987 resultados para Pneumonia Bacteriana


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INTRODUÇÃO: A transmissão do HIV e de outras doenças transmissíveis, de pessoa a pessoa, pode ser associada à mobilidade humana. Este trabalho avaliou a incidência de doenças oportunistas transmissíveis entre os casos de AIDS, nos municípios da faixa de fronteira brasileira. MÉTODOS: Os municípios da faixa de fronteira brasileira foram agrupados em três regiões culturais; foram consideradas as notificações feitas ao Ministério da Saúde, entre 1990 e 2003, que tenham sido feitas com os critérios de definição CDC adaptado, Rio de Janeiro/Caracas e óbito; as doenças oportunistas detectadas foram agrupadas de acordo com o tipo de transmissão: 1) inalação do agente; 2) ingestão de água/alimento contaminado e 3) contato interpessoal. A análise descritiva considerou regiões culturais, anos de escolaridade, categoria de transmissão, sexo e faixa etária. RESULTADOS: Houve diferentes padrões de incidência de AIDS nos grupos de doenças oportunistas em cada região cultural. A região extremo-sul apresentou a maior incidência de AIDS; o número de casos de AIDS do sexo feminino foi maior na categoria heterossexual; o número de casos de AIDS do sexo masculino foi maior entre usuários de drogas injetáveis; as doenças transmitidas pelo contato interpessoal foram as mais frequentes, destacando a incidência de monilíases; a tuberculose e a pneumonia foram as mais frequentes dentre as doenças transmitidas pela inalação do agente; as doenças transmitidas pela ingestão de água/alimentos contaminados mostraram um padrão de incidência estável. CONCLUSÕES: A fronteira brasileira é um espaço geográfico importante e heterogêneo; o enfrentamento da AIDS deve reconhecer as diferentes geografias culturais.


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We report the case of a 35-year-old homeless alcoholic and illicit drug user, with AIDS, who was admitted to the emergency unit complaining of asthenia and a weight loss of 30kg over the preceding three months. Clinical and laboratory data confirmed a diagnosis of marasmus, bacterial pneumonia, chorioretinitis caused by Toxoplasma gondii and oral Candida infection. The patient also presented loss of tongue papillae, gingival hypertrophy, perifollicular hyperkeratosis and hemorrhage, coiled, corkscrew-like hair, anemia, hypoalbuminemia, increased C-reactive protein levels and low serum vitamin C levels. The patient developed severe gastric hemorrhage, with hemodynamic instability and terminal disseminated intravascular coagulopathy.


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A aspergilose pulmonar compreende uma das formas de infecção por fungo do gênero Aspergillus, tendo diversos modos de apresentação clínica a depender da imunidade e comorbidades. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso de paciente, imunocompetente e previamente hígido, que desenvolveu uma forma de aspergilose pulmonar crônica e fazer uma breve revisão sobre o assunto.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O principal mecanismo de resistência entre isolados de Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Acinetobacter sp. é a produção de metalo-β-lactamases (MβLs). As MβLs são enzimas capazes de hidrolisar cefalosporinas, penicilinas e carbapenêmicos, mas não monobactâmicos (aztreonam) antibióticos que se encontram entre as principais opções terapêuticas para o tratamento de infecções causadas por bactérias não fermentadoras de glicose. MÉTODOS: Um estudo observacional, transversal, descritivo e retrospectivo foi desenvolvido para avaliar a frequência e o perfil de susceptibilidade cepas de P. aeruginosa e Acinetobacter sp. produtoras de MβLs isoladas no Hospital São Vicente de Paulo, Passo Fundo, Brasil. RESULTADOS: A produção de MβLs foi observada em 77,6% (n = 173/223) dos isolados de P. aeruginosa e em 22,4% (n = 50/223) dos isolados de Acinetobacter sp. Dentre as cepas produtoras de MβL, a maioria apresentou mais de 90% de resistência a seis antimicrobianos dos 12 testados, enfatizando a resistência a ceftazidima, gentamicina, aztreonam, piperaciclina/tazobactam, cefepime, ciprofloxacina, meropenem e tobramicina. CONCLUSÕES: Os índices de MβL encontrados confirmam a preocupação mundial com a disseminação desse mecanismo de resistência.


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Streptococcus pneumoniae is a common asymptomatic commensal of the human nasopharynx. However, it is better known as a threatening pathogen that causes serious diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis and sepsis, as well as other less severe but more prevalent infections (e.g. otitis media). With the increase of antibiotic resistance and the limited efficacy of vaccines, pneumococcal infections remain a major problem. Therefore, the discovery of new therapeutic targets and preventive drugs are in high demand.(...)


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This report focuses on a fatality involving severe dengue fever and melioidosis in a 28-year-old truck driver residing in Pacoti in northeastern Brazil. He exhibited long-term respiratory symptoms (48 days) and went through a wide-ranging clinical investigation at three hospitals, after initial clinical diagnoses of pneumonia, visceral leishmaniasis, tuberculosis, and fungal sepsis. After death, Burkholderia pseudomallei was isolated in a culture of ascitic fluid. Dengue virus type 1 was detected by polymerase chain reaction in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); this infection was the cause of death. This description reinforces the need to consider melioidosis among the reported differential diagnoses of community-acquired infections where both melioidosis and dengue fever are endemic.


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INTRODUCTION: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is spread out in hospitals across different regions of the world and is regarded as the major agent of nosocomial infections, causing infections such as skin and soft tissue pneumonia and sepsis. The aim of this study was to identify risk factors for methicillin-resistance in Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infection (BSI) and the predictive factors for death. METHODS: A retrospective cohort of fifty-one patients presenting bacteraemia due to S. aureus between September 2006 and September 2008 was analysed. Staphylococcu aureus samples were obtained from blood cultures performed by clinical hospital microbiology laboratory from the Uberlândia Federal University. Methicillinresistance was determined by growth on oxacillin screen agar and antimicrobial susceptibility by means of the disk diffusion method. RESULTS: We found similar numbers of MRSA (56.8%) and methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) (43.2%) infections, and the overall hospital mortality ratio was 47%, predominantly in MRSA group (70.8% vs. 29.2%) (p=0.05). Age (p=0.02) was significantly higher in MRSA patients as also was the use of central venous catheter (p=0.02). The use of two or more antimicrobial agents (p=0.03) and the length of hospital stay prior to bacteraemia superior to seven days (p=0.006) were associated with mortality. High odds ratio value was observed in cardiopathy as comorbidity. CONCLUSIONS: Despite several risk factors associated with MRSA and MSSA infection, the use of two or more antimicrobial agents was the unique independent variable associated with mortality.


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INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to determine the epidemiology of the three most common nosocomial infections (NI), namely, sepsis, pneumonia, and urinary tract infection (UTI), in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) in a developing country and to define the risk factors associated with NI. METHODS: We performed a prospective study on the incidence of NI in a single PICU, between August 2009 and August 2010. Active surveillance by National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) was conducted in the unit and children with NI (cases) were compared with a group (matched controls) in a case-control fashion. RESULTS: We analyzed 172 patients; 22.1% had NI, 71.1% of whom acquired it in the unit. The incidence densities of sepsis, pneumonia, and UTI per 1,000 patients/day were 17.9, 11.4, and 4.3, respectively. The most common agents in sepsis were Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli (18% each); Staphylococcus epidermidis was isolated in 13% of cases. In pneumonias Staphylococcus aureus was the most common cause (3.2%), and in UTI the most frequent agents were yeasts (33.3%). The presence of NI was associated with a long period of hospitalization, use of invasive devices (central venous catheter, nasogastric tube), and use of antibiotics. The last two were independent factors for NI. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of NI acquired in this unit was high and was associated with extrinsic factors.


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Pneumocystis jirovecii é um micro-organismo fúngico que pode causar pneumonia em doentes imunocomprometidos. O ciclo de vida de Pneumocystis inclui uma forma biológica trófica e outra quística na qual estão presentes, em sua composição, hidratos de carbono chamados β-Glucanos. Estes componentes são liberados na corrente sanguínea após lise do micro-organismo pela resposta imunitária ou fármacos, sendo assim, considerado um marcador sorológico que atua como auxiliar no diagnóstico da PPc. Porém, este marcador não é específico para o gênero Pneumocystis, podendo ser um teste positivo em outras infecções fúngicas como a candidíase. Caracterizar a sequência genética da Glucano Sintetase permite uma nova abordagem em relação aos testes sorológicos e a possíveis novos alvos terapêuticos. Um teste sorológico para o β-Glucano específico para P. jirovecii podendo ser um marcador muito mais útil e confiável do que os utilizados atualmente. Neste trabalho foi feita a caracterização genética do fragmento correspondente à Glucano Sintetase de P. jirovecii com base na sequência de β-Glucano de P. carinii e na sequência completa de P. jirovecii através de metodologias de PCRs. Com o resultado do sequenciamento do fragmento de β-Glucano de P. jirovecii puderam ser observadas possíveis bases candidatas a polimorfismos de base única (SNP). Determinar os polimorfismos em uma sequência resulta em conhecimento da diversidade genética do micro-organismo para além de reconhecer marcadores moleculares que podem determinar sua origem geográfica, resistência a fármacos e fatores de virulência. Duas bases foram identificadas na sequência como possíveis SNPs. Estudos em projetos futuros com técnicas como o RFLP podem caracterizar e determinar as consequências e importância destes polimorfismos no fragmento da Glucano Sintetase de P. jirovecii. Estabelecer esta importância pode levar à compreensão do modelo de infecção e defesa deste micro-organismo para que possamos perceber melhor sua atuação


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INTRODUTION: A major concern with the visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is its high lethality rate, even with proper treatment. Low age, prior malnutrition, disease duration prior to diagnosis, severe anemia, fever for more than 60 days, diarrhea and jaundice are known poor prognostic factors. The goals of this study are to describe the clinical and laboratory characteristics of VL among children under 12 years of age and to identify the factors associated with VL poor outcome. METHODS: Two hundred and fifty children under 12 years of age with confirmed VL admitted to Hospital João Paulo II (FHEMIG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, between January 2001 and December 2005 were evaluated retrospectively. The primary outcome was the poor clinical evolution: sepsis, and/or pneumonia, and/or urinary tract infection, and/or of bleeding (expect epistaxis), and/or severe neutropenia (neutrophil < 500 cells/mm3). Odds ratio (crude and adjusted) and its 95% confidence interval for each variable were calculated. Values less than 0.05 were considered significant. RESULTS: Average age was 3.3 years (3.6 months-11.6 years), 71.2% were younger than 5 years and 47.2% lived in Metropolitan Area of Belo Horizonte. The mean fatality rate was 3.6%. Sixty-six (26.4%) patients presented poor evolution. After a multivariate analysis, age <18 months, abnormal respiratory physical examination on hospital admission, and platelets <85,000/mm3 remained associated with increased chance of poor evolution. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that patients aged between 12 and 18 months, with platelet counts bellow 85,000/mm3, and respiratory abnormalities at admission should be considered potentially severe.


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Introduction The distribution of infection by Histoplasma capsulatum in Brazil is heterogeneous, and the number of cases affecting immunocompetent individuals is relatively small. This study reports the epidemiological and clinical data regarding histoplasmosis in non-immunosuppressed individuals. Methods The study included only the immunocompetent patients with histoplasmosis who were diagnosed between 1970 and 2012 at a university hospital located in Ribeirão Preto, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Clinical and epidemiological data were collected retrospectively from the patient records. Results Of the 123 patients analyzed, 95 had an active disease that manifested in the different clinical forms of histoplasmosis. Men were the predominant gender, and most patients resided in the Northeast of the State of São Paulo and in the nearby municipalities of the State of Minas Gerais. The risk factors for acquiring histoplasmosis and prolonged contact in a rural environment were recorded in 43.9% and 82.9% of cases, respectively. Smoking, alcoholism, and comorbidity rates were high among the patients with the chronic pulmonary and subacute/chronic disseminated forms of histoplasmosis. Many patients achieved clinical cure spontaneously, but 58.9% required antifungals; the disease lethality rate was 5.3%. Conclusions Immunocompetent individuals manifested the diverse clinical forms of histoplasmosis over a period of 4 decades, revealing an additional endemic area of this fungal disease in the Brazilian Southeast.


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Introduction Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is among the most important pathogens of nosocomial infections, mainly in intensive care units (ICUs), and accounts for 40-60% of all healthcare-associated S. aureus infections. We evaluated the incidence of nosocomial infection by S. aureus, identified the risk factors for MRSA infection, and evaluated the effect of resistance to methicillin on mortality in patients. Methods We conducted MRSA surveillance at a university hospital in Brazil from January 1, 2010, to December 31, 2010, and performed a retrospective case-control matched study to evaluate the frequency of subsequent MRSA bacteremia and death among patients. We evaluated and compared the risk factors between patients with MRSA and methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) infection. Results Sepsis was the most common cause of infection (17.7/1,000 patient-days), followed by surgical site (11.4/1,000 patient-days), pneumonia (4.1/1,000 patient-days), and urinary tract infection (2.4/1,000 patient-days). The significant risk factors were time of hospitalization, use of central vascular catheter (CVC), urinary catheter, nasogastric tube, parenteral nutrition, tracheostomy, mechanical ventilation, and previous antibiotic administration, the latter of which was the only independent risk factor for MRSA infection. Mortality was significantly higher in patients with MRSA. The number of antibiotics tested was not related to increases in the frequency of MRSA/1,000 patient-days. The incidence of mortality attributable to MRSA (bloodstream infection) BSI was 50%. Conclusions Surveillance results showed that the use of high levels of antibiotics was directly related to the development of MRSA infection, and the mortality attributable to MRSA in patients with bacteremia was significant.


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Introduction The high prevalence of Klebsiella pneumoniae infections is related to the ability of K. pneumoniae to acquire and disseminate exogenous genes associated with mobile elements, such as R plasmids, transposons and integrons. This study investigated the presence of class 1 integrons in clinical and microbiota isolates of K. pneumoniae belonging to different phylogenetic groups and correlated these results with the antimicrobial resistance profiles of the studied isolates. Methods Of the 51 isolates of K. pneumoniae selected for this study, 29 were from multidrug-resistant clinical isolates, and 22 were from children's microbiota. The susceptibility profile was determined using the disk diffusion method, and class 1 integrons were detected through polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results The results showed that none of the 22 microbiota isolates carried class 1 integrons. Among the 29 clinical isolates, 19 (65.5%) contained class 1 integrons, and resistance to sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim was identified in 18 of these isolates (94.7%). Among the K. pneumoniae isolates with class 1 integrons, 47% belonged to the KpI phylogenetic group, and one isolate (14.3%) carrying these genetic elements belonged to the KpIII group. Conclusions The wide variety of detected class 1 integrons supports the presence of high rates of antimicrobial resistance, genetic variability, and rapid dissemination of beta-lactamase genes among K. pneumoniae clinical isolates in recent years in hospitals in Recife-PE, Brazil. The findings of this study indicate that the surveillance of K. pneumoniae integrons in clinical isolates could be useful for monitoring the spread of antibiotic resistance genes in the hospital environment.


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Introduction Surveillance of nosocomial infections (NIs) is an essential part of quality patient care; however, there are few reports of National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) surveillance in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) and none in developing countries. The purpose of this study was to report the incidence of NIs, causative organisms, and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns in a large cohort of neonates admitted to the NICU during a 16-year period. Methods The patients were followed 5 times per week from birth to discharge or death, and epidemiological surveillance was conducted according to the NHSN. Results From January 1997 to December 2012, 4,615 neonates, representing 62,412 patient-days, were admitted to the NICU. The device-associated infection rates were as follows: 17.3 primary bloodstream infections per 1,000 central line-days and 3.2 pneumonia infections per 1,000 ventilator-days. A total of 1,182 microorganisms were isolated from sterile body site cultures in 902 neonates. Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) (34.3%) and Staphylococcus aureus (15.6%) were the most common etiologic agents isolated from cultures. The incidences of oxacillin-resistant CoNS and Staphylococcus aureus were 86.4% and 28.3%, respectively. Conclusions The most important NI remains bloodstream infection with staphylococci as the predominant pathogens, observed at much higher rates than those reported in the literature. Multiresistant microorganisms, especially oxacillin-resistant staphylococci and gram-negative bacilli resistant to cephalosporin were frequently found. Furthermore, by promoting strict hygiene measures and meticulous care of the infected infants, the process itself of evaluating the causative organisms was valuable.


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INTRODUCTION: In 2010, to reduce the occurrence of serious pneumococcal disease, the Ministry of Health in Brazil incorporated the 10-valent pneumococcal vaccine in the immunization schedule of children younger than two years of age. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of vaccination on the incidence of infectious respiratory diseases in infants before and after the introduction of the 10-valent pneumococcal vaccine. METHODS: This cross-sectional study involved primary care and hospital networks from a city in Minas Gerais State, Brazil, between 2009 and 2012. RESULTS: A 40% reduction in the prevalence of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) was observed after introducing the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Male children were 28% more likely to develop the disease. The prevalence ratio ([PR] = 1.96, 95% CI: 1.52 to 2.53, p < 0.05) suggested that not being vaccinated was associated with the occurrence of pneumonia. The prevalence of CAP was 70% lower (PR 0.30, 95% CI: 0.24 to 0.37, p<0.05) in children vaccinated as recommended compared to children with delayed vaccination, suggesting that the updated vaccine schedule improves protection. CONCLUSIONS: Immunization with the 10-valent pneumococcal vaccine appeared to reduce the number of pneumonia cases in children during the study period. Prospective studies are needed to confirm the efficacy of the vaccine against the occurrence of pneumococcal pneumonia.