896 resultados para Power System Protection
In this work, the impact of distributed generation in the transmission expansion planning will be simulated through the performance of an optimization process for three different scenarios: the first without distributed generation, the second with distributed generation equivalent to 1% of the load, and the third with 5% of distributed generation. For modeling the expanding problem the load flow linearized method using genetic algorithms for optimization has been chosen. The test circuit used is a simplification of the south eastern Brazilian electricity system with 46 buses.
Gestão de Energia e Sustentabilidade são os pilares em que assenta esta dissertação, realizada no âmbito da Energia Elétrica em Ambiente Industrial. Neste sentido, deve entender-se “Gestão de Energia” como o planeamento de operações nas unidades de produção e de consumo. Tem como objetivos a conservação dos recursos, proteção climática e redução de custos, para que seja possível o acesso permanente à energia de que necessitamos. “Sustentabilidade”, por definição, é uma caraterística ou condição de um processo ou de um sistema que permite a sua permanência, até um determinado nível, por um determinado prazo. A Indústria Têxtil, da região do Vale do Ave, por ser extensa e muito heterogénea, quer na qualidade, quer na dimensão e nos recursos que utiliza, apresentou-se como uma oportunidade para aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos, nas diversas disciplinas do Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica - Área de Sistemas Eléctricos de Energia e como meio condutor à tentativa de optimização e racionalização do consumo de Energia Elétrica no Sector. O modelo encontrado para dar uma resposta satisfatória ao inicialmente proposto foi a Auditoria Energética. Neste sentido, foram realizadas visitas às instalações industriais, para o levantamento e recolha de informação, que posteriormente viria a ser analisada e, com base na mesma, tentou apresentar-se um conjunto de soluções que visassem a eficiência Energética do sector. Com o decorrer das visitas, surgiu a necessidade de criar um modelo, que servisse de guia da auditoria. Algo que seria um bloco de notas, mas específico, de forma a não perder a informação recolhida. Então foi desenvolvida uma aplicação para IPAD/IPHONE, o que permite também a recolha e armazenamento de fotografias, que aqui tem um papel fundamental. Salienta-se que as expectativas foram ao encontro do esperado, pois o que se encontrou foi um número significativo de empresas a precisar deste contributo. Atuando no “combate” ao consumo desnecessário e ao desperdício, é estar a contribuir ativa e positivamente, no desenvolvimento próspero da temática de Sustentabilidade Energética.
Thesis presented to satisfy the necessary requirements for obtaining a PhD degree in International Relation with specialization in Globalization and the Environment,
The Electromyography (EMG) is an important tool for gait analyzes and disorders diagnoses. Traditional methods involve equipment that can disturb the analyses, being gradually substituted by different approaches, like wearable and wireless systems. The cable replacement for autonomous systems demands for technologies capable of meeting the power constraints. This work presents the development of an EMG and kinematic data capture wireless module, designed taking into account power consumption issues. This module captures and converts the analog myoeletric signal to digital, synchronously with the capture of kinetic information. Both data are time multiplexed and sent to a PC via Bluetooth link. The work carried out comprised the development of the hardware, the firmware and a graphical interface running in an external PC. The hardware was developed using the PIC18F14K22, a low power family of microcontrollers. The link was established via Bluetooth, a protocol designed for low power communication. An application was also developed to recover and trace the signal to a Graphic User Interface (GUI), coordinating the message exchange with the firmware. Results were obtained which allowed validating the conceived system in static and with the subject performing short movements. Although it was not possible to perform the tests within more dynamic movements, it is shown that it is possible to capture, transmit and display the captured data as expected. Some suggestions to improve the system performance also were made.
Hard‐rock watersheds commonly exhibit complex geological bedrock and morphological features. Hydromineral resources have relevant economic value for the thermal spas industry. The present study aims to develop a groundwater vulnerability approach in Caldas da Cavaca hydromineral system (Aguiar da Beira, Central Portugal) which has a thermal tradition that dates back to the late 19th century, and contribute to a better understanding of the hydrogeological conceptual site model. In this work different layers were overlaid, generating several thematic maps to arrive at an integrated framework of several key‐sectors in Caldas da Cavaca site. Thus, to accomplish a comprehensive analysis and conceptualization of the site, a multi‐technical approach was used, such as, field and laboratory techniques, where several data was collected, like geotectonics, hydrology and hydrogeology, hydrogeomorphology, hydrogeophysical and hydrogeomechanical zoning aiming the application of the so‐called DISCO method. All these techniques were successfully performed and a groundwater vulnerability to contamination assessment, based on GOD‐S, DRASTIC‐Fm, SINTACS, SI and DISCO indexes methodology, was delineated. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology was on the basis to organise and integrate the geodatabases and to produce all the thematic maps. This multi‐technical approach highlights the importance of groundwater vulnerability to contamination mapping as a tool to support hydrogeological conceptualisation, contributing to better decision‐making of water resources management and sustainability.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
ABSTRACT - The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act shook the foundations of the US health system, offering all Americans access to health care by changing the way the health insurance industry works. As President Obama signed the Act on 23 March 2010, he said that it stood for “the core principle that everybody should have some basic security when it comes to their health care”. Unlike the U.S., the Article 64 of the Portuguese Constitution provides, since 1976, the right to universal access to health care. However, facing a severe economic crisis, Portugal has, under the supervision of the Troika, a tight schedule to implement measures to improve the efficiency of the National Health Service. Both countries are therefore despite their different situation, in a conjuncture of reform and the use of new health management measures. The present work, using a qualitative research methodology examines the Affordable Care Act in order to describe its principles and enforcement mechanisms. In order to describe the reality in Portugal, the Portuguese health system and the measures imposed by Troika are also analyzed. The intention of this entire analysis is not only to disclose the innovative U.S. law, but to find some innovative measures that could serve health management in Portugal. Essentially we identified the Exchanges and Wellness Programs, described throughout this work, leaving also the idea of the possibility of using them in the Portuguese national health system.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
The need for more efficient illumination systems has led to the proliferation of Solid-State Lighting (SSL) systems, which offer optimized power consumption. SSL systems are comprised of LED devices which are intrinsically fast devices and permit very fast light modulation. This, along with the congestion of the radio frequency spectrum has paved the path for the emergence of Visible Light Communication (VLC) systems. VLC uses free space to convey information by using light modulation. Notwithstanding, as VLC systems proliferate and cost competitiveness ensues, there are two important aspects to be considered. State-of-the-art VLC implementations use power demanding PAs, and thus it is important to investigate if regular, existent Switched-Mode Power Supply (SMPS) circuits can be adapted for VLC use. A 28 W buck regulator was implemented using a off-the-shelf LED Driver integrated circuit, using both series and parallel dimming techniques. Results show that optical clock frequencies up to 500 kHz are achievable without any major modification besides adequate component sizing. The use of an LED as a sensor was investigated, in a short-range, low-data-rate perspective. Results show successful communication in an LED-to-LED configuration, with enhanced range when using LED strings as sensors. Besides, LEDs present spectral selective sensitivity, which makes them good contenders for a multi-colour LED-to-LED system, such as in the use of RGB displays and lamps. Ultimately, the present work shows evidence that LEDs can be used as a dual-purpose device, enabling not only illumination, but also bi-directional data communication.
An energy harvesting system requires an energy storing device to store the energy retrieved from the surrounding environment. This can either be a rechargeable battery or a supercapcitor. Due to the limited lifetime of rechargeable batteries, they need to be periodically replaced. Therefore, a supercapacitor, which has ideally a limitless number of charge/discharge cycles can be used to store the energy; however, a voltage regulator is required to obtain a constant output voltage as the supercapacitor discharges. This can be implemented by a Switched-Capacitor DC-DC converter which allows a complete integration in CMOS technology, although it requires several topologies in order to obtain a high efficiency. This thesis presents the complete analysis of four different topologies in order to determine expressions that allow to design and determine the optimum input voltage ranges for each topology. To better understand the parasitic effects, the implementation of the capacitors and the non-ideal effect of the switches, in 130 nm technology, were carefully studied. With these two analysis a multi-ratio SC DC-DC converter was designed with an output power of 2 mW, maximum efficiency of 77%, and a maximum output ripple, in the steady state, of 23 mV; for an input voltage swing of 2.3 V to 0.85 V. This proposed converter has four operation states that perform the conversion ratios of 1/2, 2/3, 1/1 and 3/2 and its clock frequency is automatically adjusted to produce a stable output voltage of 1 V. These features are implemented through two distinct controller circuits that use asynchronous time machines (ASM) to dynamically adjust the clock frequency and to select the active state of the converter. All the theoretical expressions as well as the behaviour of the whole system was verified using electrical simulations.
Based on the report for the unit “Métodos Interactivos de Participação e Decisão A” (Interactive methods of participation and decision A), coordinated by Prof. Lia Maldonado Teles de Vasconcelos and Prof. Nuno Miguel Ribeiro Videira Costa. This unit was provided for the PhD Program in Technology Assessment in 2015/2016.
At a time of global economic instability, to which Portugal is not oblivious, and aware that the main source of Portuguese State revenue relies on the collection of tribute, the National Republican Guard holds within its mission relevant assignments to the protection of the financial interests of the country, in particular, fiscal and customs. These assignments were inherited from the century - old institution Guarda Fiscal - with evidence given in this domain, which was integrated into the National Republican Guard in 1993, to adopt, a 1St model, that held a specialized unit – Brigada Fiscal, with surveillance and patrolling missions of costa and fiscal and customs supervision, throughout the national territory and maritime zone of respect. In 2009, the result of political decisions, reorganization the State's central administration, appears de 2Nd model, because the Brigada Fiscal assignments were divided by two specialized units - UAF with investigation skills, and UCC for patrolling and surveillance of the coast. Analyzed the legal spectrum of special legislation leading the criminal and transgression sector punitive (RGIT), in essence, is in the UAF that resides the role assignments from the scope of the investigation and supervision of goods in the national territory on a par with the tax authority. Tax inspection assignments, fiscal and customs of the National Republican Guard, are unmatched in the National Tribute System, constituting itself as a potentiality of this special body, in similarity of their counterparts - Spain and Italy; however, have some constraints, that urge to clarify and repair. Foreseeing the future, face the announced news of a new restructuring, on behalf of the interests of the country, and in order to raise the quality of performance of the tax inspection, fiscal and customs, the National Republican Guard shall maintain a model based on the experience already accumulated, obviously adapted to the new demands of a changing society. Despite the current model gain in efficiency, loses in effectiveness. However, the efficiency of a model, without the necessary resources, can never bring “the letter to Garcia” against any kind of infringements, criminal or transgressions. Unless better opinion, both tax structures of the National Republican Guard are valid as an instrument for the prevention and combat of these illegal types. Because they are strategic in pursuing the public interest, given the scarce resources of the country and be the National Republican Guard, the force with the means and know-how of this nature. The political power has the final word.
This paper proposes a multifunctional converter to interface renewable energy sources (e.g., solar photovoltaic panels) and electric vehicles (EVs) with the power grid in smart grids context. This multifunctional converter allows deliver energy from the solar photovoltaic panels to an EV or to the power grid, and exchange energy in bidirectional mode between the EV and the power grid. Using this multifunctional converter are not required multiple conversion stages, as occurs with the traditional solutions, where are necessary two power converters to integrate the solar photovoltaic system in the power grid and also two power converters to integrate an off-board EV battery charger in the power grid (dc-dc and dc-ac power converters in both cases). Taking into account that the energy provided (or delivered) from the power grid in each moment is function of the EV operation mode and also of the energy produced from the solar photovoltaic system, it is possible to define operation strategies and control algorithms in order to increase the energy efficiency of the global system and to improve the power quality of the electrical system. The proposed multifunctional converter allows the operation in four distinct cases: (a) Transfer of energy from the solar photovoltaic system to the power grid; (b) Transfer of energy from the solar photovoltaic system and from the EV to the power grid; (c) Transfer of energy from the solar photovoltaic system to the EV or to the power grid; (d) Transfer of energy between the EV and the power grid. Along the paper are described the system architecture and the control algorithms, and are also presented some computational simulation results for the four aforementioned cases. It is also presented a comparative analysis between the traditional and the proposed solution in terms of operation efficiency and estimated cost of implementation.
This paper presents the proposal of a three phase current source shunt active power filter (CS-SAPF) with photovoltaic grid interface. The proposed system combines the compensation of reactive power and harmonics with the injection of energy from a solar photovoltaic array into the electrical power grid. The proposed equipment presents the advantage of giving good use to the current source inverter, even when the solar photovoltaic array is not producing energy. The paper describes the control system of the CS SAPF, the energy injection control strategy, and the current harmonics and power factor compensation strategy. Simulation results to assess the performance of the proposed system are also presented.
Hybrid Composite Plate (HCP) is a reliable recently proposed retrofitting solution for concrete structures, which is composed of a strain hardening cementitious composite (SHCC) plate reinforced with Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP). This system benefits from the synergetic advantages of these two composites, namely the high ductility of SHCC and the high tensile strength of CFRPs. In the materialstructural of HCP, the ultra-ductile SHCC plate acts as a suitable medium for stress transfer between CFRP laminates (bonded into the pre-sawn grooves executed on the SHCC plate) and the concrete substrate by means of a connection system made by either chemical anchors, adhesive, or a combination thereof. In comparison with traditional applications of FRP systems, HCP is a retrofitting solution that (i) is less susceptible to the detrimental effect of the lack of strength and soundness of the concrete cover in the strengthening effectiveness; (ii) assures higher durability for the strengthened elements and higher protection to the FRP component in terms of high temperatures and vandalism; and (iii) delays, or even, prevents detachment of concrete substrate. This paper describes the experimental program carried out, and presents and discusses the relevant results obtained on the assessment of the performance of HCP strengthened reinforced concrete (RC) beams subjected to flexural loading. Moreover, an analytical approach to estimate the ultimate flexural capacity of these beams is presented, which was complemented with a numerical strategy for predicting their load-deflection behaviour. By attaching HCP to the beams’ soffit, a significant increase in the flexural capacity at service, at yield initiation of the tension steel bars and at failure of the beams can be achieved, while satisfactory deflection ductility is assured and a high tensile capacity of the CFRP laminates is mobilized. Both analytical and numerical approaches have predicted with satisfactory agreement, the load-deflection response of the reference beam and the strengthened ones tested experimentally.