898 resultados para Poly Styrene Co Maleic Acid


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The Molybdenum-nitrogenase is responsible for most biological nitrogen fixation activity (BNF) in the biosphere. Due to its great agronomical importance, it has been the subject of profound genetic and biochemical studies. The Mo nitrogenase carries at its active site a unique iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMoco) that consists of an inorganic 7 Fe, 1 Mo, 1 C, 9 S core coordinated to the organic acid homocitrate. Biosynthesis of FeMo-co occurs outside nitrogenase through a complex and highly regulated pathway involving proteins acting as molecular scaffolds, metallocluster carriers or enzymes that provide substrates in appropriate chemical forms. Specific expression regulatory factors tightly control the accumulation levels of all these other components. Insertion of FeMo-co into a P-cluster containing apo-NifDK polypeptide results in nitrogenase reconstitution. Investigation of FeMo-co biosynthesis has uncovered new radical chemistry reactions and new roles for Fe-S clusters in biology.


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En los suelos, el exceso de acidez lleva asociado deficiencias en ciertos nutrientes y una alta disponibilidad de aluminio, tóxico para los cultivos propios del ambiente mediterráneo. Su laboreo, provoca la pérdida de materia orgánica (MO), deteriora su estructura y reduce la actividad biológica, provocando en última instancia una menor calidad del suelo. Es de esperar pues que cuando se labran suelos ácidos, sus problemáticas particulares tiendan a agravarse. En nuestra zona de estudio, la “raña” de Cañamero (Extremadura, España), predominan los suelos muy ácidos y degradados por un laboreo inadecuado. Las rañas constituyen amplias plataformas casi horizontales, con unos suelos muy viejos (Palexerults), que se caracterizan por tener el complejo de cambio dominado por el aluminio, y un pH ácido que decrece en profundidad. Poseen un potente horizonte Bt rico en arcillas caoliníticas, que propicia que en periodos con exceso de lluvia, se generen capas colgadas de agua cercanas a la superficie. En torno a los años 1940’s estos suelos, que previamente sostenían un alcornocal, o su matorral de sustitución, se pusieron en cultivo. El laboreo aceleró la mineralización de la materia orgánica, agravó los problemas derivados del exceso de acidez y condujo al abandono de los campos cultivados por falta de productividad. Para recuperar la calidad de estos suelos degradados y obtener unos rendimientos compatibles con su uso agrícola es necesario, por un lado, aplicar enmiendas que eleven el pH y reduzcan la toxicidad del aluminio y, por otro, favorecer el incremento en el contenido en MO. En 2005 se implantó en esta raña un ensayo de campo para estudiar la influencia del no laboreo y de la utilización de una enmienda cálcica en parámetros relacionados con la calidad del suelo en un cultivo forrajero. El diseño experimental fue en parcelas divididas con cuatro repeticiones donde el factor principal fue el tipo de laboreo, no laboreo (NL) frente a laboreo convencional (LC), y el factor secundario el uso o no de una enmienda cálcica. La enmienda consistió básicamente en una mezcla de espuma de azucarería y yeso rojo y se incorporó al comienzo del ensayo hasta los 7 cm de profundidad. Desde el comienzo del ensayo el NL influyó positivamente en el contenido de carbono orgánico total (COT) y particulado (COP), mientras que la enmienda tuvo una ligera influencia al principio del ensayo en ambos pero su efecto positivo se desvaneció con el paso del tiempo. Los mayores contenidos en COT y POC se observaron cuando se combinó el NL con la enmienda. La enmienda incrementó con rapidez el pH, y el Ca, y disminuyó el contenido en aluminio hasta una profundidad de 50 cm, incluso en NL, y mejoró ligeramente la agregación del suelo. El NL por sí solo, gracias al aumento en POC, TOC y las proteínas del suelo relacionadas con la glomalina (PSRG), que son capaces de formar compuestos estables no tóxicos con el aluminio, también contribuyó a la reducción de la toxicidad de aluminio en la capa más superficial. Cuando en las campañas con exceso de precipitaciones se generaron capas colgadas de agua próximas a la superficie, el NL generó unas condiciones más favorables para la germinación y desarrollo del cultivo, resultando en una producción más alta que el LC. A ello contribuyó la mayor capacidad de almacenamiento de agua y la mayor transmisividad de esta hacia abajo, en la capa más superficial (0-5 cm) que propició una menor saturación por agua que el LC. Respecto a los parámetros relacionados con la agregación, el NL aumentó los macroagregados hasta los 10 cm de profundidad y favoreció la acumulación de CO y N en todas las fracciones de tamaño de agregados. Sin embargo, la recuperación del grado de macroagregación tras el cese del laboreo resulta lenta en comparación con otros suelos, posiblemente debido al bajo contenido en arcilla en el horizonte Ap. En comparación con el NL, la enmienda mostró también un efecto positivo, aunque muy ligero, en la agregación del suelo. En contradicción con otros estudios en suelos ácidos, nuestros resultados indican la existencia de una jerarquía de agregados, y destacan el papel importante de la MO en la mejora de la agregación. Tanto el NL como la enmienda favorecieron por separado varias propiedades químicas, físicas y biológicas del suelo, pero, en general, encontramos los mayores beneficios con su uso combinado. Además, a largo plazo el efecto positivo de NL en las propiedades del suelo fue en aumento, mientras que el efecto beneficioso de la enmienda se limitó básicamente a las propiedades químicas y se desvaneció en pocos años. Destacamos que las condiciones meteorológicas a lo largo del ensayo beneficiaron la producción de biomasa en NL, y en consecuencia las propiedades relacionadas con la materia orgánica, por lo que son un factor a tener en cuenta a la hora de evaluar los efectos de la enmienda y el laboreo sobre las propiedades del suelo, especialmente en zonas donde esas condiciones son muy variables entre una campaña y otra. Los resultados de este estudio han puesto de manifiesto que el NL no ha mermado la eficacia de la enmienda caliza, posiblemente gracias a la alta solubilidad de la enmienda aplicada, es más, el manejo con NL y enmienda es el que ha favorecido en mayor medida ciertos parámetros de calidad del suelo. Por el contrario el LC sí parece anular los beneficios de la enmienda en relación con las propiedades relacionadas con la MO. Por tanto, cabe concluir que la combinación de NL y la enmienda es una práctica adecuada para mejorar las propiedades químicas y físicas de suelos ácidos degradados por el laboreo. ABSTRACT Excessive acidity in soils is associated with deficiencies in certain nutrients and high concentrations of available aluminum, which is toxic for most Mediterranean crops. Tilling these soils results in the loss of soil organic matter (SOM), damages soil structure and reduces biological activity, ultimately degrading soil quality. It is expected, therefore, that when acid soils are tilled, their particular problems will tend to get worse. In our study area, the "Cañamero’s Raña” (Extremadura, Spain), acid soils degraded by an inappropriate tillage prevail. Rañas are large and flat platforms with very old soils (Palexerults), which are characterized by an exchange complex dominated by aluminum and an acid pH which decreases with depth. These soils have a strong Bt horizon rich in kaolinite clays, which encourages the formation of perched water-tables near the soil surface during periods of excessive rain. During the first third of the 20th century, these soils, that previously supported cork oak or its scrub replacement, were cultivated. Tillage accelerated the mineralization of the SOM, aggravating the problems of excessive acidity, which finally led to the abandonment of the land due to low productivity. To recover the quality of these degraded soils and to obtain consistent yields it is necessary, first, to apply amendments to raise the pH and reduce aluminum toxicity, and second to encourage the accumulation of SOM. In 2005 a field trial was established in the Raña to study the influence of no-tillage and the use of a Ca-amendment on soil quality related parameters in a forage crop agrosystem. The experimental design was a split-plot with four replicates where the main factor was tillage type, no-tillage (NT) versus traditional tillage (TT) and the secondary factor was the use or not of a Ca-amendment. The Ca-amendment was a mixture of sugar foam and red gypsum that was incorporated into the top 7 cm of the soil. Since the beginning of the experiment, NT had a positive influence on total and particulate organic carbon (TOC and POC, respectively), while the Ca-amendment had a small positive influence at the beginning of the study but its effect diminished with time. The highest TOC and POC contents were observed when NT and the Ca-amendment were combined. The Ca-amendment, even under NT, rapidly increased pH and Ca, and decreased the aluminum content to a depth of 50 cm, as well as improving soil aggregation slightly. NT, due to the increased POC, TOC and Glomalin-related soil proteins (GRSP), which can form stable non-toxic compounds with aluminum, also contributed to the reduction of aluminum toxicity in the upper layer. When perched water-tables near the soil surface were formed in campaigns with excessive rainfall, NT provided more favorable conditions for germination and crop development, resulting in higher yields compared with TT. This was directly related to the higher water storage capacity and the greater transmissivity of the water downwards from the upper layers, which led to lower water saturation under NT compared with TT. With regards to the aggregation-related parameters, NT increased macroaggregation to a depth of 10 cm and favored the accumulation of OC and N in all aggregate size fractions. However, the degree of recovery of macroaggregation after tillage ceased was slow compared with other soils, possibly due to the low clay content in the Ap horizon. Compared with NT, the Ca-amendment had a slight positive effect on soil aggregation. In contrast to other studies in acid soils, our results indicate the existence of an aggregate hierarchy, and highlight the important role of SOM in improving aggregation. Both NT and the Ca-amendment separately favored various chemical, physical and biological soil properties, but in general we found the greatest benefits when the two treatments were combined. In addition, the positive effect of NT on soil properties increased with time, while the beneficial effect of the Ca-amendment, which was limited to the chemical properties, vanished after a few years. It is important to note that the meteorological conditions throughout the experiment benefited biomass production under NT and, as a consequence, organic matter related properties. This suggests that meteorological conditions are a factor to consider when evaluating the effects of Ca-amendments and tillage on soil properties, especially in areas where such conditions vary significantly from one campaign to another. The results of this study show that NT did not diminish the effectiveness of the Ca-amendment, possibly due to the high solubility of the selected amendment. Moreover, the combination of NT and the Ca-amendment was actually the management that favored certain soil quality parameters the most. By contrast, TT seemed to nullify the benefits of the Ca-amendment with regards to the OM related properties. In conclusion, the combination of NT and the application of a Ca-amendment is an advisable practice for improving the chemical and physical properties of acid soils degraded by tillage.


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Copolymer 1 [poly(Y,E,A,K)] is a random synthetic amino acid copolymer of l-tyrosine, l-glutamic acid, l-alanine, and l-lysine that is effective both in suppression of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis and in the treatment of relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis. Copolymer 1 binds promiscuously and very efficiently to purified HLA-DR molecules within the peptide-binding groove. In the present study, YEAK and YEAK-related copolymers and type II collagen (CII) peptide 261–273, a candidate autoantigen in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), competed for binding to RA-associated HLA-DR molecules encoded by DRB1*0101 and DRB1*0401. Moreover, these copolymers (particularly YEAK, YAK, and YEK) inhibited the response of DR1- and DR4-restricted T cell clones to the CII epitope 261–273 by >50%. This direct evidence both for competitive interactions of these copolymers and CII peptide with RA-associated HLA-DR molecules and for inhibition of CII-specific T cell responses suggests that these compounds should be evaluated in animal models for rheumatoid arthritis.


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Traditionally, the structure and properties of natural products have been determined by total synthesis and comparison with authentic samples. We have now applied this procedure to the first nonproteinaceous ion channel, isolated from bacterial plasma membranes, and consisting of a complex of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and calcium polyphosphate. To this end, we have now synthesized the 128-mer of hydroxybutanoic acid and prepared a complex with inorganic calcium polyphosphate (average 65-mer), which was incorporated into a planar lipid bilayer of synthetic phospholipids. We herewith present data that demonstrate unambiguously that the completely synthetic complex forms channels that are indistinguishable in their voltage-dependent conductance, in their selectivity for divalent cations, and in their blocking behavior (by La3+) from channels isolated from Escherichia coli. The implications of our finding for prebiotic chemistry, biochemistry, and biology are discussed.


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The structure and biosynthesis of poly-N-acetyllactosamine display a dramatic change during development and oncogenesis. Poly-N-acetyllactosamines are also modified by various carbohydrate residues, forming functional oligosaccharides such as sialyl Lex. Herein we describe the isolation and functional expression of a cDNA encoding β-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (iGnT), an enzyme that is essential for the formation of poly-N-acetyllactosamine. For this expression cloning, Burkitt lymphoma Namalwa KJM-1 cells were transfected with cDNA libraries derived from human melanoma and colon carcinoma cells. Transfected Namalwa cells overexpressing the i antigen were continuously selected by fluorescence-activated cell sorting because introduced plasmids containing Epstein–Barr virus replication origin can be continuously amplified as episomes. Sibling selection of plasmids recovered after the third consecutive sorting resulted in a cDNA clone that directs the increased expression of i antigen on the cell surface. The deduced amino acid sequence indicates that this protein has a type II membrane protein topology found in almost all mammalian glycosyltransferases cloned to date. iGnT, however, differs in having the longest transmembrane domain among glycosyltransferases cloned so far. The iGnT transcript is highly expressed in fetal brain and kidney and adult brain but expressed ubiquitously in various adult tissues. The expression of the presumed catalytic domain as a fusion protein with the IgG binding domain of protein A enabled us to demonstrate that the cDNA encodes iGnT, the enzyme responsible for the formation of GlcNAcβ1 → 3Galβ1 → 4GlcNAc → R structure and poly-N-acetyllactosamine extension.


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Abscisic acid (ABA) 8′-hydroxylase catalyzes the first step in the oxidative degradation of (+)-ABA. The development of a robust in vitro assay has now permitted detailed examination and characterization of this enzyme. Although several factors (buffer, cofactor, and source tissue) were critical in developing the assay, the most important of these was the identification of a tissue displaying high amounts of in vivo enzyme activity (A.J. Cutler, T.M. Squires, M.K. Loewen, J.J. Balsevich [1997] J Exp Bot 48: 1787–1795). (+)-ABA 8′-hydroxylase is an integral membrane protein that is localized to the microsomal fraction in suspension-cultured maize (Zea mays) cells. (+)-ABA metabolism requires both NADPH and molecular oxygen. NADH was not an effective cofactor, although there was substantial stimulation of activity (synergism) when it was included at rate-limiting NADPH concentrations. The metabolism of (+)-ABA was progressively inhibited at O2 concentrations less than 10% (v/v) and was very low (less than 5% of control) under N2. (+)-ABA 8′-hydroxylase activity was inhibited by tetcyclacis (50% inhibition at 10−6 m), cytochrome c (oxidized form), and CO. The CO inhibition was reversible by light from several regions of the visible spectrum, but most efficiently by blue and amber light. These data strongly support the contention that (+)-ABA 8′-hydroxylase is a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase.


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Poly(ADP)-ribose polymerase (PADPRP) has been purified to apparent homogeneity from suspension cultures of the maize (Zea mays) callus line. The purified enzyme is a single polypeptide of approximately 115 kD, which appears to dimerize through an S-S linkage. The catalytic properties of the maize enzyme are very similar to those of its animal counterpart. The amino acid sequences of three tryptic peptides were obtained by microsequencing. Antibodies raised against peptides from maize PADPRP cross-reacted specifically with the maize enzyme but not with the enzyme from human cells, and vice versa. We have also characterized a 3.45-kb expressed-sequence-tag clone that contains a full-length cDNA for maize PADPRP. An open reading frame of 2943 bp within this clone encodes a protein of 980 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of the maize PADPRP shows 40% to 42% identity and about 50% similarity to the known vertebrate PADPRP sequences. All important features of the modular structure of the PADPRP molecule, such as two zinc fingers, a putative nuclear localization signal, the automodification domain, and the NAD+-binding domain, are conserved in the maize enzyme. Northern-blot analysis indicated that the cDNA probe hybridizes to a message of about 4 kb.


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Penetration of 3H-labeled water (3H2O) and the 14C-labeled organic acids benzoic acid ([14C]BA), salicylic acid ([14C]SA), and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid ([14C]2,4-D) were measured simultaneously in isolated cuticular membranes of Prunus laurocerasus L., Ginkgo biloba L., and Juglans regia L. For each of the three pairs of compounds (3H2O/[14C]BA, 3H2O/[14C]SA, and 3H2O/[14C]2,4-D) rates of cuticular water penetration were highly correlated with the rates of penetration of the organic acids. Therefore, water and organic acids penetrated the cuticles by the same routes. With the combination 3H2O/[14C]BA, co-permeability was measured with isolated cuticles of nine other plant species. Permeances of 3H2O of all 12 investigated species were highly correlated with the permeances of [14C]BA (r2 = 0.95). Thus, cuticular transpiration can be predicted from BA permeance. The application of this experimental method, together with the established prediction equation, offers the opportunity to answer several important questions about cuticular transport physiology in future investigations.


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The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) subtype of ionotropic glutamate receptors is a heterooligomeric membrane protein composed of homologous subunits. Here, the contribution of the M3-M4 loop of the NR1 subunit to the binding of glutamate and the co-agonist glycine was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. Substitution of the phenylalanine residues at positions 735 or 736 of the M3-M4 loop produced a 15- to 30-fold reduction in apparent glycine affinity without affecting the binding of glutamate and the competitive glycine antagonist 7-chlorokynurenic acid; mutation of both residues caused a >100-fold decrease in glycine affinity. These residues are found in a C-terminal region of the M3-M4 loop that shows significant sequence similarity to bacterial amino acid-binding proteins. Epitope tagging revealed both the N-terminus and the M3-M4 loop to be exposed extracellularly, whereas a C-terminal epitope was localized intracellularly. These results indicate that the M3-M4 loop is part of the ligand-binding pocket of the NR1 subunit and provide the basis for a refined model of the glycine-binding site of the NMDA receptor.


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Excitatory amino acid toxicity, resulting from overactivation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptors, is a major mechanism of neuronal cell death in acute and chronic neurological diseases. We have investigated whether excitotoxicity may occur in peripheral organs, causing tissue injury, and report that NMDA receptor activation in perfused, ventilated rat lungs triggered acute injury, marked by increased pressures needed to ventilate and perfuse the lung, and by high-permeability edema. The injury was prevented by competitive NMDA receptor antagonists or by channel-blocker MK-801, and was reduced in the presence of Mg2+. As with NMDA toxicity to central neurons, the lung injury was nitric oxide (NO) dependent: it required L-arginine, was associated with increased production of NO, and was attenuated by either of two NO synthase inhibitors. The neuropeptide vasoactive intestinal peptide and inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase also prevented this injury, but without inhibiting NO synthesis, both acting by inhibiting a toxic action of NO that is critical to tissue injury. The findings indicate that: (i) NMDA receptors exist in the lung (and probably elsewhere outside the central nervous system), (ii) excessive activation of these receptors may provoke acute edematous lung injury as seen in the "adult respiratory distress syndrome," and (iii) this injury can be modulated by blockade of one of three critical steps: NMDA receptor binding, inhibition of NO synthesis, or activation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase.


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Benzoic acid 2-hydroxylase (BA2H) catalyzes the biosynthesis of salicylic acid from benzoic acid. The enzyme has been partially purified and characterized as a soluble protein of 160 kDa. High-efficiency in vivo labeling of salicylic acid with 18O2 suggested that BA2H is an oxygenase that specifically hydroxylates the ortho position of benzoic acid. The enzyme was strongly induced by either tobacco mosaic virus inoculation or benzoic acid infiltration of tobacco leaves and it was inhibited by CO and other inhibitors of cytochrome P450 hydroxylases. The BA2H activity was immunodepleted by antibodies raised against SU2, a soluble cytochrome P450 from Streptomyces griseolus. The anti-SU2 antibodies immunoprecipitated a radiolabeled polypeptide of around 160 kDa from the soluble protein extracts of L-[35S]-methionine-fed tobacco leaves. Purified BA2H showed CO-difference spectra with a maximum at 457 nm. These data suggest that BA2H belongs to a novel class of soluble, high molecular weight cytochrome P450 enzymes.


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Background: Acetylation and deacetylation at specific lysine (K) residues is mediated by histone acetylases (HATs) and deacetylases (HDACs), respectively. HATs and HDACs act on both histone and non-histone proteins, regulating various processes, including cardiac impulse propagation. Aim of the present work was to establish whether the function of the Ca2+ ATPase SERCA2, one of the major players in Ca2+ reuptake during excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac myocytes (CMs), could be modulated by direct K acetylation. Materials and methods: HL-1 atrial mouse cells (donated by Prof. Claycomb), zebrafish and Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat CMs were treated with the pan-inhibitor of class I and II HDACs suberanilohydroxamic acid (SAHA) for 1.5 hour. Evaluation of SERCA2 acetylation was analyzed by co-immunoprecipitation. SERCA2 activity was measured on microsomes by pyruvate/NADH coupled reaction assay. SERCA2 mutants were obtained after cloning wild-type and mutated sequences into the pCDNA3 vector and transfected into HEK cells. Ca2+ transients in CMs (loading with Fluo3-AM, field stimulation, 0.5 Hz) and in transfected HEK cells (loading with FLUO-4, caffeine pulse) were recorded. Results: Co-Immunoprecipitation experiments performed on HL-1 cells demonstrated a significant increase in the acetylation of SERCA2 after SAHA-treatment (2.5 µM, n=3). This was associated with an increase in SERCA2 activity in microsomes obtained from HL-1 cells, after SAHA exposure (n=5). Accordingly, SAHA-treatment significantly shortened the Ca2+ reuptake time of adult zebrafish CMs. Further, SAHA 2.5 nM restored to control values the recovery time of Ca2+ transients decay in diabetic rat CMs. HDAC inhibition also improved contraction parameters, such as fraction of shortening, and increased pump activity in microsomes isolated from diabetic CMs (n=4). Notably, the K464, identified by bioinformatic tools as the most probable acetylation site on human SERCA2a, was mutated into Glutamine (Q) or Arginine (R) mimicking acetylation and deacetylation respectively. Measurements of Ca2+ transients in HEK cells revealed that the substitution of K464 with R significantly delayed the transient recovery time, thus indicating that deacetylation has a negative impact on SERCA2 function. Conclusions: Our results indicate that SERCA2 function can be improved by pro-acetylation interventions and that this mechanism of regulation is conserved among species. Therefore, the present work provides the basis to open the search for novel pharmacological tools able to specifically improve SERCA2 activity in diseases where its expression and/or function is impaired, such as diabetic cardiomyopathy.


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Este trabalho está dividido em: obtenção e caracterização de amido termoplástico (TPS); estudo do envelhecimento do TPS e blendas de PP/TPS. O estudo do TPS, foi realizado utilizando amido de milho, 30% em massa de glicerol e outros componentes que variam entre as amostras. Primeiramente foi realizado um planejamento estatístico para obter a composição ótima de TPS. Foram escolhidos cinco parâmetros de entrada: 2 de composição (umidade e teor de ácido cítrico) e 3 de processamento (temperatura, velocidade dos rotores e tempo), visando obter um TPS com propriedades térmicas e mecânicas superiores. De acordo com os resultados de infravermelho, termogravimetria, microscopia ótica (MO) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) foram escolhidas 2 composições. Estas foram calandradas e confeccionadas para obtenção dos corpos de prova de tração. Os resultados dos ensaios mecânicos mostraram que amostras com teor de ácido cítrico de aproximadamente 2% em massa apresentam os maiores valores de módulo de elasticidade e resistência à tração. Com estes resultados foram realizadas novas composições com outros ácidos carboxílicos: adípico, málico e tartárico e amostras sem ácidos. As curvas de torque indicaram que as amostras sem ácido carboxílico e com ácido adípico perdem água durante o processamento. Analisando os resultados verifica-se que o TPS com os ácidos málico e tartárico apresentam melhores propriedades mecânicas e térmicas. Também foi analisado o envelhecimento, e notou-se que com o tempo as amostras tendem a perder plastificante, modificando suas propriedades mecânicas e sua cristalinidade. Entretanto, durante o intervalo de um ano, as amostras de TPS com ácido málico e tartárico não sofreram perda significativa de plastificante. Por último, foram obtidas blendas de PP reciclado com TPS nas composições 50/50, 60/40 e 70/30 em massa, respectivamente, com e sem adição de ácidos: cítrico, málico e tartárico e anidrido maleico. As amostras foram caracterizadas por FTIR, DRX, reometria capilar, MEV e por teste de resistência à tração. Micrografias obtidas por MEV indicaram que todas as composições estudadas possuem morfologia predominantemente co-contínua. A presença dos ácidos, geralmente, reduz os valores das propriedades mecânicas da blenda de PP com TPS e a adição de PP-g-MA é mais efetiva nas blendas sem adição de ácido. Ao analisar o envelhecimento das blendas com adição de ácidos tartárico e málico, notou-se que as propriedades mecânicas não foram alteradas em função do tempo de estocagem.


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Neste trabalho compósitos foram obtidos a partir da blenda comercial 100% biodegradável Ecovio® C2224 da BASF, uma blenda formada por 55% em massa de um copoliéster biodegradável, o Ecoflex® (poli[(adipato de butileno)-co-(tereftalato de butileno)]) e 45% em massa de PLA poli(ácido láctico). Como carga, utilizaram-se dois tipos de argilas comerciais do grupo das esmectitas, ambas predominantemente montmorilonitas: Cloisite Sódica® e Cloisite 30B®. Também foi utilizado como carga a sílica coloidal comercial Aerosil 200®, com área superficial de 200 m2/g e diâmetro médio de partícula 12nm. Os compósitos estudados, ambos contendo 5% e 10% em massa de cargas, foram preparados em uma extrusora de rosca dupla, acoplada a um reômetro de torque. O estudo foi dividido em três etapas: 1ª) etapa: Obtenção e caracterização dos compósitos de Ecovio®/ argila e Ecovio® / sílica; 2ª) etapa: Avaliação da fotodegradação do Ecovio® puro e dos compósitos obtidos; 3ª) etapa: Avaliação da biodegradabilidade do Ecovio® puro e dos compósitos após exposição em câmara de UV. As propriedades mecânicas dos compósitos antes e depois de serem submetidos à exposição em câmara de UV foram avaliadas por ensaios de resistência à tração e resistência ao impacto Izod. Os resultados obtidos na 1ª etapa deste trabalho indicaram aumento nos valores de módulo de elasticidade de todos os compósitos, em relação à blenda pura. Destacam-se as composições com 5% e 10% em massa de sílica coloidal, que apresentaram aumentos de até 115% nos valores de módulo de elasticidade, sem perdas significativas em resistência à tração, alongamento e resistência ao impacto, quando comparadas à fase matriz. Na 2ª etapa, a partir de 20 dias de exposição, todas as composições (blendas e compósitos) apresentam redução nas propriedades mecânicas em função do aumento do tempo de exposição à radiação UV. Na 3ª etapa, independente do tipo ou teor de carga presente na blenda, todas as composições apresentaram índices de biodegradabilidade, depois de 120 dias, de 40 a 60%, devido à prévia exposição à radiação UV.


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Palladium and bimetallic Pd–Ni nanoparticles (NPs) protected by polyvinylpyrrolidone were prepared by the reduction-by-solvent method and deposited on multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). The catalytic activity of these NPs to carbon–carbon bond-forming reactions was studied by using 0.1 mol % Pd loading, at 120 °C for 1 h and water as a solvent under ligand-free conditions. The Suzuki–Miyaura reaction took place quantitatively for the cross-coupling of 4-bromoanisole with phenylboronic acid, better than those obtained with potassium phenyltrifluoroborate, with Pd50Ni50/MWCNTs as a catalyst and K2CO3 as a base and TBAB as an additive, with good recyclability during 4 cycles with some Ni leaching. The Hiyama reaction of 4-iodoanisole with trimethoxyphenylsilane, under fluoride-free conditions using 50 % aqueous NaOH solution, was performed with Pd/MWCNTs as a catalyst in 83 % yield with low recyclability. For the Mizoroki-Heck reaction 4-iodoanisole and styrene gave the corresponding 4-methoxystilbene quantitatively with Pd50Ni50/MWCNTs using K2CO3 as a base and TBAB as an additive although the recycle failed. In the case of the Sonogashira-Hagihara reaction, Pd/MWCNTs had to be used as a catalyst and pyrrolidine as a base for the coupling of 4-iodoanisole with phenylacetylene under copper-free conditions. The corresponding 4-methoxytolane was quantitatively obtained allowing the recycling of the catalyst during 3 cycles.