962 resultados para PROTON EXCHANGE FUEL CELLS


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Nitrogen fixation within legume nodules results from a complex metabolic exchange between bacteria of the family Rhizobiaciae and the plant host. Carbon is supplied to the differentiated bacterial cells, termed bacteroids, in the form of dicarboxylic acids to fuel nitrogen fixation. In exchange, fixed nitrogen is transferred to the plant. Both the bacteroid and the plant-derived peribacteroid membrane tightly regulate the exchange of metabolites. In the bacteroid oxidation of dicarboxylic acids via the TCA cycle occurs in an oxygen-limited environment. This restricts the TCA cycle at key points, such as the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, and requires that inputs of carbon and reductant are balanced with outputs from the TCA cycle. This may be achieved by metabolism through accessory pathways that can remove intermediates, reductant, or ATP from the cycle. These include synthesis of the carbon polymers PHB and glycogen and bypass pathways such as the recently identified 2-oxoglutarate decarboxylase reaction in soybean bacteroids. Recent labeling data have shown that bacteroids synthesize and secrete amino acids, which has led to controversy over the role of amino acids in nodule metabolism. Here we review bacteroid carbon metabolism in detail, evaluate the labeling studies that relate to amino acid metabolism by bacteroids, and place the work in context with the genome sequences of Mesorhizobium loti and Sinorhizobium meliloti. We also consider a wider range of metabolic pathways that are probably of great importance to rhizobia in the rhizosphere, during nodule initiation, infection thread development, and bacteroid development.


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This invention relates to solid formulations for the oral delivery of live microbial cells which comprise dried viable cells and small amounts of a bile acid binding agent, for example, an anion exchange resin such as cholestyramine. The presence of bile acid binding agents in the formulation significantly increases the survival of the cells in the intestinal tract and facilitates delivery of the viable cells to the intestine.


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It is well established that the glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) system is central to the survival of Listeria monocytogenes at low pH, both in acidic foods and within the mammalian stomach. The accepted model proposes that under acidic conditions extracellular glutamate is transported into the cell in exchange for an intracellular gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA(i)). The glutamate is then decarboxylated to GABA(i), a reaction that consumes a proton, thereby helping to prevent acidification of the cytoplasm. In this study, we show that glutamate supplementation had no influence on either growth rate at pH 5.0 or survival at pH 2.5 when L. monocytogenes 10403S was grown in a chemically defined medium (DM). In response to acidification, cells grown in DM failed to efflux GABA, even when glutamate was added to the medium. In contrast, in brain heart infusion (BHI), the same strain produced significant extracellular GABA (GABA(e)) in response to acidification. In addition, high levels of GABA(i) (>80 mM) were found in the cytoplasm in response to low pH in both growth media. Medium-swap and medium-mixing experiments revealed that the GABA efflux apparatus was nonfunctional in DM, even when glutamate was present. It was also found that the GadT2D2 antiporter/decarboxylase system was transcribed poorly in DM-grown cultures while overexpression of gadD1T1 and gadD3 occurred in response to pH 3.5. Interestingly, BHI-grown cells did not respond with upregulation of any of the GAD system genes when challenged at pH 3.5. The accumulation of GABA(i) in cells grown in DM in the absence of extracellular glutamate indicates that intracellular glutamate is the source of the GABA(i). These results demonstrate that GABA production can be uncoupled from GABA efflux, a finding that alters the way we should view the operation of bacterial GAD systems.


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To investigate the role of fimbriae and flagella in the pathogenesis of avian colibacillosis, isogenic insertionally inactivated mutant strains of Escherichia coil O78:K80 strain EC34195 defective in the elaboration of type-1 and curli fimbriae and flagella were constructed by allelic exchange, Single and multiple non-fimbriate and non-flagellate mutant strains were compared to the wild-type in vitro in adherence assays with a HEp-2 cell line, a mucus-secreting cell line HT2916E, a non-mucus-secreting cell line HT2919A, tracheal explant and proximal gut explant, Mutant strains defective in the elaboration of type-1 fimbriae were significantly less adherent - in the order of 90% reduction - than the wild-type strain in all assays. Mutant strains defective in the elaboration of flagella were generally as adherent as the wild-type strain except when assayed with the mucus-secreting cell line HT2916E, for which a significant reduction of adherence - of the order of 90% - compared with the wild-type strain was observed. Mutant strains defective for the elaboration of curb fimbriae adhered as well as the wild-type strain in all assays, except when assayed in tests with gut explant tissue for which a significant reduction of adherence - of the order of 80% - compared with the wild-type strain was observed, Adherence to explants was to epithelial, not serous, surfaces and was 10-fold greater to tracheal than to gut explants, Together, these data support the hypothesis that type-1 fimbriae are significant factors in adherence, aided by flagella for penetration of mucus and curli fimbriae for adherence to the gut.


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Robotic multiwell planar patch-clamp has become common in drug development and safety programs because it enables efficient and systematic testing of compounds against ion channels during voltage-clamp. It has not, however, been adopted significantly in other important areas of ion channel research, where conventional patch-clamp remains the favored method. Here, we show the wider potential of the multiwell approach with the ability for efficient intracellular solution exchange, describing protocols and success rates for recording from a range of native and primary mammalian cells derived from blood vessels, arthritic joints and the immune and central nervous systems. The protocol involves preparing a suspension of single cells to be dispensed robotically into 4-8 microfluidic chambers each containing a glass chip with a small aperture. Under automated control, giga-seals and whole-cell access are achieved followed by preprogrammed routines of voltage paradigms and fast extracellular or intracellular solution exchange. Recording from 48 chambers usually takes 1-6 h depending on the experimental design and yields 16-33 cell recordings.


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In the rodent forebrain GABAergic neurons are generated from progenitor cells that express the transcription factors Dlx1 and Dlx2. The Rap-1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor, MR-GEF, is turned on by many of these developing GABAergic neurons. Expression of both Dlx1/2 and MR-GEF is retained in both adult mouse and human forebrain where, in human, decreased Dlx1 expression has been associated with psychosis. Using in situ hybridization studies we show that MR-GEF expression is significantly down-regulated in the forebrain of Dlx1/2 double mutant mice suggesting that MR-GEF and Dlx1/2 form part of a common signalling pathway during GABAergic neuronal development. We therefore compared MR-GEF expression by in situ hybridization in individuals with major psychiatric disorders (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression) and control individuals. We observed a significant positive correlation between layers II and IV of the dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) in the percentage of MR-GEF expressing neurons in individuals with bipolar disorder, but not in individuals with schizophrenia, major depressive disorder or in controls. Since MR-GEF encodes a Rap1 GEF able to activate G-protein signalling, we suggest that changes in MR-GEF expression could potentially influence neurotransmission.


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We have performed a screen combining subtractive hybridization with PCR to isolate genes that are regulated when neuroepithelial (NE) cells differentiate into neurons. From this screen, we have isolated a number of known genes that have not previously been associated with neurogenesis, together with several novel genes. Here we report that one of these genes, encoding a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), is regulated during the differentiation of distinct neuronal populations. We have cloned both rat and mouse GEF genes and shown that they are orthologs of the human gene, MR-GEF, which encodes a GEF that specifically activates the small GTPase, Rap1. We have therefore named the rat gene rat mr-gef (rmr-gef) and the mouse gene mouse mr-gef (mmr-gef). Here, we will collectively refer to these two rodent genes as mr-gef. Expression studies show that mr-gef is expressed by young neurons of the developing rodent CNS but not by progenitor cells in the ventricular zone (VZ). The expression pattern of mr-gef during early telencephalic neurogenesis is strikingly similar to that of GABA and the LIM homeobox gene Lhx6, a transcription factor expressed by GABAergic interneurons generated in the ventral telencephalon, some of which migrate into the cortex during development. These observations suggest that mr-gef encodes a protein that is part of a signaling pathway involved in telencephalic neurogenesis; particularly in the development of GABAergic interneurons.


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Calcium (Ca) is critical for crustaceans due to their molting cycle and its presence in the carapace as calcium carbonate, apart from the usual functions of Ca, such as cell signalling. Ca transport in Dilocarcinus pagei, a freshwater crab, was studied in isolated cells from hepatopancreas to further characterize Ca transport mechanisms in these crabs. Cells were isolated and loaded with Fluo-3, a calcium fluorescent dye. Three different cell treatments were performed: Group 1 cells were Ca free during cell dissociation, and calcium was present (at 1mM) for fluorescence cell loading and transport experiments (FC); Group 2 cells were calcium free during cell dissociation and for transport experiments, but not during cell loading (LC); and Group 3 cells were Ca free during cell dissociation, cell loading and transport experiments (WC). Intracellular Ca was recorded through time after ATP was added to the cells and ATP caused an increase in Ca efflux within 30s in all cells. WC cells showed the smallest Ca efflux compared to the other cells, probably because it was intracellularly Ca ""depleted"". Vanadate and amiloride decreased the Ca efflux when ATP was added to the cells, while verapamil did not cause any effect in Ca efflux, confirming the presence of a Ca(2+)-ATPase sensitive to vanadate in hepatopancreas of D. pagei. In a different set of experiments, cells were also exposed to a Ca pulse of 1 and 10mM during 180s. 10mM Ca increased intracellular Ca compared to 1mM, and the increase was not recovered during the experimental time. Additionally, Ca influx was reduced by verapamil and amiloride, but not completely. The results suggest that Ca influx probably occurs through an undefined exchanger, apart from Ca channels (verapamil sensitive) and electrogenic 1Na(+)(1H(+))/1 Ca(2+) exchanger (amiloride-sensitive). Similarities between freshwater and seawater crabs, lobsters and crayfish in relation to plasma membrane Ca transporters, although the environment where they live is quite diverse, suggest that universal mechanisms for Ca homeostasis are widespread among crustaceans. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The isoforms of the Na+/H+ exchanger present in T84 human colon cells were identified by functional and molecular methods. Cell pH was measured by fluorescence microscopy using the probe BCECF. Based on the pH recovery after an ammonium pulse and determination of buffering capacity of these cells, the rate of H+ extrusion (J(H)) was 3.68 mM/min. After the use of the amiloride derivative HOE-694 at 25 mu M, which inhibits the isoforms NHE1 and NHE2, there remained 43% of the above transport rate, the nature of which was investigated. Evidence of the presence of NHE1, NHE2, and NHE4 was obtained by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) (mRNA) and Western blot. There was no decrease of J(H) by the NHE3 inhibitor S3226 (1 mu M) and no evidence of this isoform by RT-PCR was found. The following functional evidence for the presence of NHE4 was obtained: 25 mu M EIPA abolished J(H) entirely, but NHE4 was not inhibited at 10 mu M; substitution of Na by K increased the remainder, a property of NHE4; hypertonicity also increased this fraction of J(H). Cl--dependent NHE was not detected: in 0 Cl- solutions J(H) was increased and not reduced. In 0 Cl- cell volume decreased significantly, which was abolished by the Cl- channel blocker NPPB, indicating that the 0 Cl- effect was because of reduction of cell volume. In conclusion, T84 human colon cells contain three isoforms of the Na+/H+ exchanger, NHE1, NHE2, and NHE4, but not the Cl-dependent NHE.


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In the microvillar microdomain of the kidney brush border, sodium hydrogen exchanger type 3 (NHE3) exists in physical complexes with the serine protease dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV). The purpose of this study was to explore the functional relationship between NHE3 and DPPIV in the intact proximal tubule in vivo. To this end, male Wistar rats were treated with an injection of the reversible DPPIV inhibitor Lys [Z(NO(2))]-pyrrolidide (I40; 60 mg center dot kg(-1)center dot day(-1) ip) for 7 days. Rats injected with equal amounts of the noninhibitory compound Lys[ Z(NO(2))]-OH served as controls. Na(+) -H(+) exchange activity in isolated microvillar membrane vesicles was 45 +/- 5% decreased in rats treated with I40. Membrane fractionation studies using isopycnic centrifugation revealed that I40 provoked redistribution of NHE3 along with a small fraction of DPPIV from the apical enriched microvillar membranes to the intermicrovillar microdomain of the brush border. I40 significantly increased urine output ( 67 +/- 9%; P < 0.01), fractional sodium excretion ( 63 +/- 7%; P < 0.01), as well as lithium clearance ( 81 +/- 9%; P < 0.01), an index of end-proximal tubule delivery. Although not significant, a tendency toward decreased blood pressure and plasma pH/HCO(3)(-) was noted in I40-treated rats. These findings indicate that inhibition of DPPIV catalytic activity is associated with inhibition of NHE3-mediated NaHCO(3) reabsorption in rat renal proximal tubule. Inhibition of apical Na(+) -H(+) exchange is due to reduced abundance of NHE3 protein in the microvillar microdomain of the kidney brush border. Moreover, this study demonstrates a physiologically significant interaction between NHE3 and DPPIV in the intact proximal tubule in vivo.


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Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) control T-cell responses by multiple mechanisms, including the expression of co-stimulatory molecules and the production of cytokines and other mediators that control T-cell proliferation, survival and differentiation. Here, we demonstrate that soluble factor(s) produced by Toll-like receptor (TLR)-activated APCs suppress activation-induced cell death (AICD). This effect was observed in non-stimulated APCs, but it was significantly increased after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment. Using different KO mice, we found that the LPS-induced protective factor is dependent on TLR4/MyD88. We identified the protective factor as prostaglandin E-2(PGE(2)) and showed that both APC-derived supernatants and PGE(2) prevented CD95L upregulation in T cells in response to TCR/CD3 stimulation, thereby avoiding both AICD and activated T cell killing of target macrophages. The PGE(2) receptors, EP2 and EP4, appear to be involved since pharmacological stimulation of these receptors mimics the protective effect on T cells and their respective antagonists interfere with the protection induced by either APCs derived or synthetic PGE(2). Finally, the engagement of EP2 and EP4 synergistically activates protein kinase A (PKA) and exchange protein directly activated by cAMP pathways to prevent AICD. Taken together, these results indicate that APCs can regulate T-cell levels of CD95L by releasing PGE2 in response to LPS through a TLR4/MyD88-dependent pathway, with consequences for both T cell and their own survival.


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Oxidized bases are common types of DNA modifications. Their accumulation in the genome is linked to aging and degenerative diseases. These modifications are commonly repaired by the base excision repair (BER) pathway. Oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) initiates BER of oxidized purine bases. A small number of protein interactions have been identified for OGG1, while very few appear to have functional consequences. We report here that OGG1 interacts with the recombination protein RAD52 in vitro and in vivo. This interaction has reciprocal functional consequences as OGG1 inhibits RAD52 catalytic activities and RAD52 stimulates OGG1 incision activity, likely increasing its turnover rate. RAD52 colocalizes with OGG1 after oxidative stress to cultured cells, but not after the direct induction of double-strand breaks by ionizing radiation. Human cells depleted of RAD52 via small interfering RNA knockdown, and mouse cells lacking the protein via gene knockout showed increased sensitivity to oxidative stress. Moreover, cells depleted of RAD52 show higher accumulation of oxidized bases in their genome than cells with normal levels of RAD52. Our results indicate that RAD52 cooperates with OGG1 to repair oxidative DNA damage and enhances the cellular resistance to oxidative stress. Our observations suggest a coordinated action between these proteins that may be relevant when oxidative lesions positioned close to strand breaks impose a hindrance to RAD52 catalytic activities.


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Both soluble (SfTre1) and membrane-bound (SfTre2) trehalases occur along the midgut of Spodoptera frugiperda larvae. Released SfTre2 was purified as a 67 kDa protein. Its K(m) (1.6 mM) and thermal stability (half life 10 min at 62 degrees C) are different from the previously isolated soluble trehalase (K(m) = 0.47 mM; 100% stable at 62 degrees C). Two cDNAs coding for S. frugiperda trehalases have been cloned using primers based on consensus sequences of trehalases and having as templates a cDNA library prepared from total polyA-containing RNA extracted from midguts. One cDNA codes for a trehalase that has a predicted transmembrane sequence and was defined as SfTre2. The other, after being cloned and expressed, results in a recombinant trehalase with a K(m) value and thermal stability like those of native soluble trehalase. This enzyme was defined as SfTre1 and, after it was used to generate antibodies, it was immunolocalized at the secretory vesicles and at the glycocalyx of columnar cells. Escherichia coli trehalase 3D structure and sequence alignment with SfTre1 support a proposal regarding the residue modulating the pKa value of the proton donor.


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Basic structural aspects about the layered hexaniobate of K(4)Nb(6)O(17) composition and its proton-exchanged form were investigated mainly by spectroscopic techniques. Raman spectra of hydrous K(4)Nb(6)O(17) and H(2)K(2)Nb(6)O(17)center dot H(2)O show significant modifications in the 950-800 cm(-1) region (Nb-O stretching mode of highly distorted NbO(6) octahedra). The band at 900 cm(-1) shifts to 940 cm(-1) after the replacement of K(+) ion by proton. Raman spectra of the original materials and the related deuterated samples are similar suggesting that no isotopic effect occurs. Major modifications were observed when H(2)K(2)Nb(6)O(17) was dehydrated: the relative intensity of the band at 940 cm(-1) decreases and new bands seems to be present at about 860-890 cm(-1). The H(+) ions should be shielded by the hydration sphere what preclude the interaction with the layers. Removing the water molecules, H(+) ions can establish a strong interaction with oxygen atoms, decreasing the bond order of Nb-O linkage. X-ray absorption near edge structure studies performed at Nb K-edge indicate that the niobium coordination number and oxidation state remain identical after the replacement of potassium by proton. From the refinement of the fine structure, it appears that the Nb-Nb coordination shell is divided into two main contributions of about 0.33 and 0.39 nm, and interestingly the population, i.e., the number of backscattering atoms is inversed between the two hexaniobate materials. 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have demonstrated previously that the complex bis[(2-oxindol-3-ylimino)-2-(2-aminoethyl)pyridine-N,N`]copper(II), named [Cu(isaepy)(2)], induces AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase)-dependent/p53-mediated apoptosis in tumour cells by targeting mitochondria. In the present study, we found that p38(MAPK) (p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase) is the molecular link in the phosphorylation cascade connecting AMPK to p53. Transfection of SH-SY5Y cells with a dominant-negative mutant of AMPK resulted in a decrease in apoptosis and a significant reduction in phospho-active p38(MAPK) and p53. Similarly, reverse genetics of p38(MAPK) yielded a reduction in p53 and a decrease in the extent of apoptosis, confirming an exclusive hierarchy of activation that proceeds via AMPK/p38(MAPK)/p53. Fuel supplies counteracted [Cu(isaepy)(2)]-induced apoptosis and AMPK/p38(MAPK)/p53 activation, with glucose being the most effective, suggesting a role for energetic imbalance in [Cu(isaepy)(2)] toxicity. Co-administration of 3BrPA (3-bromopyruvate), a well-known inhibitor of glycolysis, and succinate dehydrogenase, enhanced apoptosis and AMPK/p38(MAPK)/p53 signalling pathway activation. Under these conditions, no toxic effect was observed in SOD (superoxide dismutase)-overexpressing SH-SY5Y cells or in PCNs (primary cortical neurons), which are, conversely, sensitized to the combined treatment with [Cu(isaepy)(2)] and 3BrPA only if grown in low-glucose medium or incubated with the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase inhibitor dehydroepiandrosterone. Overall, the results suggest that NADPH deriving from the pentose phosphate pathway contributes to PCN resistance to [Cu(isaepy)(2)] toxicity and propose its employment in combination with 3BrPA as possible tool for cancer treatment.