846 resultados para Predator-prey
Alaska plaice, Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus, is one of the major flatfishes in the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem and is most highly concentrated in the shallow continental shelf of the eastern Bering Sea. Annual commercial catches have ranged from less than 1,000 metric tons (t) in 1963 to 62,000 t in 1988. Alaska plaice is a relatively large flatfish averaging about 32 cm in length and 390 g in weight in commercial catches. They are distributed from nearshore waters to a depth of about 100 m in the eastern Bering Sea during summer, but move to deeper continental shelf waters in winter to escape sea ice and cold water temperatures. Being a long-lived species (>30 years), they have a relatively low natural mortality rate estimated at 0.20. Maturing at about age 7, Alaska plaice spawn from April through June on hard sandy substrates of the shelf region, primarily around the 100 m isobath. Prey items primarily include polychaetes and other marine worms. In comparison with other flatfish, Alaska plaice and rock sole, Pleuronectes bilineatus, have similar diets but different habitat preferences with separate areas of peak population density which may minimize interspecific competition. Yellowfin sole, Pleuronectes asper, while sharing similar habitat, differs from these two species because of the variety of prey items in its diet. Competition for food resources among the three species appears to be low. The resource has experienced light exploitation since 1963 and is currently in good condition. Based on the results of demersal trawl surveys and age-structured analyses, the exploitable biomass increased from 1971 through the mid-1980’s before decreasing to the 1997 level of 500,000 t. The recommended 1998 harvest level, Allowable Biological Catch, was calculated from the Baranov catch equation based on the FMSY harvest level and the projected 1997 biomass, resulting in a commercial harvest of 69,000 t, or about 16% of the estimated exploitable biomass.
Four recognized species of menhaden, Brevoortia spp., occur in North American marine waters: Atlantic menhaden, B. tyrannus; Gulf menhaden, B. patronus; yellowfin menhaden. B. smithi; and finescale menhaden, B. gunteri. Three of the menhaden species are known to form two hybrid types. Members of the genus range from coastal waters of Veracruz, Mex., to Nova Scotia, Can. Atlantic and Gulf menhaden are extremely abundant within their respective ranges and support extensive purse-seine reduction (to fish meal and oil) fisheries. All menhaden species are estuarine dependent through late larval and juvenile stages. Depending on species and location within the range, spawning may occur within bays and sounds to a substantial distance offshore. Menhaden are considered to be filter-feeding, planktivorous omnivores as juveniles and adults. Menhaden eggs, immature developmental stages, and adults are potential prey for a large and diverse number of predators. North American menhadens, including two hybrids, are hosts for the parasitic isopod, Olencira praegustator, and the parasitic copepod, Lemaeenicus radiatus. Although the data are quite variable, a dome-shaped Ricker function is frequently used to describe the spawner-recruitment relationship for Atlantic and Gulf menhaden. Each of these species is treated as a single stock with respect to exploitation by the purse-seine reduction fishery. Estimates of instantaneous natural (other) mortality rates are O.45 for Atlantic menhaden and 1.1 for Gulf menhaden.
The foraging ecology of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the Northwest Florida Panhandle and estuaries in northern Georgia was determined using diet analysis and behavioral surveys. Stomach content analysis was completed on bottlenose dolphins(N = 25) that stranded in the Northwest Florida Panhandle from November 2006 to March 2009. The most abundant prey species were spot Leiostomus xanthurus (20.4%), squid (10.9%), pinfish Lagodon rhombiodes (10.3%), and Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatus (8.5%). Dolphins that stranded during months with a red tide Karenia brevis bloom consumed more pinfish, and spot; whereas dolphins that stranded in non-bloom months consumed more squid, Atlantic croaker, and silver perch Bairdiella chrysoura. Differences in diet were also identified for dolphins that stranded inside bays/sound and dolphin that stranded outside of bays along the coast, and male and female dolphins. Surveys were conducted from south of the Savannah River to north of Ossabaw Sound in Georgia where foraging behaviors were classified. Multivariate Generalized Additive Models were used to test correlations of behaviors to dolphin group size, depth, salinity, temperature, creek width, and tide. Sightings with headstands (p = 0.009), hard stops (p = 0.019), chasing (p = 0.004), mudbank whacking (p < 0.001), herding/circling (p = 0.024), and strand feeding (p = 0.006) were correlated with shallow water or small creeks. Sightings with kerplunking (p = 0.031), mudbank whacking (p = 0.001), strand feeding (p = 0.003), and herding/circling (p = 0.026) were significantly correlated with low tide. The results of the Savannah, Georgia study were the first to characterize foraging behaviors in this area and demonstrate how bottlenose dolphins utilize the salt marsh estuary in terms of foraging. Studies like these are important to determine how dolphins forage efficiently and to provide background information on diet and foraging behavior for use in monitoring future impacts to dolphins in the Northwest Florida Panhandle and near Savannah, Georgia.
Stomach contents of 110 franciscanas (Pontoporia blainvillei), from northern Argentina were analysed in order to improve our knowledge about the feeding habits of this species and to better characterise the lactation period. The samples included calves, juveniles and adults of both sexes. Evidence of predation by franciscanas is seen at a very young age (2.5-3 months), with a transition diet composed by both milk and solid food, mainly represented by crustaceans. Weaning seems to begin by April, when franciscanas are about 6-7 months old. Franciscanas inhabiting two different habitats were analysed in this study: a brackish water estuary and an adjacent marine coastal system. The diet of Pontoporia blainvillei in northern Argentina was composed by a total of 26 prey species: 20 teleosts, 4 crustaceans and 2 cephalopods. Based on the Index of Relative Importance (IRI) the main prey species were Cynoscion guatucupa, Micropogonias furnieri, Loligo sanpaulensis and Urophycis brasiliensis. Estuarine franciscanas preyed mainly on Micropogonias furnieri (dominant species), Cynoscion guatucupa, Odonthestes argentinensis and Macrodon ancylodon, while dolphins from marine areas preyed mainly on Cynoscion guatucupa (dominant species), Loligo sanpaulensis and Urophycis brasiliensis. Our results confirm that franciscanas prey mainly on juvenile fish (< 8cm) and small loliginid squids, in close agreement with previous results obtained in southern Brazil and Uruguay. Qualitative and quantitative differences observed in the diet of dolphins from each habitat emphasise the need to discriminate between samples from different habitats and environmental parameters. SPANISH: Se analizaron 110 contenidos estomacales de franciscanas (Pontoporia blainvillei) provenientes de la costa norte de Argentina, para extender en conocimiento sobre su dieta y caracterizar la lactancia. Las muestras incluyeron cachorros, juveniles y adultos de ambos sexos. Las primeras etapas de predación se inician a muy temprana edad (2,5-3 meses), presentando una dieta de transición compuesta tanto por leche como por presas sólidas, principalmente crustáceos; el destete se iniciaría a partir de abril, a una edad estimada entre 6 y 7 meses. Las franciscanas estudiadas provienen de dos habitats diferentes: un área estuarial de baja salinidad y la region marina adyacente. La dieta de Pontoporia blainvillei de Argentina estuvo compuesta por un total de 26 especies: 20 teleósteos, 4 crustáceos y 2 cefalópodos. Basados en el Indice de Importancia Relativa (IIR), las presas más importantes fueron Cynoscion guatucupa, Micropogonias furnieri, Loligo sanpaulensis y Urophycis brasiliensis. Las franciscanas provenientes del área estuarial predaron principalmente sobre Micropogonias furnieri (especie dominante), Cynoscion guatucupa, Odonthestes argentinensis y Macrodon ancylodon, mientras que los delfines marinos predaron sobre Cynoscion guatucupa (especie dominante), Loligo sanpaulensis y Urophycis brasiliensis. Nuestros resultados confirman que la franciscana preda sobre peces juveniles (< 8cm) y pequeños calamares Loliginidae, coincidiendo con resultados previos obtenidos en el sur del Brasil y Uruguay. Las diferencias cualitativas y cuantitativas observadas en la dieta de cada uno de las áreas analizadas, nos sugieren que los futuros estudios sobre ecología trófica de la franciscana deberían discriminarse de acuerdo al origen de los ejemplares y a la tipificación del ambiente.
Os delfinídeos são os cetáceos mais ecologicamente diversos, ocorrendo numa ampla faixa de latitudes, em águas oceânicas e costeiras, incluindo regiões estuarinas e dulcícolas. O cenário taxonômico é especialmente confuso no gênero Tursiops, uma vez que grande parte das formas tem sido sinonimizadas na espécie Tursiopstruncatus. No entanto, estudos recentes sugerem que o gênero Tursiops seja polifilético. O golfinho-nariz-de-garrafa,T.truncatus, ocorre tanto em águas costeiras quanto oceânicas, em todas as regiões tropicais e temperadas. A espécie T. truncatus é tida como polimórfica e tal característica a torna alvo de acirradas discussões acerca do que são variações regionais ou diferentes entidades taxonômicas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a variabilidade morfológica de T. truncatus em distintas regiões oceânicas, buscando fornecer informações que permitam embasar os argumentos para futuras discussões taxonômicas que envolvem o gênero. Para isso, foi feita análise de Morfometria Geométrica em 2-D de crânios em vistas dorsal e lateral de espécimes que ocorrem nos oceanos Pacífico Norte Oriental, Atlântico Norte Ocidental, Atlântico Sul Ocidental, Atlântico Norte Oriental, Atlântico Sul Oriental e Índico. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas em todo o material analisado, incluindo diferenças entre exemplares reconhecidos como T. gephyreus e T. truncatus na costa Atlântica da América do Sul. As variações cranianas encontradas possuem relação com o tipo de ambiente em que os diferentes grupos ocorrem e podem estar relacionadas com a forma de forrageio, captura de presa e ao sistema de ecolocalização. Além disso, as variações na costa Atlântica da América do Sul podem ser explicadas pelo possível reconhecimento de duas espécies nessa região
This is the report on the Survey of the Lesser Silver Water Beetle Hydrochara caraboides in Cheshire 1997 by the English Nature Research Reports. The three surveyed areas were the ponds at Reaseheath, Mickle Trafford and Brookhouse Farm. The report goes through the method of survey and individual results for each location/pond, aspects of the breeding sites considered favourable to Hydrochara caraboides as depth, vegetation, predators and prey species, surrounding land. It comes with suggestions for further work and appendixes. Appendix A contains tabulated lists of plants and invertebrates found in the various ponds, Appendix B shows grid references and a brief description of ponds at Brookhouse Farm, pond diagrams are plotted in Appendix C.
This is the report from the South and West Cumberland Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 16th October, 1978. It covers information on fisheries income and expenditure, the study of salmon propagation in England and Wales, work on the future programme of fisheries work, keep nets, and the drought order for the reduction of compensation water from Lake Ennerdale. It also covers the report by the area fisheries officer on fishing activities including river conditions and fishing, migratory fish movements, and an update on Holmwrangle hatchery. The report also looks at stocking numbers of salmon and sea trout in various rivers, predator counts for various rivers, fish mortalities and fish disease. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the Eden and District Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 17th October, 1978. It covers information on fisheries income and expenditure, the study of salmon propagation in England and Wales, work on the future programme of fisheries work and keep nets. It also covers the report by the area fisheries officer on fishing activities including river conditions and fishing for salmon, sea trout, brown trout, and coarse fish, and an update on Holmwrangle hatchery. The report also looks at stocking numbers of salmon and sea trout in various rivers, predator counts for various rivers, biological work and fish disease. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
O estudo da instabilidade do desenvolvimento (ID) em organismos pode ser útil para identificar os primeiros sinais de estresse ambiental. Alterações na ID também influenciam a aptidão dos organismos. A variação entre a simetria dos lados esquerdo e direito, manifestada como assimetria flutuante (AF), é um indicador da ID. Ao quantificarmos a literatura científica referente aos estudos de assimetria em répteis identificamos as seguintes tendências: perturbações ambientais aumentam a AF nas populações, fêmeas tendem a escolher machos com características sexuais simétricas, a instabilidade térmica durante o desenvolvimento do ovo pode produzir indivíduos com maior assimetria, a ocorrência de lesões é mais frequente em indivíduos assimétricos para um determinado lado e há uma correlação negativa entre a assimetria e o desempenho locomotor. Considerando os nossos critério de busca, não encontramos estudos sobre assimetria em répteis na América do Sul. Neste estudo, utilizamos diferentes caracteres merísticos e métricos bilaterais para identificar a AF em diferentes populações de cinco espécies de lagartos do gênero Cnemidophorus (C. abaetensis, C. lacertoides, C. littoralis, C. nativo, C. ocellifer) em 15 áreas de restinga ao longo da costa leste do Brasil. A AF foi maior em populações de Cnemidophorus com maior densidade, menor em populações de restingas com maior degradação ambiental e a sua relação com a concentração de mercúrio variou dependendo da espécie. Provavelmente os agentes estressores ambientais avaliados atuam com intensidades diferentes. O nível de degradação ambiental e a concentração de mercúrio causariam a deterioração precoce dos indivíduos com maiores valores de AF. Isso resulta em uma relação inversa entre esses estresses e a AF das populações. Indivíduos com vestígios de autotomia caudal tiveram maiores valores de AF, o que pode ser um indicativo de que indivíduos com menor aptidão efetuam mais autotomia caudal do que aqueles com maior aptidão. Lagartos com evidências de autotomia também tiveram maior tamanho corpóreo, provavelmente devido a estes estarem expostos a mais tempo aos riscos de predação. Não encontramos diferenciação entre as espécies na frequência de autotomia caudal sendo esta talvez melhor explicada por fatores ambientais como a intensidade de predação. Os índices de AF para caracteres múltiplos se mostraram mais eficientes do que a AF de caracteres individuais nas comparações entre indivíduos vivendo em populações com diferentes níveis de estresse e entre indivíduos com e sem autotomia caudal
This is the report from the Lune, Wyre and Furness Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 24th October, 1978. It covers information on fisheries income and expenditure, the study of salmon propagation in England and Wales, work on the future programme of fisheries work and keep nets. Also covered is a brief note on the future water supplies for South West Cumbria, water resource development, cage rearing of salmon smolts in the River Leven and the report by the area fisheries officer on usage of Middleton hatchery. The section on the report by the area fisheries officer on fishing activities includes river conditions for salmon, sea trout, non-migratory trout, Char and coarse fish, and migratory fish movements at Haverthwaite on the River Leven, Broadraine and Forge Weir on the River Lune and Duddon Hall. Stocking numbers of brown trout and rainbow trout in various rivers are also added, as well as predator numbers for various rivers, pollution incidents and fish mortalities, biological work and Skerton Weir. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
The diets of four common rockfishes from the kelp beds near Santa Barbara, California, were determined by gut contents analysis, and related to feeding strategies. The guts of one hundred specimens of each species were examined, and the importance of prey evaluated by their frequency of occurrence, numbers, and volumes. The volumes of stomach contents were standardized for the size of specimen. Estimates of overlap in diet between the species were made. Sebastes atrovirens fed primarily on small animals from the kelp canopy, and may have employed a browsing rather than pursuing strategy of feeding. It showed low overlap in diet with the three bottom-dwelling species, S. carnatus, S. chrysomelas, and S. vexillaris, all of which preferred larger types of prey and seemed more like pursuers. The closely related S. carnatus and S. chrysomelas were quite similar in diet, eating primarily medium sized demersal invertebrates, especially crabs and shrimp. S. vexillaris ate fewer crabs and shrimp but more large-sized fish and octopus than the latter two species. Its more active life style indicates that it may react to prey at greater distances and have a larger home range than these species, as has been predicted for pursuers feeding on larger (and rarer) prey.
Invasive species generate significant environmental and economic costs, with maintenance management constituting a major expenditure. Such costs are generated by invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois spp.) that further threaten already stressed coral reefs in the western Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea. This brief review documents rapid range expansion and potential impacts of lionfish. In addition, preliminary experimental data from targeted removals contribute to debates about maintenance management. Removals at sites off Little Cayman Island shifted the size frequency distribution of remaining lionfish toward smaller individuals whose stomachs contained less prey and fewer fish. Fewer lionfish and decreased predation on threatened grouper, herbivores and other economically and ecologically important fishes represent key steps toward protecting reefs. However, complete evaluation of success requires long-term data detailing immigration and recruitment by lionfish, compensatory growth and reproduction of lionfish, reduced direct effects on prey assemblages, and reduced indirect effects mediated by competition for food. Preventing introductions is the best way to avoid impacts from invasive species and early detection linked to rapid response ranks second. Nevertheless, results from this case study suggest that targeted removals represent a viable option for shifting direct impacts of invasive lionfish away from highly vulnerable components of ecosystems.
Piscivorous fishes, many of which are economically valuable, play an important role in marine ecosystems and have the potential to affect fish and invertebrate populations at lower trophic levels. Therefore, a quantitative understanding of the foraging ecology of piscivores is needed for ecosystem-based fishery management plans to be successful. Abundance and stomach contents of seasonally co-occurring piscivores were examined to determine overlap in resource use for Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus; 206–670 mm total length [TL]), Weakfish (Cynoscion regalis; 80–565 mm TL), Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix; 55–732 mm fork length [FL]), and Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis; 422–920 mm FL). We collected samples from monthly, fishery-independent trawl surveys conducted on the inner continental shelf (5–27 m) off New Jersey from June to October 2005. Fish abundances and overlaps in diet and habitat varied over this study period. A wide range of fish and invertebrate prey was consumed by each species. Diet composition (determined from 1997 stomachs with identifiable contents) varied with ontogeny (size) and indicated limited overlap between most of the species size classes examined. Although many prey categories were shared by the piscivores examined, different temporal and spatial patterns in habitat use seemed to alleviate potential competition for prey. Nevertheless, the degree of overlap in both fish distributions and diets increased severalfold in the fall as species left estuaries and migrated across and along the study area. Therefore, the transitional period of fall migration, when fish densities are higher than at other times of the year, may be critical for unraveling resource overlap for these seasonally migrant predators.
We describe the food habits of the Sowerby’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon bidens) from observations of 10 individuals taken as bycatch in the pelagic drift gillnet fishery for Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the western North Atlantic and 1 stranded individual from Kennebunk, Maine. The stomachs of 8 bycaught whales were intact and contained prey. The diet of these 8 whales was dominated by meso- and benthopelagic fishes that composed 98.5% of the prey items found in their stomachs and cephalopods that accounted for only 1.5% of the number of prey. Otoliths and jaws representing at least 31 fish taxa from 15 families were present in the stomach contents. Fishes, primarily from the families Moridae (37.9% of prey), Myctophidae (22.9%), Macrouridae (11.2%), and Phycidae (7.2%), were present in all 8 stomachs. Most prey were from 5 fish taxa: Shortbeard Codling (Laemonema barbatulum) accounted for 35.3% of otoliths, Cocco’s Lanternfish (Lobianchia gemellarii) contributed 12.9%, Marlin-spike (Nezumia bairdii) composed 10.8%, lanternfishes (Lampanyctus spp.) accounted for 8.4%; and Longfin Hake (Phycis chesteri) contributed 6.7%. The mean number of otoliths per stomach was 1196 (range: 327–3452). Most of the fish prey found in the stomachs was quite small, ranging in length from 4.0 to 27.7 cm. We conclude that the Sowerby’s beaked whales that we examined in this study fed on large numbers of relatively small meso- and benthopelagic fishes that are abundant along the slope and shelf break of the western North Atlantic.
Marine mammals, such as dolphins, can serve as key indicator species in coastal areas by reflecting the effects of natural and anthropogenic stressors. As such they are often considered sentinels of environmental and ecosystem health (Bossart 2006; Wells et al. 2004; Fair and Becker 2000). The bottlenose dolphin is an apex predator and a key component of many estuarine environments in the southeastern United States (Woodward-Clyde Consultants 1994; SCDNR 2005). Health assessments of dolphins are especially critical in areas where populations are depleted, show signs of epidemic disease and/or high mortality and/or where habitat is being altered or impacted by human activities. Recent assessments of environmental conditions in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida (IRL) and the estuarine waters surrounding Charleston, South Carolina (CHS) highlight the need for studies of the health of local bottlenose dolphins. While the condition of southeastern estuaries was rated as fair in the National Coastal Condition Report (U.S. EPA 2001), it was noted that the IRL was characterized by poorer than expected benthic communities, significant sediment toxicity and increased nutrient concentrations. Similarly, portions of the CHS estuary have sediment concentrations of aliphatic aromatic hydrocarbons, select inorganic metals, and some persistent pesticides far in excess of reported bioeffect levels (Hyland et al. 1998). Long-term trends in water quality monitoring and recent scientific research suggest that waste load assimilation, non-point source runoff impacts, contaminated sediments, and toxic pollutants are key issues in the CHS estuary system. Several ‘hot spots’ with high levels of heavy metals and organic compounds have been identified (Van Dolah et al. 2004). High concentrations of anthropogenic trace metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s) and pesticides have been found in the sediments of Charleston Harbor, as well as the Ashley and Cooper Rivers (Long et al. 1998). Two superfund sites are located within the CHS estuary and the key contaminants of concern associated with these sites are: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), lead, chromium, copper, arsenic, zinc and dioxin. Concerns related to the overall health of IRL dolphins and dermatologic disease observed in many dolphins in the area (Bossart et al. 2003) initiated an investigation of potential factors which may have impacted dolphin health. From May-August 2001, 35 bottlenose dolphins died in the IRL during an unusual mortality event (MMC 2003). Many of these dolphins were diagnosed with a variety of skin lesions including proliferative ulcerative dermatitis due to protozoa and fungi, dolphin pox and a vesicular dermatopathy of unknown etiology (Bossart et al. 2003). Multiple species from fish to dolphins in the IRL system have exhibited skin lesions of various known and unknown etiologies (Kane et al. 2000; Bossart et al. 2003; Reif et al. 2006). On-going photo-identification (photo-ID) studies have documented skin diseases in IRL dolphins (Mazzoil et al. 2005). In addition, up to 70% of green sea turtles in the IRL exhibit fibropapillomas, with the highest rates of occurrence being seen in turtles from the southern IRL (Hirama 2001).