943 resultados para Portfolio diversification


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Three species of flatworms from the genus Echinococcus (E. granulosus, E. multilocularis and E. vogeli) and four strains of E. granulosus (cattle, horse, pig and sheep strains) were analysed by the PCR-SSCP method followed by sequencing, using as targets two non-coding and two coding (one nuclear and one mitochondrial) genomic regions. The sequencing data was used to evaluate hypothesis about the parasite breeding system and the causes of genetic diversification. The calculated recombination parameters suggested that cross-fertilisation was rare in the history of the group. However, the relative rates of substitution in the coding sequences showed that positive selection (instead of purifying selection) drove the evolution of an elastase and neutrophil chemotaxis inhibitor gene (AgB/1). The phylogenetic analyses revealed several ambiguities, indicating that the taxonomic status of the E. granulosus horse strain should be revised


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This article focuses on business risk management in the insurance industry. A methodology for estimating the profit loss caused by each customer in the portfolio due to policy cancellation is proposed. Using data from a European insurance company, customer behaviour over time is analyzed in order to estimate the probability of policy cancelation and the resulting potential profit loss due to cancellation. Customers may have up to two different lines of business contracts: motor insurance and other diverse insurance (such as, home contents, life or accident insurance). Implications for understanding customer cancellation behaviour as the core of business risk management are outlined.


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This paper examines the determinants of young innovative companies’ (YICs) R&D activities taking into account the autoregressive nature of innovation. Using a large longitudinal dataset comprising Spanish manufacturing firms over the period 1990-2008, we find that previous R&D experience is a fundamental determinant for mature and young firms, albeit to a smaller extent in the case of the YICs, suggesting that their innovation behaviour is less persistent and more erratic. Moreover, our results suggest that firm and market characteristics play a distinct role in boosting the innovation activity of firms of different age. In particular, while market concentration and the degree of product diversification are found to be important in boosting R&D activities in the sub-sample of mature firms only, YICs’ spending on R&D appears to be more sensitive to demand-pull variables, suggesting the presence of credit constraints. These results have been obtained using a recently proposed dynamic type-2 tobit estimator, which accounts for individual effects and efficiently handles the initial conditions problem.


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Relatively, few species have been able to colonize extremely cold alpine environments. We investigate the role played by the cushion life form in the evolution of climatic niches in the plant genus Androsace s.l., which spreads across the mountain ranges of the Northern Hemisphere. Using robust methods that account for phylogenetic uncertainty, intraspecific variability of climatic requirements and different life-history evolution scenarios, we show that climatic niches of Androsace s.l. exhibit low phylogenetic signal and that they evolved relatively recently and punctually. Models of niche evolution fitted onto phylogenies show that the cushion life form has been a key innovation providing the opportunity to occupy extremely cold environments, thus contributing to rapid climatic niche diversification in the genus Androsace s.l. We then propose a plausible scenario for the adaptation of plants to alpine habitats.


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In responding, IPH identify a number of potential health impacts including providing employment opportunities through farm diversification.  Other issues include access to open space and housing located close to traditional focal points.   The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is an all-island body which aims to improve health in Ireland, by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. IPH promotes co-operation in research, training, information and policy in order to contribute to policies which tackle inequalities in health. IPH is particularly interested in the Draft Planning Policy Statement 21 due to the impact on the countryside and potential implications on health for the population of Northern Ireland. IPH conducted a Health Impact Assessment on the proposed West Tyrone Area Plan 2019 and through this work has developed extensive knowledge when looking at health and rural issues.


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Most molecular trees of trypanosomatids are based on point mutations within DNA sequences. In contrast, there are very few evolutionary studies considering DNA (re) arrangement as genetic characters. Waiting for the completion of the various parasite genome projects, first information may already be obtained from chromosome size-polymorphism, using the appropriate algorithms for data processing. Three illustrative models are presented here. First, the case of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis/L. (V.) peruviana is described. Thanks to a fast evolution rate (due essentially to amplification/deletion of tandemly repeated genes), molecular karyotyping seems particularly appropriate for studying recent evolutionary divergence, including eco-geographical diversification. Secondly, karyotype evolution is considered at the level of whole genus Leishmania. Despite the fast chromosome evolution rate, there is qualitative congruence with MLEE- and RAPD-based evolutionary hypotheses. Significant differences may be observed between major lineages, likely corresponding to major and less frequent rearrangements (fusion/fission, translocation). Thirdly, comparison is made with Trypanosoma cruzi. Again congruence is observed with other hypotheses and major lineages are delineated by significant chromosome rearrangements. The level of karyotype polymorphism within that "species" is similar to the one observed in "genus" Leishmania. The relativity of the species concept among these two groups of parasites is discussed.


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To measure the contribution of individual transactions inside the total risk of a credit portfolio is a major issue in financial institutions. VaR Contributions (VaRC) and Expected Shortfall Contributions (ESC) have become two popular ways of quantifying the risks. However, the usual Monte Carlo (MC) approach is known to be a very time consuming method for computing these risk contributions. In this paper we consider the Wavelet Approximation (WA) method for Value at Risk (VaR) computation presented in [Mas10] in order to calculate the Expected Shortfall (ES) and the risk contributions under the Vasicek one-factor model framework. We decompose the VaR and the ES as a sum of sensitivities representing the marginal impact on the total portfolio risk. Moreover, we present technical improvements in the Wavelet Approximation (WA) that considerably reduce the computational effort in the approximation while, at the same time, the accuracy increases.


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In this work discuss the use of the standard model for the calculation of the solvency capital requirement (SCR) when the company aims to use the specific parameters of the model on the basis of the experience of its portfolio. In particular, this analysis focuses on the formula presented in the latest quantitative impact study (2010 CEIOPS) for non-life underwriting premium and reserve risk. One of the keys of the standard model for premium and reserves risk is the correlation matrix between lines of business. In this work we present how the correlation matrix between lines of business could be estimated from a quantitative perspective, as well as the possibility of using a credibility model for the estimation of the matrix of correlation between lines of business that merge qualitative and quantitative perspective.


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In 2003/2004 the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety commissioned a value for money follow-up audit of Anaesthetics, Pain Relief and Critical Care (APRCC) services at twelve Trusts and covering fourteen hospital sites. The original study had reported in 1999/2000. Detailed follow-up reports, together with action plans have been agreed locally with Trusts. The objectives of the follow-up review were to: • Ascertain the progress made in implementing recommendations from the original study; • Provide data to compare performance across Trusts in areas such as: - Pre-operative assessments; - Organisation of post-operative pain relief; - Organisation of chronic pain services; - Levels of admissions to critical care units; - Occupancy in critical care units; and åÊ • Assess the extent of progress made by Trusts in the implementation of the Chief Medical Officer’s (CMO) recommendations from ‘Facing the Future –Building on the Lessons of Winter 1999/2000’. To enable comparisons across Trusts, data was collected for the financial year 2002/2003. In addition, relevant findings from the Audit Commission’s Acute Hospitals Portfolio have also been included. The Acute Hospital Portfolio is a collection of reviews that are undertaken at acute and specialist Trusts. They focus on key service areas and are reported along the key performance criteria of patient experience, efficiency and capacity. åÊ


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Cadre de l'étude La part des dépenses de santé dans les budgets des pays occidentaux est importante et tend à croître depuis plusieurs décennies. Une des conséquences, notamment pour la Suisse, est une augmentation régulière des primes d'assurance maladie, dont l'impopularité incite les responsables politiques à trouver des stratégies de frein à la croissance des coûts de la santé. Les médicaments, qui contribuent notablement à l'augmentation de ces coûts, constituent l'une des cibles classiques d'interventions visant à une réduction des dépenses de santé. Le niveau de coûts des médicaments représente plus de 20% des dépenses de soins du domaine ambulatoire à la charge de l'assurance obligatoire des soins (AOS), soit une dépense annuelle de plus de 4 milliards de francs. Différentes mesures peuvent être utilisées par le gouvernement pour contenir cette facture à charge de la collectivité : baisse du prix des médicaments, limitation du nombre de produits remboursés par l'assurance de base et incitations à la concurrence sur les prix en autorisant les importations parallèles. Depuis que de plus en plus de brevets pour des médicaments sont arrivés à échéance, un autre angle d'attaque s'est concrétisé avec l'incitation à la prescription de médicaments génériques. Les génériques sont définis comme des produits thérapeutiques chimiquement identiques à des composés déjà utilisés, appelés médicaments originaux. En principe, une économie substantielle devrait pouvoir être réalisée sur les coûts totaux des médicaments si tous les génériques disponibles sur le marché étaient systématiquement prescrits par les professionnels et acceptés par les patients. Les résultats publiés par les caisses maladie et les offices fédéraux sont des estimations globales et les montants publiés par l'industrie pharmaceutique concernent l'ensemble du marché, incluant les médicaments utilisés dans les séjours hospitaliers, sont par ailleurs exprimés en prix de fabrique. De plus, aucune étude n'a tenu compte de la substituabilité des produits d'un point de vue pharmaceutique. L'objectif général de la thèse est d'évaluer aussi précisément que possible l'économie pouvant être encore réalisée dans le secteur ambulatoire en substituant aux médicaments originaux les produits génériques présents sur le marché et de caractériser plusieurs facteurs qui influencent la substitution générique. Pour cette étude, nous avons pu disposer de l'ensemble des factures pharmaceutiques de la caisse maladie CSS, pour tous ses assurés des cantons d'Argovie, du Tessin et de Vaud, soit plus de 169'000 assurés représentant les trois régions linguistiques de la Suisse. Les 1'341'197 prescriptions médicales qui ont été analysées concernent l'année 2003. C'est un moment critique dans l'histoire des génériques en Suisse, approprié pour établir un premier bilan après l'entrée en vigueur de la première mesure relative au droit de substituer octroyé en 2001 aux pharmaciens et, pour identifier idéalement les principaux déterminants de la substitution par les praticiens avant l'introduction de la quote-part différenciée en 2006. La présence d'un même principe actif n'est pas une condition suffisante pour permettre une substitution et pour ce travail des critères tenant compte des caractéristiques pharmaceutiques des produits ont été établis et appliqués pour valider la substituabilité des originaux par les génériques disponibles sur le marché. Ces critères concernent notamment le mode d'administration, le dosage et le nombre de doses dans l'emballage. L'étude a été réalisée selon deux approches, d'abord par une analyse descriptive sur l'ensemble de la population source pour estimer le marché des génériques et ensuite par une analyse statistique (régression logit multivariée) sur 173'212 prescriptions agrégées, qui concernent spécifiquement soit un générique soit un original substituable, pour caractériser les facteurs déterminants de la substitution générique. Résultats Dans l'ensemble de la population source, les génériques et les originaux substituables représentent 17,4% du marché en termes de coûts facturés, avec 3,4% de génériques et 14,0% d'originaux substituables ce qui correspond à un taux de substitution de 19,5%. En termes de dépenses, les substitutions génériques réalisées représentent une économie de 1,3% du total du marché étudié alors qu'il reste un potentiel notable d'économie par la substitution de 4,6%. Les taux de substitution sont très variables selon les cantons : 10,1% au Tessin, 29,0% pour le canton de Vaud et 35,8% pour Argovie. L'analyse univariée des 173'212 prescriptions de génériques ou d'originaux substituables, montre des taux de substitution plus élevés chez les patients jeunes et lorsqu'il y a d'importantes différences de prix entre les originaux et les génériques. Des taux de substitution peu élevés sont observés chez les patients les plus âgés et pour ceux qui ont des traitements médicamenteux complexes. Les patients ayant plus de 10 médicaments différents durant la même année, présentent une probabilité relative de substituer inférieure (-24%) par rapport aux patients ayant 6 à 10 médicaments différents dans l'année. Cependant, l'analyse multivariée montre que l'effet négatif sur le taux de substitution de l'âge combiné à la complexité des traitements n'excède pas 3%. Bien que le niveau de franchises et la participation financière à la quote-part soient liées à une augmentation de la prescription de génériques, leurs effets sont modérés pour les patients avec des franchises supérieures à 300 francs (effet marginal de 1%) et pour les patients qui n'ont pas atteint le plafond de participation (effet marginal de 2%). La différence de taux substitution entre les médecins hospitaliers et les spécialistes est diminuée de façon notable (effet marginal de -13%) et elle est cependant moins marquée avec les médecins généralistes (effet marginal de -3%). Les facteurs associés au marché ont une influence notable sur la substitution générique et des effets positifs sont observés avec l'augmentation de la taille du marché, du nombre de génériques pour un même original substituable et de l'économie relative entre l'original et le générique. Par contre, la diversification des formes galéniques et des tailles d'emballages au niveau de l'offre des médicaments originaux a des effets fortement négatifs sur la substitution générique (-7%). Le canton de domicile a aussi un impact notable sur la substitution et le canton du Tessin présente un taux plus bas (-26%) que le canton d'Argovie. Conclusion et perspectives Ce travail a montré qu'il y a encore un important potentiel d'économies à réaliser par la substitution générique, calculé à plus de 4% des dépenses pharmaceutiques prises en charge par l'AOS en ambulatoires. Une extrapolation à l'ensemble du marché suisse, qui doit être faite avec prudence, fait apparaître un potentiel d'économies de 127 millions pour les médicaments délivrés par les pharmacies en 2003. L'étude a mis en évidence un certain nombre de déterminants qui freinent la substitution générique, notamment la prescription par un médecin hospitalier. Sur ce point la prescription en DCI (dénomination commune internationale) pourrait favoriser la dispensation de génériques moins chers. Un taux de substitution plus faible est observé chez les patients âgés avec des traitements complexes. Ce constat peut être mis en relation avec la crainte d'avoir un traitement moins efficace ou moins bien supporté et les risques de confusion lors du passage d'un original substituable à un générique ou d'un générique à un autre générique. Sur ces éléments, l'indication claire et précise du nom de la substance, aussi bien sur les emballages des originaux substituables que sur ceux des génériques, pourrait rassurer les patients et diminuer les risques d'erreurs dans la prise des médicaments. Certaines précautions à prendre lors de la prescription de génériques sont reconnues, notamment pour les médicaments à faible marge thérapeutique, et des informations sur la bioéquivalence, régulièrement mises à jour et à disposition des professionnels, pourraient augmenter la confiance dans l'utilisation des génériques. Les industries pharmaceutiques préservent par différentes tactiques leurs parts de marché et notamment avec succès en introduisant de nouvelles formes galéniques juste avant l'expiration des brevets. Des directives complémentaires sur la fixation des prix pour le remboursement, en particulier l'introduction d'un prix de référence quelle que soit la forme galénique, pourraient diminuer l'effet de barrage des médicaments originaux. Les incitations économiques, telles que la franchise et les participations sont efficaces si l'on considère l'impact sur les taux de substitution. Leur effet global reste toutefois modeste et il serait nécessaire de mesurer concrètement l'impact de l'introduction en 2006 de la quote-part différenciée. Les différences de prix entre les originaux et les génériques exigées à 50% pour les gros marchés, c'est-à-dire de plus de 16 millions, devraient aussi avoir un impact qu'il serait opportun de mesurer.


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The subtribe Gentianinae comprises ca. 425 species, most of them within the well-studied genus Gentiana and mainly distributed over the Eurasian continent. Phylogenetic relationships between Gentiana and its closest relatives, the climbing gentians (Crawfurdia, Tripterospermum) and the new genus Metagentiana, remain unclear. All three genera were recently found to be polyphyletic, possibly because of poor sampling of Tripterospermum and Crawfurdia. Highest diversity of Gentianinae occurs in the western Himalaya, but the absence of uncontroversial fossil evidence limits our understanding of its biogeography. In the present study, we generated ITS and atpB-rbcL sequences for 19 species of Tripterospermum, 9 of Crawfurdia and 11 of Metagentiana, together representing about 60 percent of the species diversity of these genera. Our results show that only Metagentiana is polyphyletic and divided into three monophyletic entities. No unambiguous synapomorphies were associated with the three Metagentiana entities. Different combinations of three approximate calibration points were used to generate three divergence time estimation scenarios. Although dating hypotheses were mostly inconsistent, they concurred in associating radiation of Gentiana to an orogenic phase of the Himalaya between 15 and 10 million years ago. Our study illustrates the conceptual difficulties in addressing the time frame of diversification in a group lacking sufficient fossil number and quality.


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PURPOSE: Little is known regarding cannabis administration routes for nonmedical use-that is, its delivery methods (e.g., joints, water pipe, food). Therefore, we examined the prevalence rates of different cannabis delivery methods and assessed the relationship of the distinct administration routes with problematic drug use. Subgroups of cannabis users were also investigated (i.e., "pure" cannabis users, previously described as employing a harmless route of administration, and water pipe users, previously described as using a harmful route of administration). METHODS: As part of the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors, 1,763 cannabis users answered questions concerning their drug use (i.e., routes of administration, problematic cannabis use, other illicit drug use). Descriptive statistics, latent class analysis, correlations and t-tests were assessed. RESULTS: The main administration route was "joints with tobacco"; other routes of administration had prevalence rates from 23.99% to 38.23%. In addition, increasing the number of administration routes was associated with more problematic cannabis use, as well as heavier illicit drug use. Water pipes without tobacco were especially linked to heavy drug use patterns, whereas "pure" cannabis use seemed less harmful. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings highlighted that diversification in routes of administration can be associated with heavier illicit drug use. This was especially true for water pipe users, whereas "pure" cannabis users, who did not mix cannabis with tobacco, were an exception. Indeed, these results may be useful for future preventive programs, which may need to focus on those who have diversified routes of administration for cannabis.


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AimWe take a comparative phylogeographical approach to assess whether three species involved in a specialized oil-rewarding pollination system (i.e. Lysimachia vulgaris and two oil-collecting bees within the genus Macropis) show congruent phylogeographical trajectories during post-glacial colonization processes. Our working hypothesis is that within specialized mutualistic interactions, where each species relies on the co-occurrence of the other for survival and/or reproduction, partners are expected to show congruent evolutionary trajectories, because they are likely to have followed parallel migration routes and to have shared glacial refugia. LocationWestern Palaearctic. MethodsOur analysis relies on the extensive sampling of 104 Western Palaearctic populations (totalling 434, 159 and 74 specimens of Lysimachiavulgaris, Macropiseuropaea and Macropisfulvipes, respectively), genotyped with amplified fragment length polymorphism. Based on this, we evaluated the regional genetic diversity (Shannon diversity and allele rarity index) and genetic structure (assessed using structure, population networks, isolation-by-distance and spatial autocorrelation metrics) of each species. Finally, we compared the general phylogeographical patterns obtained. ResultsContrary to our expectations, the analyses revealed phylogeographical signals suggesting that the investigated organisms demonstrate independent post-glacial trajectories as well as distinct contemporaneous demographic parameters, despite their mutualistic interaction. Main conclusionsThe mutualistic partners investigated here are likely to be experiencing distinct and independent evolutionary dynamics because of their contrasting life-history traits (e.g. dispersal abilities), as well as distinct hubs and migration routes. Such conditions would prevent and/or erase any signature of co-structuring of lineages in space and time. As a result, the lack of phylogeographical congruence driven by differences in life-history traits might have arisen irrespective of the three species having shared similar Pleistocene glacial refugia.


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Between March 2000 and December 2001 a survey of the sand flies (Diptera: Phlebotominae) of French Guiana was carried out during 14 nights of captures with CDC light-traps and Malaise traps, and resulted in the collection of 2245 individuals of 38 species. The most abundant species were Lutzomyia (Trichophoromyia) ininii Floch & Abonnenc, Lu.(Psychodopygus) squamiventris maripaensis Floch & Abonnenc, and Lu .(Nyssomyia) flaviscutellata Mangabeira. Half of the collected sand flies females were dissected under field conditions and five species were found harboring Leishmania-like parasites. The Leishmania (Kinetoplastidae: Trypanosomatidae) species were identified by molecular typing, and for the first time Lu. (Nys.) flaviscutellata was found harboring Leishmania (Viannia) guyanensis and Lu. (Tri) ininii harboring unknown Leishmania. The first record for French Guiana of Lu. (Psy.) squamiventris maripaensis harboring L. (V.) naiffi, was also reported. The patterns of diversification of the human cutaneous leishmaniasis transmission in French Guiana are discussed.


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Background: Within the Coleoptera, the largest order in the animal kingdom, the exclusively herbivorous Chrysomelidae are recognized as one of the most species rich beetle families. The evolutionary processes that have fueled radiation into the more than thirty-five thousand currently recognized leaf beetle species remain partly unresolved. The prominent role of leaf beetles in the insect world, their omnipresence across all terrestrial biomes and their economic importance as common agricultural pest organisms make this family particularly interesting for studying the mechanisms that drive diversification. Here we specifically focus on two ecotypes of the alpine leaf beetle Oreina speciosissima (Scop.), which have been shown to exhibit morphological differences in male genitalia roughly corresponding to the subspecies Oreina speciosissima sensu stricto and Oreina speciosissima troglodytes. In general the two ecotypes segregate along an elevation gradient and by host plants: Oreina speciosissima sensu stricto colonizes high forb vegetation at low altitude and Oreina speciosissima troglodytes is found in stone run vegetation at higher elevations. Both host plants and leaf beetles have a patchy geographical distribution. Through use of gene sequencing and genome fingerprinting (AFLP) we analyzed the genetic structure and habitat use of Oreina speciosissima populations from the Swiss Alps to examine whether the two ecotypes have a genetic basis. By investigating a wide range of altitudes and focusing on the structuring effect of habitat types, we aim to provide answers regarding the factors that drive adaptive radiation in this phytophagous leaf beetle.Results: While little phylogenetic resolution was observed based on the sequencing of four DNA regions, the topology and clustering resulting from AFLP genotyping grouped specimens according to their habitat, mostly defined by plant associations. A few specimens with intermediate morphologies clustered with one of the two ecotypes or formed separate clusters consistent with habitat differences. These results were discussed in an ecological speciation framework.Conclusions: The question of whether this case of ecological differentiation occurred in sympatry or allopatry remains open. Still, the observed pattern points towards ongoing divergence between the two ecotypes which is likely driven by a recent shift in host plant use.