6, 10, 12, 23, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1. Results Endogenous mediator production was minimal or non-detectable. AF stimulated endogenous MCP-1, IL-6 and TNF-alpha release. In the presence of LPS, production of MCP-1 and IL-10 by PBMCs was enhanced eightto ninefold by AF. Release of IL-6 and IL-23 was enhanced less than twofold by the addition of AF while TNF-alpha production was unchanged. AF-stimulated mediator production was similar irrespective of pregnancy outcome. Conclusion Selective AF stimulation of LPS-mediated MCP-1 and IL-10 release may be a mechanism to promote antibody production and the influx of phagocytic cells to engulf pathogens while downregulating the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines.


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Background: Caesarean section rates in Brazil have been steadily increasing. In 2009, for the first time, the number of children born by this type of procedure was greater than the number of vaginal births. Caesarean section is associated with a series of adverse effects on the women and newborn, and recent evidence suggests that the increasing rates of prematurity and low birth weight in Brazil are associated to the increasing rates of Caesarean section and labour induction. Methods: Nationwide hospital-based cohort study of postnatal women and their offspring with follow-up at 45 to 60 days after birth. The sample was stratified by geographic macro-region, type of the municipality and by type of hospital governance. The number of postnatal women sampled was 23,940, distributed in 191 municipalities throughout Brazil. Two electronic questionnaires were applied to the postnatal women, one baseline face-to-face and one follow-up telephone interview. Two other questionnaires were filled with information on patients' medical records and to assess hospital facilities. The primary outcome was the percentage of Caesarean sections (total, elective and according to Robson's groups). Secondary outcomes were: post-partum pain; breastfeeding initiation; severe/near miss maternal morbidity; reasons for maternal mortality; prematurity; low birth weight; use of oxygen use after birth and mechanical ventilation; admission to neonatal ICU; stillbirths; neonatal mortality; readmission in hospital; use of surfactant; asphyxia; severe/near miss neonatal morbidity. The association between variables were investigated using bivariate, stratified and multivariate model analyses. Statistical tests were applied according to data distribution and homogeneity of variances of groups to be compared. All analyses were taken into consideration for the complex sample design. Discussion: This study, for the first time, depicts a national panorama of labour and birth outcomes in Brazil. Regardless of the socioeconomic level, demand for Caesarean section appears to be based on the belief that the quality of obstetric care is closely associated to the technology used in labour and birth. Within this context, it was justified to conduct a nationwide study to understand the reasons that lead pregnant women to submit to Caesarean sections and to verify any association between this type of birth and it's consequences on postnatal health.


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Background: This study measured grating visual acuity in 173 children between 6-48 months of age who had different types of spastic cerebral palsy (CP). Method: Behavioural acuity was measured with the Teller Acuity Cards (TAC) using a staircase psychophysical procedure. Electrophysiological visual acuity was estimated using the sweep VEP (sVEP). Results: The percentage of children outside the superior tolerance limits was 44 of 63 (69%) and 50 of 55 (91%) of tetraplegic, 36 of 56 (64%) and 42 of 53 (79%) of diplegic, 10 of 48 (21%) and 12 of 40 (30%) of hemiplegic for sVEP and TAC, respectively. For the sVEP, the greater visual acuity deficit found in the tetraplegic group was significantly different from that of the hemiplegic group (p < 0.001). In the TAC procedure the mean visual acuity deficits of the tetraplegic and diplegic groups were significantly different from that of hemiplegic group (p < 0.001). The differences between sVEP and TAC means of visual acuity difference were statistically significant for the tetraplegic (p < 0.001), diplegic (p < 0.001), and hemiplegic group (p = 0.004). Discussion: Better visual acuities were obtained in both procedures for hemiplegic children compared to diplegic or tetraplegic. Tetraplegic and diplegic children showed greater discrepancies between the TAC and sVEP results. Inter-ocular acuity difference was more frequent in sVEP measurements. Conclusions: Electrophysiologically measured visual acuity is better than behavioural visual acuity in children with CP.


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The innate and adaptive immune responses in neonates are usually functionally impaired when compared with their adult counterparts. The qualitative and quantitative differences in the neonatal immune response put them at risk for the development of bacterial and viral infections, resulting in increased mortality. Newborns often exhibit decreased production of Th1-polarizing cytokines and are biased toward Th2-type responses. Studies aimed at understanding the plasticity of the immune response in the neonatal and early infant periods or that seek to improve neonatal innate immune function with adjuvants or special formulations are crucial for preventing the infectious disease burden in this susceptible group. Considerable studies focused on identifying potential immunomodulatory therapies have been performed in murine models. This article highlights the strategies used in the emerging field of immunomodulation in bacterial and viral pathogens, focusing on preclinical studies carried out in animal models with particular emphasis on neonatal-specific immune deficits.