837 resultados para Philosophy and music


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Várias questões se põem na interseção entre a Filosofia e as Ciências Sociais e Humanas para a definição do Lugar do Outro no pensamento jurídico-político e no sentido de definir o que se entende por «natureza humana». Uma perspetiva antropológica se impõe no contexto do próprio pensamento político.


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La autora parte de la concepción de Alfredo Pareja sobre el acto de escribir (sostiene que a través de sus personajes logró dar vida a sus ideas y proyectos políticos), y afirma que un ejemplo cabal de ella es la construcción de la mulata Baldomera. Reflexiona entonces sobre el autor, a partir de su biografía y de la creación de sus personajes. Baldomera sería una metáfora de la mujer de la época, ubicada entre la sujeción y la búsqueda de una autonomía, en este proceso ella se rebela, no contra los hombres, sino fundamentalmente contra su cuerpo, contra sí misma, evidenciando la doble moral de la mentalidad patriarcal, que persigue la sumisión de la mujer por medio de la violencia. Entonces, "¿qué representa Baldomera? Es un cuerpo roto, escindido, marcado y sufriente. Una muestra de la obscenidad de la miseria".


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Hernández plantea en este tributo al desaparecido filósofo y ensayista ecuatoriano, Bolívar Echeverría, que su discurso crítico asume lo que se llamaría, más que filosofía, el pensar. El pensamiento en la América Latina de los 60 se debatía entre varias inquietudes, afirma. Primero, se pretendía hacer una filosofía nacional o de la militancia política. Segundo, se percibía como un problema la necesidad de la filosofía de inscribirse en la Academia. Por último, se instaba a que en filosofía también primara el compromiso de los intelectuales con el presente. Y en el presente coexistían la embriaguez por el cambio revolucionario y cierto pesimismo de la época –agotamiento, dolor y horror por las víctimas de las transformaciones–. Entonces, según Hernández, Echeverría se preguntó por la relación entre Modernidad y Revolución, entre Modernidad y los períodos posteriores de la estabilidad de la Reforma. Consiguió formular la época y formular, a la vez, un pensamiento crítico.Y avanzó más: observó que, pese al efecto devastador del proyecto moderno, la cultura resistía y hacía surgir nuevas formas para mantener las esferas del mundo de la vida. Era el caso de lo barroco, “una estrategia para hacer ‘vivible’ algo que básicamente no lo es”. Moverse en estas sendas, se pregunta Echeverría, ¿no equivale al acontecimiento del pensar?


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El autor interpreta el poemario Mordiendo el frío, del ecuatoriano Edwin Madrid. Lo hace a la luz de una afirmación del filósofo Alain Badiou: que el poema actual tiene solo una responsabilidad estética, ya no filosófica. Barreto afirma que Madrid muestra el deslinde entre filosofía y el poema moderno, para ello, se vale del lenguaje coloquial, el humor y la gozosa levedad sexual de Valerio, el personaje poético del libro. Según Barreto, el lenguaje poético, vacío, ya no cataliza la experiencia del sujeto: deviene en pura información. Añade que tal desconfianza en la poesía y el lenguaje líricos constituye una velada crítica a la institucionalización del género. Así, esta obra mostraría el agotamiento lírico de cierta poesía moderna. Barreto sugiere que dicho agotamiento se inserta en las condiciones globalizadas de las sociedades actuales, y que participa de la muerte de la experiencia en el sujeto moderno. Concluye que Madrid no lamenta la ruptura entre filosofía y poesía, por el contrario, busca trazar nuevas sensibilidades, signadas por la cotidianidad posmoderna.


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This paper uses a simplified model of the aid 'chain' to explore some causes and consequences of breakdown in communication. Although the rhetoric of Northern-based donors is awash with words such as 'partnership' and 'inclusion' when dealing with their Southern-based partners, the situation in practice is different. Unequal power relationships sometimes result in donor imposition of Perspectives and values. It is our contention, based on a collective experience of fifty-four years in a Nigerian-based non-governmental development organization (NGDO), the Diocesan Development Services (DDS), that much of the driving force behind the successes and problems faced by the institution was founded on relationships that evolved between individuals. In order to understand why things happened the way they did it is necessary to begin with the human element that cannot be condensed into objects or categories. While injudicious donor interference bad damaging repercussions, our experience suggests that care and consideration flow throughout the aid chain and actions are not malevolent. Breakdowns can be attributed to a number of factors, with the over-riding one being pressures operating at the personal level that emanate from within the institution itself and the larger community. The paper analyses three experiences using institutional ethnography theory and methodologies as a basis. Examples taken address the influence key donor personnel had in the function of DDS, and how these changed with time. The mission, policies and even procedures of the donor did not change markedly over thirty-two years, but each changing desk officer had their own philosophy and approach and a different interpretation of their own institutional policies. Hence while the 'macro' has an influence it is mediated via individual interpretation. In our view, the importance of people-people relationships is particularly understated in development literature where emphasis gravitates towards the aggregate and global.


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In England, drama is embedded into the National Curriculum as a part of the programmes of study for the subject of English. This means that all children aged between 5 - 16 in state funded schools have an entitlement to be taught some aspects of the subject. While the manifestation of drama in primary schools is diverse, in a great many schools for students aged between 11 – 19, drama and theatre art is taught as a discrete subject in the same way that the visual arts and music are. Students may opt for public examination courses in the subject at ages 16 and 18. In order to satisfy the specifications laid down for such examinations many schools recognise the need for specialist teachers and indeed specialist teaching rooms and equipment. This chapter outlines how drama is taught in secondary schools in England (there being subtle variations in the education systems in the other countries that make up the United Kingdom) and the theories that underpin drama’s place in the curriculum as a subject in its own right and as a vehicle for delivering other aspects of the prescribed curriculum are discussed. The paper goes on to review the way in which drama is taught articulates with the requirements and current initiatives laid down by the government. Given this context, the chapter moves on to explore what specialist subject and pedagogical knowledge secondary school drama teachers need. Furthermore, consideration is made of the tensions that may be seen to exist between the way drama teachers perceive their own identity as subject specialists and the restrictions and demands placed upon them by the education system within which they work. An insight into the backgrounds of those who become drama teachers in England is provided and the reasons for choosing such a career and the expectations and concerns that underpin their training are identified and analysed.


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Very large scale scheduling and planning tasks cannot be effectively addressed by fully automated schedule optimisation systems, since many key factors which govern 'fitness' in such cases are unformalisable. This raises the question of an interactive (or collaborative) approach, where fitness is assigned by the expert user. Though well-researched in the domains of interactively evolved art and music, this method is as yet rarely used in logistics. This paper concerns a difficulty shared by all interactive evolutionary systems (IESs), but especially those used for logistics or design problems. The difficulty is that objective evaluation of IESs is severely hampered by the need for expert humans in the loop. This makes it effectively impossible to, for example, determine with statistical confidence any ranking among a decent number of configurations for the parameters and strategy choices. We make headway into this difficulty with an Automated Tester (AT) for such systems. The AT replaces the human in experiments, and has parameters controlling its decision-making accuracy (modelling human error) and a built-in notion of a target solution which may typically be at odds with the solution which is optimal in terms of formalisable fitness. Using the AT, plausible evaluations of alternative designs for the IES can be done, allowing for (and examining the effects of) different levels of user error. We describe such an AT for evaluating an IES for very large scale planning.


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The SPE taxonomy of evolving software systems, first proposed by Lehman in 1980, is re-examined in this work. The primary concepts of software evolution are related to generic theories of evolution, particularly Dawkins' concept of a replicator, to the hermeneutic tradition in philosophy and to Kuhn's concept of paradigm. These concepts provide the foundations that are needed for understanding the phenomenon of software evolution and for refining the definitions of the SPE categories. In particular, this work argues that a software system should be defined as of type P if its controlling stakeholders have made a strategic decision that the system must comply with a single paradigm in its representation of domain knowledge. The proposed refinement of SPE is expected to provide a more productive basis for developing testable hypotheses and models about possible differences in the evolution of E- and P-type systems than is provided by the original scheme. Copyright (C) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Inspired by a type of synesthesia where colour typically induces musical notes the MusiCam project investigates this unusual condition, particularly the transition from colour to sound. MusiCam explores the potential benefits of this idiosyncrasy as a mode of human computer interaction (1-10), providing a host of meaningful applications spanning control, communication and composition. Colour data is interpreted by means of an off-the-shelf webcam, and music is generated in real-time through regular speakers. By making colour-based gestures users can actively control the parameters of sounds, compose melodies and motifs or mix multiple tracks on the fly. The system shows great potential as an interactive medium and as a musical controller. The trials conducted to date have produced encouraging results, and only hint at the new possibilities achievable by such a device.


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