940 resultados para Parana Basin


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Climate variability and therefore the rainfall is often cited today, in times to speak of "global change", "global warming", "anthropogenic disasters," among other terms related to climate issues, which may cause floods and disasters that affect entire regions. In this sense, the seasonal rainfall and its extremes in the basin of Ivaí river, which has a drainage area of approximately 36 000 km2, covering a length of 680 km, located in the State of Paraná between coordinates 22 º 54'S 25 ° 44'S and 55 44'W to 52 º 42'W, were analyzed. Influence of rainfall for the man occupation is undeniably important, not less important is the role that this issue poses to the climate abiotic and biotic environment, because the dynamic relations between the fauna and flora is directly related to the availability of water in system (in this case, rain). The methodological procedures used during the research focused on statistical analysis of rainfall series daily, monthly and yearly, provided by the Superintendence of Water Resources Development and Environmental Protection Agency - SUDERHSA, an agency linked to the government of Parana. The analysis period chosen was from 1975 to 2005, with 38 stations for data collection, distributed evenly across the search area. The standard rainfall in the basin is explained mainly by convective processes in the summer (wet season) and front system causing more homogeneous rainfall over the basin (dry season). What is well marked is the occurrence of maximum rainfall in the years 1983 and 1997 (El Niño) and minimal in the years 1977, 1985 and 1988 (La Niña). Finally, although the study area have undergone a significant change in your landscape for over thirty years, this study indicates no significant interference in rainfall.


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Considering the great importance of the Itupararanga Reservoir, Upper Alto Sorocaba basin/SP, this study aimed to report the variations of some parameters of water quality in the spatial and temporal gradients in this multipurpose res- ervoir. The eutrophication of this reservoir was checked using the Carlson Index Modified and the results indicate that the surface water were classified as eutrophic and mesotrophic in wet and dry periods, being characterized the better quality of water in wet period. In the vertical gradient the results showed a stratiphication in all parameters analyzed, except for the electrical conductivity, with good correlation between total phosphorous and chlorophyll-a, indicating that eutrophication of the reservoir changes the conditions of algal growth, mainly in its initial area. Immediate inter- ventions are needed, which must be directed to planning of land use, domestic effluents treatment, taking to an inte- grated management of this important watershed located in the São Paulo State.


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The emphasis in this research is to evaluate the spatial distribution of the precipitation using a geostatistics approach. Seasonal time scales records considering DJF, MAM, JJA e SON periods performed the analysis. Procedures to evaluate the variogram selection and to produce kriging maps were performed in a GIS environment (ArcGIS®). The results showed that kriging method was very suitable to detect both large changes in the whole area as those local small and subtle changes. Kriging demonstrated be a powerful statistical interpolation method that might be very useful in regions with great complexity in climatology and geomorphology.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The landuse is usually an human phenomenon that occurs over the years, due to population increase. The territorial knowledge is needed, and is the first step for environmental planning to implement conservation practices on agricultural production system. This study aimed to develop thematic maps as: hydrography, soil, slope, land use, and subbasins to obtain the main geomorphic morphometric data (physical) of the Córrego Rico Watershed. The techniques of remote sensing and geographic information system were used to elaborate the maps and for calculating the geomorphological data, as area, altitude and length of the drainage net, which were submitted to multivariate statistics. The Córrego Rico Watershed has an area of 563 km2 . The predominant slopes were 3-8%, with 55.3% of the total area; and the main use was sugar cane. The soils that predominate in the area are Oxisols towards the Mogi-Guaçú river mouth and Ultisols at the upstream of the basin.


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Freshwater copepods were sampled in the La Plata River basin to identify the processes that affect beta diversity and to determine the main factors influencing their geographical distribution and patterns of endemism. Beta diversity patterns exhibited strong dissimilarity between locations; the turnover process was predominant and indicated a replacement of species along the basin. Redundancy analysis indicated the presence of two large sets of species separated geographically by a boundary zone, with several associated variables. Northern species were associated with water transparency and temperature, mean air temperature, mean air temperature during winter and minimum air temperature of coldest month, indicating that these species are not tolerant to low temperatures and are abundant in reservoirs that are common in the upper stretch of the Paraná River basin. Southern species were related with amplitude of air temperature, turbidity, total phosphorus and total suspended matter, indicating that these species are polythermic and have adapted to live in river stretches. From 20 environmental variables analyzed in our study, partial least squares analysis indicated four variables with increased retention of effects on copepod abundance: air temperature, minimum temperature of coldest month, turbidity and transparency. Because almost all of the species found in this study occurred across a wide range of habitat types, the cause of the separation between river and reservoir species could be considered to be more anthropogenic than natural, and it primarily affected species abundance. For certain members of the northern group of copepod species, distribution was dependent on high temperatures, whereas the distribution of the southern group indicated that the species were polythermic.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The wetlands of south-central Nebraska’s Rainwater Basin region are considered of international importance as a habitat for millions of migratory birds, but are being endangered by agricultural practices. The Rainwater Basin extends across 17 counties and covers 4,000 square miles. The purpose of this study was to assemble baseline chemical data for several representative wetlands across the Rainwater Basin region, and determine the use of these chemical data for investigating groundwater recharge. Eight representative wetlands were chosen across the Rainwater Basin to monitor surface and groundwater chemistry. At each site, a shallow well and deep well were installed and sampled once in the summer of 2009 and again in the spring of 2010. Wetland surface water was sampled monthly from April, 2009 to May, 2010. Waters were analyzed for major ions, nutrients, pesticides and oxygen-18 and deuterium isotopes at the University of Nebraska Water Sciences Laboratory. Geochemical analysis of surface waters presents a range of temporal and spatial variations. Wetlands had variable water volumes, isotopic compositions, ion chemistries and agricultural contaminant levels throughout the year and, except for a few trends, theses variations cannot be predicted with certainty year-to-year or wetland-to-wetland. Isotopic compositions showed evaporation was a contributor to water loss, and thus, did impact water chemistry. Surface water nitrate concentrations ranged from <0.10 to 4.04 mg/L. The nitrate levels are much higher in the groundwater, ranging from <0.10 to 18.4 mg/L, and are of concern because they are found above the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 10 mg/L. Atrazine concentrations in surface waters ranged from <0.05 to 10.3 ppb. Groundwater atrazine concentrations ranged from <0.05 to 0.28 ppb. The high atrazine concentrations in surface waters are of concern as they are above the MCL of 3 ppb, and the highest levels occur during the spring bird migration. Most sampled groundwaters had detectable tritium indicating a mix of modern (<5 to 10 years old) and submodern (older than 1950s) recharge. The groundwater also had differences in chemical and isotope composition, and in some cases, increased nitrate concentrations, between the two sampling periods. Modern groundwater tritium ages and changes in groundwater chemical and isotopic compositions may indicate connections with surface waters in the Rainwater Basin.


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Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 480 (27°54.10’N, 111°39.34’W; 655 m water depth) contains a high resolution record of paleoceanographic change of the past 15 000 years for the Guaymas Basin, a region of very high diatom productivity within the central Gulf of California. Analyses of diatoms and silicoflagellates were completed on samples spaced every 40-50 yr, whereas ICP-AES geochemical analyses were completed on alternate samples (sample spacing 80-100 yr). The Bolling-Allerod interval (14.6-12.9 ka) (note, ka refers to 1000 calendar years BP throughout this report) is characterized by an increase in biogenic silica and a decline in calcium carbonate relative to surrounding intervals, suggesting conditions somewhat similar to those of today. The Younger Dryas event (12.9-11.6 ka) is marked by a major drop in biogenic silica and an increase in calcium carbonate. Increasing relative percentage contributions of Azpeitia nodulifera and Dictyocha perlaevis (a tropical diatom and silicoflagellate, respectively) and reduced numbers of the silicoflagellate Octactis pulchra are supportive of reduced upwelling of nutrient-rich waters. Between 10.6 and 10.0 ka, calcium carbonate and A. nodulifera abruptly decline at DSDP 480, while Roperia tesselata, a diatom indicative of winter upwelling in the modern-day Gulf, increases sharply in numbers. A nearly coincident increase in the silicoflagellate Dictyocha stapedia suggests that waters above DSDP 480 were more similar to the cooler and slightly more saline waters of the northern Gulf during much of the early and middle parts of the Holocene (~10 to 3.2 ka). At about 6.2 ka a stepwise increase in biogenic silica and the reappearance of the tropical diatom A. nodulifera marks a major change in oceanographic conditions in the Gulf. A winter shift to more northwesterly winds may have occurred at this time along with the onset of periodic northward excursions (El Nino-driven?) of the North Equatorial Countercurrent during the summer. Beginning between 2.8 and 2.4 ka, the amplitude of biogenic silica and wt% Fe, Al, and Ti (proxies of terrigenous input) increase, possibly reflecting intensification of ENSO cycles and the establishment of modern oceanographic conditions in the Gulf. Increased numbers of O. pulchra after 2.8 ka suggest enhanced spring upwelling.


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A taxonomic survey of the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia H. Peragallo was carried out in the Parana and Santa Catarina coasts, Southern Brazil. Samples were taken in various localities along the coastline using vertical hauls from the bottom to the surface. Electron microscopy revealed five species: the potentially toxic P. australis Frenguelli, P calliantha Lundholm, Moestrup & Has le, P multiseries (Has le) Has le and P pungens (Grunow ex Cleve) Has le (plus P pungens var. cingulata Villac), and the non-toxic P linea Lundholm, Has le & G. A. Fryxell. Southern Brazilian strains of P. calliantha and P multiseries have previously been shown to be toxic, raising concerns about a potential contamination of mussels and oysters being commercially grounded in the region. High morphological variability was observed in valve characters of P calliantha and P pungens, in some cases confirmed in the literature. In P calliantha there was a conspicuous differentiation in two morphotypes separated from each other by the width and the shape of the valve, and the density of the poroids. P linea has not previously been found in Brazilian waters, and P pungens var. cingulata is a new record in Western Atlantic waters. Future investigations using molecular techniques will elucidate whether the genetic variability corresponds to the morphological variation and unveil the possible existence of semicryptic species of Pseudo-nitzschia inhabiting the South Brazilian coast.


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The Columbia Channel (CCS) system is a depositional system located in the South Brazilian Basin, south of the Vitoria-Trindade volcanic chain. It lies in a WNW-ESE direction on the continental rise and abyssal plain, at a depth of between 4200 and 5200 m. It is formed by two depocenters elongated respectively south and north of the channel that show different sediment patterns. The area is swept by a deep western boundary current formed by AABW. The system has been previously interpreted has a mixed turbidite-contourite system. More detailed study of seismic data permits a more precise definition of the modern channel morphology, the system stratigraphy as well as the sedimentary processes and control. The modern CCS presents active erosion and/or transport along the channel. The ancient Oligo-Neogene system overlies a ""upper Cretaceous-Paleogene"" sedimentary substratum (Unit U1) bounded at the top by a major erosive ""late Eocene-early Oligocene"" discordance (D2). This ancient system is subdivided into 2 seismic units (U2 and U3). The thick basal U2 unit constitutes the larger part of the system. It consists of three subunits bounded by unconformities: D3 (""Oligocene-Miocene boundary""), D4 (""late Miocene"") and D5 (""late Pliocene""). The subunits have a fairly tabular geometry in the shallow NW depocenter associated with predominant turbidite deposits. They present a mounded shape in the deep NE depocenter, and are interpreted as forming a contourite drift. South of the channel, the deposits are interpreted as a contourite sheet drift. The surficial U3 unit forms a thin carpet of deposits. The beginning of the channel occurs at the end of U1 and during the formation of D2. Its location seems to have been determined by active faults. The channel has been active throughout the late Oligocene and Neogene and its depth increased continuously as a consequence of erosion of the channel floor and deposit aggradation along its margins. Such a mixed turbidite-contourite system (or fan drift) is characterized by frequent, rapid lateral facies variations and by unconformities that cross the whole system and are associated with increased AABW circulation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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On the basis of thin-section studies of cuttings and a core from two wells in the Amapa Formation of the Foz do Amazonas Basin, five main microfacies have been recognized within three stratigraphic sequences deposited during the Late Paleocene to Early Eocene. The facies are: 1) Ranikothalia grainstone to packstone facies; 2) ooidal grainstone to packstone facies; 3) larger foraminiferal and red algal grainstone to packstone facies; 4) Amphistegina and Helicostegina packstone facies; and 5) green algal and small benthic foraminiferal grainstone to packstone facies, divisible locally into a green algal and the miliolid foraminiferal subfacies and a green algal and small rotaliine foraminiferal subfacies. The lowermost sequence (Si) was deposited in the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene (biozone LF1, equivalent to P3-P6?) and includes rudaceous grainstones and packstones with large specimens of Ranikothalia bermudezi representative of the mid- and inner ramp. The intermediate and uppermost sequences (S2 and S3) display well-developed lowstand deposits formed at the end of the Late Paleocene (upper biozone LF1) and beginning of the Early Eocene (biozone LF2) on the inner ramp (larger foraminiferal and red algal grainstone to packstone facies), in lagoons (green algal and small benthic foraminiferal facies) and as shoals (ooidal facies) or banks (Amphistegina and Helicostegina facies). Depth and oceanic influence were the main controls on the distribution of these microfacies. Stratal stacking patterns evident within these sequences may well have been related to sea level changes postulated for the Late Paleocene and Early Eocene. During this time, the Amapa Formation was dominated by cyclic sedimentation on a gently sloping ramp. Environmental and ecological stress brought about by sea level change at the end of the biozone LF1 led to the extinction of the larger foraminifera (Ranikothalia bermudezi). (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hemigrommus silimoni is described from the Rio Juruena, upper Rio Tapajos basin, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. The new species is distinguished from all congeners, and in fact from the remaining Characidae, by the autapomorphic presence of an ocellus-like blotch on the caudal-fin dorsal lobe. The high level of fish endemicity In the Rio Juruena (upper Rio Tapajos basin) is discussed.