967 resultados para Pelotas (RS)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Dados da razão isotópica de estrôncio foram obtidos a partir da análise de conchas de foraminíferos recuperadas dos depósitos terciários da Bacia de Pelotas visando o refinamento do arcabouço cronoestratigráfico dessa seção. Este artigo representa a primeira abordagem à obtenção de idades numéricas para esses estratos. A estratigrafia de isótopos de estrôncio permitiu a identificação de oito hiatos deposicionais na seção Eoceno-Plioceno, aqui classificados como desconformidade, além de uma seção condensada. O reconhecimento de hiatos deposicionais representa um importante avanço, considerando a baixa resolução cronoestratigráfica da seção cenozóica da Bacia de Pelotas. Além disso, foi identificado um substancial aumento na taxa de sedimentação na seção neomiocênica. Tendências gerais de paleotemperatura e produtividade foram identificadas com base em dados das razões isotópicas de oxigênio e carbono da seção Oligoceno-Mioceno. Essas tendências são coerentes com eventos globais, evidenciando as condições ambientais durante a sedimentação.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O presente invento apresenta um comedouro para rãs que possui o propósito de solucionar os inconvenientes apresentados pela técnica atual. O comedouro, consiste basicamente em uma peça única, confeccionada em um material resistente e impermeável (podendo ser este material fibra de vidro, plástico ou qualquer outro que atenda as características mencionadas), de forma que o alimento seja depositado na cavidade bacilar localizada ao centro da face superior. De base suspensa este comedouro serve como abrigo para os animais, os quais têm acesso à parte inferior do comedouro por qualquer dos lados. Entre os apoios do comedouro, colocados no piso molhado, e o plano onde é depositado o alimento, existem dois planos inclinados denominados de 'praias' com a finalidade de evitar que as rãs alcancem o alimento ainda molhadas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This presente monograph propose the analysis and discussion of the production of urban space and the processes of their structuring intraurbana from the dynamics of the real estate market into three Medium-sized Cities, Campina Grande - PB, Mossoró - RN and Passo Fundo - RS, whereas the various agents producing this space, in a comparative perspective. From this urban dynamic search to analyze the processes and relations present in these spaces, which are important for its production. From the compilation of real estate advertisements in local newspapers, are analyzed offerings of urban land, houses and apartments in each one of these cities by highlighting their locations and differentiated prices. Thus, working with data from real estate ads from the period 1995 - 2010 and a comparative perspective of the characteristics of real estate markets of three medium-sized cities, it tried to apprehend processes that are common between them and other individuals, to each one. Therefore the comparative analysis developed in this monograph sought to verify whether there are similarities between the cities in relation to the trends of concentration/spatial dispersion of bids and movements throughout time, in addition to a further intensification of the activities of real estate agents in face of such trends and offerings. In addition, we sought to remove a set of problematization that allow them to understand with more acute, in this set of medium cities of Brazilian urban network, processes of change that is already being discussed in the recent period by ReCiMe.
The area of this work is located along the Northern portion of the Pelotas´s basin. The onshore region extends from the Southern portion São Paulo State to the North of Rio Grande do Sul State, with a total area of 440 530 km ². The objective of the research is to characterize the main geological structures of the outcropping basement in the Paraná Basin and its correlation with the offshore portion of the Pelotas Basin. The characterization was performed through the integration of surface (SRTM images and outcrops) and subsurface data (seismic data and well logs), the method includes the use of remote sensing techniques and seismic interpretation. The main structures to be analyzed are the Tibagi Lineament and the “Torres Syncline in order to verify its influence on the geological evolution and deformation of the basin. As result, it was identified the continuity of the both structures inside the offshore basin (Pelotas Basin); but only the Tibagi Lineament represents an important structural feature in the offshore basin. In this sense, the Tibagi lineament shows a NW-SE direction along the both basins (Pelotas and Paraná) and it is defined by drainages and relief on the continental portion. It was classified as a graben structure limited by normal faults and it also was verified a trend of faults inside the lineament that cuts all the sedimentary package of Itararé Group from Paraná Basin. The Torres syncline is a structure that connects the arches of Ponta Grossa and Rio Grande, showing NW-SE orientation and a low angle dip in the NW direction. Its projection into the Pelotas Basin was not recognized by the methods applied in this work, because a preliminary analyze indicates that its projection corresponds to a structural high inside the Pelotas Basin
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The geophysical methods may be employed in aquifer system studies, as determination of groundwater level, soil/rock contact, beyond estimative of the aquifer thickness horizon. The geoeletric methods are particularly relevant in evaluations of the oilfields systems, due to directs relations between porosity and electrical resistivity, which allow inferences about oil and gas production. The indirect estimative of the productions in free aquifers system is something complex before of the diverse variables responsible for factors or physical phenomena, as clays minerals, which conditioned the physical parameters by electric geophysical methods. This paper present analyzed correlation among electrical resistivity, chargeability and direct measure flow in shallow wells, for determination of statistical relationships between parameters and evaluation of the geological constraints evolved. The study count with the 23 shallow wells located in free aquifer, constituted by alteration materials of the granites localized in Caçapava do Sul (RS). The geophysical data are acquired by vertical electric sounding in Schlumberger array. The correlations between electrical resistivity and flow, chargeability and flow, thickness of the soil/saprolite and flow indicated relationships between physical and hydrogeologic parameters, with variations conditioned by factors as porosity, permeability, besides intrinsic geological heterogeneities such soil variable thickness and rock fragments with several alteration degrees.
Geophysical methods are widely used in mineral exploration for several types of mineral deposits. When combined with direct studies as geochemistry, a substantial increase in the probability of ore discovery is possible in mineral exploration activities. Electrical geophysical methods are particularly promising in studies related to the search of sulphides due to the contrast of physical properties electric resistivity and chargeability. This paper presents the results obtained from the application of Resistivity (DC) and Induced Polarization methods, through the electrical profiling technique, aiming at evaluating the potential mineral of a gabbro intruded in a metasedimentary sequence, in an area where several occurrences of gold and copper were described. This gabbro is ranked on the Basic-Ultrabasic stratiform bodies, which gather peridotites, gabbros, and layered anortosites. Three radial lines of electrical profiling were performed, spaced of 60° and crossing at the area center, with readings of electric resistivity and chargeability in Wenner-Schlumberger array. The association of low resistivity and high chargeability areas has allowed defining potentially mineralized zones related to structures that condition the drainage net in the gabbro domain. Grains of gold detected through geochemical prospection of alluvial sediments dowstream from the gabbro may have originated from leaching of ores deposited in fractures through the action of river waters within the gabbro domain, possibly consisting of sulphides and gold.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)