850 resultados para Packet switching (Data transmission)


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Large broadening of short optical pulses due to fiber dispersion leads to a strong overlap in information data streams resulting in statistical deviations of the local power from its average. We present a theoretical analysis of rare events of high-intensity fluctuations-optical freak waves-that occur in fiber communication links using bit-overlapping transmission. Although the nature of the large fluctuations examined here is completely linear, as compared to commonly studied freak waves generated by nonlinear effects, the considered deviations inherit from rogue waves the key features of practical interest-random appearance of localized high-intensity pulses. We use the term "rogue wave" in an unusual context mostly to attract attention to both the possibility of purely linear statistical generation of huge amplitude waves and to the fact that in optics the occurrence of such pulses might be observable even with the standard Gaussian or even rarer-than-Gaussian statistics, without imposing the condition of an increased probability of extreme value events. © 2011 American Physical Society.


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This research investigates the determinants of asymmetric price transmission (APT) in European petroleum markets. APT is the faster response of retail prices to cost increases than to cost decreases; resulting in a welfare transfer from consumers to fuel retailers. I investigate APT at 3 different levels: the EU, the UK and at the Birmingham level. First, I examine the incidence of asymmetries in the retail markets of six major EU countries; significant asymmetries are found in all countries except from the UK. The market share data suggest that asymmetries are more important in more concentrated markets; this finding supports the collusion theory. I extend the investigation to 12 EU countries and note that APT is greater in diesel markets. The cross-country analysis suggests that vertical and horizontal concentration at least partly explains the degree of asymmetry. I provide evidence justifying scrutiny over retail markets’ pricing and structure. Second daily data unveil the presence of APT in the UK fuel markets. I use break tests to identify segments with different pricing regimes. Two main types of periods are identified: periods of rising oil price exhibit significant asymmetries whilst periods of recession do not. Our results suggest that oligopolistic coordination between retailers generate excess rents during periods of rising oil price whilst the coordination fails due to price wars when oil prices are going downwards. Finally I investigate the pricing behaviour of petroleum retailers in the Birmingham (UK) area for 2008. Whilst the market structure data reveals that the horizontal concentration is higher than the national UK average, I find no evidence of APT. In contrast, I find that retail prices are sticky upwards and downwards and that firms with market power (majors and supermarkets) adjust their prices slower than other firms.


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We present experimental results for wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) transmission performance using unbalanced proportions of 1s and 0s in pseudo-random bit sequence (PRBS) data. This investigation simulates the effect of local, in time, data unbalancing which occurs in some coding systems such as forward error correction when extra bits are added to the WDM data stream. We show that such local unbalancing, which would practically give a time-dependent error-rate, can be employed to improve the legacy long-haul WDM system performance if the system is allowed to operate in the nonlinear power region. We use a recirculating loop to simulate a long-haul fibre system.


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We show both numerically and experimentally that dispersion management can be realized by manipulating the dispersion of a filter in a passively mode-locked fibre laser. A programmable filter the dispersion of which can be software configured is employed in the laser. Solitons, stretched-pulses, and dissipative solitons can be targeted reliably by controlling the filter transmission function only, while the length of fibres is fixed in the laser. This technique shows remarkable advantages in controlling operation regimes in ultrafast fibre lasers, in contrast to the traditional technique in which dispersion management is achieved by optimizing the relative length of fibres with opposite-sign dispersion. Our versatile ultrafast fibre laser will be attractive for applications requiring different pulse profiles such as in optical signal processing and optical communications.


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This paper proposes the use of the 2-D differential decoding to improve the robustness of dual-polarization optical packet receivers and is demonstrated in a wavelength switching scenario for the first time.


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We demonstrate for the first time, the transmission performance of 10Gbaud nonlinear inverse synthesis based signal over transoceanic distances, showing a significant improvement in data capacity x distance product (x12) compared with other NFT-based systems.


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In wireless sensor networks where nodes are powered by batteries, it is critical to prolong the network lifetime by minimizing the energy consumption of each node. In this paper, the cooperative multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) and data-aggregation techniques are jointly adopted to reduce the energy consumption per bit in wireless sensor networks by reducing the amount of data for transmission and better using network resources through cooperative communication. For this purpose, we derive a new energy model that considers the correlation between data generated by nodes and the distance between them for a cluster-based sensor network by employing the combined techniques. Using this model, the effect of the cluster size on the average energy consumption per node can be analyzed. It is shown that the energy efficiency of the network can significantly be enhanced in cooperative MIMO systems with data aggregation, compared with either cooperative MIMO systems without data aggregation or data-aggregation systems without cooperative MIMO, if sensor nodes are properly clusterized. Both centralized and distributed data-aggregation schemes for the cooperating nodes to exchange and compress their data are also proposed and appraised, which lead to diverse impacts of data correlation on the energy performance of the integrated cooperative MIMO and data-aggregation systems.


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Next-generation integrated wireless local area network (WLAN) and 3G cellular networks aim to take advantage of the roaming ability in a cellular network and the high data rate services of a WLAN. To ensure successful implementation of an integrated network, many issues must be carefully addressed, including network architecture design, resource management, quality-of-service (QoS), call admission control (CAC) and mobility management. ^ This dissertation focuses on QoS provisioning, CAC, and the network architecture design in the integration of WLANs and cellular networks. First, a new scheduling algorithm and a call admission control mechanism in IEEE 802.11 WLAN are presented to support multimedia services with QoS provisioning. The proposed scheduling algorithms make use of the idle system time to reduce the average packet loss of realtime (RT) services. The admission control mechanism provides long-term transmission quality for both RT and NRT services by ensuring the packet loss ratio for RT services and the throughput for non-real-time (NRT) services. ^ A joint CAC scheme is proposed to efficiently balance traffic load in the integrated environment. A channel searching and replacement algorithm (CSR) is developed to relieve traffic congestion in the cellular network by using idle channels in the WLAN. The CSR is optimized to minimize the system cost in terms of the blocking probability in the interworking environment. Specifically, it is proved that there exists an optimal admission probability for passive handoffs that minimizes the total system cost. Also, a method of searching the probability is designed based on linear-programming techniques. ^ Finally, a new integration architecture, Hybrid Coupling with Radio Access System (HCRAS), is proposed for lowering the average cost of intersystem communication (IC) and the vertical handoff latency. An analytical model is presented to evaluate the system performance of the HCRAS in terms of the intersystem communication cost function and the handoff cost function. Based on this model, an algorithm is designed to determine the optimal route for each intersystem communication. Additionally, a fast handoff algorithm is developed to reduce the vertical handoff latency.^


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Various nondestructive testing (NDT) technologies for construction and performance monitoring have been studied for decades. Recently, the rapid evolution of wireless sensor network (WSN) technologies has enabled the development of sensors that can be embedded in concrete to monitor the structural health of infrastructure. Such sensors can be buried inside concrete and they can collect and report valuable volumetric data related to the health of a structure during and/or after construction. Wireless embedded sensors monitoring system is also a promising solution for decreasing the high installation and maintenance cost of the conventional wire based monitoring systems. Wireless monitoring sensors need to operate for long time. However, sensor batteries have finite life-time. Therefore, in order to enable long operational life of wireless sensors, novel wireless powering methods, which can charge the sensors’ rechargeable batteries wirelessly, need to be developed. The optimization of RF wireless powering of sensors embedded in concrete is studied here. First, our analytical results focus on calculating the transmission loss and propagation loss of electromagnetic waves penetrating into plain concrete at different humidity conditions for various frequencies. This analysis specifically leads to the identification of an optimum frequency range within 20–80 MHz that is validated through full-wave electromagnetic simulations. Second, the effects of various reinforced bar configurations on the efficiency of wireless powering are investigated. Specifically, effects of the following factors are studied: rebar types, rebar period, rebar radius, depth inside concrete, and offset placement. This analysis leads to the identification of the 902–928 MHz ISM band as the optimum power transmission frequency range for sensors embedded in reinforced concrete, since antennas working in this band are less sensitive to the effects of varying humidity as well as rebar configurations. Finally, optimized rectennas are designed for receiving and/or harvesting power in order to charge the rechargeable batteries of the embedded sensors. Such optimized wireless powering systems exhibit significantly larger efficiencies than the efficiencies of conventional RF wireless powering systems for sensors embedded in plain or reinforced concrete.


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Light transmission was measured through intact, submerged periphyton communities on artificial seagrass leaves. The periphyton communities were representative of the communities on Thalassia testudinum in subtropical seagrass meadows. The periphyton communities sampled were adhered carbonate sediment, coralline algae, and mixed algal assemblages. Crustose or film-forming periphyton assemblages were best prepared for light transmission measurements using artificial leaves fouled on both sides, while measurements through three-dimensional filamentous algae required the periphyton to be removed from one side. For one-sided samples, light transmission could be measured as the difference between fouled and reference artificial leaf samples. For two-sided samples, the percent periphyton light transmission to the leaf surface was calculated as the square root of the fraction of incident light. Linear, exponential, and hyperbolic equations were evaluated as descriptors of the periphyton dry weight versus light transmission relationship. Hyperbolic and exponential decay models were superior to linear models and exhibited the best fits for the observed relationships. Differences between the coefficients of determination (r2) of hyperbolic and exponential decay models were statistically insignificant. Constraining these models for 100% light transmission at zero periphyton load did not result in any statistically significant loss in the explanatory capability of the models. In most all cases, increasing model complexity using three-parameter models rather than two-parameter models did not significantly increase the amount of variation explained. Constrained two-parameter hyperbolic or exponential decay models were judged best for describing the periphyton dry weight versus light transmission relationship. On T. testudinum in Florida Bay and the Florida Keys, significant differences were not observed in the light transmission characteristics of the varying periphyton communities at different study sites. Using pooled data from the study sites, the hyperbolic decay coefficient for periphyton light transmission was estimated to be 4.36 mg dry wt. cm−2. For exponential models, the exponential decay coefficient was estimated to be 0.16 cm2 mg dry wt.−1.


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In 1999, prevention of mother-to-child transmission (pMTCT) using antiretrovirals was introduced in the Dominican Republic (DR). Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) was introduced for immunosuppressed persons in 2004 and for pMTCT in 2008. To assess progress towards MTCT elimination, data from requisitions for HIV nucleic acid amplification tests for diagnosis of HIV infection in perinatally exposed infants born in the DR from 1999 to 2011 were analyzed. The MTCT rate was 142/1,274 (11.1%) in 1999–2008 and 12/302 (4.0%) in 2009–2011 (), with a rate of 154/1,576 (9.8%) for both periods combined. This decline was associated with significant increases in the proportions of women who received prenatal HAART (from 12.3% to 67.9%) and infants who received exclusive formula feeding (from 76.3% to 86.1%) and declines in proportions of women who received no prenatal antiretrovirals (from 31.9% to 12.2%) or received only single-dose nevirapine (from 39.5% to 19.5%). In 2007, over 95% of DR pregnant women received prenatal care, HIV testing, and professionally attended delivery. However, only 58% of women in underserved sugarcane plantation communities (2007) and 76% in HIV sentinel surveillance hospitals (2003–2005) received their HIV test results. HIV-MTCT elimination is feasible but persistent lack of access to critical pMTCT measures must be addressed.


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Rates of HIV infection continue to climb among minority populations and men who have sex with men (MSM), with African American/Black MSM being especially impacted. Numerous studies have found HIV transmission risk to be associated with many health and social disparities resulting from larger environmental and structural forces. Using anthropological and social environment-based theories of resilience that focus on individual agency and larger social and environmental structures, this dissertation employed a mixed methods design to investigate resilience processes among African American/Black MSM.^ Quantitative analyses compared African American/Black (N=108) and Caucasian/White (N=250) MSM who participated in a previously conducted randomized controlled trial (RCT) of sexual and substance use risk reduction interventions. At RCT study entry, using past 90 day recall periods, there were no differences in unprotected sex frequency, however African American/Black MSM reported higher frequencies of days high (P<0.000), and drugs and sex used in combination (P<0.000), and substance dependence (P<0.000) and lower levels of social support (P<0.024) compared to Caucasian/White MSM. At 12- month follow-up, multi-level statistical models found that African American/Black MSM reduced their frequencies of days high and unprotected sex at greater rates than Caucasian/White MSM (P<0.001).^ Qualitative data collected among a sub-sample of African American/Black MSM from the RCT (N=21) described the men's experiences of living with multiple health and social disparities and the importance of RCT study assessments in facilitating reductions in risk behaviors. A cross-case analysis showed different resilience processes undertaken by men who experienced low socioeconomic status, little family support, and homophobia (N=16) compared to those who did not (N=5).^ The dissertation concludes that resilience processes to HIV transmission risk and related health and social disparities among African American/Black MSM varies and are dependent on specific social environmental factors, including social relationships, structural homophobia, and access to social, economic, and cultural capital. Men define for themselves what it means to be resilient within their social environment. These conclusions suggest that both individual and structural-level resilience-based HIV prevention interventions are needed.^


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Underwater sound is very important in the field of oceanography where it is used for remote sensing in much the same way that radar is used in atmospheric studies. One way to mathematically model sound propagation in the ocean is by using the parabolic-equation method, a technique that allows range dependent environmental parameters. More importantly, this method can model sound transmission where the source emits either a pure tone or a short pulse of sound. Based on the parabolic approximation method and using the split-step Fourier algorithm, a computer model for underwater sound propagation was designed and implemented. This computer model differs from previous models in its use of the interactive mode, structured programming, modular design, and state-of-the-art graphics displays. In addition, the model maximizes the efficiency of computer time through synchronization of loosely coupled dual processors and the design of a restart capability. Since the model is designed for adaptability and for users with limited computer skills, it is anticipated that it will have many applications in the scientific community.


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The focus of this thesis is placed on text data compression based on the fundamental coding scheme referred to as the American Standard Code for Information Interchange or ASCII. The research objective is the development of software algorithms that result in significant compression of text data. Past and current compression techniques have been thoroughly reviewed to ensure proper contrast between the compression results of the proposed technique with those of existing ones. The research problem is based on the need to achieve higher compression of text files in order to save valuable memory space and increase the transmission rate of these text files. It was deemed necessary that the compression algorithm to be developed would have to be effective even for small files and be able to contend with uncommon words as they are dynamically included in the dictionary once they are encountered. A critical design aspect of this compression technique is its compatibility to existing compression techniques. In other words, the developed algorithm can be used in conjunction with existing techniques to yield even higher compression ratios. This thesis demonstrates such capabilities and such outcomes, and the research objective of achieving higher compression ratio is attained.


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Data centre connections can greatly benefit from parallel transmission channels on one multimode fibre (MMF). Shortwave wavelength division multiplexing (SWDM) achieves parallel transmission through spectral multiplexing. Furthermore, MMFs offer a spatial dimension that should be exploited to increase parallel transmission, albeit in a cost-effective way. In this paper, it is shown that SWDM and spatial multiplexing can be combined in intensity modulation and direct detection MMF transmission systems that use selective offset excitation and mode-selective spatial filtering.