973 resultados para Phoenix (tavaramerkki)


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This paper examines the phenomenon of 'entrepreneurial failure' from a UK regionally-based qualitative study, being that of explanations for failure provided by entrepreneurial CEOs. This paper contends that there are valuable lessons to be learned, from explanations provided of failure, that may reduce the very high recorded mortality rates of entrepreneurial businesses, in particular that of nascent entrepreneurs. Our intention is to make nascent entrepreneurs and their advisors more aware of the consequences of the likely personal risks they will be assuming, especially before they embark on their new business ventures. This paper focuses strongly on entrepreneurial 'personality characteristics' which can detrimentally influence the quality of decision-making. We provide data of some 'experiential learning from failure' from our case studies, that were compiled from interviews with the former directors, following their completion of the questionnaire survey. We describe 'failed entrepreneurs' who have successfully restarted their businesses as 'phoenix' entrepreneurs.


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Este texto veio a constituir, modificado, o primeiro capítulo de nossa tese de mestrado - A Fênix tropical: nota crítica sobre o dualismo e a teoria da dependência, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de São Paulo. Trata dos seguintes temas: I - A filosofia da história, o marxismo e a objetividade; II - O pensamento social brasileiro: as teorias do/sobre o desenvolvimento e o marxismo apologético: 1.º Werner Baer: a objetividade conservadora contra as paixões reformistas; 2.º Carlos Lessa: Industrialização como decisão; 3.º ISEB: objetividade reformista contra paixões socialistas; 4.º Maturidade política contra aventuras socialistas; III - Os pressupostos comuns.


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It is presented two study cases about the approach in root analysis at field and laboratory conditions based on digital image analysis. Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) and date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) root systems were analyzed by both the monolith and trench wall method aided by digital image analysis. Correlation between root parameters and their fractional distribution over the soil profile were obtained, as well as the root diameter estimation. Results have shown the feasibility of digital image analysis for evaluation of root distribution.


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This article documents the addition of 268 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Alburnoides bipunctatus, Chamaerops humilis, Chlidonias hybrida, Cyperus papyrus, Fusarium graminearum, Loxigilla barbadensis, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Odontesthes bonariensis, Pelteobagrus vachelli, Posidonia oceanica, Potamotrygon motoro, Rhamdia quelen, Sarotherodon melanotheron heudelotii, Sibiraea angustata, Takifugu rubripes, Tarentola mauritanica, Trimmatostroma sp. and Wallago attu. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Alburnoides fasciatus, Alburnoides kubanicus, Alburnoides maculatus, Alburnoides ohridanus, Alburnoides prespensis, Alburnoides rossicus, Alburnoides strymonicus, Alburnoides thessalicus, Alburnoides tzanevi, Carassius carassius, Fusarium asiaticum, Leucaspius delineatus, Loxigilla noctis dominica, Pelecus cultratus, Phoenix canariensis, Potamotrygon falkneri, Trachycarpus fortune and Vimba vimba. © 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Context. Recent studies have confirmed the long standing suspicion that M 22 shares a metallicity spread and complex chemical enrichment history similar to that observed in omega Cen. M 22 is among the most massive Galactic globular clusters and its color-magnitude diagram and chemical abundances reveal the existence of sub-populations. Aims. To further constrain the chemical diversity of M 22, necessary to interpret its nucleosynthetic history, we seek to measure relative abundance ratios of key elements (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine) best studied, or only available, using high-resolution spectra at infrared wavelengths. Methods. High-resolution (R = 50 000) and high S/N infrared spectra were acquired of nine red giant stars with Phoenix at the Gemini-South telescope. Chemical abundances were calculated through a standard 1D local thermodynamic equilibrium analysis using Kurucz model atmospheres. Results. We derive [Fe/H] = -1.87 to -1.44, confirming at infrared wavelengths that M 22 does present a [Fe/H] spread. We also find large C and N abundance spreads, which confirm previous results in the literature but based on a smaller sample. Our results show a spread in A(C+N+O) of similar to 0.7 dex. Similar to mono-metallic globular clusters, M 22 presents a strong [Na/Fe]-[O/Fe] anticorrelation as derived from Na and CO lines in the K band. For the first time we recover F abundances in M 22 and find that it exhibits a 0.6 dex variation. We find tentative evidence for a flatter A(F)-A(O) relation compared to higher metallicity globular clusters. Conclusions. Our study confirms and expands upon the chemical diversity seen in this complex stellar system. All elements studied to date show large abundance spreads which require contributions from both massive and low mass stars.


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Brachytherapy is an adequate option as monotherapy for localised prostate cancer. The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare biochemical failure free survival (BFFS) after low-dose-rate brachytherapy (LDRB) alone for patients with prostate cancer using ASTRO and Phoenix criteria, and detect prognostic factors. Data on 220 patients treated between 1998 and 2002 with LDRB were retrospectively analysed. Neoadjuvant hormone therapy was used in 74 (33.6%) patients. Median follow-up was 53.5 months (24-116). Five year BFFS was 83.0% and 83.7% using, respectively, the ASTRO and Phoenix criteria. Low -and intermediate-risk patients presented, respectively, 86.7% and 77.8% 5-year BFFS using the ASTRO definition (p=0.069), and 88.5% and 78.6% considering the Phoenix criteria (p=0.016). Bounce was observed in 66 (30%) patients. Multivariate analysis detected PSA at diagnosis < 10 ng/ml and less than 50% positive biopsy fragments as favourable prognostic factors, regarding BF using both criteria. For the Phoenix criteria, also Gleason score < 7 and low-risk group were identified as independent favourable prognostic factors. LDRB alone should be considered mostly for low-risk patients. PSA level was a strong independent prognostic factor. We support the use of the Phoenix criteria for detection of BF in patients submitted to LDRB alone.


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Injections of noradrenaline into the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) increase arterial pressure and 1.8% NaCl intake and decrease water intake in rats treated with the diuretic furosemide (FURO) combined with a low dose of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor captopril (CAP). In the present study, we investigated the influence of the pressor response elicited by noradrenaline injected into the LPBN on FURO+CAP-induced water and 1.8% NaCl intake. Male Holtzman rats with bilateral stainless steel guide-cannulas implanted into LPBN were used. Bilateral injections of noradrenaline (40 nmol/0.2 μl) into the LPBN increased FURO+CAP-induced 1.8% NaCl intake (12.2±3.5, vs., saline: 4.2±0.8 ml/180 min), reduced water intake and strongly increased arterial pressure (50±7, vs. saline: 1±1 mmHg). The blockade of the α1 adrenoceptors with the prazosin injected intraperitoneally abolished the pressor response and increased 1.8% NaCl and water intake in rats treated with FURO+CAP combined with noradrenaline injected into the LPBN. The deactivation of baro and perhaps volume receptors due to the cardiovascular effects of prazosin is a mechanism that may facilitate water and NaCl intake in rats treated with FURO+CAP combined with noradrenaline injected into the LPBN. Therefore, the activation of α2 adrenoceptors with noradrenaline injected into the LPBN, at least in dose tested, may not completely remove the inhibitory signals produced by the activation of the cardiovascular receptors, particularly the signals that result from the extra activation of these receptors with the increase of arterial pressure.


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Ocular enucleation induces profound morphological alterations in central visual areas. However, little is known about the response of glial cells and possible inflammatory processes in visual brain areas resulting from eye enucleation. In this study, immunoblotting and immunostaining assays revealed increased expression of astrocyte and microglia markers in the rat superior colliculus (SC) between 1 and 15 days after contralateral enucleation. A transient increase of neuronal COX-2 protein expression was also found in the SC. To evaluate the role of an anti-inflammatory drug in attenuating both COX-2 and glial cell activation, the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone (DEX) was administered (1mg/kg i.p., for 3 days) to enucleated rats. Immunoblotting data revealed that DEX treatment significantly inhibited COX-2 protein expression. Postlesion immunostaining for astrocyte and microglia markers was also significantly reduced by DEX treatment. These findings suggest that the removal of retinal ganglion cell input generates inflammatory responses in central retinorecipient structures


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.NET Compiler Platform è un compilatore per i linguaggi C# e Visual Basic realizzato da Microsoft. L’innovazione apportata da tale strumento è l’introduzione di API che permettono di accedere al compilatore; in particolare, è possibile accedere alle strutture dati utilizzate al suo interno, quali simboli o AST, e controllare e/o modificare il processo di compilazione. Una parte di questo progetto, chiamato anche progetto Roslyn, è focalizzata sull’introduzione dello scripting per il linguaggio C#. In questa trattazione si è interessati a sperimentare le possibilità offerte da tale strumento nel campo dell’esecuzione dinamica di frammenti di codice. Gli obiettivi imposti si collocano nell’ambito della re-ingegnerizzazione e dello sviluppo di software. Tali obiettivi sono la re-implementazione dei filtri di selezione contenuti nel framework Phoenix, utilizzando le API di Roslyn per migliorarne le prestazioni, e la progettazione di un componente che realizzi una console per lo scripting C# dotata della possibilità di riferire dinamicamente librerie. Le API di compilazione si rivelano essere non propriamente adatte all’esecuzione immediata di frammenti di codice, nonostante ciò, è possibile, appoggiandosi alla reflection, utilizzarle per giungere a questo risultato. Lo scripting, invece, si rivela uno strumento dalle grandi potenzialità nel suddetto ambito.


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I Big Data hanno forgiato nuove tecnologie che migliorano la qualità della vita utilizzando la combinazione di rappresentazioni eterogenee di dati in varie discipline. Occorre, quindi, un sistema realtime in grado di computare i dati in tempo reale. Tale sistema viene denominato speed layer, come si evince dal nome si è pensato a garantire che i nuovi dati siano restituiti dalle query funcions con la rapidità in cui essi arrivano. Il lavoro di tesi verte sulla realizzazione di un’architettura che si rifaccia allo Speed Layer della Lambda Architecture e che sia in grado di ricevere dati metereologici pubblicati su una coda MQTT, elaborarli in tempo reale e memorizzarli in un database per renderli disponibili ai Data Scientist. L’ambiente di programmazione utilizzato è JAVA, il progetto è stato installato sulla piattaforma Hortonworks che si basa sul framework Hadoop e sul sistema di computazione Storm, che permette di lavorare con flussi di dati illimitati, effettuando l’elaborazione in tempo reale. A differenza dei tradizionali approcci di stream-processing con reti di code e workers, Storm è fault-tolerance e scalabile. Gli sforzi dedicati al suo sviluppo da parte della Apache Software Foundation, il crescente utilizzo in ambito di produzione di importanti aziende, il supporto da parte delle compagnie di cloud hosting sono segnali che questa tecnologia prenderà sempre più piede come soluzione per la gestione di computazioni distribuite orientate agli eventi. Per poter memorizzare e analizzare queste moli di dati, che da sempre hanno costituito una problematica non superabile con i database tradizionali, è stato utilizzato un database non relazionale: HBase.


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Purpose: To report an angiographic investigation of midterm atherosclerotic disease progression in below-the-knee (BTK) arteries of claudicants. Methods: Angiograms were performed in 58 consecutive claudicants (35 men; mean age 68.3±8.7 years) with endovascular treatment of femoropopliteal arteries in 58 limbs after a mean follow-up of 3.6±1.2 years. Angiograms were reviewed in consensus by 2 experienced readers blinded to clinical data. Progression of atherosclerosis in 4 BTK arterial segments (tibioperoneal trunk, anterior and posterior tibial arteries, and peroneal artery) was assessed according to the Bollinger score. The composite per calf Bollinger score represented the average of the 4 BTK arterial segment scores. The association of the Bollinger score with cardiovascular risk factors and gender was scrutinized. Results: A statistically significant increase in atherosclerotic burden was observed for the mean composite per calf Bollinger score (5.7±8.3 increase, 95% CI 3.5 to 7.9, p<0.0001), as well as for each single arterial segment analyzed. In multivariate linear regression analysis, diabetes mellitus was associated with a more pronounced progression of atherosclerotic burden in crural arteries (β: 5.6, p=0.035, 95% CI 0.398 to 10.806). Conclusion: Progression of infrapopliteal atherosclerotic lesions is common in claudicants during midterm follow-up. Presence of diabetes mellitus was confirmed as a major risk factor for more pronounced atherosclerotic BTK disease progression.