980 resultados para Planejamento financeiro
Meaningful learning occurs when new knowledge to be aggregated are grounded in other students already possess. In preparing didactic sequences for teaching concepts, one should take into account these concepts and knowledge to produce more effective and lasting learning, and build new concepts that will become subsumes for subsequent learning. This research was developed in a subproject linked to institutional Scholarship Program Initiation to Teaching (PIBID) of a Universidade Estadual Paulista. The proposal is based on the articulation of the Public School and the University, strengthening the initial training of undergraduates, and continued teacher network, improving the quality of education. The proposed work is based on interdisciplinary research and teaching by investigation. Undergraduates in Biology, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry jointly propose interdisciplinary teaching activities and investigative applied to high school students of Public School partner. To survey the views of these students on the theme Water, they were asked to draw up an essay entitled "The importance of water", with the aim of organizing information for planning a teaching strategy that articulates the disciplines of training of undergraduates. In this paper we present a qualitative analysis of these essays, performed based on content analysis. The analysis allowed to identify existing concepts in students' cognitive structure and classify them into adequate and inadequate compared to scientifically accepted concepts. Several misconceptions were raised indicating the need to produce didactic sequences that in addition to working the concepts presented in the curriculum of disciplines take into consideration the possibility of more meaningful learning. This research produced the elucidation of existing concepts, indicating where deficiencies were larger. One major contribution was the realization that concepts that may be considered by teachers as simple and already acquired by the students often come so misguided in their explanations. From the results obtained, integrated activities have been planned and implemented, and more relevant to the needs of students aiming to recover and enrich the knowledge they possessed, encouraging the use of scientific concepts and their application to daily living situations.
El fenómeno de la globalización está directamente relacionado a la expansión de mercados. Éstos no conocen fronteras e impactan la vida en todas las sociedades alrededor del mundo. En ese contexto, quedan fragilizados los que tienen menos poder de compra o poder tecnológico. Para sobrevivir a esta tendencia, comunidades se estructuran de modo a promover el desarrollo económico local. Son, así, conjugados esfuerzos por intermedio de planeamientos que involucran y estimulan la participación de actores locales. Una de las metodologías que se ha mostrado eficiente para un proyecto participativo es la PACA, acrónimo de Participatory Appraisal of Competitive Advantage. Este estudio busca presentar y reflexionar, por medio de una investigación bibliográfica, la posible intersección entre planeamiento participativo y las Relaciones Públicas, resaltando para tal, la metodología PACA. En resumen, la metodología PACA exige el establecimiento de un efectivo relacionamiento entre las personas y organizaciones involucradas para lograr sus objetivos. Es una técnica de planeamiento participativo que conduce al desarrollo económico local por promover la sinergia de actores de la comunidad. Como resultado de la investigación fue posible identificar que las actividades que dan soporte a la metodología PACA son intrínsecamente relacionadas a las actividades de Relaciones Públicas, a medida que es función primaria de estos profesionales el uso de destrezas educacionales y comunicacionales para promover el establecimiento de relacionamiento entre individuos con organizaciones, instituciones y entidades.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
A competição nos mercados, o fácil acesso a informação tornou a estratégia, nas últimas décadas, um campo de estudos e de essencial importância para o crescimento e desenvolvimento das companhias, um aliado para a empresa se diferenciar no mercado, conseguindo destaque e atingir seus objetivos, minimizando riscos. Esse artigo tem como objetivo, demonstrar duas correntes de formulação estratégica, sendo uma teoria do Posicionamento, tendo como principal mentor Michael Porter, e a segunda a teoria do Planejamento, sendo Chiavenato como principal autor. Após isso, será caracterizado o setor do Agronegócio brasileiro, que possui um papel fundamental no cenário econômico nacional, que irá subsidiar a análise estratégica e estudo de caso da empresa JBS S.A. O objetivo final é entender o processo estratégico da empresa e caracteriza-lo de acordo com as teorias apresentadas
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
The study aimed to obtain the land use of the watershed Ribeirão Santo Antonio - São Manuel (SP), through the thematic map of the satellite image. The cartographic databases were planialtimetric letter in digital format used in georeferencing and the satellite image. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) -IDRISI Andes 15.0 was use to perform the image georeferencing and to do the thematic map obtained from the visual interpretation the satellite image. The map of land use showed that the culture of sugar cane occupies most of the area (81.00%), when analyzing the satellite image. This result show us the predominance of agricultural occupation in the region. The thematic map obtained by the classification screen, using GIS, allowed the mapping of land use, generating data that will assist in future planning area recovery. The results of the study showed the efficiency, speed and reliability of the tools used, these being very useful for future projects.
The study aimed mapping of the land use capacity classes for the Rio das Pedras watershed, Itatinga-SP in order to provide another mechanism of environmental planning for the studied area. It was used 1:10,000 topographic letters for the slope map generation which was overlaid with the studied area soil map. It was applied the judgment table criteria method, for generation of land use capacity map of the studied area. It were identified the following results: First, class III with constraints in relation of low fertility and restrictions about erosion risks on high slope areas. Second, class VI with the same characteristics of class III however with the presence of an aggravating factor of sand texture in all horizons, resulting in high risks of erosion events, especially in high slopes areas, and contamination by pollutants due the high soil permeability. Conclusions: It was verified that the more critical regions for land use capacity classes were VIs and mainly VIes class. The last one has more high relief areas and the presence of Neossolo Quartzarenico soil, with a big erosion propensity. The land use capacity map allow making different decisions for each region of the watershed respecting their individual characteristics.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
This thesis presents a way to plan and deploy the strategy of a small retailing company with use of lean six sigma technics. In small companies there are mostly no future strategic planning based on the external market and customer needs. Aiming for effective strategies, it is necessary to deal with significant information and transparency of plans and targets. With lean six sigma method it can be achieved and this Thesis has the purpose of analysis of the method application in the creation of a strategy for a small company in the city of Franca, state of São Paulo. The outcomes are a financial and market analysis, a structured strategic planning, an employees function outline, the creation of plans, indicators and targets, and the employees and owners' opinion regarding the new way of working
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)