1000 resultados para Prata Anã
This paper presents cost-effectiveness analyses (CEAs) of plasma collection via two alternative methods: whole blood collection (WBC) and erythroplasmapheresis collection (EPC). The objective of the study is to provide an answer to the question 'What is the least-cost method of plasma production'. This question is answered, both from the viewpoint of the blood collection agency (using financial CEA) and from that of 'society' as a whole (using economic CEA). We employ detailed financial data and economic survey data for collections made by a blood collection agency and to WBC and EPC donors in Brisbane, Australia. The results indicate that, despite the superior yield provided by EPC, WBC is actually more cost-effective. This result is robust to thorough sensitivity analysis and arises regardless of whether an economic or financial perspective is taken. We conclude that, ceteris paribus, the cost of recruiting new plasma donors would need to be quite substantial for marginal investments in EPC to be considered cost-effective. Crown Copyright (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Much of the published work regarding the Isotropic Singularity is performed under the assumption that the matter source for the cosmological model is a barotropic perfect fluid, or even a perfect fluid with a gamma-law equation of state. There are, however, some general properties of cosmological models which admit an Isotropic Singularity, irrespective of the matter source. In particular, we show that the Isotropic Singularity is a point-like singularity and that vacuum space-times cannot admit an Isotropic Singularity. The relationships between the Isotropic Singularity, and the energy conditions, and the Hubble parameter is explored. A review of work by the authors, regarding the Isotropic Singularity, is presented.
Damping of tidal head fluctuations in a leaky confined coastal aquifer is enhanced by leakage into an overlying phreatic aquifer. We show that the phreatic aquifer is, however, resistant to the leakage flow and in particular, a deep phreatic aquifer can reduce the leakage effects significantly. An analytical solution, based on a vertical flow model for the phreatic aquifer, is derived for quantifying the role of this upper free water body in tidal propagation in the lower semi-confined aquifer. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Huntington's disease patients perform automatic movements in a bradykinetic manner, somewhat similar to patients with Parkinson's disease. Cortical activity relating to the preparation of movement in Parkinson's disease is significantly improved when a cognitive strategy is used. It is unknown whether patients with Huntington's disease can utilise an attentional strategy, and what effect this strategy would have on the premovement cortical activity. Movement-related potentials were recorded from 12 Huntington's disease patients and controls performing externally cued finger tapping movement, allowing an examination of cortical activity related to movement performance and bradykinesia in this disease. All subjects were tested in two conditions, which differed only by the presence or absence of the cognitive strategy. The Huntington's disease group, unlike controls, did not produce a rising premovement potential in the absence of the strategy. The Huntington's disease group did produce a rising premovement potential for the strategy condition, but the early slope of the potential was significantly reduced compared with the control group's early slope. These results are similar to those found previously with Parkinson's disease patients. The strategy may have put the task, which previously might have been under deficient automatic control, under attentional control. (C) 2002 Movement Disorder Society.
Two families, originally diagnosed as having nonsyndromic X-linked mental retardation (NSXLMR), were reviewed when it was shown that they had a 24-bp duplication (428-45 1dup(24bp)) in the ARX gene [Stromme et al., 2002: Nat Genet 30:441-445]. This same duplication had also been found in three other families: one with X-linked infantile spasms and hypsarrhythmia (X-linked West syndrome, MIM 308350) and two with XLMR and dystonic movements of the hands (Partington syndrome, MIM 309510). On review, manifestations of both West and Partington syndromes were found in some individuals from both families. In addition, it was found that one individual had autism and two had autistic behavior, one of whom had epilepsy. The degree of mental retardation ranged from mild to severe. A GCG trinucleotide expansion (GCG)10+7 and a deletion of 1,517 by in the ARX gene have also been found in association with the West syndrome, and a missense mutation (1058C >T) in a family with a newly recognized form of myoclonic epilepsy, severe mental retardation, and spastic paraplegia [Scheffer et al., 2002: Neurology, in press]. Evidently all these disorders are expressions of mutations in the same gene. It remains to be seen what proportions of patients with infantile spasms, focal dystonia, autism, epilepsy, and nonsyndromic mental retardation are accounted for by mutations in the ARX gene. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Background, Rural experience for dental students can provide valuable clinical education, change attitudes to rural practice, and make a valuable contribution to clinical service provision. The aim of this paper is to assess the costs and benefits of service delivery by students through rural training programmes Methods: Groups of two students worked in the public dental clinics in adjacent rural centres where there had been long-term difficulties in recruiting staff. The costs and benefits of the programme were assessed by the impact on waiting lists, the total cost per patient of, a course of care and by the marginal cost of adding service provision by students to existing arrangements. Results: The total costs of emergency and complete treatment provided by students were greater than the costs of treatment provided by public-sector dentists but less than the costs of private providers treating public patients. However, the value of services were greater when care was provided by students or private providers and the marginal cost of students providing services was 50-70 per cent of the cost of care provided by public dentists. Conclusion: This assessment suggests that the service benefits achieved compliment the primary objective of influencing the attitude of students to rural practice.
The thalassinidean shrimp Trypea australiensis (the yabby) commonly occurs on intertidal sandflats and subtidal regions of sheltered embayments and estuaries along the east coast of Australia and is harvested commercially and recreationally for use as bait by anglers. The potential for counts of burrow openings to provide a reliable indirect estimate of the abundance of yabbies was examined on intertidal sandflats on North Stradbroke Island (Queensland, Australia). The relationship between the number of burrow openings and the abundance of yabbies was generally poor and also varied significantly through time, casting doubt on previous estimates of abundance for this species based on unvalidated hole counts. Spatial and temporal variation in population density, the size at maturity and the reproductive period of the yabby were also assessed. Except for an initial peak in abundance as a result of recruitment, the density of yabbies was constant throughout the study but considerably less than that estimated from a previous study in the same area. Ovigerous females were recorded at 3 mm carapace length (CL) which is smaller than previously recorded for this species and thalassinideans in general. Small ovigerous females were found throughout the study, including the summer months, which is unusual for thalassinideans in the intertidal zone. It was hypothesised that in the intertidal zone, small female yabbies may be able to balance the metabolic demands of reproduction and respiration at higher temperatures than can larger females allowing them to reproduce in the warmer months.
This paper presents an agent-based approach to modelling individual driver behaviour under the influence of real-time traffic information. The driver behaviour models developed in this study are based on a behavioural survey of drivers which was conducted on a congested commuting corridor in Brisbane, Australia. Commuters' responses to travel information were analysed and a number of discrete choice models were developed to determine the factors influencing drivers' behaviour and their propensity to change route and adjust travel patterns. Based on the results obtained from the behavioural survey, the agent behaviour parameters which define driver characteristics, knowledge and preferences were identified and their values determined. A case study implementing a simple agent-based route choice decision model within a microscopic traffic simulation tool is also presented. Driver-vehicle units (DVUs) were modelled as autonomous software components that can each be assigned a set of goals to achieve and a database of knowledge comprising certain beliefs, intentions and preferences concerning the driving task. Each DVU provided route choice decision-making capabilities, based on perception of its environment, that were similar to the described intentions of the driver it represented. The case study clearly demonstrated the feasibility of the approach and the potential to develop more complex driver behavioural dynamics based on the belief-desire-intention agent architecture. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We re-mapped the soils of the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) in 1995-1998 with a minimum of new fieldwork, making the most out of existing data. We collated existing digital soil maps and used inductive spatial modelling to predict soil types from those maps combined with environmental predictor variables. Lithology, Landsat Multi Spectral Scanner (Landsat MSS), the 9-s digital elevation model (DEM) of Australia and derived terrain attributes, all gridded to 250-m pixels, were the predictor variables. Because the basin-wide datasets were very large data mining software was used for modelling. Rule induction by data mining was also used to define the spatial domain of extrapolation for the extension of soil-landscape models from existing soil maps. Procedures to estimate the uncertainty associated with the predictions and quality of information for the new soil-landforms map of the MDB are described. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
I examine a situation where a firm chooses to locate a new factory in one of several jurisdictions. The value of the factory may differ among jurisdictions and it depends on the private information held by each jurisdiction. Jurisdictions compete for the location of the new factory. This competition may take the form of expenditures already incurred on infrastructure, commitments to spend on infrastructure, tax incentives or even cash payments. The model combines two elements that are usually considered separately; competition is desirable because we want the factory to be located in the jurisdiction that values it the most, but competition in itself is wasteful. I show that the expected total amount paid to the firm under a large family of arrangements is the same. Moreover, I show that the ex-ante optimal mechanism that is, the mechanism that guarantees that the firm chooses the jurisdiction with the highest value for the factory, minimizes the total expected payment to the firm, and balances the budget in an ex-ante sense - can be implemented by running a standard auction and subsidizing participation.
In this study we report the results of two experiments on visual attention conducted with patients with early-onset schizophrenia. These experiments investigated the effect of irrelevant spatial-scale information upon the processing of relevant spatial-scale information, and the ability to shift the spatial scale of attention, across consecutive trials, between different levels of the hierarchical stimulus. Twelve patients with early-onset schizophrenia and matched controls performed local-global tasks under: (1) directed attention conditions with a consistency manipulation and (2) divided-attention conditions. In the directed-attention paradigm, the early-onset patients exhibited the normal patterns of global advantage and interference, and were not unduly affected by the consistency manipulation. Under divided-attention conditions, however, the early-onset patients exhibited a local-processing deficit. The source of this local processing deficit lay in the prolonged reaction time to local targets, when these had been preceded by a global target, but not when preceded by a local target. These findings suggest an impaired ability to shift the spatial scale of attention from a global to a local spatial scale in early-onset schizophrenia. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Sm and Sm-like proteins are key components of small ribonucleoproteins involved in many RNA and DNA processing pathways. In eukaryotes, these complexes contain seven unique Sm or Sm-like (Lsm) proteins assembled as hetero-heptameric rings, whereas in Archaea and bacteria six or seven-membered rings are made from only a single polypeptide chain. Here we show that single Sm and Lsm proteins from yeast also have the capacity to assemble into homo-oligomeric rings. Formation of homo-oligomers by the spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoprotein components SmE and SmF preclude hetero-interactions vital to formation of functional small nuclear RNP complexes in vivo. To better understand these unusual complexes, we have determined the crystal structure of the homomeric assembly of the spliceosomal protein SmF. Like its archaeal/bacterial homologs, the SmF complex forms a homomeric ring but in an entirely novel arrangement whereby two heptameric rings form a co-axially stacked dimer via interactions mediated by the variable loops of the individual SmF protein chains. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the homomeric assemblies of yeast Sm and Lsm proteins are capable of binding not only to oligo(U) RNA but, in the case of SmF, also to oligo(dT) single-stranded DNA.