832 resultados para Perheentupa, Olli
Moose, Alces alces (Artiodactyla: Cervidae) in Finland are heavily infested with deer keds, Lipoptena cervi (Diptera: Hippoboschidae). The deer ked, which carries species of the genus Bartonella, has been proposed as a vector for the transmission of bartonellae to animals and humans. Previously, bartonella DNA was found in deer keds as well as in moose blood collected in Finland. We investigated the prevalence and molecular diversity of Bartonella spp. infection from blood samples collected from free-ranging moose. Given that the deer ked is not present in northernmost Finland, we also investigated whether there were geographic differences in the prevalence of bartonella infection in moose. The overall prevalence of bartonella infection was 72.9% (108/148). Geographically, the prevalence was highest in the south (90.6%) and lowest in the north (55.9%). At least two species of bartonellae were identified by multilocus sequence analysis. Based on logistic regression analysis, there was no significant association between bartonella infection and either age or sex; however, moose from outside the deer ked zone were significantly less likely to be infected (P<0.015) than were moose hunted within the deer ked zone.
Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is one of the most dangerous human neurological infections occurring in Europe and Northern parts of Asia with thousands of cases and millions vaccinated against it. The risk of TBE might be assessed through analyses of the samples taken from wildlife or from animals which are in close contact with humans. Dogs have been shown to be a good sentinel species for these studies. Serological assays for diagnosis of TBE in dogs are mainly based on purified and inactivated TBEV antigens. Here we describe novel dog anti-TBEV IgG monoclonal antibody (MAb)-capture assay which is based on TBEV prME subviral particles expressed in mammalian cells from Semliki Forest virus (SFV) replicon as well as IgG immunofluorescence assay (IFA) which is based on Vero E6 cells transfected with the same SFV replicon. We further demonstrate their use in a small-scale TBEV seroprevalence study of dogs representing different regions of Finland. Altogether, 148 dog serum samples were tested by novel assays and results were compared to those obtained with a commercial IgG enzyme immunoassay (EIA), hemagglutination inhibition test and IgG IFA with TBEV infected cells. Compared to reference tests, the sensitivities of the developed assays were 90-100% and the specificities of the two assays were 100%. Analysis of the dog serum samples showed a seroprevalence of 40% on Åland Islands and 6% on Southwestern archipelago of Finland. In conclusion, a specific and sensitive EIA and IFA for the detection of IgG antibodies in canine sera were developed. Based on these assays the seroprevalence of IgG antibodies in dogs from different regions of Finland was assessed and was shown to parallel the known human disease burden as the Southwestern archipelago and Åland Islands in particular had considerable dog TBEV antibody prevalence and represent areas with high risk of TBE for humans.
Extensive glaciological field measurements were carried out on the ice cap Vestfonna as well as on the minor ice body De Geerfonna (Nordaustlandet, Svalbard) within the framework of IPY Kinnvika. Field campaigns were conducted during the period 2007-2010 in spring (April/May) and summer (August). In this study we compile and present snow cover information obtained from 22 snow pits that were dug on Vestfonna during this period. Locations are along two transects on the northwestern, land terminating slope of the ice cap, on its central summit, Ahlmann Summit, and at a set of several other locations in the eastern and northern part of the ice cap. Snow-cover information acquired from four snow pits on adjacent De Geerfonna is also incorporated in this study. Field data are analysed regarding snow stratigraphy, snow density, snow hardness and snow temperature. Results reveal mean snow densities of around 400 kg/m**3 for the snowpack of Vestfonna with no apparent spatial or interannual variability. A distinctly higher value of more than 450 kg/m**3 was obtained for De Geerfonna. A spatial comparison of snow water equivalents above the previous end-of-summer surface serves for obtaining insights into the spatial distribution of snow accumulation across Vestfonna. Altitude was found to be the only significant spatial parameter for controlling snow accumulation across the ice cap.
Androgen receptor (AR) belongs to the nuclear receptor superfamily and mediates the biological actions of male sex steroids. In this work, we have characterized a novel 130-kDa Ser/Thr protein kinase ANPK that interacts with the zinc finger region of AR in vivo and in vitro. The catalytic kinase domain of ANPK shares considerable sequence similarity with the minibrain gene product, a protein kinase suggested to contribute to learning defects associated with Down syndrome. However, the rest of ANPK sequence, including the AR-interacting interface, exhibits no apparent homology with other proteins. ANPK is a nuclear protein that is widely expressed in mammalian tissues. Its overexpression enhances AR-dependent transcription in various cell lines. In addition to the zinc finger region, ligand-binding domain and activation function AF1 of AR are needed, as the activity of AR mutants devoid of these domains was not influenced by ANPK. The receptor protein does not appear to be a substrate for ANPK in vitro, and overexpression of ANPK does not increase the extent of AR phosphorylation in vivo. In view of this, it is likely that ANPK-mediated activation of AR function is exerted through modification of AR-associated proteins, such as coregulatory factors, and/or through stabilization of the receptor protein against degradation.
Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the first enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis, is highly regulated by many trophic stimuli, and changes in its levels and organization correlate with cytoskeletal changes in normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK). NHEK ODC exhibits a filamentous perinuclear/nuclear localization that becomes more diffuse under conditions that alter actin architecture. We have thus asked whether ODC colocalizes with a component of the NHEK cytoskeleton. Confocal immunofluorescence showed that ODC distribution in NHEK was primarily perinuclear; upon disruption of the actin cytoskeleton with cytochalasin D, ODC distribution was diffuse. The ODC distribution in untreated NHEK overlapped with that of keratin in the perinuclear but not cytoplasmic area; after treatment with cytochalasin D, overlap between staining for ODC and for keratin was extensive. No significant overlap with actin and minimal overlap with tubulin filament systems were observed. Subcellular fractionation by sequential homogenizations and centrifugations of NHEK lysates or detergent and salt extractions of NHEK in situ revealed that ODC protein and activity were detectable in both soluble and insoluble fractions, with mechanical disruption causing additional solubilization of ODC activity (three- to sevenfold above controls). Fractionation and ODC immunoprecipitation from [32P]orthophosphate-labeled NHEK lysates showed that a phosphorylated form of ODC was present in the insoluble fractions. Taken together, these data suggest that two pools of ODC exist in NHEK. The first is the previously described soluble pool, and the second is enriched in phospho-ODC and associated with insoluble cellular material that by immunohistochemistry appears to be organized in conjunction with the keratin cytoskeleton.
We compared magnetoencephalographic responses for natural vowels and for sounds consisting of two pure tones that represent the two lowest formant frequencies of these vowels. Our aim was to determine whether spectral changes in successive stimuli are detected differently for speech and nonspeech sounds. The stimuli were presented in four blocks applying an oddball paradigm (20% deviants, 80% standards): (i) /α/ tokens as deviants vs. /i/ tokens as standards; (ii) /e/ vs. /i/; (iii) complex tones representing /α/ formants vs. /i/ formants; and (iv) complex tones representing /e/ formants vs. /i/ formants. Mismatch fields (MMFs) were calculated by subtracting the source waveform produced by standards from that produced by deviants. As expected, MMF amplitudes for the complex tones reflected acoustic deviation: the amplitudes were stronger for the complex tones representing /α/ than /e/ formants, i.e., when the spectral difference between standards and deviants was larger. In contrast, MMF amplitudes for the vowels were similar despite their different spectral composition, whereas the MMF onset time was longer for /e/ than for /α/. Thus the degree of spectral difference between standards and deviants was reflected by the MMF amplitude for the nonspeech sounds and by the MMF latency for the vowels.
The ANX7 gene is located on human chromosome 10q21, a site long hypothesized to harbor a tumor suppressor gene(s) (TSG) associated with prostate and other cancers. To test whether ANX7 might be a candidate TSG, we examined the ANX7-dependent suppression of human tumor cell growth, stage-specific ANX7 expression in 301 prostate specimens on a prostate tissue microarray, and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of microsatellite markers at or near the ANX7 locus. Here we report that human tumor cell proliferation and colony formation are markedly reduced when the wild-type ANX7 gene is transfected into two prostate tumor cell lines, LNCaP and DU145. Consistently, analysis of ANX7 protein expression in human prostate tumor microarrays reveals a significantly higher rate of loss of ANX7 expression in metastatic and local recurrences of hormone refractory prostate cancer as compared with primary tumors (P = 0.0001). Using four microsatellite markers at or near the ANX7 locus, and laser capture microdissected tumor cells, 35% of the 20 primary prostate tumors show LOH. The microsatellite marker closest to the ANX7 locus showed the highest rate of LOH, including one homozygous deletion. We conclude that the ANX7 gene exhibits many biological and genetic properties expected of a TSG and may play a role in prostate cancer progression.
Four marine fish species are among the most important on the world market: cod, salmon, tuna, and sea bass. While the supply of North American and European markets for two of these species - Atlantic salmon and European sea bass - mainly comes from fish farming, Atlantic cod and tunas are mainly caught from wild stocks. We address the question what will be the status of these wild stocks in the midterm future, in the year 2048, to be specific. Whereas the effects of climate change and ecological driving forces on fish stocks have already gained much attention, our prime interest is in studying the effects of changing economic drivers, as well as the impact of variable management effectiveness. Using a process-based ecological-economic multispecies optimization model, we assess the future stock status under different scenarios of change. We simulate (i) technological progress in fishing, (ii) increasing demand for fish, and (iii) increasing supply of farmed fish, as well as the interplay of these driving forces under different sce- narios of (limited) fishery management effectiveness. We find that economic change has a substantial effect on fish populations. Increasing aquaculture production can dampen the fishing pressure on wild stocks, but this effect is likely to be overwhelmed by increasing demand and technological progress, both increasing fishing pressure. The only solution to avoid collapse of the majority of stocks is institutional change to improve management effectiveness significantly above the current state. We conclude that full recognition of economic drivers of change will be needed to successfully develop an integrated ecosystem management and to sustain the wild fish stocks until 2048 and beyond.
Suomenlahden alueen alusöljy- ja aluskemikaalivahinkojen torjunnan yhteistoimintasuunnitelma on laadittu Uudenmaan ELYkeskuksen johdolla eri viranomaisten yhteistyönä. Suunnitelma perustuu öljyvahinkojen torjuntalain 13. §:ään. Suunnitelman tarkoituksena on varmistaa torjuntatöiden nopea käynnistyminen ja laadukas toteuttaminen viranomaisten yhteistoimin kaikissa toiminta-alueen vahinkotilanteissa. Suunnitelmassa on esitetty Suomenlahden alueen erityispiirteitä sekä eri viranomaisten ja muiden torjuntaan osallistuvien tehtäviä ja resursseja. Suunnitelmassa kuvataan torjuntatyön eri vaiheita ja toimenpiteitä. Torjuntajärjestelyt perustuvat ensisijaisesti pelastustoimen, muiden torjuntaviranomaisten sekä virka-apuviranomaisten yhteistoimintaan. Suurten merialueella tapahtuvien vahinkojen torjunnassa tarvitaan aina resursseja yhteistoiminta-alueen ulkopuolelta. Yhteistyötä ja koordinaatiota yhteistoiminta-alueiden välillä ja valtakunnallisella tasolla tulee kehittää. Kokonaisuus muun muassa päivitettyine uhkakuvineen tulee laatia valtakunnallisen torjuntastrategian muotoon. Suunnitelman laatimisen aikana kirjattujen kehittämistarpeiden toimenpanoa pyritään edistämään lähivuosina.